The Hostage is the first chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the Hostage level for 100% completion.
100% Flowchart
Here’s a quick overview of the 100% complete flowchart for The Hostage.
Checkpoint: Mission Start
- Save Fish: A first optional choice is to save a fish just after exiting the elevator on the left side.
- Leave Fish: When playing this chapter for the second time, simply choose the opposite of what you have chosen initially and leave the fish on the floor.
- Talk to Capt. Allen: The first thing you have to do before investigating further is to talk to Captain Allen, who will be marked on your screen, if you press
Search for Clues:
- Investigate Gun Case: After talking to Allen, investigate the gun case in front of you
- Learn Deviant’s Name: In the room to the right, the hostages’ bedroom, you can find a tablet on the desk. Play the video to learn the android’s name, Daniel
- Investigate Father’s Body: Head over to the living-room-area to investigate the body on the floor. After scanning the wounds reconstruct the scene to reveal a tablet on the floor nearby.
- Learn Cause of Incident: after scanning the father’s body, interact with the tablet on the floor. It reveals that the family just ordered a newer android which was supposed to replace the current one.
- Investigate Cop’s Body: Next to the dining table, there is a dead police officer. Scan his body, then reconstruct the crime.
- Take Cop’s Gun: While reconstructing the cop’s murder, be sure to scroll to the yellow timeline. Then shift the camera around to the kitchen table and take note of the
button prompt. Press the button to make out a gun under the table. Take the gun.
- Leave Cop’s Gun: You must have found the gun and went to pick it up, but decided to leave it instead. This will require a second playthrough from the last checkpoint.
- Take Cop’s Gun: While reconstructing the cop’s murder, be sure to scroll to the yellow timeline. Then shift the camera around to the kitchen table and take note of the
- Wasted Too Much Time: You were very slow and let a lot of time pass before going out on the balcony.
- Go Outside: You went outside on the balcony very quickly, easy if you skip all the clues and go straight to the balcony.
- SWAT Injured: If you got through the clues with moderate speed, a SWAT member by the window got shot by the suspect before you went out on the balcony.
Checkpoint: Confront Deviant Outside
Negotiate with Deviant:
- Friendly Approach: For the Friendly Approach be very kind, calm and understanding to the Android.
- Cold Approach: For the Cold Approach be rough on him and blame him for the situation.
- Leave Wounded Cop: Go to the wounded cop on the left side of the balcony, but when Daniel tells you to step away from him choose
- [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT] Save Wounded Cop: Help the wounded cop on the left side of the outside balcony. When Daniel tells you to step away from him, choose
IGNORE. –> if you saved him he will later show up in “Chapter: Public Enemy” and thank you for what you did for him.
- Be honest about Gun: If you took the gun from the kitchen, drop it when asked to do so.
- Lie about Gun: If you took the gun from the kitchen, you want to lie to him and keep it, which entitles you to use it later on (see endings section).
- Dismiss Helicopter: At some point, the Deviant wants you to send away the helicopter. Doing so will gain his trust a bit.
- Refuse to dismiss Helicopter: At some point, the Deviant wants you to send away the helicopter. Don’t do so, once asked.
- Fail to negotiate: A general cause of being harsh and untrustworthy to Daniel. Always pick the meanest dialogue options and deny his requests.
- Be Honest with Deviant: When Daniel asks if you are armed, tell the truth.
- Lie to Deviant: When Daniel asks if you are armed, lie to him.
- Sacrifice Self: At the end of the negotiation you can choose
- Use Gun: At the end of the negotiation, you can choose
USE GUN (only if you picked up the gun in the kitchen).
- Fail to Build Trust: After stepping outside on the balcony, don’t move at all until Daniel leaps off with Emma. Use dialogue options EMPATHIZE > POSSIBLE CAUSE > REALISTIC > SYMPATHETIC > TALK TO HOSTAGE > DISMISS HELI > RATIONAL > COMPROMISE > REASSURE. Mash
to sacrifice yourself then (Credit to Jesse Jones for the tip)
- Build Trust: Reach 100% trust with Daniel. The current trust percentage is displayed next to Daniel from time to time. Examine the bleeding cop on the left side of Balcony and choose
- Deviant Jumped with Emma: You made all the wrong choices (opposite of “Build Trust”), Daniel lost trust in you and jumped.
- Connor failed to reach Deviant in time
Generally be unkind and harsh on him, which will lead to letting himself fall off the roof, taking the girl with him. When the QTE appears to mash, don’t do it.
- Connor leapt for Emma and fell
Generally be unkind and harsh on him, which will lead him to let himself fall off the roof, taking the girl with him. When the QTE appears to mash, do it.
- Snipers shot Deviant
The “Happy Ending”. Find out everything about Daniel in the apartment before stepping out. Be kind and understanding with him. If you picked up the gun, drop it when asked. Let go of the wounded officer and send the helicopter away to get him in a “good” mood. Once the probability of a good outcome climbs up to 100%, he will let Emma go and gets shot by snipers. - Connor died protecting Emma
During several stages of the negotiation, you can press the Sacrifice option. Doing so makes Connor running towards them, pushing Daniel off and Emma off the roof, while falling to his death. - Deviant shot Connor
Pick up the gun inside, lie about it and keep it. When Daniel requests a car to get away, take theUSE GUN option>
CONVINCE. This will make Daniel shoot Connor.
- Connor shot Deviant
Pick up the gun inside, lie about it and keep it. When Daniel requests a car to get away, take theUSE GUN option >
SHOOT. This will make Connor shoot Daniel.
All done! This concludes The Hostage chapter.
Chapter: Opening
The next chapter doesn’t have any flowchart tasks at all. After The Hostage chapter you will see a nice cutscene of Kara and Todd driving to their house. After that cutscene the 3rd chapter “Shades of Color” begins.
Up Next: Shades of Color
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
Jesse John Jones says
Hello i’m going to give you the steps with the option above build trust with Deviant.
It’s called: Fail to build trust
Step 1
find out about Daniel about to get replaced then walk outside and just stand there (don’t move)
Step 2 -Follow these responses
Possible cause
Talk to Hostage
dismiss helicopter
Step 3
Run for Emma and save her sacrificing yourself.
This is how you complete the option above Build Trust, hope you can test this out and add it in as soon as possible to help others
Jesse John Jones
dalailama1989 says
Will try that and credit you, thanks 🙂
It worked, although I had one different dialogue option – probably depending on how much you search inside first 🙂
Ownage11579 says
This didn’t work for me, the option to talk to hostage never came up and when I finished the rest of the sequence as listed, it went to 100% and got the good ending anyway. Any suggestion on how to get the fail to build trust?
There is also no button mashing sequence at all in this scene
KitsuneSama89 says
Doesn’t work for me either. I get the good ending every time.
KitsuneSama89 says
Ok so after a lot of trial and error
Step 1
find out about Daniel about to get replaced then walk outside , walk towards the cop on the ground
Step 2 -Follow these responses
Release Hostage
*examine cop*
Lie About gun
don’t dismiss helicopter
last chance
Step 3
Run for Emma and save her sacrificing yourself.
I may have forgotten a dialogue in the middle before the helicopter option but you don’t wan’t to push him too far in either direction
Monica says
In my experience the only way to fail to build trust is by not looking at any evidence and just choosing sympathetic/reassuring responses. this way you will also be able to talk to hostage
Cabecote says
How do I unlock “Be Honest With Deviant”? I’ve tried many times what I assume is being honest with Daniel, and it doesn’t unlock!
Ami says
The person who said be honest about the gun isn’t the one. Here’s a link and it’s more helpful.
(*Moderation Note: had to split link in two parts, it broke page width on mobile devices).
Braden McMahon says
Same, there has to be more to it than just being honest about the gun
Braden McMahon says
I’ve figured out how to unlock “Be Honest With Deviant”
Basically, you just need to get to the point in dialogue where Daniel says “I don’t want to die” and your reply needs to be TRUTH
To unlock that dialogue I think you just need to gain his trust (so to speak) by selecting options that increases the probability of a successful outcome.
The only things I didn’t do were pick up the gun, and check on the wounded officer outside but I think as long as you’re honest and obey on those counts then it should be fine.
Just remember to choose TRUTH instead of REASSURE at the very end of negotiations. Hope that vague description helps!
ThunderGod97 says
Exactly, Lying to him at that point with the REASSURE option gets you the “snipers shoot daniel” option. Just figured this out. “Lie To Deviant” is not just lying about having the gun, but also lying about what the outcome will be if he gives her up.
Liahari says
As long as you get to the point where Daniel says he doesn’t want to die, you have to choose the compromise option then the truth option. I lied about the gun and still got the be honest node. Keep the success probability between around 45% – 55% and you should get that dialogue.
Maryellen says
In the ps4 version i haven’t been able to get the use gun option. Has anyone else experienced this glitch ? Yes ipicked up the gunn, & liedthat ihad it
dalailama1989 says
Do you mean by PS4 Version the Full Game compared to the same Chapter of the Demo?
Had no problem doing it on either “version”.
Maryellen says
The full version ps4
halleluyang says
You have to move as far towards the deviant and Emma as possible, if you stay put on the other side of the roof you won’t get the option bc you’re too far away to use the gun…
Name says
Wow really? I can’t do it on pc version either
Astral says
I have the solution to the “Fail to build trust”!
Basically, the negotiation is triggered by either beeing to mean, or the quote beeing under 50%. If you can bring it close to 50% (i was at 53%) and choose compromise and then choose reassure the qutoe should not be at or close to 100% (I think he trusts you at about 90%). If that is the case he will jump and you can save Emma or let them fall.
Hope this is the right one!
Arbitrary says
You can still save the cop and gain 100% trust, just compromise and reassure him at the end.
@SirUlrichVL says
To get the ‘Connor failed to reach the deviant in time’ ending, you have to be playing on Experienced Difficulty otherwise Connor will miraculously always manage to get the ‘Connor leapt for Emma and fell’ no matter if you stay where you started or even move further away by moving to the right side of the patio. Found it amusing that whilst on casual you can even get the good ending without moving, well other than you not saving the cop of course.
Jon says
As someone who just did it on Casual it’s not impossible but very hard, had to dedicate a whole run to this one node, couldn’t even get Fail To Build Trust or Be Honest With Deviant while trying it on Casual. You have to start from the beginning, speak to Capt. Allen, and then head straight outside to negotiate, don’t interact with anything that’ll increase your chances of success. Once your outside choose Empathize, Blaming, Defective, Realistic, Refuse to turn away the Helicopter, and then Last Chance. This’ll set your Chance of Success to 0% and you’ll fail even on Casual.
Camille says
I have tried sooo many times to get the “Sacrifice Self” Ending but the X mash button never came up so I tried a lot of options and here’s how I got them. (I just hoped this can help and the guide can be updated).
Keep moving closer to Daniel after treating the cop
this path can also lead to USE GUN on Daniel.
This may have to do with the updates of the game, as I’ve seen YT tutorials with X mashing resulting to Sacrifice Self node unlocked.
Frost says
I’ve noticed a lot of times that players don’t ask Allen for Daniel’s Deactivation Code. Does this do anything, or does he just say “hell if I know” or something like that?
Izombie says
The answer is * it’s the first thing we tried *
And no impact on the game whatsoever .
rufi0_ says
The instructions for unlocking “Fail to build trust” didn’t work for me. Here is what did.
Before the balcony scene, make sure you
1. Investigate the entire condo and unlock all the clues.
2. Pick up the gun
On the balcony, use Daniel’s name. Then, make your way toward the wounded cop: you’ll be ignoring Daniel’s threat to kill you, after you’ve made your first dialogue choice. Throughout the rest of the encounter, continue moving closer to Daniel.
1. Release Hostage
2. Examine the cop, and ignore Daniel’s threat.
3. Lie about the gun.
4. Possible Cause
5. Do not dismiss the helicopter
6. Last Chance
7. Compromise
8. Reassure
After that, you can choose to have Connor run up and sacrifice himself, or allow Daniel and the hostage to fall to their death.
Warlock says
Not working sadly, there were like 2 steps before chopper dismiss…
Ivorysword says
After many failed attempts at failing to build trust, I finally got it!
Investigate everything, leave the gun. Once you head out to the balcony, just stay where you are. Pick the following responses:
Possible cause
DON’T dismiss helicopters
Then you can mash X and save Emma if you want.
Mike says
THIS worked, thanks. Also, you CAN go and save the cop and still get ‘Fail To Build Trust’. But you have to go Empathize>Possible Cause>Realistic>Sympathetic>Don’t Dismiss The Helicopter>Rational>Compromise>Reassure as you’ve said.
Lee says
Worth pointing out that the “Daniel shoots Conner”” option is only available if you are as close as you can be to Daniel.
Shyler Adams says
Don’t forget the picture of the family next to the door when you first start!
Rebecca Kent says
You can save the cop on the left AND build trust with Deviant (saving the girl and everyone, including Connor, survives), both on casual and experienced difficulty.
Rebecca Kent says
After you gather all relevant information (Gun in master bedroom, tablet and headphones in girl’s bedroom, both bodies and all information attached (pick up gun), shoe and blue blood next to porch door, look outside and see deviant and child), go outside.
– (X) Name
*Walk towards cop as quickly as game allows… Either reach him before or after next conversation prompt. Either way, hit (O) Ignore, to apply the tourniquet*
– “Are you armed?!” => Tell the truth (yes)
– Empathetic
– Dismiss Helicopter
Hit all unlocked choices to calm down the deviant (e.g. “You and Emma”)
*At the end of all this, deviant’s stability should be in the high 90’s*
As a last ditch thing, make sure to hit “Trust” at the very end.
Avavu says
In my playthrough I didn’t take the gun and Ignored Daniel when he told me not to help the injured police officer on the roof, but I collected enough information to build trust to 100% and have him release the hostage.
Morgan says
Does anybody know how to get Connor to get the ‘Protected Emma’ ending where he bunches over her and Daniel shoots him a few times while falling? I keep getting the ending where he and Daniel fall to their deaths.
Jen says
For anyone struggling to achieve the ending “Connor failed to reach deviant in time” – you need to change your difficulty settings to experienced in order for the X button mash to occur. Once it does, DONT press X. This will cause Conner to jump and miss! Hope this helps!
Taylor says
There’s another way to build trust if you want to save the cop
* Save the cop – Ignore (apply tourniquet)
Maybe this is on the easier mode, but I got him to 99% with trust, then 100% with reassure
Taylor says
(edit) I also picked up the gun then told the truth about being armed
Hadley says
How do you get “Get Close Enough”? It seems like an Auto Unlock if you don’t fail to negotiate. I don’t see it listed in this walkthrough?
leo says
seems like this is a me-problem, but i cant get ‘Connor leapt for Emma and fell’?
instead i always get the ‘Connor failed to reach Deviant in time’ ending.
Any tips?