Dishonored Death of the Outsider Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2.5/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 5-7 hours
- Offline Trophies: 31 (18
, 6
, 6
, 1
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 3 (Shadow, Art Aficionado, Mercenary Work) – Everything else can be done via mission select
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on easy
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2 (1 New Game & 1 Original Game+)
Welcome to the Dishonored Death of the Outsider Trophy Guide! This is a super quick, enjoyable and easy platinum. The game has the quality of other Dishonored games, the only key difference is that it’s much shorter. It consists of only 5 missions. You could speedrun the full game in 20 minutes easily. A relaxed playthrough can take up to 3-4 hours. Most of the trophies can be done mission select after beating the game. To use mission select, go to “Load” in the Main Menu > Choose Campaign Slot > Load to automatic Mission Save. It’s important you get all the paintings and contracts along the way as they have to be done in one playthrough! There are only 8 paintings to collect and they are all within the first 3 missions. The first 7 trophies on the list are story-related (6 unlock automatically, 1 depends on the game ending you get). All trophies can be done on the lowest difficulty!
Step 1: All Contracts, Paintings, Miscellaneous Trophies
It’s best that you follow the Dishonored Death of the Outsider Trophy Playlist along the way. It has everything in chronological story order.
Most importantly, you will want to get all the Contracts and Paintings done on this playthrough. I advise against starting with the stealth run. Because the contracts are completely optional, it would be much easier and in fact faster to do a separate playthrough for the stealth speedrun (takes 20-30 minutes). You will know the area layouts by then and don’t have to deal with all the contracts (which only bear the risk of being detected and complicate things).
The first 7 trophies on the list are story-related (6 of them unlock automatically and one depends on the ending you choose).
Get the miscellaneous trophies in the following order:
- Side Effects
- Clever Planning
- Occupational Hazard
- Public Shaming
- Migthier Than the Sword
- Hooked
- Salute!
- Golden Locks
- Nightingale
- Big-time Player
- The Perfect Crime
- Obsessive Safe-cracker
- Party Crasher
- Final Nudge
- Voices
- The Face of the Abbey
- Harder Than Stone
Remember that everything can be done on easy difficulty.
Step 2: Original Game+ Stealth Run
After beating the game for the first time, you will unlock Original Game+ in the main menu. OG+ allows you to start a new playthrough, this time using abilities from Dishonored 2.
Now that the contracts and collectibles are done you can concentrate on only the main objectives. Do a quick speedrun without being detected. You can play on easy difficulty for this. It makes it easier to stay undetected. However, if you find it too difficult with the Dishonored 2 abilities you can skip the stealth for now and do a quick third run with the default abilities. Especially Semblance and Foresight are quite useful and make things easier. It’s up to you.
Optional Step: Stealth Run in New Game (Third Playthrough)
Because you have only basic abilities in Original Game+ it is also harder to do perfect stealth on that run. Try your best and if you find it too difficult, just rush through OG+ and do a quick third run afterwards with Billie Lurk’s abilities. Her Foresight skill lets you mark enemies so you can see their vision cones and predicted movements, the Semblance skill lets you transform into their bodies and walk around unnoticed (it guarantees invisibility). It is definitely easier to do a separate run for stealth and time-wise doesn’t have too much of an impact (you can rush through the game in less than an hour).
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Dishonored Death of the Outsider Trophy Guide Playlist (Chronological Order)
- All Safe Combinations & Door Codes
- Dishonored 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Dishonored Death of the Outsider Trophy Guide
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Truest Self Earn all trophies |
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Earn all other Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Trophies to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Uncaged Free the assassin Daud |
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Automatic Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It unlocks in mission 1, after freeing Daud from the cage. | ||
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Two Turns Take both bank vault keys |
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Automatic Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It unlocks in mission 2, after looting the key from Ivan Jacob’s office and the vault in Shan Yun’s house. | ||
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Twin-bladed Knife Obtain an ancient weapon |
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Automatic Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It unlocks in mission 3, after retrieving the magic sword from the bank vault. | ||
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Gnosis Recover the stolen archive |
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Automatic Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It unlocks in mission 4, after recovering the lost archive from Lena Rosewyn. | ||
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Dead Eye Touch the Eye of the Dead God |
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Automatic Story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It unlocks in mission 5, after touching the black eye in the cave. | ||
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Final Release Return the Outsider to the mortal world |
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Mission 5 Good Ending (Final Release Trophy): After interacting with the black eye in the cave halfway through mission 5, you will enter the void. From the eye, turn around and look for a corpse on some spikes. Loot the key from the corpse. This triggers a new optional objective called “Inspect Malchiodi’s Lodging”. Quite simply mark it in your quest log and disable the markers for other objectives to see it more easily. The quest marker will guide you to a room that can be opened with the key. Inside the room there’s a chest. The keycode is 962. Read the book from the chest to complete the objective. Now move on to the main objective (go to the Ritual Hold). When you reach the Outsider, make a manual save. You can reload this later to do the opposite ending. Inspect the Outsider’s body (press Square) and then talk to Daud a few times. Always choose the non-lethal dialogue option to let the outsider live. After talking to Daud a few times he will walk over to the Outsider and release him. This gives the good ending and Final release trophy. Bad Ending (Deicide Trophy): Once you reach the outsider, simply perform a melee attack on him. This kills him instantly. If you made a manual save during the Final Release trophy you can reload it after the final cutscene. For the bad ending you don’t have to go through the optional objective. |
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Deicide Kill the Outsider |
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See trophy “Final Release”. | ||
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Golden Locks Steal the audiograph from the gallery without disabling the safeguard floor |
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Mission 2 |
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Nightingale Use Semblance to mimic Shan Yun and sing into the microphone |
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Mission 2 |
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Public Shaming Drop Ivan Jacobi through the trapdoor |
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Mission 2 |
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Big-time Player Win the auction at Colibron Plaza |
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Mission 3 Once at the auction, use the Semblance skill on the guy smoking in front of the crate by the stairs (approach him from behind so his body drops where enemies can’t see it). Semblance will transform you into his body. Now walk to the chairs by the stage, sit down and keep bidding until the auction ends. To bid simply press Square (PS4) / X (Xbox One). The auction ends at 480 coins which also unlocks the trophy / achievement. |
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Obsessive Safe-cracker Open every safe inside the main vault |
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Mission 3 Simply enter those codes and the trophy / achievement will unlock. |
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The Perfect Crime Empty the vault without tampering with any security systems, leaving everyone unharmed and asleep |
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Mission 3 Step 1: Head to the black market (marked as the optional objective ‘Review the Contracts’) and buy the Poppy Tincture for 800 Coins. This will make the missions a whole lot easier, but it’s optional. You can earn the trophy without using the tincture, but it is highly recommended that you get it. To obtain 800 coins, simply pick up all the paintings or do contracts in previous missions. Each painting is worth 200 coins. Step 2: Go to the bank’s rooftop. In front of the bank there’s an elevator. You need to go to the whaleoil refilling station on the opposite side of the elevator refill a canister there. Then insert it in the elevator console and pull the lever. After reaching the top via the elevator, use Displace to teleport to the bank’s rooftop. Use the Poppy Tincture on the Air Duct and everyone inside the bank will fall asleep! Again, it is optional to make everyone sleep, but it certainly simplifies the process. Step 3: Enter the bank via the rooftop. Head downstairs and through the door. In the main lobby look for an open window. Teleport through it and drop down to the office on the ground floor. Hit the red button to open the doors to the vault area. Step 4: Go to the now open area. Avoid the electricity traps by teleporting onto the lamps above them. Then through the door. Clockwork robots will now patrol the area. Hide behind the boxes, use Foresight to mark all Clockwork robots in the area. Also using Foresight, put a marker upstairs behind the windows/fenced area where the elevator is (second floor). Keep in mind you are not allowed to disable the wall of light for this trophy! When the clockworks are looking away, switch to the Displace skill and teleport upstairs, through the windows/fences. Step 5: Now slowly crouch upstairs to the top floor, hit the red button on the desk of the office and pick up the key to the vault. Step 6: Backtrack a little bit to the elevator. Call the elevator to the third floor. Stand in the elevator, look up and teleport up to the attic. There’s a trap here, again keep in mind you aren’t allowed to disable it. In the back of the room there’s a drawer with a lever inside. Get the lever. Near the electricity trap there’s also a floor plate missing. Use displace to teleport onto the missing floor plate and drop through it. The marker placement is very important, if you don’t place it correctly the trap is going to kill you. From here you can drop onto the vault. Loosen the 4 brakes using the lever and the whole thing will come crashing down. Step 7: The vault will crash down to the basement. Luckily, nobody in the bank will notice it and they will just keep sleeping. In the flooded basement, open the vault (must have picked up the key in step 5), swim inside, loot the sword and leave the area through the sewers. The trophy pops after going back to the Upper Cyria area (immediately after the loading screen). You needn’t loot all safes in the vault, only the mission-related sword. |
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Party Crasher Send the vault crashing through the floor |
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Mission 3 Now look for a drawer in the corner of the same room (just to the right of where you took out the whaleoil canister). In the drawer you find a lever. There’s also a hole in the floor that lets you drop onto the vault from above. Jump through and use the lever to loosen the 4 brakes on top of the vault. Once the 4 brakes are loosened the whole thing will come crashing down. This unlocks the trophy / achievement. |
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The Face of the Abbey Attend the meeting as Brother Cardoza |
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Mission 4 |
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Voices Break 4 Oraculum censers and listen to the prophecies |
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Mission 4 Simply knock over the 4 smoking urns in the room and the trophy / achievement will pop. |
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Harder than Stone Destroy an Envisioned cultist |
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Mission 5 To kill him do the following: Stay undetected and use the Foresight skill. There will be a yellow marker on the floor, signaling the point where the enemy will stop walking. Place a marker in the yellow circle (press R2 / RT). Wait for the Cultist to stand still in the marked spot. Then immediately use the Displace skill to teleport yourself to the Cultist. It will make you slam into him, which stuns the cultist, and allows you to follow up with a melee attack (R2 / RT) to kill the cultist. Killing him unlocks the trophy / achievement. You really should stay undetected for this, you can use foresight to scout ahead. Reload the manual save if you were spotted. |
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Final Nudge Push an enemy to his demise using Void Strike |
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Mission 4 |
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Hooked Send someone flying 40 meters using Hook Mines |
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Mission 2 After buying the hook mine, backtrack to the cliff before the hostile area, where one dude is fishing. To the side of the fisherman there’s a cliff. Set the hook mine to lethal by holding L2 / LT and throw it at the wall above the cliff. Now knock out the fisherman (or any person for that matter), carry the body and throw it towards the hook mine. It will pull the body towards the mine and push it down the cliff (which is a 40+ meter fall). This unlocks the trophy / achievement. |
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Mightier than the Sword Shoot a guard in the head with a fountain pen |
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Mission 2 At the start of mission 2, go to the optional objective “review the contracts”. It is marked automatically and leads you to the black market. From the black market you must buy the voltaic gun upgrade called “makeshift bolt”. It costs 500 coins! After buying the upgrade, head to the apartments above the black market. On the top floor there’s an apartment at the end of the hallway with a fountain pen near a bed. Shoot off all your voltaic gun ammo, then pick up the pen. Head back downstairs and kill a guard (green uniform) with a hit in the head. It has to be a headshot. The guards in red uniforms have a helmet, it’s better to shoot the weak ones in green uniform. |
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Clever Planning Use Displace on a marker placed with Foresight and eliminate a target |
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Mission 2 This can easily be done at the start of mission 2. You can also do it on civilians, it doesn’t have to be an enemy. |
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Salute! Have a guard salute you |
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Mission 2 If he doesn’t greet you, reload the save. Make the manual save immediately after using semblance on the red coat guard. This is completely random! The guards don’t always greet you. It may take a few checkpoint reloads. Walk a little bit in front of the guard when he is also walking and look at him. Talking to the guard can also help triggering it, so try that if nothing else works. |
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Rat Whisperer Listen to what swarms of rats have to say 5 times |
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This can be done at the start of mission 1, after leaving Billie Lurk’s boat. There are a bunch of rats by the water, before going upstairs to the carriage. Talk to them 5 times in a row by pressing Square and the trophy will pop. | ||
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Shadow Finish the game without being detected |
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Complete a new game from start to end (all 5 missions) without the enemies detecting you. Emphasis on the word “detected“. You are actually ALLOWED to raise alarms and have dead bodies be found. So long as the enemies don’t physically see you it doesn’t even matter if they raise an alarm (e.g. causing havoc in the environment might lead to an alarm being triggered, but does not count as a “detection”).
You count as detected when the icon above an enemy’s head fully turns red. This includes dogs and civilians. It’s okay if they just get suspicious and look around the area (icon starting to fill up red, but not turning completely red). At the end of each mission make sure the stealth requirement says “Ghostly (Never Detected)” and has a green checkmark in it. The statistics for “Detections” always has to be 0 at the end of each mission. It does NOT matter what number your “Alarms Rung” and “Bodies Detected” show. Those can be any amount, as they have no impact on the trophy. It’s highly recommended that you make a manual save at the start of every mission and a few times in between should something go wrong. You can also check the statistics at any time during the mission to see your detections. The game is relatively short and much easier compared to previous Dishonored games. You can also earn this trophy in Original Game+, which lets you play with Dishonored 2 abilities after beating the game for the first time. It’s up to you really. Just know that it is much easier with Billie Lurk’s abilities in a normal new game. She has Semblance which lets you slip into the bodies of enemies and just skip past all the guards. Her Foresight ability is also useful to mark enemies and see their vision cones through walls. So either try to combine it with Original Game+ or just do a quick speedrun in a normal new game. It’s not recommended to combine it with your run for all Contracts and Paintings. This would only complicate things. Do a separate speedrun for it. You can get through the entire game in less than an hour once you know where to go for the main objectives. What You are NOT allowed to do:
What You ARE allowed to do:
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Agent of Mercy Finish a mission without killing anyone |
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Self-explanatory, complete one mission without anyone dying. Only stun the enemies, don’t kill them. Sneak up to them from behind and press R1 to put them to sleep. You can also use Electrical Burst shots and non-lethal Hook Mines to stun enemies from afar.
If you are seen, either run away to avoid combat, or press R1 just a split-second before an enemy strikes you to do a parry. After a parry, you can hold R1 to knock out the enemy. However, this is not ideal when fighting groups of enemies. Staying undetected is best as you won’t have to fight anyone. |
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Good Old Times Finish the Original Game+ |
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After beating the game for the first time, you will unlock Original Game+ in the main menu. OG+ allows you to start a new playthrough, this time using abilities from Dishonored 2. Simply beat the game with the different abilities again to earn this trophy. | ||
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Side Effects Make 3 people vomit using a single bottle of Plagued Spirit |
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Mission 1 The enemies must be standing close together, the bottle has an area of effect of about 1,5 meters. It’s best that you make a manual save before this. |
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Occupational Hazard Make an enemy explode into pieces using Displace |
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See trophy “Clever Planning”. | ||
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Mercenary Work Complete all contracts |
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This trophy is missable! You have to do all 13 contracts in one playthrough!
Contracts are side quests. In each mission, check for the optional objective called “review contracts”. It will guide you to the contracts. In mission 1 they are on your boat and in mission 2-4 in black market shops. Upon reading the contracts, markers for all of them will be placed on the map. Mission 5 does not have any contracts. The trophy will unlock immediately in mission 4 upon completing all the contracts there. See in-depth walkthroughs for each contract below. Mission 1: Mission 2: Mission 3: Mission 4: |
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Art Aficionado Collect all Eleuterio Cienfuegos paintings |
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Dishonored Death of the Outsider has 8 Painting Locations. Finding all Paintings unlocks the Art Aficionado trophy or achievement. All of the painting collectibles are found within the first 3 missions. Painting #6 requires you to do the side quest “Sedate the Bank Personnel”. Everything else is found in main mission areas and doesn’t require special keys or anything extra. At the end of every mission you can also see how many paintings / bonecharms / coins you have discovered. TIMELINE: |
Judithpa says
Thanks for the guide! Sneaking is not my thing but I’m trying.
Scott B says
Can you still fail a contract even after you’ve successfully completed it? This appears to be what happened to me, either that or my tracking is glitched. In chapter 3 I kept failing Quiet As A Mouse. I reloaded a Quick Save 7 or 8 times before finally getting it right. I’m 100% positive that I got it right and my in-game Contract page showed all four Contracts successfully completed for the chapter. Then I hit the vault, got the knife, went loud, killed some people, wasn’t even paying attention anymore. Made it back to the carriage and completed the chapter. My chapter completed page shows Quite As A Mouse failed though.
Alex says
In mission Quiet As A Mouse you can fail it if you kill anyone in bank. You must complete it in stealth.
When you move vault you must still continue to be stealthy and dont kill anyone until you get out of bank.
ArghFargle says
Perfect Crime method does NOT work. First off you cannot use Semblance to put a marker anywhere (that’s Foresight). Second, you CANNOT use Foresight to put a marker in the upstairs part behind the locked doors – all of the windows are glass and Foresight cannot “fly” through them. Nor can it go behind the two locked doors. I’ve tried for HOURS to get Displace to work through the window you show in the video, but it absolutely will not go through closed windows or doors. I’m guessing you are either on easy mode, which somehow allows this, or you have a hack running? Please let us know how you actually achieved Perfect Crime (and quiet as a mouse I assume)
PowerPyx says
It works, just look at the video. You don’t fly through any windows with foresight. You fly through the electric wall and up the stairs. Make sure you put the marker at the same place as I do. It doesn’t work from any angle, the range on displace is limited. Also jump before using it to get a better angle. Alternatively, teleport to the balcony on the 2nd floor and then through the windows.
It was on easy difficulty, not sure if that makes any difference. I don’t think it does because at the start of mission 2 there is a tutorial that foresight/displace works through fences and windows. So it’s a normal game mechanic, not a hack lol.
I use it all the time in the video, even before entering the bank to get through fences.
Sylvanguria says
I spend 20 hours even if i knew what to do. Because dlc is not so short. it’s slow exploration/rpg/immersive sim game. That’s why dishonored has haters cuz wrong people plays it. You can beat in 5 hours only when you just run on high chaos killing everyone. (I did so in originalgame+). Whatever, death of the outsider was awesome and i want more :))
PowerPyx says
If you look for everything yourself then yes, it can definitely last 20 hours. With a guide you can easily do it in 5 hours. Maybe 7h for people who have never played a Dishonored game before. The game is really easy compared to previous titles because you can use Semblance and just walk past everyone. It’s like the ultimate invisibility skill.
Scott B says
^^ Whoa what happened there. Stupid auto-fill I guess. Well if anyone wants to send me mail LOL.
Power I was just trying to say thanks. Your videos, guides, and reviews are second to none. Great work man, thanks so much. This is a terrific Dishonored game too, loved it.
PowerPyx says
Removed that autofill message from earlier.
Thanks for the kind words, Scott!
joshua says
in regards to the contracts, if i was successful in all but 1, if i do the 1 that i failed on my second playthrough, will it accumulate? thanks!
johnydh says
Got a trophy for contracts?
I finished 4 chapters and did not get a trophy :-(
Dennis says
Hey think careful planning is glitched. I did like video and then tried on others. First time i did get the occupational hazard trophy but careful planning didnt pop. Tried over dozens times both civilan and guards no luck
PowerPyx says
I believe you mean “Clever Planning”?
If it doesn’t unlock, your best bet is to reinstall the game, delete all your save games and play without the patch (version 1.00).
I haven’t heard of this particular trophy being glitched. However, sometimes when installing a new game something goes wrong while the trophy set is being installed. This can cause trophies to misfunction. It’s very rare but can happen in literally any game. It once happened to me in Uncharted 4 with a trophy that wasn’t glitched for anyone else. Wiping all saves and reinstalling without patches usually fixes random trophy bugs.
You may want to back up your save games beforehand, in case you want to restore them later.
joshua says
I’ve just finished chapter 3 and have obtained all 8 paintings from all those chapters, however no trophy has popped up.. am i meant to also complete the rest of the game or what?
could that be a potential bug or something?
any advice? thanks.
joshua says
So i finished the game, and no trophy popped up.. it’s the only trophy i needed to get the platinum.
not annoyed or anything seeing as i can get it straight away, just silly as i think it may be a glitches trophy.
PowerPyx says
I’ve heard of this problem from two other people and their mistake was that they died and forgot to pick up the painting again.
As far as I’m aware the paintings trophy is not glitched. You have to get them all in one run and if you die pick them up again. It’s best to make a manual save after every painting and don’t jump back to older saves.
The trophy works in Normal New Game and also Original Game+. I got it on the easy difficulty in normal New Game.
The trophy unlocks instantly after the 8th painting (see video). You don’t have to beat the entire game for it.
Totterbart says
“The good news is that within their respective missions you can get them at any time, even after completing the main objectives”
This is not true… i freed Daud in chapter 1 and he stole the painting for himself, so there was no way to get it after i completed the main objective!
PowerPyx says
Hmm okay that must be the exception then. Never realized he steals it. I’ll adjust the description right away.
Deathborne90 says
I ve done all the contracts but the Trophy wont pop up.
I Guess i have to restart a new campaign and re do all.
But i think its a bug .
Im using your video for the paintings, but i only Need the contracts for platinum