Capitol Park is the 26th chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all the choices of the Capitol Park level for 100% completion.
Triggers automatically after completing the Midnight Train Chapter.
Flowchart 100% Complete:
Here’s a quick overview of the 100% complete flowchart for “Capitol Park”:
Checkpoint: Mission Start
- Read “Who is It?”: At the very start of the chapter, as soon as you take control of Markus, this is found on the left side of where you start (before taking a single step in the chapter).
- Read “Android President?”: At the very start of the chapter, as soon as you take control of Markus, this is found on the left side of where you start (before taking a single step in the chapter).
- North Saves You: Go to the street. When a police car comes stand still, don’t press any buttons. North▼
- Avoid Police Car: Hide behind the container with North to avoid the police car (cannot be done in same run as being saved by North).
Checkpoint: Reach Store
Secure the Place
- Out of Time: When you arrive at the store, simply wait for 10 minutes and the mission will fail automatically.
- Retreat (Ending): Result of letting time run out (wait 10 minutes) Jericho▼▼▼, North▼
- Jump on Drone: There’s a police drone flying over the park. Scan it and preconstruct its path. Then you can preconstruct a climbing path to get to the drone.
- Destroy Drone: Climb up the scaffold and jump on the drone. Then mash
really fast to destroy it.
- Fall from Drone: Climb up the scaffold and jump on the drone. Then don’t press any buttons at all to fail to destroy it. North▼, Jericho▼
- North Destroys Drone: If you didn’t destroy the drone, North will jump in to destroy it.
- Police Car Arrives: Result of the above action. A police patrol car will arrive if Markus failed to destroy the drone by himself. There are no 3 choices (they require 3 replays of the chapter to get 100%):
- Run Away / Decided to Flee (Ending)
- Hide and Hack Radio North ▲
- Feign Kiss North▼▼▼
- Destroy Drone: Climb up the scaffold and jump on the drone. Then mash
- Deactivate Alarm: Go to the door of the CyberLife Store, interact with it, and scan the security camera inside the store (with
). It now shows a red outline leading to the alarm’s power source. Follow the red outline in the ground (across the road). There are two androids sitting in a hole on the sidewalk, working on the network access. Climb down and convert them. Now two objectives follow.
- Get Spotted by Drone: Only works if you haven’t destroyed the Drone yet. After hacking the network access the police drone will come by. Don’t press anything and let the timer run down, then it detects you. Results in North destroying the drone and a police patrol car stopping by.
- Hide: When the drone comes, choose the HIDE option to stay out of its sight.
- Block Road: Walk to the end of the road. There are two android works shovelling snow and a yellow road sign. Conver the androids (:r-up: ) and interact with the road sign to block the road with it.
- Find Truck: Walk around the construction site with the blue fence around it (close to where you blocked the road). There is one piece missing in the fence where you can look through, at the very end of the fence. Press
to look through the fence. Markus spots a truck.
- Ram Store: Jump across the fence. You can scan for the spot with
. Then open the truck, break open the fence and get in the truck.
- Police Not Alerted: This unlocks when you use the truck to crash into the store, turned off the alarm and destroyed the police drone beforehand. Otherwise the alarm goes off.
- Inside the Store (Checkpoint): Result of doing the above objective.
- Police Alerted: This happens when you ram the truck into the store but forgot to turn off the alarm or didn’t destroy the police drone. Then the alarm goes off and you have to run away.
- Had to Flee (Ending): Result of the above objective. This is an early end to the chapter.
Checkpoint: Inside the Store
- Convert Androids and Make a Statement: Unmissable after you ram into the store (without triggering alarm). North ▲▲▲, Jericho ▲▲▲
Checkpoint: Make a Statement
Spread Your Message
In this section you can either destroy (= violent riot) or tag (= peaceful protest) the entire park area, street, and buildings around the area. You can scan for all interaction points with .
- Destroy Statue / Tag Statue: There’s a big statue in the middle of the park by the benches.
- Hack Bus Stop / Destroy Bus Stop: There’s a bus stop on the road in front of the CyberLife store (it’s about twice as big as the android parking).
- Tag Benches / Overturn Benches: The benches are in the middle of the park, in front of the CyberLife store.
- Hack Billboards / Turn off Billboards: There are some digital billboards around the area showing an advertisement with three android faces “Get Yours Today”.
- Hack Android Parking / Destroy Android Parking: There’s an android parking (looks just like a bus stop) to the right when you exit the CyberLife store (where some destructible windows are).
- Hack Street Lights / Turn Off Street Lights: At the end of the road is a street lamp.
- Deploy Banner: Climb the tall building where some androids are trapped behind windows. After you climb up, Markus deploys a huge banner automatically (you may have to tag something else first).
- Free Androids in Shop Windows: On the street opposite of the CyberLife store are some androids standing behind windows. Smash the windows to free them.
- Overload Electric System: There are recharge station where all the taxis/cars are standing. Interact with any of them to overload the whole system.
- Push Car / Overturn Car: The taxis/cars are standing on the side of the road.
- Tag Car: After pushing (not overturning) one of the cars, you can interact with it again to tag it (I pushed the blue car on the opposite side of the taxis).
- Destroy Windows / Tag Windows: There are some windows to the left and right side of the CyberLife store (only specific ones can be interacted with).
- Plant Flag / Make a Pyre: There’s a little pavilion inside the park. If you go there first thing after exiting the CyberLife store (don’t touch other objects yet), then North will hand you a molotov cocktail. Choose TAKE to ‘Make a Pyre’ and REFUSE to ‘Plant Flag’.
- Refuse Molotov: When North offers you a Molotov (short cutscene, unmissable), choose
- Accept Molotov: When North offers you a Molotov (short cutscene, unmissable), choose
TAKE. The easiest/fastest way to get the Molotov is to go to the pavilion in the park first thing after freeing the androids. She will always hand you a Molotov cocktrail right away. Then you can go around the area and burn other stuff, see the 5 tasks below. However, you can’t do all 5 in one run (you can combine some but not all).
- Burn Coffee Shop (opposite side of street where the truck is first found, must put the dumpster on fire and then push it in coffee shop)
- Burn Dumpsters (one dumpster is near the coffee shop, another near the hotel)
- Burn Cars (the cars on the street)
- Burn Hotel (near the pavilion, must put the dumpster on fire and then push it in the hotel)
- Burn CyberLife (the store from where you freed the androids)
End of Riot
- Fail to Send a Message: After breaking free the androids from the CyberLife Store, stand still and don’t do anything at all for a few minutes. Then the whole group will run away. Do not destroy/tag any objects (keep the bar at 50/50, don’t touch anything).
- Markus Failed to Deliver his Message (Ending): Result of the above objective. Don’t tag or destroy anything, just wait a few minutes after breaking free the androids from CyberLife store. Then finish the mission and this will complete.
- Send a Strong Message: Make Pacifist or Violent actions outweigh the other. You don’t need to raise the bar to 100% for it (I got it with 60/40 split in favor of violent riot). Just destroy a lot of things or go the pacifist route and tag everything.
- Aggressive Massage: Your violent points outweighed the pacifist points (destroy everything).
- Markus Led a Violent Riot (Ending)
- Pacifist Message: Your pacifist points outweighed the violent points (tag everything).
- Markus Led a Peaceful Protest (Ending)
- Aggressive Massage: Your violent points outweighed the pacifist points (destroy everything).
- Police Patrol Arrives: Happens automatically when Markus led either a violent or pacifist riot.
- Kill:
- Spare:
- Let Crowd Decide:
- Kill:
- Team Returned to Jericho: Happens automatically at the end of the mission if you finished the riot/protest and dealt with the police.
Capitol Park Endings
- Retreat: When you arrive at the store, simply wait for 10 minutes and the mission will fail automatically.
- Decided to Flee: After arriving at the store, scan the police drone that’s flying over the park. Jump on it (via the scaffold) but don’t press any buttons. This results in North destroying the drone in your stead. However, a police patrol car was called. Then you can choose the Flee which ends the mission early.
- Had to Flee: If you drive the truck into the CyberLife Store but forgot to disable the police drone or alarm it will cause police to be called and Markus has to flee.
- Markus Failed to Deliver His Message: After freeing the androids from CyberLife store, stand still for a few minutes and don’t interact with any objects (don’t tag or destroy anything). After a few minutes the group runs away. You still need to finish the scene with the cops to end the chapter.
- Markus Led a Violent Riot: After freeing the androids from CyberLife store, destroy everything around the park & street to increase the “violent” bar. After a while a short cutscene triggers, continue the chapter until the end.
- Markus Led a Peaceful Protest: After freeing the androids from CyberLife store, tag (don’t destroy) everything around the park & street to increase the “pacifist” bar. After a while a short cutscene triggers, continue the chapter until the end.
(*Thanks to Kyrie, Henry Gerull, Nolan Peacock and everyone else who left a comment for the completion of the 5 Molotov-related actions!)
All done! This concludes the Capitol Park Chapter.
Up Next: Meet Kamski
For more Walkthroughs, check out the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
PowerPyx says
Your help is needed!
I’m still missing tasks connected to taking the molotov cocktail from North. I think you need to be standing at different positions around the area and have to guess when North is going to hand you the molotov. Then Markus throws the molotov at the nearest object to put it on fire.
If anyone knows, please leave a comment and you’ll be credited in the guide.
Mara says
I can’t confirm this, but the wiki has the four other options as “Burn Coffee Shop”, “Burn Dumpsters”, “Burn Hotel”, and “Burn Cyberlife.”
Kyrie says
I was able to immediately obtain the Molotov from North by running straight to the kiosk/pavilion and burning it. Then you should be able to go to the other locations and burn them.
-Hotel by where you first spotted the truck through the fence. Must interact with the dumpster. Will give you 2 locations: Burn Dumpsters and Burn Hotel
-Coffee Shop across the street. Must interact with the dumpster to the right of the entrance
-Return and burn the Cyberlife shop
I wasn’t able to do all of these on the same run. Had to reload the checkpoint afterwards to get the rest. Once you light one dumpster location, the deviants seem to copy you at the other location and that won’t count towards the unlock. I also had to do the cars on a separate run, but that might be avoided if you start with the cars.
Henry Gerull says
The missing nodes are:
1. Burn Dumpsters
2. Burn Hotel
3. Burn Coffee Shop
(2 and 3 will occur along with 1 and 2 will be done by other androids if you do 3 yourself and vice-versa)
4. Burn Cyberlife (by throwing a molotov at the truck you used earlier)
Before you can do 1 to 4, you have to accept North’s molotov at either the kiosk or after smashing the windows of the car dealership or upturning the parked cars.
Henry Gerull says
I remember getting both 2 and 3 in the same run though but that was probably because the followers were busy doing something else. Furthermore, and this might just be me, but I feel the time limit for transforming Capitol Park is way more strict when you are violent. I once transformed the whole plaza with every possible pacifist action but I never got to see everything burn. Lastly, I highly recommend causing a blackout while leading a riot because the visual effect of wildly flickering fire in darkness is really nice.
Tjones says
If you want a pacifist run DO NOT CHOOSE TO TAKE THE MOLOTOV if you do it will turn into a violent run
Tim says
the four choices are after the you accept the molotov cocktail, there is a garbage dumbster behind truck by the fence you use to ignite the hotel, and the other is cyberlife where you freed the other androids im still trying to figure out the last one thought.
wtfd00d says
After you build the pyre in the gazebo turn around and run back to Cyberlife where you can burn it down. After that run to the dumpster outside of where the truck was parked at the start. Markus can set fire to the dumpsters and push it into the hotel with North.
Nolan Peacock says
After North gives Markus the MOLOTOV from either overturning the cars or walking up to the gazebo. These other actions become available:
1. BURN COFFEE SHOP (opposite side of street where the truck is first found)
2. BURN DUPSTERS (near the coffee shop and the hotel)
4. BURN HOTEL (near the gazebo)
Tricky part about this is your androids will start doing what you do. So you have one chance to do either the hotel or the coffee shop, maybe both if you are fast enough.
For the hotel, you need to interact with the dumpster nearby first, this causes a chain reaction of actions that will credit you both the hotel and dumpster.
To burn the coffee shop, you need to start at its window, then Markus and North will automatically interact with its corresponding dumpster nearby.
PowerPyx says
Thanks to all of you for the comments! This has been a huge help =)
I didn’t know who to credit so I just credited all of you at the end of the guide.
I added in missing molotov-branch. Will update the flowchart within the next hours.
Lieven says
You can unlock conversation for later on when you watch North in the Cyber life store watching a model that looks like her. You have to press L1 when looking at them and do that before you free one of the androids on the singular white stands at the back of the store.
Antony says
I do like an “aggressive massage” :D
One sick SOB says
I love one, only way I can get in the mood now. Usually need a good punch to the dickinson too
Sarah F says
Does breaking the androids free of the windows count as violent action? I’m trying to figure out where I went wrong re: peaceful but I don’t remember breaking anything besides those windows… did that kick off the violence of the other androids following my lead?? (Otherwise I only remember tagging some benches, planting the flag on the top of the building, and moving some cars before the time ran out and the scene moved on. Is the car moving seen as violent as well?)
Ben says
At the very start of the mission, there are 2 gardeners, and 3 androids in parking spots. You can walk up to each one and convert them, sending them to Jericho. Don’t see it mentioned anywhere and I don’t know if it has later impacts.
James says
This chapter gave me the forst glitch of the game, I got all of the objectives done, every single thing optional is tagged, but the police arriving scene isn’t playing. I’m also at 100% pacifist
James says
Nevermind, I just had to walk around for a while
Karnnie says
Getting spotted by the drone results in negative karma with North
Karnnie says
Getting spotted by the drone results in negative karma with North
Hiding from drone gives positive opinion with North.
Taking out the drone from scaffolding also gives good opinion with North
CharmedAnt says
I can’t figure out how to get the police to arrive. Am I supposed to not drive the truck through the store window? I tried skipping disabling the drone, and I tried skipping deactivating the alarm, but it won’t let me proceed to get the truck unless I do those two actions. It says I need to secure the area. The instructions aren’t clear. What do I need to do to get that checked off?
ChibiHoshi says
I believe secure the area is when you block the road with the road worker sign
Jd says
I sent a pacifist message and my peace meter was 75%, but I got the violent riot ending. All I did violent was accept the molotov. Does that override all else?
Ravyn Black says
Yes. If you accept the molotov, even if it’s the only violent action you do, it automatically gets you a riot. For peaceful protest, you MUST refuse it.
Adam says
Don’t know if anyone will ever read this, but a few other karma items:
*Destroying the benches at the beginning of the Make A Statement section gives positive karma with North.
*Destroying the statue gives positive karma with North.
*Accepting Molotov cocktail gives positive karma with North.
*Breaking windows to free the androids gives positive karma with Jericho.
*Completing a violent riot (before police arrive) gives positive karma with North. Completing a pacifist riot has no effect.
*Killing the two police officers at the end gives positive karma with North, but gives major negative karma for Public Opinion. Letting the crowd decide (they will kill the police officers) also damages Public Opinion, and has no effect with North.
*Sparing the two police officers gives major positive karma for public opinion.
Novani says
Thank you!! I was worried about the choices regarding the police officers at the end, as it doesn’t specify above at this time. Much appreciated!
DogeChan says
When FAILING to destroy the first security drone, the option to FLEE/RUN AWAY is not actually a prompt, you simply have to wait out the (short) timer, and Markus will then run away.
DogeChan says
After hiding from the police at the beginning, North will run towards the CyberLife shop.
You technically have unlimited time right now, as the 10 minute timer does not start until you reach the shop. So, you can use this time to scout the area and free some Androids (Android Parking spot near the fence/truck, the Droids shovelling snow near the Pavilion, and the one Android just before CyberLife store to the left side).
The other Androids you can free (the shovelling ones near the roadblock, and the Droids behind the shopping windows) cannot be converted until after breaking into the shop.
Lastly, I’m not even sure you need to do this, because after breaking into the Shop, it SEEMS all the Androids automatically get converted… you can see them during the final cutscenes.
Stefan says
It seems like you can’t overload the electric system if you’ve already pushed a car on the street. At least I was unable to do that.
Connor says
Yeah, same here lol
Montana says
this part always feels too short
vlido says
I stay and don’t do anything for 10 mins after converting the androids and I can’t get the fail to send message ending. Also tried doing nothing after speaking to them, but still not getting it.