Russian Roulette is the 18th chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the Russian Roulette level for 100% completion.
Triggers automatically after completing the Zlatko Chapter.
Flowchart 100% Complete:
Here’s a quick overview of the 100% complete flowchart for “Russian Roulette”:
Checkpoint: Emerge in the Zen Garden
- Join Amanda: This chapter starts in Amanda’s garden. Go talk to her, this is an unmissable story objective.
Checkpoint: Arrive at Hank’s Place
When you arrive at Hank’s house, interact with all marked objects around his place (press to scan and highlight everything).
- Knock on Door: Knock on the front door.
- Ring Bell: Hank doesn’t show up when you knock so ring the door bell.
- Ring Again: …and ring the door bell once more.
- Check Car: There’s a car in the driveway, check the window.
- Check Bedroom Window: This is the window left of the door.
- Check Front Living Room Window: This is the window to the right of the door.
- Check Back Living Room Window: Go around the corner on the right and check the window at the back of the building to the living room. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE KITCHEN WINDOW YET!
- Spot Hank and Break In: Lastly, interact with the kitchen window and look around a little to spot Hank on the floor.
Checkpoint: Enter House
- Hank’s Dog Attacks: When you enter, Hank’s dog “Sumo” always attacks, automatic part of the story.
- Calm Hank’s Dog: If you saw the dog hair on hank’s chair in Waiting for Hank… and exhausted the DOG dialogue option with him afterward, you will have learned the dog’s name is ‘Sumo’. With this knowledge, Connor will calm the dog by calling it by its name.
- Rile Hank’s Dog: If Connor did not learn the name of Hank’s dog in Waiting for Hank… then this task completes automatically (because Connor doesn’t know the dog’s name it will rile the dog upon entering the kitchen through the window).
- Analyze Hank: Press
to analyze the clues on Hank. There are 4 in total: Gun, Whiskey Bottle, his Chest, his Mouth.
- Take Hank to the Bathroom: You have to wake up Hank, this is an unmissable part of the story. Doing so results in a little loss in reputation, no way around it. Hank▼
- Distant Attitude: After putting Hank in the bathtub, pick on of these dialogues:
- Understanding Attitude: After putting Hank in the bathtub, pick this dialogue:
- Distant Attitude: After putting Hank in the bathtub, pick on of these dialogues:
- Take Hippy Shirt: Now you have to pick a shirt for hank from his bedroom. There are 3 options but you can only pick one per playthrough. This will take 3 replays, always picking a different shirt. Bring Hank the Hippy Shirt.
- Take Streaky Shirt: Bring Hank the Streaky Shirt from his bedroom.
- Take Stripy Shirt: Bring Hank the Stripy Shirt from his bedroom.
Wait for Hank
After giving Hank a shirt he wants to be left alone and you can explore the house for a little while. Don’t take too long or he’ll come in and the level ends (you have around 3 minutes or so). Make sure you keep the gun for last, checking it will end the mission!
- Read “Pull the Plug?”: This magazine is on the floor in Hank’s bedroom. Be sure to check both topic, they count as separate collectibles.
- Read “Tainted Love”: This magazine is on the floor in Hank’s bedroom. Be sure to check both topic, they count as separate collectibles.
- Pet Hank’s Dog: Hank’s dog sleeps near the door, go interact with it.
- Learn Hank’s Interests: In the living room check the music record to learn the type of Music Hank listens to. Another visual clue is above the fireplace by the TV.
- Find Picture of Hank’s Son [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]: Check the kitchen table. On it is a picture of his dead son. Viewing this picture unlocks important dialogue choices in chapters “The Bridge” and “Battle for Detroit – Connor at the CyberLife Tower”. It’s one of the most important clues in the game and can decide over Connor’s life or death later on.
- Learn Hank was Playing Russian Roulette: Lastly, check the gun on the floor. I chose
QUESTION and then Hank told me he was playing Russian Roulette with his gun. Connor notes he was lucky, the next bullet would have killed him.
- Hank is Ready: Triggers automatically after checking the gun or if you took a long time to explore the house.
–> Left for Eden Club (Mission Ending)
Russian Roulette Endings
Left for Eden Club: There is only one ending to this mission and no way around it. You can’t mess this up, either check Hank’s gun on the kitchen floor or roam around his house until he is ready to leave.
All done! This concludes the Russian Roulette Chapter.
Up Next: Spare Parts
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
@SirUlrichVL says
I’ve been able to check other things after checking Hank’s gun. I think to get him to appear quickly it is a combination of both the gun and the photo.
@MechaboyDos says
One of the dialogue options with Amanda is always locked, how do I unlock it?
Michelle W. says
I read somewhere that because of a bug in the game, that choice is never unlocked. (And believe me, I’ve tried every which way to unlock that option!)
JMartini says
The chapter ends when you check the photo of his son I believe and the locked option for Amanda is if Connor died in any of the last chapters
Big_Druuski says
I’ve died with Connor and the answer was still locked. What am I missing?
darkrage6 says
Maybe you have to have died more then once? I’ll see what it is when i’m going for the “I’ll Be Back” Trophy
MikeinCT says
It might be the diary you can find in The Nest.
Mong-Ying says
For the shirt,you only have to choose one
rooter says
Contrary to what you say here, Hank’s opinion of Connor in this chapter only goes down if Connor died in The Nest. If Connor survived The Nest and takes him to the bathroom, there will be no drop in opinion.
Katya says
Nice quite,though you forgot to add after the bathtub and “rational” tease or leave, if ur reading this,pick tease it does no harm to your friendship with hank.
mall grab says
Late player here, can’t seem to calm Hank’s dog even though I did ask Hank about the dog in ”Waiting for Hank”, bugged?