Devil May Cry 5 (DMC5) has 12 Secret Missions. Finding all Secret Mission Locations and beating them earns you the Secrets Exposed trophy and achievement. There are big red patterns on certain walls that indicate the entrance to a secret level. When you see one of those, there’s always a red glowing dot nearby. Stand in the dot and look at the red pattern to trigger the secret mission. What makes it a bit tricky is that the red glowing dot only appears when you walk right over it. You can’t see it from further away. This guide shows all the locations.
Each Secret Mission is like a challenge. You are given a unique task that you must complete within a time limit. Some are significantly easier after upgrading the Devil Trigger Gauge (by finding Purple Orbs) and others are made easier with certain skills, which will be pointed out in the below walkthrough.
None of the secret levels are missable. You can find them at any time via chapter select. If you found a level but couldn’t beat it, you can replay it straight from the main menu without having to find it again. Each Secret Mission also earns you a Blue Orb Fragment.
Useful Links:
- Devil May Cry 5 All Collectible Locations (Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs, Secret Missions, Weapons)
- Devil May Cry 5 Infinite Red Orbs Farming Spot (5 Million Orbs per Hour)
- Devil May Cry 5 How to Change Active Devil Breaker
- Devil May Cry 5 How to Unlock Infinite Devil Trigger
Secret Mission 01
Location: Main Mission 02
Right after using the 2nd Nidhogg Hatchling to destroy the 2nd barrier in this mission that’s blocking your path, you will come through a bedroom. Here the game will give you a tutorial on Secret Missions (assuming you have the tutorial prompts enabled). In this bedroom you can see a big pattern painted on the wall by the exit door. Stand on the side of the bed and a red dot will light up on the floor. Face the pattern on the wall to make it light up in red color and you’ll be able to enter this secret mission.
Solution: Eliminate all of the demons.
This is best done on Human difficulty if you have trouble. Quite simply defeat all enemies before time runs out. You have 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Secret Mission 02
Location: Main Mission 03
After destroying the third Blood Clot, the demonic “tentacles” that block the path will disappear. Now the section with the green emergency exit sign is open, go there. This room is just a long staircase leading up. However, for the secret mission we’ll have to jump down to the bottom. Here in an alcove you find the red glowing dot on the floor (just walk around the very bottom floor of the staircase area and you’ll find it). Once you located it, look up to align with the big icon further up the stairs.
Solution: Don’t let any Red Empusa escape!
You must defeat 5 of those Praying Mantis enemies that carry red crystals on their back. You can’t let them dig a hole to escape. The quickest way to defeat them is with the Overture Devil Breaker. Just spam /
with the Overture equipped. If one of them tries to get away, quickly grapple it with
and keep spamming it with Overture.
Secret Mission 03
Location: Main Mission 04
After crossing a train bridge you can see a Nidhogg Hatchling in front of you. Take it with you, then go through a storage building until you reach the open streets downstairs. There a big enemy encounter takes place. Be sure to summon your nightmare with /
(requires 3 purple bars of Devil Trigger). This will make your Nightmare break through a building. After the enemies are defeated, you can now go through that building to find a 2nd Nidhogg Hatchling in the alley behind it. You now have 2 Nidhogg Hatchlings with you. Backtrack to the main street. Follow the street until you see a Nidhogg Barrier on the left side. Destroy it. Behind it is a blue orb. To the left of the blue orb is yet another Nidhogg Barrier, destroy that too. It leads you inside a dark building. Jump up the top floor of that building. By the window is the red glowing dot, align it with the pattern outside.
Solution: Collect all of the Red Orbs.
You’ll want to take the right path first and circle around the area to end on the left side. When the secret level starts, double jump on the right side and hold /
to glide with Griffon to collect the orbs in the air. Do this to the first 6 red orbs. Then go in the middle area and run in a circle around the tables to collect all 8 red orbs there (I went counter-clockwise around the tables). Lastly, go to the nearest red orb between some bookshelves. Jump over the big bookshelf to the next red orb and follow the path until you end up where you started the level. This is going to take a few tries. Time is very short, you will only have 1-2 seconds left.
Secret Mission 04
Location: Main Mission 05
After where you fought the first group of enemies in the warehouse and dropped down, you can see a container on the left side in front of you and when you look closely the pattern of the secret icon will light up in red on the wall. Summon the Nightmare /
and it will break through the wall (requires 3 purple bars of Devil Trigger). Fight the enemies behind the wall and then walk up the scaffold. At the top you find the red glow and need to look back where you came from.
Solution: Eliminate all of the demons without taking a hit.
Get V’s skill “Promotion”. It’s under the abilities tab. This allows you to summon your Nightmare with /
and while Nightmare is active press
to mount Nightmare. This way no enemy can hit you. Just spam
to attack with all 3 of your demon pets. Especially Nightmare is really powerful and will kill the enemies in a few hits. You can also buy the skill “Nightmare Combo B” to make it even easier as it lets you do a spinning move that hurts all enemies in the vicinity.
Secret Mission 05
Location: Main Mission 08
At the 2nd lava wall in the level (those that create rock platforms to stand on), you can jump off to the right side halfway up the lava stream. There’s a grassy platform to stand on. From here you can grapple on to some grappling points that are moving up and down to reach an opening on the other side of the room. Drop down the opening and you’ll find the red glowing orb between two red crystals. If you have Gerbera devil breaker equipped you can simply use that to dash to the other side halfway up the lava wall and don’t have to use the grappling points.
Solution: Get to the goal without touching the ground.
Shoot the grappling hooks with +
and hold on to them with
. I had some trouble with the 4th grappling hook to get the angle right. What worked for me was to do a double-jump to the right (requires double jump skill) just before the 3rd grappling hook. This will put you on a good trajectory.
Secret Mission 06
Location: Main Mission 09
In the outside area where you fight the first knight in the level, on the left side behind some vines. It’s the area just before entering the catacombs / cave section. You must stand in front of the vines and summon a Nightmare with /
. It will destroy the Blood Clot that powers the vines. Then the vines die and you can reach the area behind them (which also contains a blue orb fragment). There’s a big pattern painted across the entrance where the vines were. Stand in the middle of the arch at the end of the area and face the way you came.
Solution: Eliminate all of the demons in 20 seconds or less.
For this you should first buy all 5 Purple Orbs in the shop to increase your Devil Trigger segments. Be sure you go into this secret mission with full Devil Trigger. During Secret Mission replay this won’t work, so you have to find it from within Main Mission 09. I had 9 purple Devil Trigger segments when I did this. At the start of thie secret level immediately spawn the Nightmare /
(costs 3 purple segments) then buff your two other demons with
, this consumes 1 purple segment each. It makes the attacks of your demons much stronger. Now just let the Nightmare do its job and spam
to make your demons attack the enemies. Quickly destroy the enemies with
when their health is depleted. It may take a few tries but with all the buffs is quite doable. Be sure to play on Human difficulty so the enemies have less health.
Secret Mission 07
Location: Main Mission 10
You will come to a huge room that looks like it has green disco lights. You will fight a burning drake and big praying mantis enemy here. There are two timed gates (the ones with teeth) in the room. One on the left, one on the right. You must go through the teeth-gate on the right before it closes (which means defeating the enemies quickly here). It has a path leading upstairs, where you’ll find the red orb to activate the secret level.
Solution: Aim for their weak point and take them down with a single bullet.
One of the trickiest challenges. Equip the Balrog weapon (the boots). 4 Attacks with the boots will break one scissor on Human difficulty. 6-8 attacks should break both scissors. After both scissors are broken the head of the enemy will glow red. Now shoot it once with the Ebony & Ivory pistols and it will instantly die. The trick is to break the scissors first and the most reliable way to accomplish that is with the Balrog weapon.
Secret Mission 08
Location: Main Mission 11
When you enter the ruins of a building you must destroy 3 Blood Clots in it. After destroying the 1st Blood Clot you get a cutscene where a clocktower building moves. Immediately backtrack and jump back up where you came from (top floor). Here you find the red glow. You must face the pattern at the entrance of the ruins (where you entered the ruins).
Solution: Maintain an S Stylish Rank.
The key here is to alternate your attacks and weapons a lot. If you have trouble, enable auto-assist (automatic combos) in the game options. To do it manually, do a lot of air juggles. Press the left stick away from enemies and attack to put them in the air. Also use ranged weapon attacks in between, personally I used the shotgun mostly. Refer to the video if you have trouble. Easiest way though is to just turn on the auto assist in the options and it will do the combo automatically for you, just avoid getting hit. When you get hit you lose the combo.
Secret Mission 09
Location: Main Mission 12
In the catacombs (passage below statue after filling it with blood), after jumping up the first pair of rocks turn around to see a platform behind you. To reach it, equip the Trickster (T) Stance , do a walljump followed by
. With the T-Stance equipped this will let you airdash far enough to reach the platform.
There you find the red glow. Face the corridor on the main path to align the pattern.
Solution: Stay in the air for more than 15 seconds.
Equip the Cavaliere weapon and do air attacks with it (simply press /
in the air). You will stay in the air forever. Super simple.
Secret Mission 10
Location: Main Mission 14
After getting back your 3 demon pets you go through an area with lots of bloodstreams. Immediately after destroying the 2nd Blood Clot (mandatory for story progression), turn around to find this red glow. The pattern is facing the direction where you destroy the blood clot.
Solution: Get to the goal without touching the ground.
Jump > Attack, Attack, Attack (press ,
or :b:,
) > press
to teleport > hold
to Griffon glide.
Secret Mission 11
Location: Main Mission 15
During this chapter you can always decide between two different paths. It doesn’t matter which path you take because they always cross at the Divinity Statues (shops where you buy skills). At the 1st Divinity Statue is where we’ll find 3 collectibles. You must go BEHIND the divinity statue. There a mini cutscene will play that shows you a blue orb fragment at the top of a hill. Right now we will go for the Secret Mission though. Follow the path to the top. To do this the easiest option is with the Gerbera devil breaker equipped and pressing /
to airdash up the ramps. At the top you will find the secret red glow on a cliff (which is just under the blue orb fragment that you saw in the cutscene).
Solution: Head straight for the goal!
The Gerbera Devil Breaker is really helpful here, be sure you have it equipped. Follow the path until the last set of moving platforms. From the rocks on the left, double jump to the platforms on the right and use Gerbera /
to jump up the right platform immediately. Then jump up the hill and again use Gerbera to reach the top. Gerbera makes you jump higher and lets you completely skip the moving platform on the left side at the end.
Secret Mission 12
Location: Main Mission 16
After you dropped through the 2nd hole in the mission and fought the armored two-legged toad-like enemy & two fire drakes (unmissable), you need to drop down the next hole below (DON’T go through the blue alcove that led to Blue Orb Fragment #1). Down below you have an enemy encounter with two wheel lizards and one berserk lizard. Once they are defeated look below you at the platforms leading down to the next hole. As you descend further keep an eye out for a crumbling platform with a large red orb tree at its base. Hop to this platform and get on to the stable group at the base of the orb tree. Destroy the tree and head into the hole in the wall. Look down at the platforms below and start to descend until you reach an alcove just ABOVE the ledge with another large red orb tree. Head to the back of the alcove to activate the red light and turn around to reveal the glyph on the wall and access this Secret Mission.
Solution: Collect a set amount of Red Orbs.
First you should buy Dr. Faust 3 skill (Dr. Faust 4 if you can). This increases the red orbs you earn from Dr. Faust. Now equip Dr. Faust ranged weapon and use the Gunslinger “G” Stance . Then attack with
. This lets you suck out the red orbs from the enemy. The higher your purchased Dr. Faust skill the easier it will be.
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