Freedom March is the 28th chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the Freedom March level for 100% completion.
Triggers automatically after completing the Meet Kamski Chapter.
Flowchart 100% Complete:
Here’s a quick overview of the flowchart for “Freedom March” (the two red options at the end are ‘Simon Sacrifices Himself’ / ‘John Sacrifices Himself’):
*Thanks to BromptonCcktail for the flowcharts and ChollaSprings for helping with completion of this chapter
Checkpoint: Time to Reflect
- Look at Broken Mirror: On the right side of the roof where you start is a mirror you can pick up.
- Play Piano: The piano is found on the right side of the roof.
- Read “Android Arson”: At the very start of the chapter, after taking control of Markus, it’s found just 1-2 steps to the left of where you start. Literally just where you spawn look at the floor to the left. For me it only spawned after Markus freed the Androids from the store and did a violent riot in “Chapter: Capitol Park”.
- Read “Eastern Space Race”: At the very start of the chapter, after taking control of Markus, it’s found just 1-2 steps to the left of where you start. Literally just where you spawn look at the floor to the left. For me it only spawned after Markus freed the Androids from the store and did a violent riot in “Chapter: Capitol Park”.
- Walk on Beam: Walk on the beam in front of where you start. Beware this triggers North to arrive so do the other objectives first.
North Arrives (happens automatically and triggers a talk)
- Share Past: Pick dialogue “TRUTH”.
- Hide Past: Pick dialogue “AVOID”.
- Ask North About Past: Pick dialogue “NORTH’S PAST”.
- Leave: Pick dialogue “LEAVE”.
- [CROSS CHAPTER] Share Memories: Only possible if North has positive reputation with Markus (friendly/lovers). Pick the dialogues NORTH’S PAST > UNDERSTANDING > TRUST. Then you get the option to “connect” to her. This causes Markus and North to become lovers and can lead to them kissing at later points in the game which is one possibility for the pacifist game ending. This is the recommended route as it will open up the most possibilities later on. North ▲▲▲
- North Leaves: Only possible if North has low reputation with Markus. Pick the dialogue “NORTH’S PAST” and if she’s hostile she will walk away and not talk to you (locks some possibilities in the final chapter, can’t kiss North later).
After North Leaves
- Simon Survived in ‘Public Enemy’: In ‘Stratford Tower‘ Simon was wounded and left behind on the roof (alive). If Connor didn’t find him in ‘Public Enemy‘ then Simon will now rejoin the crew.
Checkpoint: Reunited in Jericho
- Simon Forgives Markus: In ‘Stratford Tower‘ Simon was wounded and left behind on the roof (alive). If Connor didn’t find him in ‘Public Enemy‘ then Simon will now rejoin the crew.
Checkpoint: In the Mall
- Convert Android Vendor: From where you start in the mall he is on the right side.
- Convert Personal Android: The first ‘personal android’ is on the right side of the mall, at the end of the mall.
- Convert Android Cleaner: On the left side of the mall.
- Convert Security Android: At the end of the mall where you exit.
- Convert Parked Androids: Outside the mall, on the left there’s one android, on the right side two androids. They are standing in the blue android parking spots. Must free both groups.
- Convert Personal Android: Outside the mall, in front of a big truck convert the android. The owner will then turn around to try and stop it, resulting in the next two flowchart choices.
- Be Aggressive with Owner: After converting personal android, pick dialogue “INTERVENE”.
- Be Calm with Owner: After converting personal android, pick dialogue “CONVINCE”.
- Prepare the March: Automatic unmissable objective after converting at least one android.
- Convert Delivery Androids: There are two delivery androids outside the mall on the far left side.
- Delivery Androids Block the Road: Happens automatically after converting the two delivery androids.
- Open Manhole: After delivery androids block the road with their truck, check the manhole cover on the road (behind truck).
Checkpoint: Start the March
- Convert AX400: When the March starts, look to your immediate left, press
to convert an AX400 model (looks just like Kara).
- Convert Android Worker: To your immediate right when the March starts.
- Convert Androids: Press any of the button prompts during the march to convert a group of androids (you don’t have to convert all, just one).
- Hack Screens: As you walk, look to the right. There are some screens/billboards. Press
to look at it, choose an icon you want to hack the screen with.
- Policeman Blocks March: Unmissable. During the March a policeman will automatically block the path, giving you two choices.
- Raise Hands: Pick option “RAISE HANDS”
- Ignore: Pick option “ADVANCE”
- Chant: After passing the policeman you can press one of the displayed buttons to start a chant, such as “FREEDOM” for example.
Checkpoint: Reach the Plaza
- Police Block the March: Unmissable, happens automatically. After the police stops you, there are 3 options to pick from.
- Stand your Ground: Pick option STAND GROUND.
- Police Fire Unprovoked: Result of STAND YOUR GROUND option.
- Sacrifice Self: Pick the options STAND GROUND > STAND GROUND > SACRIFICE.
>Police Keep Firing: Result of above choice.
>>Markus Stood his Ground and was killed (Ending): You let Simon die in ‘The Stratford Tower’ or have low rep with him. You also did not allow John to come with you in ‘Spare Parts‘ (otherwise he saves Markus). Jericho ▲▲▲, Public Opinion ▲▲▲
- Leave: Pick option DISPERSE.
- Police Open Fire: Result of DISPERSE option.
- Run Away: Result of DISPERSE option, chose to retreat.
>Some Androids Escape: Result of the above choice.
>>Markus Fled (Ending): Result of the above choice (DISPERSE). Jericho▼▼▼, North ▼, Josh ▼
- Charge: Pick option ATTACK.
- Lose the Fight: Don’t press any buttons after picking the ATTACK option.
>Do Nothing: After losing the fight, Markus will hold a gun to his chin. Choose DON’T SHOOT.
>>Police Gunned Markus Down (Ending): You let Simon die in ‘The Stratford Tower’ or have low rep with him. You also did not allow John to come with you in ‘Spare Parts‘ (otherwise he saves Markus).
>>[CROSS CHAPTER] John Joined in ‘Spare Parts’: You allowed John to come with you in ‘Spare Parts‘ and escaped with him alive.
>>John Sacrifices Himself: If John is there with you then he will save Markus (you may have to let Simon die in ‘The Stratford Tower’).
>>>John Gave his Life to Save Markus (Ending): Result of the above choices.
>>Simon Sacrifices Himself: Simon escaped with you in ‘The Stratford Tower’ or you left him behind on the roof (alive) but Connor didn’t find him. Reputation with Simon must be positive (friendly) so he will sacrifice himself for Markus. If John is not with you then Simon will come to Markus’s rescue.
>>>Simon Gave his Life to Save Markus (Ending): Result of the above choice.
>Shoot Yourself: Don’t press any buttons after picking the ATTACK option. Then at the end when Markus points a gun to his chin, choose SHOOT.
>>Markus Committed Suicide (Ending): Result of the above choice. - Win the Fight: Choose the ATTACK option and then press the buttons correctly to defeat the police.
>Police Retreat: Result of above choice.
>>Markus Defeats the Police (Ending): Result of above choice. Jericho ▲▲▲, Public Opinion ▼▼▼
- Lose the Fight: Don’t press any buttons after picking the ATTACK option.
Freedom March Endings
- Markus Fled: Chose the DISPERSE option. The best choice if you want a peaceful game ending with all key characters surviving till the end. Jericho▼▼▼, North ▼, Josh ▼
- Markus Stood his Ground and was Killed: Choose STAND GROUND > STAND GROUND > SACRIFICE. John isn’t with you and Simon is either dead or has low reputation. Jericho ▲▲▲, Public Opinion ▲▲▲
- Simon Gave his Life to Save Markus: Chose the STAND GROUND > SACRIFICE option or ATTACK and lose the fight. Simon must still be alive (didn’t die in ‘The Stratford Tower’) and reputation with him must be high so that he saves Markus. If John is not with you then Simon will come to Markus’s rescue.
- John Gave his Life to Save Markus: Chose the STAND GROUND > SACRIFICE option or ATTACK and lose the fight. John (security guy from ‘Spare Parts‘) must still be alive so that he saves Markus.
- Markus Committed Suicide: Choose ATTACK option, lose the fight, at end when Markus puts gun to his chin select SHOOT.
- Police Gunned Markus Down: John isn’t with you and Simon is either dead or has low reputation. Choose ATTACK option, lose the fight, at end when Markus puts gun to his chin select DON’T SHOOT. Then the police kills Markus.
- Markus Defeats the Police: Choose ATTACK and press the button prompts to make the androids defeat the police. Jericho ▲▲▲, Public Opinion ▼▼▼
A big thanks to BromptonCcktail for the flowcharts and ChollaSprings for helping with completion of this chapter
All done! This concludes the Freedom March Chapter.
Up Next: Last Chance, Connor
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
Mara says
Becoming lovers with North isn’t required for a pacifist ending to the game (though it provides an additional option). Singing is also a valid choice, though I don’t think either works with low public opinion.
V says
It’s required for the survivor’s trophy where they all survive though, unless I am wrong
Hologram says
So how does the endings affect the public opinion; the other androids or with Jericho?
Spirit says
Thank you so much for making all these! It’s awesome. I’d like to add a few details I discovered if I may.
North does not need to be hostile for the North Leaves node. The “connect” action you get near the end of their conversation is actually on a timer, and if you wait too long she will also leave.
And in the Markus Committed Suicide ending, John and Simon actually do not factor into this at all. They don’t get a chance to save Markus here.
PowerPyx says
Thanks =)
For North do you remember what reputation you had with her? I had hostile so it’s the only thing I could confirm for certain. As long as it’s negative it should work (Neutral might also works for this?)
JoeShmoe says
Pretty sure you can get her to leave if you’re aggressive when she says she doesn’t wanna talk about it. I mean, I know you can, but I’m pretty sure the node can unlock that way too.
To get her to leave without being aggressive or waiting too long, for me she was hostile.
Spirit says
Just tried it out, in my current game North actually has Companion status with me. She still walked away after I didn’t initiate the Connect.
Kevin Powell says
Having a neutral status with Simon, and choosing to fight the police and losing does not make Simon sacrifice himself for me. I was not able to increase his status above neutral up until Freedom March chapter.
I had to choose disperse (which is Simon’s suggestion). Then, when the police fire, I chose stay. This results in Marcus getting shot to the floor. When the police officer comes to shoot Marcus, Simon then intervenes and sacrifices himself.
Simon says
I cannot get Simon Sacrifices Himself.
Simon is neutral. I choose Leave, then stay (returned after police officer said “at my command”).
Then tried run away (leads to all androids run away)
Also tried sacrifice self. Leads to Markus being shot and everybody including Simon run away.
Simon says
I was able to unlock it when Simon has Friend relationship with Markus.
Omega says
If John and Simon are both with you, it’s difficult to get the Simon sacrifice Ending.
At least it didn’t work for me, even I have the highest status with Simon(I tried both escape ‘The Stratford Tower’ and without, get the reputation low with John(There isn’t any reputation with John so I suppose you mean it’s Jericho status here?)) But still no matter what I do, John sacrificed instead of Simon.
So I have to replay from ‘Spare Part’ and choose not to pick up John and finally I got the Simon sacrifice Ending.
hshs says
north can leave if you don’t anything when you start sharing memory even if north have positive mind to markus.
ace 1 says
okay have a problem on my violent PT to get the platium in the chapter simon saves markus when he sacrifices himself but if i get him killed on the roof in puclic enemy , the trophy with connor ill be back can not be done cause markus is alive
dd says
if simon and john are alive witch one dies
KayDan says
I believe John always sacrifices himself if you have him. In order to get the Simon sacrifice you must leave John behind in ‘Spare Parts’.
ezjoz says
If Markus made a peaceful protest, the magazine headline will be :Android Riot” instead of “Arson”
Chris says
You don’t need need to be lovers to get the Pacifist ending. I highly suggest you remove that incorrect information, as it’s highly misleading and will force those players who want a Pacifist ending to romance her, when they don’t have to.
PowerPyx says
I reworded it a bit that it’s just one of the possibilities for the pacifist ending (yes you can also pick sing in the end to get pacifist ending but I’d still recommend being lovers with North to open up more options later on).
Z says
So uhhhh. Simon is dead in my game but I have John (I have my flowchart as proof that I recruited him, and he gave me that info about the truck full of parts) so he SHOULD have sacrificed himself for me, but I got gunned down instead with the Sacrifice option. Anyone have ANY idea why?
Dreamfall92 says
I know this answer is super late, but maybe it can help someone else: John is only recruited if you successfully stole the truck. Otherwise he dies during the escape.
Mish says
Having the same problem. Both John and Simon are alive for me (stole truck successfully in Spare Parts) but Markus still got killed instead of John sacrificing when choosing to stand his ground/sacrifice himself 🙁
Mish says
Whoops 🙂 so John will sacrifice himself after Markus is shot while standing his ground. I just kept starting over too quickly
Scourgeface says
Actually, you don’t need a negative relationship with North to get her to leave. Once she says “I don’t wanna talk about it,” hit Aggressive and she will leave no matter the relationship status. I had her at Companion and did this. You only lose a small amount of reputation so it isnt as harmful as having her hate you.
Emily says
Thank you, this helped me!
Vigilium says
You get ▲ with Simon with Marcus fled ending.
john says
North leaves node will unlock if you intentionally fail the connect scene.
john says
She is on “companion” stat btw.
Antonio Angelillo says
I can’t manage to have more than Neutral with Simon when I get to Freedom March (I need him to sacrifice himself) even with him not being harmed during Stratford Tower. Any suggestions?
Zoe says
And here I am always companion with him by accident and when I try to get him to resentful and not intervene, and I do… He still intervenes anyways. What heck lol
Harkness says
I seem to remember public opinion going up by choosing to stand my ground the first time (the choice itself, not just the ending), and perhaps the second time too.
Zoe says
I’m running into an issue trying to get Markus to sacrifice himself and Simon NOT try to intervene. Even though he’s neutral with me at the start and hits resentful again when I choose to stand ground the first time he still gets himself killed and Markus is saved. Halp plsss?
Mike says
I am having the same EXACT problem. Only way I’ve found to have North and Simon both alive, and Markus dead….is to ATTACK the cops, then don’t press anything on the ATE’s, and have Markus kill himself. This left North, Simon alive, and Markus dead. I also had a Neutral standing with Simon coming in, but apparently that’s enough for him to still sacrifice himself. So the only way I think you can get what you are looking for, may be to do what I’ve outlined above.
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
Android Arson spawned for me even though I chose the peaceful protest in Capitol Park chapter
Federico says
This isn’t working for me, at first playthrough i didn’t save John in the mission Spare Parts, now I replayed the chapter and saved him, then I tried the freedom march but he didn’t show up.
Do I have to replay all the game and gain his confidence?
Roberto Júnior says
Playing the piano triggers the action “Walk on Beam”, so you better do the others objectives first.
George says
Just wanted to point out that if you stand your ground thus letting the police fire unprovoked and then attack it lowers public opinion only by 1 point which +1 for standing ground equate to no loss at all. So if you guys wanna beat up some humans so badly but still be the good guy – that’s the way to do it.
lemon says
you don’t have to have a negative relationship with north for her to leave, i was companions with her and still got it to happen, you just have to make sure to pick the aggressive option when she says she doesn’t want to talk about her past.
SparkleCakez says
Dude, I was playing (to achieve 100%) and didn’t know what would happen if I chose to sacrifice myself, and John coming back to save Markus actually made me tear up, wtf.