Diablo 4 has 47 Side Quests in the region of Scosglen. Each Side Quest will grant 30 Renown for the region, as well as various rewards. Some quests will require you use a gesture. Most quests are available from simply speaking to a person marked by a blue ! on the map. Some will require previous quests to be completed before they become available, and some will start upon picking up a particular quest item that can drop in certain areas.
Also in this region:
- Scosglen Waypoints
- Scosglen Strongholds
- Scosglen Areas
- Scosglen Side Dungeons
- Scosglen Altars of Lilith
- Diablo 4 All Collectible Locations
Westering Lowlands
1 – Chronicling the Old Ways
Outside Eldhaime Keep. Head to the marked area and collect 3 Runic Tablets by killing Beast enemies.
2 – Braega’s Chronicles
Pick up A History of Scosglen, which can be dropped by Khazra enemies in Westering Lowlands. Return the book to Wilfred.
Firebreak Manor
3 – A Plea For Aid
In Firebreak Manor, available after progressing Act II. Head to Cerrigar and speak to Corman.
The Emerald Chase
4 – What Ails Thee
Inside Cerrigar, available when first arriving. Head to Blycroft and speak to Phelan.
5 – The Fledgling Merchant
Inside Cerrigar, available after completing Act II. Kill Tusked Chargers in the marked areas for 10 Charger Tusks.
6 – Blood of Brigands
Inside Cerrigar, available after completing Act II. Kill 50 Bandit enemies in the marked area.
7 – Daughter of the Oak
Inside Cerrigar, available after completing Act II. Conquer Tur Dulra, then enter Underroot dungeon. Search for roots to cut, then return.
Wailing Hills
8 – The Starving Strand
Inside Braestaig, available when first arriving. Head to the Strandflats and speak to Tadhg.
9 – Stolen Artifice
Inside Braestaig, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and kill Darcel.
10 – Votive Passing
Inside Braestaig, available after progressing Act II. Head to the marked area and search for the 3 resting sites, then deliver the item.
11 – Ravenous Predator’s Offering
Pick up Ravenous Predator’s Offering, which is dropped by searchable corpses in Wailing Hills. Harvest spirit enemies from Beast enemies in the marked area.
12 – A Briny Fate
Inside Marowen, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and speak to the Wounded Soldier, then head north and open a Sailor’s Chest for a letter. Return to Fergus.
13 – Stemming the Tide
Inside Marowen, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and kill 100 Drowned enemies.
14 – Whispers from Below
In The Gaunt Eyrrs, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area to find Cecil.
15 – A Sodden Pact
Started automatically after completing Whispers from Below. Head to the quest marker and find 5 Sodden Growth around the area, then head to the beach and speak to Roina.
16 – Untangling Truths
Started automatically after completing A Sodden Pact. Head to the quest marker, then place offerings at the 3 Derelict Shrines.
17 – Threads of Envy
Started automatically after completing Untangling Truths. Head to the quest marker and enter Mithering Descent. Head to the end and defeat the Sodden Effigy, then return to Marowen.
18 – Warded Sailor’s Vessel
Pick up Warded Sailor’s Vessel, which drops from searchable corpses in The Cursed Scarps. Head to the marked area and harvest anima from Drowned enemies.
Deep Forest
19 – A Deepening Shadow
In Shob’ha’s Perch, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and kill corrupted deer, then examine 3 spots. Continue and kill Barret, then return.
20 – The Old Ways
Started automatically after completing A Deepening Shadow. Conquer Tur Dulra and speak to Scholar Yuein, Enter Lair of the Despoiler and kill the 3 Wildwood. Activate the 3 Sacred Stones, then return to Scholar Yuein and Shob’ha.
21 – A Sliver of Light
Started automatically after completing The Old Ways. Speak to Mochrann and lead him to the 3 corrupted fonts, killing the enemies.
22 – Tending Nature
Inside Tur Dulra after conquering the stronghold. Head to the marked areas and acquire the three items by scavenging/killing the enemies before returning. Follow the quest markers and kill the Poachers.
23 – The Diviner
Inside Tur Dulra after conquering the stronghold. Search Piles of Stones around Tur Dulra for a Runestone. Head to the 3 quest markers to activate the 3 Runestones.
24 – Left in Ashes
Inside Tur Dulra after completing The Diviner. Head to the marked area and kill Cursed Eadaoin’s Spirit.
25 – The Traveling Scholar
In Southern Briars after conquering Tur Dulra stronghold. Escort Aria to the marked areas, searching for druid items.
The Downs
26 – Fields of Ruin
Inside Blycroft, available when first arriving. Go to the marked areas and place the wardstones, then head to The Unhallowed Pit and kill Blackhorn.
27 – Feral Moon
In The Harrowfields, available after completing What Ails Thee. Enter Sarat’s Lair dungeon and find the Light-Blessed Amulet on a searchable corpse.
28 – Ever Faithful
In Wraithstead, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and enter the Abandoned Smuggler’s Den, then kill Faolan.
29 – First Among Wolves
In Wraithstead, available after completing Fields of Ruin. Head to the marked area and search for for Una’s Journals, then kill all werewolves.
30 – The Snare
Automatically started after completing First Among Wolves. Head to the marked area to find a druidic totem, then kill waves of enemies at two locations to complete the blood ritual.
31 – With Fangs Bared
Automatically started after completing The Snare. Enter the Abandoned Barrow and kill Una.
32 – The Seer
In The Cinder Woods, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and kill Khazra enemies to collect 5 Goatman Entrails, then speak to Baewyn.
33 – Smoke Signals
Automatically started after completing The Seer. Head to Kealer Farm and then return to Baewyn.
34 – Reclamation
Automatically started after completing Smoke Signals. Enter Domhainne Tunnels and search for the Cathedral Cross 3 times.
35 – Message in a Bottle
Pick up Washed-Ashore Bottle, found on the shore in Razor Shoals. Speak to villagers in Corbach to find Padrig, then speak to him.
The Shrouded Moors
36 – An Acquired Taste
Inside Tirmair, available when first arriving. Kill Thorn Beasts in the marked area for 12 Thorn Beast Meat.
37 – Of Pests and Pestilence
Inside Tirmair, available when first arriving. Kill 75 Stinging Swarms within the Shrouded Moors.
38 – Settling the Tab
Inside Tirmair, available when first arriving. Head to Fat Goose Inn and speak to the Innkeeper.
39 – The Wrong Hands
Pick up Broken Carving, which can be found by searching objects throughout The Shrouded Moors or Highland Wilds after completing With Fangs Bared. Speak to Artair in Wraithstead.
40 – A Different Beast
Pick up Broken Totem, which can be found on searchable corpses throughout The Shrouded Moors or Highland Wilds after completing The Wrong Hands. Speak to Artair in Wraithstead.
41 – The Broken Bear
Pick up Broken Bear Totem, which can be dropped by Grizzly Bears throughout The Shrouded Moors or Highland Wilds after completing A Different Beast. Speak to Artair in Wraithstead.
Highland Wilds
42 – Remembering the Goose
Inside Under the Fat Goose Inn, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and find Nairne, then place Tavish’s daggers at the 3 quest markers.
43 – Wagered Honor
Inside Under the Fat Goose Inn, available when first arriving. Head to the marked area and kill Gormothos.
44 – Claws at the Throat
In The Great Northern Plains, available after completing Remembering the Goose. Head to the Inn, then to the marked area to find the Slain Merchant.
45 – Pyre of Ash
Automatically started after completing Claws at the Throat. Head to the marked area and enter the Embered Recess, then kill the enemies.
46 – Chasing Embers
Automatically started after completing Pyre of Ash. Head to the Scar and find the pyre victim on a cliff.
47 – The Bear of Blackweald
Automatically started after completing Chasing Embers. Head to the quest marker and enter Seared Hollow, then kill Stana.
That’s 100% of the Side Quests you can find in Scosglen Region of Diablo IV.
For all other regions and collectible types refer to Diablo 4 Collectible Guide.
Matti says
message in a bottle is missing
Arian says
Last one is message in bottle
Zone: Strand
Item name: Washed-Ashore Bottle
Washed-Ashore Bottle can be found on the small jut out, along the northern coast of the Strand.
Mário Barra says
Thanks a lot! I found the message EXACTLY where you did!
Aaron says
Need to finish Remembering the Goose to start Claws at the Throat
Archavia says
Thanks for confirming that.
Thundercat says
The item for “The Broken Bear” seems to not be a zone wide drop. I spent 15-20mins murdering grizzly bears around Tur Duldra with no luck. Got it on my first kill on a grizzly bear in Highland Wilds just south of “Under the fat Goose Inn”. Either that or it cant drop before very late in the guide (i was at quest 44).
Archavia says
Hmm thanks for that, I assumed it would be region-wide but I also got my in Highland Wilds so might be only in that sub-region. I’ll update it.
Grody Gurnisson Son of Gurni says
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Spent the entire day 46/47 until I saw your comment.
Corza says
39 – The Wrong Hands
I found the Broken Carving in the chest outside of the Fat Goose Inn.
Corza says
Found Broken Totem at Old Heimberg killing the spiders.
Archavia says
Thanks for that, presumably can be found anywhere within those two regions then.
matthew pace says
are any of these side quests post game only like 2 in the first region?
Archavia says
No I don’t believe any in Scosglen require completing the campaign first.
Karl says
Warded Sailor’s Vessel
Today I found it in ANOTHER area – different from the mentioned. It was on a corpse in “Forthratch Castle” – slightly north of the cellar “Watery Sinkhole”. Please Update if you like.
This is in the West of the Cursed Scarps but a different sub-region in the game
Luurch says
when i went to Forthratch Castle there were no corpses there.
james says
please could you help me, for the love of god ive searched all over google where is this ‘forthratch castle’ Thanks
Nala says
Found the “Broken Totem” from Quest 40: “A Different Beast” in the Westering Lowlands.
Luurch says
Warded Sailors Vessel – just to highlight there are quite few corpses in the Cursed Scarps. it took me around 30-45mins of running around before it dropped. looted 10-12 corpses before getting it. dropped in Cursed Scarps, slightly west to Calibel’s Mine dungeon
Robert says
Personally I’m at 45/47. I know I am missing Quest Ravenous Predator’s Offering, however that is the only droppable quest I still have for the zone. So I am missing a ! somewhere on the map.
George says
The quest “First among wolves” wasn’t available for me, it only unlocked when I completed “Feral Moon”!
So there’s an additional prerequisite.
George says
To anyone struggling with “Warded Sailor’s Vessel”: If you’re playing in Season 1, the malignant thingies on the ground seem to all reveal a corpse when you destroy them.
Much easier to just ride around and destroy those, compared to looking for the rare few corpses!
Some Guy says
Extremely helpful, managed to complete every single quest in a matter of days.