From the Dead is the 11th chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the From the Dead level for 100% completion.
Triggers automatically after completing the Fugitives Chapter.
Flowchart 100% Complete:
Here’s a quick overview of the 100% complete flowchart for “From the Dead”.
Checkpoint: Back to Life
Regardless of your previous choices, Markus always ends up severely damaged in a junkyard, left for dead. In the first section he has to replace his two broken legs.
- Analyze Self: After the intro scene, hold
to analyze yourself. There are 4 spots on Markus’s body that need to be analyzed. The LED on his head, the Audio Processor in his ear, the Pump Regulator in his chest, and his broken leg. On Casual these are marked by yellow lines, on Experienced you have to find these yourself.
- Repair Legs: Follow the button prompts to repair the legs, nothing you can do wrong here.
- Hear About Jericho: After standing up, there will be an android stuck on the side of the area telling Markus to go to Jericho.
- Passage of Limbs: Next there’s a tight chasm Markus needs to squeeze through. There are hands of dying androids sticking out the side trying to hold Markus down. Press the button prompts here.
Checkpoint: Junkyard
We are now in the main junkyard area where we have to locate replacement parts for Markus. The best route for 100% completion is to stick to the far left side of the area.
- Find Optical Unit: On the far left side there’s an android head sticking out the side of a wall. You can interact with it which brings a lot of dead androids falling down from a crane. This leads to the next two flowchart tasks.
- Crane Dumps Bodies: If you picked up the Optical Unit described above the bodies will fall on Markus.
- Dig Yourself Out: Did yourself out of the android bodies that fell on Markus. This gets you the Optical Unit replacement part, allowing you to scan the area with
- Dig Yourself Out: Did yourself out of the android bodies that fell on Markus. This gets you the Optical Unit replacement part, allowing you to scan the area with
- Crane Dumps Bodies: If you picked up the Optical Unit described above the bodies will fall on Markus.
- Android Begs to Die: On the far left side just next to where the android bodies came crashing down the crane there’s an android crawling around the floor. It’s easy to overlook so walk around a little bit on the left side where you just found the Optical Unit. You will walk into the crawling android and he stops you in a short dialogue. He begs you to kill him. You have two options as described below.
- Refuse to Kill: Don’t kill him
- Kill: Kill him.
- Find Pump Regulator in Android: There are multiple pump regulators around the junkyard. The one we need is in the very middle of the area, few steps away from the android begging to die. You can scan for it with
and it will show up in yellow color. The android with the pump doesn’t move but when you interact with it, it suddenly awakes.
- Refuse to Kill for Pump: Don’t kill the android. Then you have to find a compatible Pump Regulator from another android (luckily, this isn’t the only one). You can scan the area and find another one near the slope. –> This will lead you to another objective “Find Pump Regulator in Dead Android”.
- Kill for Pump: Kill the dying android for the pump.
- Find Audio Processor: The audio processor is in a head on the right side of the area (to the right of where you started in the junkyard). You can scan with
to find it more easily.
- Find Pump Regulator in Dead Android: If you didn’t kill the android in the middle of the area for its pump (or you never found it in the first place) you can also get a pump regulator from a dead android near the slope.
- Climb Slope: With all parts found (Optical Unit, Pump, Audio Processor) you can now climb the slippery slope marked as a main objective (at the end of the junkyard).
Checkpoint: Markus Came Back from the Dead
After Markus reaches the top of the slope he must still remove his LED (to appear like a human). Then he walks away and the ‘From the Dead’ chapter ends.
Up Next: Waiting for Hank…
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
Detroit says
Any idea why the previous chapter was skipped?
PowerPyx says
Don’t have 100% in it yet. Still adding it
Layla says
Did you find the andriod in the attic? If no, it will skip the scene/chapter before this
V says
Since update 1.04, there is a bug in this chapter similar to the bug in Fugitives. The options for removing the pump or not doesn’t register both.
Sitron says
I had this bug before 1.04, was able to get 100% later but can’t remember if I did anything special or if it just fixed itself randomly
Hamers says
This might be fixed since 1.05, but I’m not sure
Clannoc says
It didn’t register “Refuse to kill for pump” for me as well, but after sparing her once I faced her a second time, spared her again and then it unlocked. Another 100% chapter :D
Lothario77 says
If you are facing the slop, on the right of it is an easter egg. Kara singing Sakura song.
jan gardemeister says
I found the optical unit in a different way. There was a head on the ground and when i picked it up it started talking and said it was an AK700 model. Later on i couldn’t trigger the crane dumps bodies anymore.
Poop says
Me too
Chris says
I think thats only there when connor gets killed in the opening chapter. He died in mine and that head was also there
BLTrendafilov says
I can’t seem to get “android begs to die” to trigger. I found the android, but Markus just walks right through him.
Wizzurd says
I had to walk through him about three or four times.
Mari says
I can’t get the android to beg for death. I’ve walked over him like 20 times in 3 different runs and only got him to do it once.
CyberLife says
Its kind about timing and trick . As soon as that Area starts . Get the Audio Processor First (Nothing Else) , then walk by him . It will Beg.
But if you waste too much time roaming around or get other thing First it will not beg.
Rob says
You can get both the optical and audio units before coming across the crawler though it seems to only trigger if dont use the audio unit that the android had in its Hand needs to be taken out the head of another one then as start to walk the crawler grabs you.