Night of the Soul is the 31st chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the Night of the Soul level for 100% completion.
Triggers automatically after completing the Crossroads Chapter.
Night of the Soul Flowchart 100% Complete – Markus Branch
Here’s a quick overview of the Markus flowchart for “Night of the Soul”:
(thanks to ChollaSprings & BromptonCcktail for providing 100% flowchart images)
Checkpoint: Pay Respects
- [CROSS CHAPTER] Carl Died in ‘Broken’: Markus did NOT push Leo in Broken so Carl died.
- Confide in Carl: Talk to Carl’s gravestone. Continue with “Markus on Sacred Ground” (Connor became deviant and survived), or “Thin Ice” (Connor stayed Machine).
Checkpoint: Welcome Home
- [CROSS CHAPTER] Carl deteriorated after Leo was hurt in ‘Broken’: Markus pushed Leo in ‘Broken’ so that Carl didn’t die of a heart attack.
- Enter the House: Happens automatically on this path.
Explore the House
The choices in this section require 3 playthroughs minimum for The Painter chapter (depends on what you chose to pass time in that chapter!).
- Browse Books: Markus read a book in The Painter
- Play Piano: Markus played the piano in The Painter
- Look at the Chessboard: Markus played chess in The Painter
- Listen to Leo’s Message: This is always available no matter what you chose in The Painter.
- Look at Your Painting: Look at the painting you made in The Painter.
- Go Upstairs: Unmissable in this branch.
- Carl’s Nurse Intervenes: Unmissable in this branch.
- Convert Carl’s Nurse: Unmissable in this branch.
- Enter Bedroom: Unmissable in this branch.
- Reconcile with Carl: Unmissable in this branch.
- Confide in Carl
- Carl Dies: Pick the angry option twice so he dies (*credit to JoeShmoe)
- Leave: This is always the end result of this section, no way around it.
Checkpoint: North Among the People
- North Among the People: Markus died (Freedom March or Crossroads) and Connor didn’t find the location to Jericho (insufficient evidence / Jericho wasn’t attacked as a result). Kara must have been alive at least until ‘The Midnight Train’ chapter.
- Call To Arms: Unmissable in this branch.
- North Decided to Attack the Camp (Ending): Result of the above.
Checkpoint: North on Sacred Ground
- [CROSS CHAPTER] Jericho Lost their Leader in a previous Scene: Markus died (Freedom March or Crossroads) and Connor found the location of Jericho (Jericho was attacked as a result).
- [CROSS CHAPTER] Jericho was attacked in ‘Crossroads: Connor found enough evidence in ‘Last Chance, Connor’ and went to Jericho, thus Jericho was attacked by soldiers.
- Deviants Regroup: Markus died (Freedom March or Crossroads) and Connor found the location of Jericho (Jericho was attacked as a result).
- Call To Arms: Result of the above.
- North Decided to Attack the Camp (Ending): Result of the above.
Checkpoint: Markus Among the People
- Markus Among the People: Markus is alive and Connor didn’t find the location to Jericho (insufficient evidence / Jericho wasn’t attacked as a result). Markus can now make two choices whether to launch a peaceful demonstration or violent attack.
- Violent Attack
- Markus Chose to Fight for His People (Ending): Markus chose Violent Revolution.
- Peaceful Protest
- Markus Chose to Protest for His People (Ending): Markus chose Peaceful Protest.
- Violent Attack
Checkpoint: Markus on Sacred Ground
- Markus on Sacred Ground: Markus is alive and Connor found the location of Jericho (Jericho was attacked as a result).
- Deviants Regroup: Result of the above (automatic).
- Talk To North: if North is still alive.
- Share a Moment with North: Must be lovers with North to share a quiet moment together.
- Talk to Kara: if Kara is still alive and wasn’t captured by police in ‘Crossroads’.
- Talk to Josh: if Josh is still alive.
- Talk To Simon: if Simon is still alive.
- Talk to Connor: if Connor became deviant and joined Markus as a result.
- Kill Connor: When Markus is in the church he must talk with Connor and choose not the trust him, then he shoots Connor (Credit to Sean for this tip).
- A New Connor Will be Sent (Ending): Result of killing Connor.
- Spare Connor: Don’t kill Connor, just talk to him and have him agree to go to CyberLife.
- Kill Connor: When Markus is in the church he must talk with Connor and choose not the trust him, then he shoots Connor (Credit to Sean for this tip).
- Talk To North: if North is still alive.
- Violent Attack
- Markus Chose to Fight for His People (Ending): Markus chose Violent Revolution.
- Peaceful Protest
- Markus Chose to Protest for His People (Ending): Markus chose Peaceful Protest.
Night of the Soul Flowchart 100% Complete – Connor Branch
Here’s a quick overview of the Connor flowchart for “Night of the Soul”:
Checkpoint: Thin Ice
- The Last Assignment: Only if Hank quit the police force in ‘Last Chance, Connor’ (Connor must have HOSTILE relationship with Hank in that chapter so he quits the police force). Now Connor arrives at Hank’s house in a taxi.
Checkpoint: Hank’s House
- Hank’s House: Only if Hank quit the police force in ‘Last Chance, Connor’ (Connor must have HOSTILE relationship with Hank in that chapter so he quits the police force).
- Enter House: Unmissable in this branch.
- Talk to Hank: Unmissable in this branch.
- Hank Confides About His Son: Connor died (at least twice?) during the playthrough and came back. Then Hank makes a comment that “every time you died and came back it reminded me of Cole” (*Credit to CurtCoyote & JoeShmoe).
- Hank Rails Against Androids: Connor never died on this playthrough (*Credit to CurtCoyote & JoeShmoe).
- Hank Confides About His Son: Connor died (at least twice?) during the playthrough and came back. Then Hank makes a comment that “every time you died and came back it reminded me of Cole” (*Credit to CurtCoyote & JoeShmoe).
- Leave: Unmissable in this branch.
- Hank Committed Suicide (Ending): You will hear a loud “bang” as you leave. Hank shot himself in the head with his revolver.
Checkpoint: Connor on Sacred Ground
- Connor on Sacred Ground: Markus is already dead (Freedom March or Crossroads) and Connor became deviant in Crossroads (joined North).
- Deviants Regroup: Unmissable in this branch.
- Explore The Church: Unmissable in this branch.
- Talk To North: North will always be alive in this branch.
- Apologize to Kara: Only if Kara was running from Connor in On the Run (Connor saw her).
- Check On Josh: Only if Markus died in Crossroads chapter.
- Check On Simon: Only if Simon is still alive & Markus died in Crossroads chapter.
- North Calls To Arms: Unmissable, always happens in this branch.
- North Decided To Attack Camp (Ending): The unmissable end result of this branch.
*A very special thanks to ChollaSprings & BromptonCcktail for sending in the flowchart images*
All done! This concludes the Night of the Soul Chapter.
Up Next: Battle for Detroit
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
ahsoka tano says
get markus to shoot connor when he is talking to him
Sean says
To kill Connor you just choose not to trust him in the church after he becomes deviant and joins Markus
Natanaty says
I didn’t look at the photo but Hank still talked about his son, i don’t know, maybe you need to not look at his desk in wait for hank?
CurtCoyote says
Hank rails against androids if Connor hasn’t died during the playthrough. I believe he confides about his son if Connor has died at least twice because he mentions “everytime you died and came back it reminded me of Cole”.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added to the guide!
Tony says
I looked at the photo of cole, Connor died more then twice, but was hated in relationship. I suspect to get the dialogue about cole from Hank, you’d need to be tense or better….
Onmens says
This is just a guess, but could Hank Rails Against Androids happen if Markus killed Chris in a previous chapter? Or if public opinion is very low?
Seems logical, but like I said, it’s just a guess.
JoeShmoe says
No, I always choose revenge and it doesn’t cause Hank to rail against androids.
Pauuuu says
I think it’s not about that or Connor not dying in the playthrough. I simply didn’t look at the photo in ‘Russian Roulette’ which causes the player to never find out about Cole making Hank mentioning him illogical, so they had to come up with this alternative dialogue. Worked for me, I’m not 100% sure though
JoeShmoe says
For Carl to die in Night of the Soul, you need to choose to be angry twice. Otherwise he won’t die.
For Hank to confide about his son. I’m not sure what the requirements are because I’ve always gotten this, but whenever he confides about his son, he always talks about how every time Connor died, he thought about his son. So I figure if Connor died (at least once or twice?) this is what you’ll get. I’m playing through it again with hostile public opinion and trying not to let Connor die to see if that affects anything. (Although I already had Hank shoot Connor so he died once).
JoeShmoe says
Update: I just reached Night of the Soul and Hank didn’t confide about his son. So whatever I did, one of those things triggers the Hank rails on androids option. Don’t die as Connor at all (with the exception of Hank shooting Connor), public opinion is hostile, Hank is hostile (he has to be to even get this scene at all), Connor is a deviant. I think it’s the first thing that triggers it ultimately, but this is what I did this playthrough.
JoeShmoe says
The only chapters I don’t have 100% on are Fugitives, On the Run, Last Chance Connor, and Battle for Detroit – Kara Leaves Detroit. And for those, I’m only missing one box per chapter. Except Fugitives which is bugged. If you want screenshots, let me know. I’ll add you.
PowerPyx says
Sure that would help, Night of the Soul and especially the Battle for Detroit flowcharts would be really great to have
You can send them to my PSN-ID “PowerPyx” or via email or to my Twitter @PowerPyx and I’ll credit you on those pages.
JoeShmoe says
Michelle Wolfe says
How do you get the “threaten” option in the Pirate’s Cove chapter?!
ProfitGameing says
There is a third dialogue for hank. I unlocked it by dying twice, doing my best to keep my system instability down. Hank will say that connor helped him opean hes eyes to see androids are built in mans image n are just as vial as human n that he doesint see any hope anymore.
HorseySeven says
How in the world did you get the last two nodes at the very top? I had Connor have insufficient evidence and I had Markus die in Freedom March, and it ends the story. I also had Connor fail to find Jericho with evidence and had Markus denounced as the leader of Jericho, and that also didn’t work. The heck am I doing wrong here?
HorseySeven says
Okay, if you can, please add this to the “North among the people” node: Kara must be alive before Midnight Train for this to trigger. If she is dead before then, the Kamski secret ending will always trigger.
Lianna says
Connor died three time in my playthrough. I unlocked “Hank rails against androids” when I choose Goodbye, Appologize, then “Alcohol”.
NewVincent says
This is true. I got both options from replaying the same playthrough. It is not needed to not die at all, I have died twice and still got it.
The confides you get if you are compassionate with Hank. You try to apologize reconcile and mention the gun. I did not have the extra dialogue even though I died twice (once by Hostile Hank another protecting Hank at News Tower – maybe the Hank one does not count)
The other path is just like Liana said. Be as Android as you can. Say you are worried, then apologize then mention alcohol.
I noticed that this works also if Connor kills Markus on Crossroads. So I suggest you replay Crossroads, fail to reach the gun with Markus in the engine room and pick the options above in Night of the Soul
MiauTheWorld says
I had Connor die only two times and was still able to get him to become a Deviant. So when I get to Hank’s house in Night House in Night of the Soul Connor is wearing human clothes.
1st death in The Hostage, 2nd at The Bridge (Hank killed me even if I showed fear, because of course he is hostile). I did see Cole’s picture on Russian Roulette. And Hank did not mention the part about “kept dying and coming back…”
DarkCreature says
To unlock “Hank rails against androids”
I successfully unlocked it after 5 turns:
First Turn: Was killing Connor whenever possible therefore received the I’ll Be Back trophy but failed miserably to unlock the node.
Second to Fourth Turns: Followed the original message written in this walkthrough only to discover that it was technically impossible to keep Connor alive constantly and Hank to reach the Hostile phase in their relationship. In short, Connor remains alive is totally INCORRECT. I literally wasted a day on this
Fifth Turn: I finally unlocked it by going through this: PARTNERS – Spill drink, Solve Case; THE INTERROGATION – Deviant remained alive and told me ‘The truth is inside’; ON THE RUN – Kara sleeps in parking lot so she escapes stealthily; THE NEST – Chased Rupert, Saved Hank; RUSSIAN ROULETTE – whatever happens their relationship remains the same from last chapter; THE EDEN CLUB – killed both Tracis; THE BRIDGE – keep Hank from shooting you; PUBLIC ENEMY – find deviant android and let him KILL you; MEET KAMSKI – shoot Chloe but ask wrong question to Kamski; LAST CHANCE, CONNOR – Hank resigns, use both Tracis to unlock Jericho location; CROSSROADS – Connor remains Machine, get killed by soldier when trying to Run; NIGHT OF THE SOUL – Like Lianna said choose Goodbye, Apologize and Alcohol.
It’s only fair to mention that during my 5th playthrough I had also: SPARE PARTS – John was left behind; STRATFORD TOWER – Markus killed Simon; FREEDOM MARCH – Markus committed suicide and in CAPITOL PARK – Markus went violent and ended killing Chris. Please consider this optional.
Mivi says
About “North on Sacred Ground” – you write that Markus have died, but he can also just have left (or been thrown out of) Jericho.
In my playthrough, he was neither good nor evil, just an terribly inept coward – and so he was the last man standing in the last cutscene… very alone on the rooftop after everyone else had died and his people were lost.
(I had to go back and make better decisions after that, but it sure was an interesting playthrough.)
Desbrina says
How do I get the check on josh when playing as Connor? Every time I’ve played josh has died in crossroads
Gray Fox says
You will be with markus then become deviant connor.then save jash and die with markus on last section of crassroads.
Marierpet says
In Hank’s house – I died as Connor two times (one was when Hank shot him), public opinion-hated, Connor was a deviant and Habk -Hostile and he railed against androids… I don’t know is it because I talked about the picture of his son or what but that happened…
Milo says
Hank Rails Against Androids… I died twice during this playthorugh and while wrapping up the last nodes of Crossroads, I visited Hank and I got the “Hank Rails Against Androids” node. I think it has something to do the playthorugh and the questions you ask Hank. I choose “worried about Hank”, “Alcohol”, and “Gun”. Then the node unlocked. Don’t mention the photo.
Nightingale says
I think my version has a problem. In the scene after the party, I had Marcus not defend himself against Leo and Carl died from a heart attack – however, he is apparently still alive in this scene and I cannot get the graveside scene to activate at all. :/
Ben G says
The link to the the next chapter just appears as text. No blue bar.
PowerPyx says
And nobody noticed for a year :o
Thanks bro for pointing this out, fixed now!
Jcubed says
I think you have to have Amanda not trust you for the thin ice beginning. Because my mission just started with Connor going to Hanks home, and right now I am trusted by her.
MadRabbit says
Makes sense, I had a very good relationship with Amanda, although died every time for the I’ll be back trophy….it’d be weird to be on “thin ice” with her.
Sitron says
I know this is old but you get Thin Ice if Connor died in Crossroads. (Similarly in Battle for Detroit you get In the Zen Garden if Markus kills Connor in Night of the Soul.)
Lozzer!!! says
I’m trying to get 100% on night of the soul with Connor. I followed this guide but no matter what I do he’s tense. Then when he’s actually hostile and I’m at his house he ALWAYS talks about Cole. Help what do I do ?!
aquaphx says
fck markus, connor should be the leader
Sitron says
If Connor has died 3 times or more you will always get “Hank confides about his son”.
If Connor has died 2 times or less you will always get “Hank rails againts androids”.
There is an impossible path where you get neither of the nodes, for that to happen you need to have died 2 times or less while also not having a Hostile relationship with Hank (this is impossible since Hank leaves immediately in Last Chance if you start that chapter at Hostile).
Every chapter where Connor can die counts towards those 3 deaths, which means that it should be possible to get “Hank confides about his son” without Hank ever seeing Connor die (deaths: The Hostage, Last Chance, & Crossroads).
Colin Faulkner says
To get 100% on Night of the Soul for Markus visiting Carl at home do I have to read the book in The Painter and then play all the way through the game to unlock “Browse Books”?
Ambra says
Hi! I think that the checkpoint “Thin ice” for Connor is wrong :/
For me it happened by letting machine Connor die in Crossroads (for example by running away from the soldier when he tried to stop me), and also Markus and Kara died in Crossroads (i don’t know if it’s required, though). But the relationship with Hank was NOT hostile (I was friends with him) and so he didn’t quit the police in Last Chance, Connor.
Cyberlife just sent another Connor (since the previous one just died) to kill the leader of the deviants (which is North for me now)