Diablo 4 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 after Vessel of Hatred update (Uber Lilith is significantly easier now)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 100 – 150 Hours (70-100 Hours for Paragon Level 200 & 20 Hours for Hardcore Level 50)
- Offline Trophies: 0 – Game is online-only
- Online Trophies: 26 (1
, 6
, 12
, 7
- Number of missable trophies: 1 –
True Perseverance (must reach Level 50 in Hardcore Mode which is Permadeath, if you die your character gets deleted)
- Glitched trophies: 0 (unless autopopping between versions, see Autopop note below)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must reach Level 50 in Hardcore Mode (Permadeath) for
True Perseverance
- Minimum Playthroughs: Technically 1 on Hardcore, but 2 are highly recommended. One in Standard Mode to reach Level 100 and defeat Uber Lilith. One in Hardcore Mode to reach Level 50 (dying deletes your character).
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Some trophies may pop, but it is highly recommended that you DON’T try and do both versions of the game, as some trophies that don’t autopop can be locked out entirely due to the in-game challenge that triggers them already being completed (as of April 04, 2024, may potentially be fixed in the future)
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you always have full access to the World Map and all areas, can still free-roam after story
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, there are no saves, your progress is autosaved on the online servers (game is online-only)
- Release Date: June 02, 2023 (Deluxe Edition) / June 06, 2023 (Standard Edition)
Welcome to the Diablo 4 Trophy Guide! In order to get the Platinum, you will need to complete the Campaign, grind to Paragon Level 100, participate in most endgame content and defeat Uber Lilith, the endgame boss. You will also need to hit Level 50 on Hardcore, which is permadeath mode. There are five character classes (six if you have the Vessel of Hatred Expansion), but unlike previous Diablo games you do not need to finish the game or grind levels with all classes, merely get a few kills with each class.
You can complete this in one playthrough doing it all on Hardcore, but this is not recommended due to the long grind for Paragon Level 200 and the danger that endgame content holds. Completing the Campaign and grinding to Paragon Level 200 can be expected to take about 70-100 hours, depending on how efficiently you play. Once you complete the Campaign once, you can skip it on any subsequent characters, including Hardcore, so you can simply skip past this and focus on side content for leveling to 50 on that instead.
Several trophies and requirements have changed with the release of Vessel of Hatred Expansion, and the guide has been updated accordingly.
Step 1: Complete the Campaign [~20 Hours]
Pick whichever class you want to play. All classes are viable for both leveling and endgame content, so play whatever you like. When you start you have a choice between three difficulties: Normal, Hard and Expert (after completing the Prologue). Hard and Expert will increase the Gold and Experience you receive, but ultimately this isn’t too important in the early game as most levelling happens after the campaign. If you want a bit more of a challenge then feel free to play on Hard or Expert, but otherwise it is recommended to play the campaign on Normal. Do note that this difficulty can be changed freely from the Main Menu or at the World Tier Statue in Kyovashad.
Some content is locked until after you finish the Campaign, so it is best to get this out of the way before focusing on other content. There are 6 Acts in the base game and it will take roughly 20 hours to complete if you focus on it. Feel free to do side content as you play as you will likely want to do most of this while grinding towards level 100 anyway, but if you do decide to do this instead of purely focusing on the campaign, it is best to at least finish Act 3 so that you can acquire a Mount, which will allow you to traverse the world much faster.
Step 2: Complete Endgame content, grind to Paragon Level 200 [~70-100 Hours]
Once you finish the campaign, you will be able to access or unlock most endgame content. You will now have access to Helltides and have the ability to complete Nightmare Dungeons, and it recommended to do these and any seasonal content available until you reach Level 60. It is also recommended that you complete the optional Renown content in the 5 base regions to unlock the account-wide unlocks (see Diablo 4 Collectible Guide). Once you are Level 60, you can start doing runs of The Pit of Artificers where you can unlock Torment I-IV difficulties. Here you will start getting Ancestral and more Unique gear, as well as have access to even more endgame content and much faster levelling methods. Ultimately you will want to get to Torment IV which requires beating a Tier 60 Pit run.
The bulk of the endgame grind will be reaching Paragon Level 200. Always make sure to have an Elixir active while grinding, as these give a 5% XP Bonus and last for 30 minutes. You will want to complete as much Renown content to complete the 5 Renown Tiers in each region to upgrade your character as much as possible, as well as grind out Helltide zones, Tree of Whispers events and complete Nightmare Dungeons to get better gear and upgrade materials.
Level grinding is best done in Nightmare Dungeons or The Pit of Artificers at the highest tier you can do comfortably and quickly.
While grinding, keep an eye out for the World Bosses to spawn. There are 3 that can spawn in Fractured Peaks, Dry Steppes and Kehjistan. You will need to kill at least one World Boss for Worldly Slayer , but it is worth killing each World Boss whenever you get the chance for gear and upgrade materials.
Uber Lilith can be found in the Echo of Hatred Capstone Dungeon next to Nevesk on Torment I difficulty or higher. Fortunately with the release of Vessel of Hatred she’s no longer as hard as she previously was and should be manageable if you’re able to build your character to survive in Torment IV difficulty.
Step 3: Level 50 on Hardcore [~20 Hours]
Hardcore difficulty is permadeath, so you will want to play carefully when going for Level 50. Play on Normal to minimize risk, and rather than focusing on the campaign, you will want to focus on completing Renown content in each of the 5 regions to level up as safely as possible. You can progress the campaign if you like, but Act bosses are generally stronger than enemies/bosses you find through Renown content so are potentially riskier. Side Dungeons and Strongholds also have strong bosses at the end which can be potentially risky.
If you have already completed the Campaign once, you can choose to skip it entirely on this character, which will automatically give you access to key waypoints around the world, as well as post-game content like Tree of Whispers. This can be preferable as you can do whatever you like without being locked out of certain content from the campaign, without the risk of dying from completing it.
If you choose to do Side Dungeons while grinding towards Level 50, be wary of the Butcher, a boss who can randomly spawn while doing Side Dungeons. He is very strong and can kill you quickly, so if you encounter him it is probably best to avoid him.
You can expect to reach Level 50 after completing most Renown content in 3 of the 5 regions.
Alternatively, it is possible to get power-levelled in Hardcore if you’ve beaten the Campaign on a character before and have a high-levelled Hardcore friend who is willing to level you. This can be done in only a few hours.
Step 4: Class-specific Trophies and Clean Up [~2 Hours]
If you haven’t experimented with all the classes yet, start each class and unlock their character-specific trophy. These can be done at relatively low levels, so you shouldn’t need to play too much for these. If there are any trophies you’re still missing, such as fully exploring Estuar or getting 5 kills in PvP, return to your main character to finish them.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Diablo 4 All Collectible Locations – 100% Completion for all Regions
- Diablo 4 How to Unlock Mounts
- Diablo 4 Full World Map
- Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Diablo 4 Trophy Guide
DLC Trophy Guide:
Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Arise, Champion Collect all other trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Diablo 4 to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Emancipation Complete the campaign |
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Story-related. Cannot be missed.
Finish the main campaign for this. The Campaign has 6 Acts that span across the 5 world regions. |
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Dedicated Protector Reach Level 50 with any character. |
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See Devoted Protector ![]() |
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Legion Killer Kill 666 Demons, Fallen, or Goatmen. |
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For this you will need a total kill count of 666 across all three monster types. This will come naturally but below are the regions they are most commonly found:
You can check your progress by going to Collections > Challenges > Monsters. |
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Undead Undone Kill 666 Ghosts, Skeletons, or Zombies |
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For this you will need a total kill count of 666 across all three monster types. This will come naturally but below are some locations that are good to farm them if you want to get it out of the way:
You can check your progress by going to Collections > Challenges > Monsters. |
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Exterminator Kill 666 Snakes or Spiders |
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For this you will need a total kill count of 666 across all three monster types. This will come naturally but below are some locations that are good to farm them if you want to get it out of the way:
You can check your progress by going to Collections > Challenges > Monsters. |
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Turned Kill 666 Drowned, Vampires, or Werewolves |
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For this you will need a total kill count of 666 across all three monster types. This will come naturally but below are some locations that are good to farm them if you want to get it out of the way:
You can check your progress by going to Collections > Challenges > Monsters. |
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Tortured Souls Kill 666 Bandits, Cultists, or Knights |
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For this you will need a total kill count of 666 across all three monster types. This will come naturally but below are some locations that are good to farm them if you want to get it out of the way:
You can check your progress by going to Collections > Challenges > Monsters. |
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Hammer Down Kill 50 enemies while Berserking as a Barbarian. |
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Berserking is status effect that is exclusive to the Barbarian. When activated, you will have an orange glow on your character and deal 25% increased damage with 30% increased movement speed for the duration. Only certain skills can grant Berserking, so you will need to use those skills to get this. The two main skills you can do this with early on are the Core skills Upheaval (with the Violent Unheaval upgrade) and Double Swing (with the Furious Double Swing upgrade). Using these you will be able to berserk quite regularly and won’t take long to get this trophy. | ||
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Shifty Swipes Kill 50 enemies in Werebear form and 50 enemies in Werewolf form as a Druid. |
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Werebear and Werewolf forms are the core of the Druids skills. Most categories will have a skill for both types, with Werebear skills appearing as orange and Werewolf skills appearing as purple. You can do this immediately from Level 1 as Basic Skills have one skill of each form, Maul and Claw. | ||
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Army of Bones Summon 100 Skeleton Mages or Warriors as a Necromancer. |
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Necromancers automatically start with Raise Skeleton without even needing to unlock it. Cast this on any enemy corpse to raise a skeleton to fight alongside you. When you have 4 Skeletons spawned, raising another will raise a Skeleton Priest instead, which will only empower your current skeletons before disappearing and won’t count towards this. Because of this you will want your skeletons to die or despawn before raising more.
At Level 5 you unlock the Book of the Dead, which allows you to adjust your skeletons with different abilities. Changing these will immediately despawn all current skeletons, so when you have the max spawn (which with the Book of the Dead is 5 instead of 4), you can quickly change the ability to get rid of them before spawning more. |
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In and Out Kill 50 enemies in Melee range and 50 enemies out of melee range as a Rogue. |
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The Rogue’s Basic and Core skills are split between Knife skills for melee and Bow skills for range. Get 50 kills with both types, just make sure to not be too close to enemies when killing with the bow skills. | ||
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Master of the Elements Kill 100 enemies with Fire, Frost, or Lightning damage as a Sorcerer. |
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Sorcerers fight with fire, frost and lightning spells and this can be done immediately from Level 1. The Basic Skills are Frost Bolt, Fire Bolt, Arc Lash and Spark, all of which will count towards this trophy. | ||
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Convenient Crafts Craft any Elixir and any Incense. |
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Updated with the release of Vessel of Hatred
Elixirs and Incense can both be crafted at Alchemist vendors. Elixirs are consumables that give a specific buff and +5% XP for 30 minutes, and these can be crafted with upgrade materials starting from Level 10. You will always want to have these active while grinding and leveling for the constant passive XP boost. Elixir of Advantage – Level 10:
Incense are consumables that give stat buffs for 20 minutes, with the buff increasing in multiplayer when there are more players nearby. These can be crafted with upgraded materials starting from Level 45. Song of the Mountain – Level 45:
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Potent Alterations Temper a piece of Armor, Jewelry, and a Weapon. |
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Updated with the release of Vessel of Hatred
Tempering your gear can be done at the Blacksmith. Doing this will require various upgrade materials and gold. Tempering will add extra affixes to your gear making them more powerful. Armor, Weapons and Jewelry can be tempered at Blacksmith vendors starting from Level 10. Simply upgrade any piece of Armor, Jewelry and a Weapon to unlock this. If you have a Legacy character from earlier seasons, their gear will be marked as Legacy Gear and this cannot be tempered. In this scenario, you will need to get new gear to temper them. |
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Living Nightmares Complete a Nightmare Dungeon in Torment 2 or higher. |
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Updated with the release of Vessel of Hatred
Nightmare Dungeons are available after completing the campaign. In order to do these, you will need Nightmare Dungeon Sigils, which are keys to unlock the respective Nightmare Dungeon. These can be acquired by completing Whisper of the Dead events, found during Helltide events, found within Nightmare Dungeons themselves, or by crafting them at the Occultist by salvaging other Nightmare Dungeon Sigils. Nightmare Dungeons are special endgame dungeons with various affixes that make it harder to complete. Completing these dungeons will award you with better gear, as well as glyphs that can be used on your Paragon boards to make you even stronger, and materials needed for Masterworking. Completing these dungeons will be the bulk of your level grind towards level 100. You will need to unlock Torment 2 by completing a Tier 35 run of The Pit of Artificers, then complete a Nightmare Dungeon on Torment 2. |
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Turning the Tides Collect 1000 Aberrant Cinder in Helltide zones. |
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Aberrant Cinders only drop inside Helltide zones, which are available after completing the campaign. Helltide zones will spawn somewhere in the World Map and last for 55 minutes, then disappear for 5 minutes before appearing again. While inside these Helltide zones, killing monsters will drop Aberrant Cinders, which can be used to open Tortured Gifts. These are chests found throughout the Helltide zones and offer gear and material upgrades.
The best way to get cinders during a Helltide is to complete events, killing packs of elites, and killing Hellbornes. Hellbornes will spawn after the Threat Meter is completely filled by doing events/killing demons. |
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Chaotic Whispers Open 10 Caches of Chaos from the Tree of Whispers. |
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After completing the Campaign, there will be a Priority Quest to talk to Lorath, which will unlock the Whisper of the Dead events. These events can span from simply killing groups of enemies, clearing a Cellar or Side Dungeon, to killing bosses, and will randomly spawn around the world map. Whisper of the Dead events come in 3 sizes, which will reward you with 1, 3 and 5 Grim Favors, respectively.
The absolute fastest way to get Grim Favors (if your character is strong enough) is to kill the Seething Abomination in the Fields of Hatred for 5 Grim Favors, then purifying at an Altar of Extraction for 3 Grim Favors. This can be done very quickly and at both Fields of Hatred, but unfortunately these both have a long respawn time, so you cannot spam it. That said it is recommended you do these whenever they are available for some quick favors without going out of your way for them. Once you have 10 Grim Favors, you can go and claim a cache from the Tree of Whispers, which will offer you three to choose from. These will primarily be caches of a specific gear piece, but one will be called Collection of Chaos, which gives a bigger selection of rewards but for any gear piece. These are the ones you will want to choose for the trophy. You won’t always get one, so you will need to keep doing Whisper of the Dead events until you get these. Do note that if you exceed 10 Grim Favors, any excess will count towards the next cache. For example, if you have 8 Grim Favors and complete a large Whisper event for 5 Grim Favors, you will have 3 towards the next cache. |
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First Aid Upgrade your Healing Potion to max tier. |
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Updated with the release of Vessel of Hatred
You can upgrade your Healing Potion at the Alchemist vendor, who can be located in most major cities, starting from Level 10. The highest tier Healing Potion is the Superior Healing Potion, which requires Level 60 to unlock. Alongside the level requirement, there are also various upgrade materials needed to unlock it. These will be found commonly throughout the world and as drops from monsters:
You will need all previous tiers of Healing Potions before you can upgrade to the Superior Healing Potion. |
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Master Combatant Get 5 PvP kills. |
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PvP can only be done in the Fields of Hatred, which can be found in both Dry Steppes and Kehjistan. You can attack other players while in the Fields of Hatred by bringing up the Gesture Wheel ( ![]() |
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Worldly Slayer Kill any World Boss. |
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There are three World Bosses in the game, and these are massive monsters that you can fight with groups of other players. These bosses will spawn every few hours at one of the five locations, which will be indicated by an icon on map with a timer counting down until its spawn, starting at 30 minutes. When the World Boss spawns, you have 15 minutes to kill it with the other players in the area, and you will be rewarded with a Scattered Prism (required for adding sockets to gear), good gear, and once a week you will also get a Legendary Cache for guaranteed legendaries. These will only spawn after completing the Campaign, unless you’re playing on World Tier 2: Veteran, in which case they can spawn prior to completion.
World Bosses:
Spawn Locations:
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Estuar Sightseer Explore all of Estuar. |
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Estuar is the world map. In order to explore all of Estuar, you must fully unfog the map by discovering all Areas. These are discovered by simply walking into them. There are a total of 305 Areas to discover, and you can see your progress for these by viewing the Renown in each respective region. You will need to complete the Campaign before doing this, as some locations are locked behind progressing it. You only need to explore the 5 base regions of the game, you do not need to explore Nahantu from the Vessel of Hatred Expansion.
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Curious Collector Imprint 10 items at the Occultist with an Aspect from the Codex of Power. |
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Codex of Power Aspects are legendary abilities you can unlock and imprint onto rare gear to make it legendary. In order to acquire Codex of Power, you must complete Side Dungeons across the world map. Each one will reward you with a Codex of Power. In total there are 115 Codex of Power to acquire from Side Dungeons, but you can use the same Aspect on 10 different items for the purpose of this trophy. You can also get Codex of Power aspects by salvaging Legendary equipment.
Once you have Codex of Power Aspects, speak to the Occultist vendor in any major city and imprint a Codex of Power onto a gear piece. In order to imprint Aspects however you will need the legendary material, which can be obtained from salvaging the equivalent legendary item. These materials also drop from enemies at high levels. Do this 10 times for the trophy.
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True Perseverance Reach Level 50 with a Hardcore character. |
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Hardcore difficulty is permadeath, so you will want to play carefully when going for Level 50. As the game is online only, you cannot back up your Hardcore character like in Diablo II and Diablo III.
Play on Normal to minimize risk, and rather than focusing on the campaign, you will want to focus on completing Renown content in each of the 5 regions to level up as safely as possible. You can progress the campaign if you like, but Act bosses are generally stronger than enemies/bosses you find through Renown content so are potentially riskier. Side Dungeons and Strongholds also have strong bosses at the end which can be potentially risky. If you have already completed the Campaign once, you can choose to skip it entirely on this character, which will automatically give you access to key waypoints around the world, as well as post-game content like Tree of Whispers. This can be preferable as you can do whatever you like without being locked out of certain content from the campaign, without the risk of dying from completing it. If you choose to do Side Dungeons while grinding towards Level 50, be wary of the Butcher, a boss who can randomly spawn while doing Side Dungeons. He is very strong and can kill you quickly, so if you encounter him it is probably best to avoid him. You can expect to reach Level 50 after completing most Renown content in 3 of the 5 regions. |
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Devoted Protector Reach Paragon Level 200 with any character. |
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Updated with the release of Vessel of Hatred
Paragon Levels are available after reaching the character level cap of 60 (this was previously 100, but lowered to 60 and replaced with Paragon Levels with the release of Vessel of Hatred). These will reward you points to spend on your Paragon Board, and crucially they are shared between all characters on a realm. This means you’re not forced to stick to one character for this grind, as once another character reaches Level 60 they will share your current highest Paragon Level. Reaching Paragon Level 200 will be the bulk of the grind towards the platinum. Most of the progress towards this will be done in the endgame after completing the campaign. The first thing that you will want to do after completing the Campaign is grind to Level 60 so you can complete The Pit of Artificers and unlock Torment difficulties. You will need to complete a Tier 60 Pit to unlock Torment IV, so you will want to work your way up through each Torment difficulty until you’re able to do a Tier 60. During the grind to level 60, and the Paragon Level grinding through the Torment difficulties, you will want to do the various endgame activities to level up: The Pit, Nightmare Dungeons, Helltides and Infernal Hordes. If you have access to Vessel of Hatred, you can also level with Kurast Undercity and Dark Citadel. This grind will take a while regardless of what you choose to do, so it is recommended that you change up the content for variety. If you’re able to play in co-op, this will be the fastest way to level. Not only does playing in a party give 10% Bonus XP, but you can also run a dungeon with each player going a separate direction and clearing the dungeon far quicker. It is worth doing all other trophies prior to this, as they will all progress you towards Paragon Level 200. There is no point grinding out Paragon Level 200 only to have to still grind for other trophies. |
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End of the First Mother Defeat Uber Lilith. |
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Updated with the release of Vessel of Hatred
Uber Lilith, or Echo of Lilith as she is called in-game, is an endgame variant of Lilith that you can fight after completing the Campaign. You can fight her in the Echo of Hatred Capstone Dungeon in Torment I difficulty, which is located next to Nevesk. You will get a Priority Quest for this when first reaching Torment I. Fortunately with the release of Vessel of Hatred, Uber Lilith is much more manageable to beat, but you may still want to maximise your character as much as possible:
As Uber Lilith is available from Torment I onwards, by the time you’re capable of reaching Torment IV you should be able to fight Uber Lilith. With a solid build, even with gear found in Torment I you can be powerful enough to lower her health to 0 in both phases in a matter of seconds. She can also be fought in co-op which may make the fight easier due to having class variety and the ability to revive your teammates. For her first phase there are no special mechanics, so you can simply damage her until she flies away around half health. At this point she will spawn a few Enforcers and start summoning waves of spikes across the arena in groups of three. You will want to avoid these as they are highly damaging and can easily kill you in 1-2 hits. This will continue until her health reaches 0, so keep attacking her whenever she appears. After the first health bar depletes, she will respawn for another round. This time, she will periodically cover the arena in a damaging attack with one safe spot, which will start breaking after the attack dissipates, destroying a section of the arena. She will do this three times until the arena is small. Even if your build is strong enough to instantly reduce all her health, on this phase she cannot be killed until after all 3 arena-destroying attacks have occurred. If you want to get this out of the way without hassle, it is possible to buy a carry from other players with in-game gold, as trading services are commonplace in Diablo. |
DLC Trophy Guide:
Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Tendoz says
Trophies do pop from PS4 to PS5 and PS5 to PS4.
TheoK says
I played the game on PS5. When I tried on PS4 the most trophies auto-popped up, except two. The 100 level and 50 kills for barbarian. I don’t understand why. A later trophy for killing Lilith auto-popped. I continued playing as a barbarian but still no trophy
Ggthax says
Need team ,kill Uber Lilith my psn:ggthax139
North says
I am having an issue where the PS5 trophies are not tracking progress or popping. Is anyone else having this issue?
North says
So the trophies actually pop fine it is just the progress that doesn’t work.
Archavia says
The PSN trackers on PS5 are useless as they don’t actually track the progress. Trophies should still pop fine when meeting the requirement. Most things can be tracked in game through the Challenges tab.
Clint Masterson says
Can you use save scumming (PSN backups) for Hardcore?
Archavia says
No, the game is online only so saves are all tied to Blizzard servers.
Ahmed Tallal says
is it easy to platinum diablo 4 solo ? i have no friends to play or i can coop with randoms ?
Archavia says
Everything can be done solo if you choose, or you can try party up with randoms you encounter in the world and in cities, but it’s by no means necessary. I play entirely solo.
Zhen bin says
Want to boost PVP kills trophy together?
tim l says
can someone help with pvp kills psn riot715
Shabyoob says
The game has cross-progression. Does anyone know if trophies will pop from pc to ps5?
Scalz says
I tested this and it doesn’t seem to work unfortunately.
Shabyoob says
I see, just to confirm.You got an achievement on PC and it didn’t auto pop on PS5?
Moe says
Add me on PlayStation for coop:
Kraken says
Does anyone want to boost the pvp trophy?
Zhen bin says
What is your PlayStation ID?
Lurchy says
I’m also looking to boost this trophy
Titus says
Add me to boost Pvp kills
Psn ID: titi_macel
Will says
Anyone for pvp boost
tim l says
NL_the_Godfather says
The perseverance trophy is not missable, just harder. Since if you die you can start over and try again from level 1.
Archavia says
It’s missable in the sense that you can miss it on a character by dying. Same as missables in other games where missing would require starting a new playthrough.
Dan says
By that logic then, no trophy is ever missable. It is understood that a restart is necessary.
Joe says
Can PVP trophy be obtained by operating player 1 and player 2 with two handles?
Archavia says
I tried this with a fresh character on a second account, however it wasn’t able to join as it didn’t meet the requirements. I assume there must be some level range before being able to join, but I’m not sure what the exact requirements are.
Peach says
Is there any update on Uber Lilith and what is required to defeat her?
Archavia says
Currently all that I know is that she is available in World Tier 4: Torment, so at the very least you would want to be Level 70 to be able to reliably reach this World Tier. The actual battle I’m unsure of at this point in time, but will update the guide when I get more info.
Peach says
No worries. Thanks for the quick reply. Appreciate your effort with the guide so far!
I did notice there was a Feat of Strength in game for defeating Echo of Lilith. I’m assuming this is different, and significantly harder, than Uber Lilith?
Archavia says
My assumption is that Echo of Lilith is Uber Lilith, but until someone actually get the trophy to confirm then I’m unsure.
Nikki_boagreis says
I was wondering if the devs will make it so you don’t need a constant Internet connection and be on Blizzards servers at some point, i ask because of the lvl 100 hardcore trophy. If your save isn’t on a hdd but on the servers then save scumming isn’t possible. Diablo 3 you could just manually upload your save data into online storage from save data management periodically, then if something happened you just retrieved your save data from save data utility.
Dan says
Just to clarify, the hardcore mode trophy is level 50, not 100.
btrlegendix187 says
there is a video online from a lvl 100 barb trying lilith on tier 4
he got 1 shotted after 20sec ( while he did like 0.5% of liliths health )
so going of that video lilith is eather epicly overtuned or you need a full 5man team with the bis gear and stats to even have a chance to kill her !
deff diff will be a 100/10
Andasea says
Yeah there is a video of someone fighting her with a lvl 100 character on hardcore mode. guy spent 30 minutes trying to kill her and only took down her first phase before he had to TP out from certaint death.
Robert says
Ps5 to ps4 trophys auto pop
Archavia says
Does everything autopop the moment you load up the game, or is it optional? And do you know if it pops everything when going back to PS5?
TheoK says
From PS5 to PS4, I had 2 trophies not auto-popping ?. 50 kills of barbarian and 100 level trophy
Andasea says
Anyone find out how to fight Uber Lilith? Can’t find her anywhere. My guess is that she is locked behind World Tier 4 Hardcore mode, or you have to be lvl 100 to find her. But maybe she is not in the game yet.
Ahmed Tallal says
i don’t think uber lilith will be behind hardcore , so if i reach it and die i can’t face it again !! doesn’t make sense … but may be it’s behind level 100 normal mode
Zhen bin says
We know that our character is bind to the diablo 4 server.
Does that mean that if play diablo 4 on psn account A then relogin diablo 4 on psn account B, all my data will be on account B as well?
If so, how about the trophy? Will they automatically pop as well in account B for those trophy I earn in account A?
Ahmed Tallal says
Does Disconnected from the internet in hardcore act as a death ?
Alus says
Happened to me yesterday but i think im dead because i was in the middle of a battle, if i was in the city and get a disconnection i don’t think I would be dead.
Titus says
If anyone want to boost Pvp kills
Psn ID: titi_macel
falsaai says
For (Curious Collector) trophy, I can confirm that you can use the same Aspect 10 times, but of course, on 10 different items.
Thank you for the guide.
Archavia says
Thanks for confirming that!
Martin says
If anybady wants to join a clan on PS5 join Balls 0f Steel. The o in the name is number zero 0 Balls 0f Steel. we can also boost pvp kill
KIBA22 says
is platinum complicated? Especially level 50 in solo hardcore ?
(Don’t play Diablo since Diablo 2 ^^)
Archavia says
Level 50 in Hardcore shouldn’t be too bad, and it’s possible to get powerleveled if you have a high-level hardcore friend willing to assist. The bulk of the platinum is getting to Level 100 and killing Uber Lilith, which currently hasn’t been done yet.
Mattoelite1 says
Uber Lilith should be available now at world tier 4, watched a streamer try and beat her this morning on Hardcore, and he got smoked. This may be tough, lol
Zhen bin says
Any update regarding to the difficulty as well as uber Lilith? Seems like till now no one have achieve the platinum yet.
Archavia says
It’s looking to be pretty difficult, even at Level 100 with good gear. Very likely to be the last thing you do.
Trophydemon12 says
When will the trophy difficulty be updated this game is a 9/10. From Uber Lilith alone. Not even the streamers who have been playing 20 hours a day since launch can kill her. But I could see her getting easier if they add better items in the game.
Archavia says
I’ve set it to 9-10/10, but may change over time once strategies are figured out/if she gets nerfed.
Ryan says
Can you do Uber Lilith in softcore or does it have to be hardcore only?
Trophydemon12 says
Uber Lilith is Echoes of Lilith. You have to be on world tier 4 and she is level 100. You can do it softcore or hardcore. As of this time only one person in the world has beat the boss with a Level 100 Barbarian. They used a build that stacks whirlwind damage infinity. But I bet that build is going to be nerfed because the damage output on it just too much.
KAdamsy1 says
World Slayer trophy needs updating.
World bosses spawn on world tier 1 even if you haven’t completed the campaign, the problem is and this is most likely a bug is that the world boss icon doesn’t show unless your in the right spot for the boss to spawn.
i’ve been using this site to find em
brian says
Why trophy not pop on my ps5? I already create potion on alchemist and upgrade an armor. But still nothing. Please help… Thx
Archavia says
You have to create a Potion AND an Incense for Convenient Crafts, and you have to upgrade a Weapon, Armor AND Jewelry for Potent Alterations. It’s all types, not one or the other.
Mantvydaz says
Looking for PVP trophy help. PSN id: Mantvydaz
tom says
What’s the easiest way to get pvp kills ?? im trying but people keep running away instead of fighting????
Archavia says
Fight at the purification altars when someone is purifying their seeds, as people might stay to try finish it. Alternatively, it’s sorta scummy but you can go back to World Tier 1 when you’re high level and try one hitting people. You might get some hate mail for it though.
Pez says
The uber lilith trophy is nigh impossible at the moment since they buffed her. No one anywhere has got it post-buff. I’m level 100 with all 800+ gear and I barely touch her.
GaloWar says
What class?
Pez says
Sorc. Tried arc lash and ice shard builds.
KIBA22 says
You tried to do with teamates ? u should if u don’t
Ashley says
For the PVP kills do you have to finish story or something first, as every time i go to fields of hatred, there’s not a single person there, even when i mark myself for blood, it doesn’t sate in any guides i find ?
Archavia says
It can just be empty at times, it’s definitely busier in higher world tiers. Best chance of finding people is to start purifying seeds of hatred at one of the altars as this notifies everyone in the area, so if there’s anyone around they might come looking.
NL_the_Godfather says
It says recommended to fight enemies 10 levels above you but the XP buff caps out at enemies 3 levels above you. This was tested by Krazegaming on youtube. He recommends 5 levels though in case you level in a dungeon or instance. Also group play buffs xp on top of that. So it all adds up but isn’t worth it to fight enemies more then 5 levels higher due to how the scaling works.
WickedMatrix says
The world boss icon pops up with the countdown. But when the countdown finishes, no boss spawns. Happens twice already. Is this a glitch ?????
Tabeayo says
Looking for PVP trophy help. PSN id: Fenix_ExE_19
KIBA22 says
Some players get the platinum trophy here ?
Tomas says
Anyone wanna boost the PVP trophy?
PSN: How_about_Tom (EU)
Jeremy says
Darkshadows4ever says
Do Aberrant Cinders still count if you die and lose them? Or if you dont spend them,
Archavia says
Just need to acquire them, don’t need to spend them. Dying shouldn’t matter.
Naoneko says
Uber Lilith is a plat blocker deim
AsPaRrOn says
Looking for a partner/partners to take down Uber Lilith, add me on psn
Kali says
Did you manage to defeat her? I’m struggling she is insanely difficult and she’s more difficult when you team up a 4/10 is ridiculous she has quadruple the health with a full team.
Nick says
anyone willing to carry me through lilith, he will be much appreciated
Jokke says
LF Help with PvP trophy and Uber Lilith boost.
BNET Lohileuka#2221 // add message
Bart says
anyone willing to carry me through lilith, he will be much appreciated
Id: bartpizzillo#2376
Pojme says
I am joining with a request for help
Tabeayo says
Hi, To Uber Lilith boost. ID – Fenix_ExE_19.
David says
Are you offering to carry?
Peymoon says
Hi, I sent u a friend request
David says
Anyone looking to team up on hardcore? Is anyone done with the trophy and willing to carry through the capstone?
Jeremy says
Looking to platinum game any one down if so add me with a message.
H!LF says
Can u clear uber lilith on PC and get a PS trophy as well?
Omairi says
Thanks for the amazing site, tbh you guys became my number one site.
Question please, is season 1 will include some trophies or not ?
Thank you in advance.
Omairi says
Andrew says
I need a booster for PVP and getting a Hardcore character to lvl 50. PSN is BigTimePlaya45
TheKro16 says
Looking for someone to grind NM dungeons with for leveling. Currently a level 86 Druid. I am also a level 37 Barbarian on hardcore if that’s what you need too.
CRZW says
Can anyone confirm that the True Perseverance (Reach Level 50 with a Hardcore character) trophy can be achieved in Season play?
hvc says
Yes it can be achieved in Season play.
KoimiaX says
You might want to make a side note for Estuar Sightseer. It is currently bugged in the sense that if you play on multiple systems and clear even a little bit of the map, it won’t register for the PlayStation version when you log back in,
For example, I play on ps5, series x and pc. I played the same character on all ep3 systems and so when I finally cleared all the fog on my ps5, I got the in game achievement for it, but no trophy popped.
What is worse, now that they have patched the game so that all your characters share a map with whomever is the highest, you can’t just make a new character and start over.
Tzepish says
It’s also possible to somehow miss “starting” an exploration challenge, so it’ll never complete. I have all Dry Steppes regions explored but my challenges list shows it as “not started” so I’m locked out of the Estuary Sightseer trophy. It’s legit glitched.
hvc says
Yes, the True Perseverance (Reach Level 50 with a Hardcore character) trophy pops also for a seasonal hardcore character.
Jokke says
Still looking Uber lilith boost eternal or seasonal
PSN: Joketsu82
RuggedProGaming says
There’s a market on the diablo 4 discord where high level players will take in game payment for an uber lilith carry. I paid someone 5 million and they killed her for me in 10 seconds.
Alucard says
Took 245 hr to plat, fighting Lilith solo was easier than with other person as her difficulty scales up based on the party size.
Ak2 says
Getting plat solo is definitely more than 150 hours. I would say 200-300, possibly more but thats luck dependant. Because of how screwed up is loot/enchanting system you might need to waste hundreds of hours getting geared up before lilith 🙁
RuggedProGaming says
I can confirm that it took me 250 hours to platinum. Although I got a quick uber lilith carry, my main issue was reaching lvl 100 after the xp gains got nerfed. I hear the mob density has increased though so maybe its easier to get to lvl 100 now. I don’t plan on touching the game ever again honestly. The grind was so mind numbing I have 0 want to revisit again.
Janne says
Anyone who wants to run dungeons or Uber Lilith can add me: Janne_336
David says
Guys just got it on PS5, but the version of PS4 didn’t pop up all the trophies. What’s goin on, is it bugged?
Sentyu says
It used to auto pop between ps4/5 until the last update, which they changed something with the progression between platforms and have broken it.
i’ve been playing both versions periodically and unlocked all hut a few trophies this way, now I can’t unlock a recent trophy i got on ps5 on the ps4 version.
I can also confirm it has never auto popped on different platform families though as i’ve also been playing the xbox version at my sisters.
Ray says
Went back and tried to auto pop trophies on the PS4 version and can confirm that something got bugged after the update. The character specific trophies did not pop for me.
But the uber lilith trophy did autopop on the PS4, after doing the trophy on the ps5
NL_the_Godfather says
Yes it’s bugged for me as well. Got the ps5 platinum and all other trophies before except for lvl 100 character. Devoted protector doesn’t pop on ps4 for me now… I hope this get’s patched.
sup3scottyIV says
I can confirm the glitch still exists for auto popping the trophies. Only 7 trophies pop, 43%. Wished I had double checked it was still able to be autopop before loading up the PS4 version. Oh well, hopefully they patch the progression across consoles.
Stryctnin says
I played primarily on the PS5 until one day I decided to try it on the PS4. Made a new character, a necromancer, the specific trophy for them popped on the 4. Now I can’t get it to pop on the 5 no matter what I do. Also, on the 4 several trophies, the kill a certain amount ones, didn’t pop. So now I can’t platinum it on either system.
Hosaka3 says
Can anyone help with Uber Lilith on season realm?
Tired of wiping on this unfair boss.
PSN: Hosaka3
koniumk says
Autopop does not work. Unfortunately, before including the PS4 version, I did not read that there are problems with it. Not only does autopop not work, but it also blocks the ability to get these trophies again. The game shows that the challenges are completed, so the trophies do not appear. I wrote to Blizzard with this problem, but they ignored the issue. They wrote back that they not have access to other platforms than battlenet.
Big dogg says
Fuck didnt know this before. Just downloaded the ps4 version gor auto pop and same shit. Please powerpyx delete that it auto pops
Archavia says
Wasn’t aware of this being an ongoing issue, I have updated the overview to warn against attempting to autopop the game. Hopefully it will get fixed eventually.
zaja1991 says
Hello. I need help with uber lilit and PvP trophy. Somebody help? Eternity mode. PSN ID: zaja1991
Joe says
I also need PVP trophy. My BattleTag: Vrinimikalir#1540.
s says
Help with pvp trophy…
Psn: svobic
Thx for help
Komodo Dragon says
I need help with pvp trophy and defeat uber lilith someone help me please.
Neeo says
Need help with PvP and Uber Lilith pls.
Thank you
Bocaprowler says
Need help with 5 PvP kills.
Also need help with Uber Lilith.
Either one, please message me on PSN: BocaProwler
Lee says
Anyone wanting to help me out with uber lilith will also help you guys with pvp kills if you need it
Bocaprowler says
Be happy to do the 5 PvP kills, maybe we can find someone to boost us with Lilith.
Mat says
After PvP kills please
Kayzeeqt says
Anyone for 5 pvp kills?
Gamertag: kayzeeqt
Mattias says
Need help with PvP and Uber Lilith pls.
Thank you guys
Bispoo says
did you do it already? i need help for same too
Joao says
Need Help with uber lilith psn chronus_
Blizit says
Looking for help with the same 2 trophies. Seasonal Realm.
PSN: Blizit
Available most nights after 7pm EST.
Mindkast says
Need a Uber Lilith Carry please – Eternal Realm
PSN: Mindkast
BNET: Jaws#12166
Russo says
Hey, need help on both also. Care to help? James_Logan1
Presidentgenius says
I need PvP help and Uber Lilith carry please
PSN: presidentgenius
Eternal Realm
Russo says
Need help doing the exact two trophies. Can you help? James_Logan1
J.P. says
Hi. I need help with Lilith, to get platinum trophy. I dont know, how carry works, but i can offer 150 mil to you.
PSN: Jepator
Eternal realm
Thank You.
Thanat0s872 says
Need someone for the PvP trophy.
Psn: Thanat0s872
Wojtek515 says
Need help with Uber Lilith trophy. My PSN- MateuszWojtek
Fatos says
can somebody help with pop trophy? pls add fatos10 psn
Svindler says
Need someone to help with the pvp trophy. I will help too.
PSN: Svindler86
Daniel says
Need someone to boost pvp trophy,
PSN: Daniel_Shooter_
Diogo says
Help PvP please
ID Codname-D
Vlad says
Help pvp pls
Psn Id Sazzo19
KoimiaX says
Not sure if it has been mentioned but if you already have over 200 paragon and for some reason haven had the trophy from before the change, it DOES NOT POP. You have to earn the 200 over again, basically on the seasonal with a new character. I’m in the process in grinding to 300 for the dlc trophy and will see if the 200 will then auto pop as well,
B says
If your’e having trouble with the hardcore character trophy there’s a workaround right now. Create a new hardcore character in eternal realms (not seasonal) and go to the purple icon in the starting town and select your reward which pops your character up to lvl 50 in an instant and also pops the trophy.
Question! Does trophies transfer across consoles with cross progression? Specifically from Xbox Series X to PS5.
Martin says
I’m having trouble unlocking living nightmare trophy. I have completed about 10 nightmare dungeons on torment 2 and it won’t pop for me on ps5.
G says
Help pvp trophy CheddarStake please
Tricolor says
Hey guys, if anyone needs this trophy, so do I. Add me! PSN morcilla_salada Thanks in advance!