Midnight Train is the 25th chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the Midnight Train level for 100% completion.
Triggers automatically after completing the Public Enemy Chapter.
Flowchart 100% Complete:
Here’s a quick overview of the 100% complete flowchart for “Midnight Train”:
Checkpoint: Arrive at Rose’s Place
- Meet Rose and Adam Outside: Happens automatically at the start of the mission when you walk behind the house.
- Luther and Alice Join Kara: If Kara escaped in ‘Chapter: Zlatko’ and took Luther with her, they will all be together now.
- Check on Alice: After talking to Rose, walk to Alice and press
to TALK (before entering the house!).
- Enter the House: Unmissable, follow Rose inside her house.
Checkpoint: Inside the House
- Follow Adam to the Guest Room: Unmissable. Follow Adam (Rose’s son) upstairs.
- Get Alice Rady for Bed: Unmissable.
- Draw Curtains: Before leaving the bedroom, interact with the curtains by the window.
- Talk to Rose: Unmissable.
- Luther watches over Alice: Unmissable. He watches Alice when Kara leaves the room (assuming Kara escaped Zlatko’s villa and took Luther with her).
- Follow Rose to Laundry Room: Unmissable. After talking to Rose, follow her to the laundry room.
- Alice Approaches Mary: Unmissable (cutscene).
- Let Alice See Mary: When Alice comes to the Laundry Room, choose dialogue:
- Prevent Alice Seeing Mary: When Alice comes to the Laundry Room, choose dialogue:
- Leave Laundry Room: Unmissable.
- Rose and Adam Argue: Unmissable (cutscene).
Checkpoint: Rose Leaves to Find Help
Explore the House
- Talk to Luther: Luther sits next to Alice by the fireplace, talk to him.
- Check on Alice: Walk over to Alice by the fireplace and press
- Check on Deviants: Walk over to the laundry room door and press
- Read Magazine: Read magazine on kitchen table.
- Watch News: Turn on the TV in the living room.
- See Family Photo: Interact with the photo on the cupboard in living room, press
- Adam Returns: Unmissable. Adam will come downstairs after a short while.
- Talk to Adam to Lower Tension: When Adam sits on the sofa in the living room, sit next to him and talk.
- Cop at Door: Unmissable. After roughly one minute a cop shows up at the door.
Find and Hide Evidence of Deviants
In this section you have roughly 50 seconds to hide away all evidence of other androids in the house.
- Change Magazine Cover: Works only if you read the magazine on kitchen table before. Pick it up again and change the cover from the android page to the news page.
- Hide Blue Blood Pouches: The blue blood is in the cupboard by the living room, close the cupboard.
- Tell Alice & Luther to Hide: Talk to Luther. You have 3 choices where you can tell them to hide. This will require 3 replays of the chapter.
- Upstairs
- In the Laundry Room
- In the Kitchen
- Draw Curtains: Only if you told Luther to hide in Kitchen. The curtain is found on the side of the kitchen where you saw Luther sneaking to.
- Curtain Left Open: Only if you told Luther to hide in Kitchen. Don’t interact with the curtain at all, leave it open. Results in the cop seeing Luther and killing him (bad ending).
- Shut the Door of Laundry Room: Close the door to the room where the other androids are hiding.
- Hide the Android Clothes: The android clothes are found on a cupboard in the living room next to the TV. Hide them in the cupboard.
Manage the Policeman
Open the door and let the policeman in.
- Lie About Alice: When the cop asks “is anyone else in the house?”, answer
- Police Suspicious about Upstairs: If you sent Luther & Alice upstairs in the previous part, there will be a noise upstairs. This makes the cop suspicious.
- Made Coffee: Go to kitchen and make a coffee for the cop.
- Policeman Discovers Alice & Luther Hidden: If you sent Luther to the kitchen and forgot to draw the curtain this objective completes.
- Luther died killing Policeman (Ending): Result of the above task. The cop will discover Luther and they kill each other.
- Policeman Sees Article: If you switch the cover of the magazine on kitchen table to the android topic and forgot to change it back, this task will complete.
- Policeman Discovers the Blue Blood: If you failed to hide the blue blood in the living room cupboard, this objective completes.
- Policeman Questions Adaman: If the policeman didn’t grow too suspicious and did not discover Luther he will question Adam at the end (Send Luther & Alice upstairs, be honest when cop asks if someone else in the house and hide all the android evidence to keep his suspicion level low).
- Policeman Sees Android Clothes: If you failed to hide the clothes on the living room cupboard this task completes (cop also isn’t allowed to discover Luther behind kitchen curtain).
- Policeman Suspicious: You didn’t hide any of the android evidence and when the cop hears a noise is the laundry room choose
DOG so he enters and sees the other androids hiding there. Before cop enters, don’t hide any evidence > change the magazine cover on kitchen table to android topic > send Luther upstairs. When he enters: Don’t make him coffee > tell him nobody is in the house (:x: NOBODY) > say you don’t have androids, the blue blood is not yours. When cop leaves and hears something in laundry room
- Cop Finds Androids in the Laundry Room: A result of the above task. When cop leaves and hears noise in laundry room choose
- Luther died saving other Deviants (Ending): A result of the above point. Then he will automatically come to save the other androids. Both Luther and the cop die. Of course Luther cannot be detected behind the kitchen curtain for this. I told Luther to hide in the kitchen and then closed the curtain to get this outcome.
- Cop Finds Androids in the Laundry Room: A result of the above task. When cop leaves and hears noise in laundry room choose
- Policeman Fooled: You successfully hid all the android evidence before letting the cop in and told Luther to hide upstairs. Then the cop leaves and everyone remains unharmed.
- Policeman left (Ending): Result of the above task.
Midnight Train Endings
- Luther Died Killing Policeman: When the policeman comes, send Luther to the kitchen (or don’t talk to him at all) and don’t close the curtain in the kitchen. Then the policeman finds and kills him. Luther kills the policeman, both die.
- Luther Died Saving other Deviants: You made the policeman suspicious. Luther was hiding in the kitchen but you closed the curtain so he remained unseen. When the cop is about to leave and hears something in the laundry room, choose
DOG and the cop will enter the room. Luther jumps out of hiding to save the androids. Both Luther and the policeman die.
- Policeman Left: You didn’t make the cop suspicious, did hide all evidence before he entered. When cop leaves and hears noise in the laundry room, choose dialogue WASHING MACHINE and he will leave.
All done! This concludes the Midnight Train Chapter.
Up Next: Capitol Park
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
inuship says
how do you check on alice while exploring the house? theres no promt, maybe it only shows up on specific circumstances?
inuship says
nevermind i figured it out, it only shows up if you let alice see mary in the laundry room
LULU says
Yeah I got hung up on that one for a minute too
jan gardemeister says
During the “explore the house” sequence i never finish to check everything the photo, the tv, talk to Alice, talk to Luther and so on before the cop rings the bell. What am i doing wrong? Maybe checking these things in certain order might work?
Bkw says
I red the new paper quickly, then paused it and unpaused it, cop rings, didn’t have time to check anything
Eli says
How do you get this mission if you died with Kara in zlatkos house?
Anti moron patrol says
Well if kara is dead then you don’t… ? How can kara still go to the next location if she is dead. That’s like saying your nan died three weeks ago but she will went to the shop two days ago. My god dude wake up.
Simon says
Actually I chose dog instead washing machine when heard the noise in the laundry room and it was still fine
Alvin says
Same i chose the dog option and the police officer still left with no issues.. i think this level doesn’t punish you too much for leaving evidence or choosing the wrong decision
Damian Vixen says
I tell Luther and Alice to hide in the kitchen, I close the curtain and don’t hide any evidence so I’ll get the “Luther saves other androids” ending but no matter what I do I still get the policeman fooled and he leaves. Any ideas?
Damian Vixen says
Nvm I got it. You’re supposed to say “heard nothing”
Stefan says
You don’t have to hide any evidence in order to fool the policeman. Just be sure to calm Adam before you open the door, make coffee to reduce the policeman’s suspicion, make sure that he doesn’t find Luther, say that Adam is tired when he questions him and reply with “washing machine” when he asks you about the noise in the laundry room. I even changed the magazine cover to the AX400 advertisement without changing it back and lied about Alice, and I still fooled him.
Tony T says
which brings me to my problem… I WANT the policeman to check the magazine (I’m leaving it on the android article) so I can get the flowchart to 100% but he won’t lol I’ve tried 3-4 different playthroughs on the chapter trying to get that, is there some special conditions (s) for that?
Madmak says
You can only check on Alice in Explore The House if you let Alice see Mary
Nyxeris says
How do you reassure Adam after he panics?