This Red Orb Farming Exploit will earn you Infinite amounts of Red Orbs in Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5). You can expect 5,000,000 Red Orbs per Hour with this glitch.
How Red Orb Farming works:
- Play until Mission 13. At the start of this mission you unlock the Dr. Faust weapon which is a throwable hat.
- Choose Dante and buy his skill “Dr. Faust 4”. If you can’t afford level 4 then go with level 3 or level 2 for a start and upgrade to level 4 later when you have more orbs.
- Play Mission 13 with Dante until the last checkpoint (Divinity Statue where you drop down to 4 Nests that spawn enemies).
- Equip Dr. Faust ranged weapon, go into Gunslinger G-Stance (D-Pad Left), hold R1/RB and keep pressing Circle/B. Make sure you have auto-assist disabled in the game options!
- This will cause an area attack that hits all enemies in a radius around you. On each hit Dr. Faust drains red orbs from the enemies to you. When the enemies die you get huge orb bonuses.
- Repeat for 2-3 minutes until there are fewer enemies. Then pause the game and restart the checkpoint. You will keep all orbs on checkpoint reload.
- You will respawn at the Divinity Statue. Jump down the hole again and all enemies will have respawned. Attack them with Dr. Faust as before and repeat Steps 4-6.
The higher your acquired Dr. Faust skill level, the more orbs you will earn.
With Level 4 Dr. Faust it gives around 85,000 Red Orbs per Minute on average. That’s over 5,000,000 per hour!
With Level 3 Dr. Faust it gives around 36,000 Red Orbs per Minute on average. That’s 2,160,000 per hour.
Upgrading from Level 3 to Level 4 costs 500,000 Orbs but as you can see it’s well worth the investment because you earn Orbs more than twice as fast and will make back the difference within 15 minutes.
If you’re here it’s probably for one of two reasons: you either want to buy all skills and upgrades, or you want to stock up on red orbs to revive yourself on higher difficulties. Getting all skills costs about 12 Million Red Orbs. Roughly 4 Million per character (3 characters). The most expensive thing is the special taunt that costs 3 Million and you have to rebuy it for each character individually, so that alone runs up to 9 Million. The other skills costs around 1 Million per character. You’ll be farming for 2-3 hours to unlock everything in the game.
It’s also worth farming a couple million red orbs for Dante Must Die difficulty. When you die, pick the most expensive revive option with Red Orbs and it will take away 30% of a boss’s remaining health bar and completely heal you and restore Devil Trigger. Or you can buy Gold Orbs with the money but those don’t cause any damage to the bosses. Essentially, with red orbs you can pay your way through Dante Must Die.
If any step is unclear refer to the video guide above. That’s all there is to this DMC5 Orb farming method.
xxxx says
I can’t kill the enemies this fast even on Human. Are you using infinite gauge or what?
PowerPyx says
I’m not using infinite gauge. This is the normal Dante costume. You need to upgrade Dr. Faust to higher level so it does more damage. I made the video at Dr. Faust Level 4 (buy the skill from shop).
Quink says
Seems nerfed now. I got 35k with level 3 dr faust.
$$$4respawnsbtw says
I think nurffed but still applicable. The only problem is you’re kill farming enemies whom turn invincible for their attacks.
DWolfAlpha says
The guide doesn’t mention it, but you need to couple this with the Hat Trick skill with Dr. Faust. It gathers red orbs like crazy while also knocking everyone down, making it easier to keep it going. I don’t know how long I was doing it for, but in a single run from descent to restart I got almost 300,000 red orbs.
Ash gamer says
Thank you now it works
I thoght i did it wrong
Ash gamer says
Ive been doingt this for 10 min with lvl 3 and i only got 20000 from it
Ash gamer says
Me before reading this: i can smell that piece of sh*t from up here
Then i found out that it works suprisingly