Crossroads is the 30th chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all of Kara’s choices of the Crossroads level for 100% completion.
This chapter begins after completing Last Chance, Connor.
Crossroads is a very long and intertwined level and the results of previous chapters heavily impact which paths/dialogues you can or can’t take.
- Some Choices are unavailable if Luther died in Midnight Train.
- Some Choices are unavailable if Luther survived in Midnight Train.
- If Markus died in Freedom March he is replaced by North as the new Deviant Leader.
- If Connor didn’t find the location of the Jericho in Last Chance, Connor the whole last section of this chapter (the chase on the Jericho) is unavailable.
- Kara’s next Scene will be the beginning of Battle for Detroit – Kara leaving Detroit.
- She will start that chapter together with Luther, which wouldn’t be possible, if the ship was attacked, as he always gets injured here.
- The alternative branch Battle for Detroit – Kara Captured will be unavailable from the start, however, if you get captured at the beginning of said chapter, you can still be deported to the Recycling Center.
- Kara’s next Scene will be the beginning of Battle for Detroit – Kara leaving Detroit.
The Crossroads Walkthrough is split into 3 parts, one per flowchart:
100% Flowchart
Here’s a quick overview of the Flowchart (zoomed-in images below):
Checkpoints: Driving to Jericho with Alice [& Luther]
If Luther made it out alive in Midnight Train, he will be with you from the level start. If not, he’s not.
- Look Outside: simply turn your head to the side and watch
the scenery.
- Change Radio Station: interact
with the radio/monitor in the middle of the car.
- Parking Lot: unmissable, you will arrive there after a short while.
- Time to say Goodbye: unmissable, talk to Rose in the Parking Lot.
- Arrive at Jericho / Board the Ship: unmissable.
- Find a warm place for Alice: there is a fire in an oil drum on the other side of where you entered.
Now you are supposed to go upstairs. Before you do, check the two optional magazines. These are only available, if Markus was violent in Freedom March. They can technically also be picked up after coming downstairs again, but they are close to an automatic cutscene-trigger – so be safe and pick them up before.
They can also be picked up by Connor, if he found the location of Jericho.
- Read “Detroit in Chaos”: located on a supply-crate in the middle of the room.
- Read “Terror in Detroit”: located on a supply-crate in the middle of the room.
Either Meet Markus or [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT] Meet North: depending, if Markus is still alive from Freedom March, Kara will either meet him — or North if he isn’t.
- Go back to Alice / See the Android Child / Join Alice: unmissable, simply head downstairs and a game-changing cutscene will play.
- Hug Alice: when sitting next to Alice, choose to HUG
her, when she notices that something shocking came to Kara’s attention.
- Stay Distant: when sitting next to Alice, choose to STAY DISTANT
, when she notices that something shocking came to Kara’s attention.
- Hug Alice: when sitting next to Alice, choose to HUG
Depending on who is still alive/activated, different endings/branches can develop here:
- If Connor didn’t find Jericho (and thus is “dead”) & Luther is still alive: ENDING Kara, Alice & Luther left Jericho
- If Connor didn’t find Jericho (and thus is “dead”) & Luther died in Midnight Train: ENDING Kara & Alice left Jericho
- If you have bad reputation with Alice, are distant here and choose to Run Away, you will get the ENDING Kara left Jericho alone.
- If Connor found Jericho’s location: BRANCH / CHECKPOINT Kara & Alice in the Corridor
Checkpoint: Kara & Alice in the Corridor
- Escape with Luther: if he is still alive
- Out of Time / ENDING Kara, Alice & Luther Captured: don’t move and let yourselves get arrested.
- Wrong Way / ENDING Kara, Alice & Luther Captured: run towards soldiers and get arrested.
- Luther opens the Door / Go through Door / Luther gets shot: proceed along the only way you can run – Luther will always get shot here.
- Search for Exit: if Luther is already dead
- Out of Time / ENDING Kara & Alice Captured: don’t move and let yourselves get arrested.
- Wrong Way / ENDING Kara & Alice Captured: run towards soldiers and get arrested.
- Android opens Door and is shot / Go through Door: proceed along the only way you can run.
Kara & Alice at Crossroad
- Out of Time / ENDING Kara & Alice captured: after a cutscene/playscene with either Connor/Markus/North and regaining control of Kara again, stand still and get arrested.
- Wrong Way / ENDING Kara & Alice captured: after a cutscene/playscene with either Connor/Markus/North and regaining control of Kara again, run towards soldiers and get arrested.
- Run to Luther: if he is still alive, he always gets wounded and Kara has to choose
- Leave Luther: don’t help him
- Help Luther: choose to help him
- Get Luther to Safety / Leave Luther hidden: successfully help Luther and hide him in a nearby room
- Fail to get Luther to Safety / Caught by Soldier / ENDING Kara, Alice & Luther Captured: when choosing to help Luther, don’t walk any furhter and get yourselves busted.
- Run Toward Exit / Soldiers Block the Way / Hide / Android seeks Shelter: these next steps are unmissable. Kara & Alice hide in a chamber and can decide to help a knocking Android to join them.
- Open the Door / Android enters but is shot: when you choose to OPEN
the door, the Android gets shot and you will be attacked as well.
- Fight back / Escape Cabin / Kara Flees: if you successfully complete the QTE.
- Captured / ENDING Alice & Kara captured: fail the QTE against the soldier
- Keep the Door closed / Soldiers shoot Android and move on / Escape Cabin / Kara Flees: if you choose to keep the door CLOSED
and not help the Android in distress.
- Open the Door / Android enters but is shot: when you choose to OPEN
Kara Flees
There are a lot of different options to receive the same choices and endings here.
- Almost Reach the Breach: successfully mash
. The soldiers will shoot anyhow and the game gives you different choices.
- Fail to Run: don’t mash
and Kara gets shot and the game gives you different choices.
When first running (successfully mashed ), you have these options:
PLAY DEAD: tell Alice to throw herself to the ground and do so yourself.
DON’T MOVE: Remaining Still enables you to Leave and successfully escape Jericho alive
DEFEND ALICE: trying to play the last-minute-hero will get you both killed and the Ending Kara & Alice died in the Assault.
RUN: always leads to Kara getting shot in the Leg
always leads to Kara failing to get up and having to choose another option
ATTACK always leads to the Ending Kara & Alice captured
SURRENDER always leads to the Ending Kara & Alice captured
PLAY DEAD: last chance to get out alive – see above.
SURRENDER: always leads to the Ending Kara & Alice captured
For the paths of Connor & Markus, check out their respective pages in the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
@SirUlrichVL says
Picking the ‘Distant’ option whether already distant or not gives a major negative boost to Alice Relationship status, so it could be possible to flip her to Distant if you’re borderline neutral/distant.
If you have ‘Distant’ status with Alice and choose the ‘Distant’ option, if Jericho is under attack, you’ll get a scene (just after Markus/North meet Connor and his path is chosen) with Kara where you can choose to ‘Find Alice’ or ‘Run Away’, the former leads to ‘Kara and Alice in the Corridor’ the latter leads to ‘Kara left Jericho alone’. However… if Connor doesn’t find Jericho and you pick Distant in this instance, there will be no cut-scene and it’ll just jump to ‘Kara left Jericho alone’.
On a further note, picking the ‘Save Alice’ option gives a massive positive relationship change with Alice. In my last playthrough it jumped up to Warm from Distant.
Shadowborn81 says
Hi there
I can’t seem to get Alice to leave. Have started from beginning of game and kept the relationship distant the whole way, but still when it comes to that moment in Crossroads she does not leave. What am I doing wrong?
Random user says
Shadowborn81, I’ve also tried to do get that path for the flowchart, but Alice won’t leave, even if Luther is alive or dead, I think this is glitched since v1.04 and they haven’t fixed it yet :/
Taylor says
Shadowborn81 I think it may depend on where you stayed in the chapter fugitives. I had the same thing that happened to you happen the first time I tried the distant path. I was confused too. Then when I was going for the magazine trophy and I choose to stay in the car, Alice relationship went down a lot. That was what made me think “hmm maybe that’s why I failed the first time.” When going for the distant ending the first time, I stayed at motel. I guess I thought since Alice gets upset when you steal money and clothes that that would be enough, but I guess not. I did it again, but stayed in car and luther and alice walked away. Where did you choose to stay at in your playthru?
C.Jin says
It doesn’t seem to just be a matter of making Alice distant. I just did this and I did not get any options, it just went straight to Kara and Alice in the corridor.
ahsoka tano says
if kara has a bad relation ship with kara and she is distance alice will walk away what happens when kara chooses to go after alice instead of abandoning her
@SirUlrichVL says
It has her meet up with her at the checkpoint Kara & Alice in the corridor. It’s a really sweet cut-scene
Tanno says
Found out how to force Alice to leave Kara’s side. There are three conditions:
1) At Todd’s home, you need to choose “Mother?”. Don’t select anything else.
2)At Fugitives, you need to steal both clothes and money, and then to sleep at car without promising anything at all.
3) Finally, let Luther die at Rose’s house. Hide them at their cuisine, and let the cop to find them.
Afterwards, she’ll leave her.
@SirUlrichVL says
If you ‘Play Dead’ and then ‘Defend Alice’ with Luther still alive (kept him alive in Midnight Train and you helped him earlier) he will suddenly appear and sacrifice himself to allow Kara and Alice to escape. This actually also occurs in the following two paths ‘Surrender’ – ‘Face’ and ‘Run Away’ – ‘Kara Shot in Leg’ – ‘Face’.
These obviously have an impact on ‘Battle for Detroit’ because it means it’ll be 2 Jerrys you can rescue rather than Luther and a Jerry when Leaving Detroit as Luther gets killed when sacrificing himself.
BluePhoeniX_0 says
If Kara distances from Alice when Jericho is under attack and she chooses to run away without her. Does the story still continueluePhoeni or does it end there?
BluePhoeniX_0 says
Im sorry I meant does it still continue or does it end there?
Alpha says
It ends there so you will not be able to play as Kara in the last 2 chapters. However, you will get a secret cut scene ending where while crossing a street, Kara sees an ad for a YK500 (Alice’s model type) and feels guilty.
Little Cat Lost says
Despite my best efforts, I wasn’t able to keep Alice distant by the time I got to Crossroads. She was ‘Warm’ when I got here. I chose the ‘Remain Distant’ option and this did lower her relationship back to ‘Distant’, but I still didn’t get the extra cutscene. It seems harder to maintain a bad relationship with Alice than with other characters. During Fugitives, I chose to go to the motel since that path involves a lot of things that makes Alice upset with you, like stealing clothes and money from the supermarket. But after that, it’s kinda tough. Especially in Pirate Cove where you don’t seem to have a choice but to be kind to her.
Hamers says
Easiest way is doing nothing in Todd’s house. Just go straight up after taking the trash out and reporting to Todd. Don’t pick up the book in Alice’s room, just clean and talk to her right away. Select all the rude options like talking about her mother and then leave her. If you did it right she should remain distant and not give you the key. Then in Fugitives steal from the store and then again from the laundromat, but decide to go into the abandoned car anyway instead of the hotel which gives you a big negative boost. From there it should be easy.
Hamers says
@PowerPyx I would love if you could update the flowcharts here since they say WIP. Everything else in this guide is perfect :D
queenofantiva says
For those wondering what the end parts to this chart are, it is as follows;
-> Kara flees
-> Try to escape
-> Almost reach the breach (successfully mash X)
-> Soldiers shoot at the crowd
–> Surrender
—> Face (attack)
—-> If Luther was saved earlier, he will come to Kara’s rescue. Leads to Kara and Alice escaped Jericho
—-> If Luther is dead, Kara is struck, Kara and Alice captured
—> Convince
—-> Always leads to Soldier threatens Kara and Alice, Kara and Alice captued
—> Obey
—-> Kara and Alice captured
—> Run Away
—-> Leads to the “Run away” section below
–> Run away
—> Kara is shot in the leg
—-> Surrender
—–> Leads to Kara and Alice captured
—-> Face (attack)
—–> If Luther is alive, he will sacrifice himself. Leads to Kara and Alice escape
—–> If Luther is dead, leads to Kara and Alice captured
—-> Crawl
—–> You get this option after choosing the “Get up” option
—–> Always leads to Alice is shot, Kara and Alice died in the Assault
—-> Out of time
—–> Let the timer run out and this will lead to Alice is shot, Kara and Alice died in the assault
—-> Get up
—–> Leads to Kara fails to get up, brings back the other options
—-> Play dead
—–> Leads to the “Play dead” options below
–> Play Dead
—> Soldiers close in
—-> Defend Alice
—–> If Luther is alive, he will sacrifice himself. Leads to Kara and Alice escaped
—–> If Luther is dead, Kara is shot, Kara and Alice died in the assault
—-> Remain Still
—–> Leads to Kara and Alice escaped
Moon says
Thanks, this really helped me get the final choices
Ben G says
Thank you! I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how to get the last choice. Now I know let the time run out.
ahsoka tano says
doses anyone know what that node under kara alice and lutcher leave jerico
KingGaming says
Kara and Alice leave Jericho
ahsoka tano says
the node under kara alice and lutcher leave jerico is just alice and kara leave jerico with out luther and connor is decomission
fxrdxxs says
Hey guys:)So now I’ve been to where the Alice left Kara alone.But it looks like there are still some locked nodes above section’Alice leaves alone’.Can someone share a complete flowchart please:)I need it as soon as possible.
Fajar says
Same.. like me the node is still empty, someone can help us ??
KingGaming says
The node is Alice leaves with Luther but I can’t get it to happen.
Phil says
1. Connor should have found Jericho
2. Luther should be alive
3. Alce should be distant
4. Don’t hug Alice
Ben G says
If you choose attack and Luther is still alive. Only Luther dies. Kara and Alice escape.
C.Jin says
Why can’t I Watch Broadcast of Jericho’s Attack? I literally just escaped Jericho as it was being attacked, and the TV is not on when I’m on the street. What could I have possibly done wrong?
Branwen_13 says
In my most current playthrough – Markus is alive and choosing to be violent, Connor is deviant, and Kara and Alice escaped Jericho and therefore start the Battle of Detroit -with Kara leaving Detroit. The broadcast is playing in the Hotdog building on your left just before you find the gun in the very beginning of the chapter – hope that helps!
KingGaming says
Has anyone figured out how to get Alice to leave with Luther, leaving Kara behind?
CaptainFlash says
I’m late but did you ever figure it out?
Tony T says
captainflash – its up in the comments above
Miriam says
There is an inaccuracy.
I had everyone at Jericho (Kara with Alice and Luther, Conner, Marcus).
When Kara flees, first I ran (and got shot in the leg), then tried to get up and attack, and I didn’t end up being captured. In the description above it says that if you do that, you always get captured. Not always. Instead, I got “Kara and Alice escaped Jericho”.
This is because earlier I helped Luther and got him to safety, so when Kara flees and then tries to fight back, I got LUTHER SACRIFICES HIMSELF, which has a touching cut scene and it ends with KARA AND ALICE ESCAPED JERICHO.
Sarya says
What about Luther..
Eehuppi says
I cant find the two books anywhere i looked in the middle and they werent there
Nicole says
You have to have Markus take the violent approach – especially in Freedom March and Capitol Park
Montana says
does jericho always get attacked?
badaver says
Only if Connor survives Last Chance, Connor. If you have insufficient evidence or let time run out during that chapter, he will be decommissioned and Jericho will not be found.
AITakeover says
If anyone is reading this in 2024
To get Alice to leave
*Connor has to know the Jericho location*
To keep Alice distant before Crossroads I would do the following:
Do not wash dishes or talk to her until you are in her room to clean
Pick Factual
Next Pick Mother
Do not pick up the book etc
Then in fugitives steal clothes and use Alice as a diversion to steal the money, stay in Car.
This finally worked for me, and I know there are conflicting comments.
Hope this helps!