Battle for Detroit is the 32nd and final chapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all of Connor’s choices of the Battle for Detroit level for 100% completion.
This chapter begins after completing Night of the Soul.
The Battle for Detroit Walkthrough is split into 3 parts, one per character (2 flowcharts each):
Battle for Detroit is a very long and intertwined level and the results of previous chapters heavily impact which paths/dialogues you can or can’t take.
Generally, Battle for Detroit has two Flowcharts for each of the three characters and it depends on your choices in Crossroads, where you will start.
- Connor’s Last Mission: If Connor chose to follow his mission (or was unable to choose) in Crossroads, you will start here.
- Connor at the Cyberlife Tower: If Connor became a deviant in Crossroads, you will start here.
Connor’s Last Mission Flowchart (100%):

Checkpoint: In the Zen Garden
- Talk to Amanda
Checkpoint: Hart Plaza Rooftop
- Find Vantage Point
- Prepare to Shoot
- (If Hank committed suicide in Night of the Soul) Captain Allen Intervenes
- Talk to Allen
- Flee
- Connor Jumps off the Roof
- Go to Missed Opportunity below
- Attack Allen
- Kill Allen and His Men: Succeed in the QTE
- Connor Fails to Defend Himself: Fail in the QTE
- Allen Destroys Connor
- Cyberlife Decided to Send Another Connor [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Flee
- Talk to Allen
- Hank Intervenes
- Talk to Hank
- Talk About Hank’s Son
- Give Up
- Attack Hank
- Connor Wins
- Let Hank Go
- Connor Kills Hank: Go to Missed Opportunity below
- Save Hank
- Hank Rushes Connor
- Dodge Attack
- Hank Falls to his Death
- Go to Missed Opportunity below
- Fail to Dodge Attack
- Connor Falls and Gets Destroyed
- Cyberlife Decided to Send Another Connor [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Dodge Attack
- Hank Rushes Connor
- Let Hank Go
- Hank Wins
- Hank Kills Connor
- Cyberlife Decided to Send Another Connor [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Connor Wins
- Talk to Hank
- Missed Opportunity
- Connor Left Rooftop
Connor at the Cyberlife Tower (100%):

Checkpoint: Cyberlife HQ
- Follow Guards
- Inside Elevator
Find a Way to Escape
- Try to Stop Elevator
- Spot Camera
- Hack Camera: Spotting and hacking the camera will affect your greeting on Floor -49, as seen below.
- Elevator reaches level 31
- Amanda Warns Connor
- Connor Was Ambushed and Shot
- Amanda Warns Connor
- Attack Guards
- Fail to Neutralize Guards
- Connor Was Shot by Security
- Neutralize Guards
- Hack Elevator
- Use Connor’s Voice
- Copy Guard’s Voice
- Redirect Elevator
- Hack Elevator
- Fail to Neutralize Guards
Checkpoint: Floor -49
- Camera Functional
- Guards Await Connor
- Eliminate Guards: Go to Initiate Android Conversion below
- Fail to Eliminate Guards
- Connor Was Shot by Security
- Guards Await Connor
- Camera Hacked
- Leave Elevator: Go to Initiate Android Conversion below
- Initiate Android Conversion
- (If Hank committed suicide in Night of the Soul) A New Connor Arrives
- New Connor Shoots Connor
- New Connor Approaches
- Swap Consciousness with New Connor
- New Connor Dies in Old Body
- The Androids Woke Up [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Talk to New Connor
- New Connor Kills Connor
- The Androids Work Up [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- The Androids Remained Dormant [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- New Connor Kills Connor
- Try To Stand: Same outcome as Talk to New Connor
- Draw Gun
- Connor Kills New Connor and Died
- The Androids Work Up [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- The Androids Remained Dormant [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Connor Kills New Connor and Died
- Swap Consciousness with New Connor
- New Connor Has Hank Hostage
- Sacrifice Hank and Resume Conversion
- New Connor Kills Hank and Damages Connor: Go to New Connor Approaches above.
- Stop Conversion to Save Hank
- Out of Time
- New Connor Injures Hank
- New Connor Kills Connor
- The Androids Remained Dormant [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Attack New Connor: Go to Connors Fight below
- Draw Gun
- Both Connors Shoot: Go to Connors Fight below
- Out of Time
- Sacrifice Hank and Resume Conversion
- (If Hank committed suicide in Night of the Soul) A New Connor Arrives
- Connors Fight
- Connors Draw
- Hank Grabs Gun
- Hank Asks About His Dog’s Name
- Sumo
- Wrong Answer
- Hank Asks About His Son’s Name
- Cole
- Wrong Answer
- Hank Asks About His Dog’s Name
- Hank Kills Connor: Get too many answers wrong, and Hank shoots you by mistake
- The Androids Remained Dormant [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Hank Kills New Connor: Get the answers correct, and Hank kills the new Connor instead:
- Resume Conversation
- The Androids Work Up [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT]
- Resume Conversation
- Hank Grabs Gun
- Connors Draw
Special thanks to user BromptonCcktail for sending in flowcharts to many chapters and thus filling in quite a few blanks – much obliged!
For the paths of Kara & Markus, check out their respective pages in the complete Detroit Become Human Walkthrough.
aryk says
This is missing all of Conor’s final branches in the zen garden, when he uses the mystery stone
Hillary says
Those aren’t actually on the flowchart. They only show up on Markus’s if he is still alive.
Dizz2K7 Gaming says
If you choose to save hank by not continuing to convert the androids, you’ll be given the option to shoot or intervene (pressing O) the only difference is you won’t get shot. The walkthrough gets really lazy towards the end and leaves a lot of stuff out for people using a step by step.
If you choose to continue the conversion, Hank dies (Not good for the survivors run) and Connor gets shot. I’m not sure if it counts as a perma-death given that they distinguish the two Connors, but I wouldn’t risk it if you’re going for a Survivors run.
V says
Just keep walking towards the touchstone, then succeed in the QTE’s and Connor will touch the lit up handprint and escape the Garden and NOT shoot Markus.
ThunderGod97 says
There’s a condition to seeing Amanda before Connor’s Last Mission….as I’ve never seen her before his last mission despite facing both Hank and Captain Allen multiple times. If I can identify the condition, I will post it.
Sitron says
It might be that Markus have to kill Connor in order to get that scene. I didn’t get it when a soldier killed Connor in Crossroads and I’m pretty sure that you’ll get it if Markus decides to not trust Connor in Night of the Soul. It’s just a guess though…
EmeraldAly says
Markus killed Connor on the freighter in my playthrough and I still didn’t get the Zen Garden intro for Connor’s Last Mission.
Jerem says
It only worked for me after Markus killed Connor deviant in Night of the Soul (didn’t work if Connor died on the freighter).
Little Cat Lost says
I can confirm that during one of my playthroughs I had Connor turn deviant in Crossroads, then chose to have Markus kill Connor in Night of the Soul. Then when Battle for Detroit started, I got the extra scene with Amanda in the zen garden and Connor went straight to the Connor’s Last Mission flowchart.
Any advice for making Hank hostile so that he quits the police force and commits suicide and still have high enough software instability for Connor to choose to become deviant? Because that’s obviously an option since Connor can appear at the Cyberlife tower and Hank can be dead. I tried, but many of the options that make Hank angry also lowers his software instability. I went through without dying (aside from Hank shooting Connor because he was hostile), but it was still too low for the become deviant option to pop.
Imaginary92 says
I can’t confirm 100% but I think what you need to do is try to avoid making Hank too angry, while still dying everytime you can. This doesn’t affect your software instability as much as making Hank angry, but it will remind Hank of his son Cole, and I think he will commit suicide anyway in Night of the Soul.
Nathan says
Yeah my first play though was was this exact thing I’m at cyber life as a deviant and hank killed himself in night of the soul I tried to stop him even told him to stop looking at his son picture but he still killed himself and hates androids
EmeraldAly says
Just playing “Connor’s Last Mission” for the first time now (my first Violent Markus playthrough) and the meeting in the Zen garden with Amanda didn’t happen. My first node is “Hart Plaza Rooftop.”
lemon says
hey i know its been almost 6 years but did you ever figure out how to get this? trying to 100% the game rn but ive been struggling with this one :/
Akira says
I think need add this information
Give Up (only available if Hank still has FRIEND status and if Connor asked twice about Hank’s son)
Jayden says
Hey so I was friends with him but at this chapter (machine Connor) it immediately dropped down to hostile, how can I keep it at friend?
DarkCreature says
Subject: Hank Hostile/Connor Deviant
I’m writing this because this walkthrough just went quickly over it but in fact there’s a massive undertaking in order to reach this point.
First of all, Hank being hostile and Connor becomes deviant are two extremes since they have the most complex relation among all characters. It’s either the former, where Connor remains a machine (which can result in having a valuable missing lock during Crossroads when confronted by either North or Markus – you can’t become a deviant) or the latter, where Hank sympathizes with Connor, keeping him away from leaving the force and committing suicide, but still able to appear in Cyberlife Tower.
What I did is keeping both on a balanced path by making the following playthrough:
Partners – spill drink, fail to find deviant (Hank tense, Connor software unstable)
This skips The Interrogation
Waiting for Hank – when you check on his desk focus on the baseball cap and the anti-androids slogans. Talk to him about them so to irritate him further.
On the Run – (during this playthrough I had Kara sleeping in the parking lot to speed up her movements) Kara fails her stealthy escape (fail wherever you like) leading to Connor rushing after her. At the fence they look at each other (good – and only – moment they see each other in order to unlock a particular node during Night of the Souls IF Markus has died in Crossroads). Hank comes to stop Connor from jumping over the fence and Connor gives up. (Hank better than before, Connor software unstable)
The Nest – Hank won’t be further irritated during his lunch talk. Also fail to find Rupert.
Russian Roulette – This is neutral ground.
The Eden Club – I had the Tracis killed for the sake of avoiding being decommissioned in Last Chance, Connor. (Hank is Hostile, Connor software stabilizing)
The Bridge – Whatever Connor says will lead to Hank shooting him but try to choose Troubled or Disturbed or Yes whenever possible to shake his stability
Public Enemy – (during this playthrough I needed Simon alive so he’s not available here anywhere) Interrogate deviants, find the culprit, die after he attacks you.
Meet Kamski – Just kill Chloe and get the Jericho location. Also when Kamski talks to you any dubious answer here is welcome to be chosen. Killing Chloe at this point is a key factor to keep Hank pissed. Also please note that if you didn’t kill Chloe Hank’s Hostile can go up to Tense and this will blow entirely whatever you did so far.
Last Chance, Connor – You can go directly to Jericho as Hank will be Hostile OR have the Tracis activated if you answered the wrong question (they share spare parts).
Crossroads – When faced with either North or Markus the “Become a Deviant” lock should appear.
As a further note, whenever you are with Amanda just answer her in a dubious tone. She will become hostile towards Connor, which is exactly what we want her to do.
jan gardemeister says
Hello, just did this following your instructions. It went well but killing Chloe was too much. When i was facing Markus in Crossroads and let him shake my software instability to the very end the deviant path was still locked. I was quite pissed playing so far and not knowing what went wrong. But i found a quick solution. I went back and spared Chloe. Software instability went sky high and Hank was still hostile. Actually Hank was already hostile from the moment i spilled his drink.
Ludovit says
What about connor’s last mission
VGizaL says
Anyone can tell me how to unlock the node “The Androids Woke Up”, with no Hank (hostile), when Deviant Connor dies by New Connor? I don’t know how it is possible, I have tried killing all protagonist androids but nothing changes. Help please!
VGizaL says
Finally I got this node.
I was confused with the “CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT” in the guide.
It is only necessary that Hank was alive and “Sacrifice him” to convert androids into deviants.
Moooooki says
How do you get the “Talk to new Connor” node?
Moooooki says
Never mind I figured it out when new Connor shoots you down and you have a chance to either transfer, stand or shoot him, do nothing and wait for the time to run out, Connor will say his last few words before he dies and that’s how the node is unlocked.
MiauTheWorld says
Thank you!
Relevant says
How do you unlock the node ‘The Androids Woke Up’ that has the skull on it? I’ve tried everything and I don’t know how to unlock this one
Igor says
In the end of the last Markus’ discourse for the andoirds, I had a scene with Connor and Amanda, in the Zen Garden in the middle of a snowstorm, so, she says that Connor becoming a deviant made part of her plan, and we need to reach for the place where we put the hand. When Connor backs to reality, he have had drewed the gun, like he intent to kill Markus.
I don’t know how I got this (or if it’s in this walkthrough), but I think Connor can kill Markus in the end, no matter what …
Charbel M. says
Branch: (If Hank committed suicide in Night of the Soul) A New Connor Arrives
You will need Deviant Connor and Hostile Hank
My story path for this:
All normal until the Nest:
(N.B.: Keeping Connor alive always will help increasing Software Instability (SI))
The Nest => Do not save hank, Chase Rupert
Eden Club => SPARE the Tracis
The Bridge => Make sure Hank does not kill you
Public Enemy => Attack SIMON on the roof, probe his memory, Connor traumatized
Meet Kamski => Kill Chloe
(While waiting to enter, heck Kamski’s and Amanda’s photos to trigger questions for Zen garden which will help increasing SI)
Last Chance, Connor => Hank gets Hostile and Resigns
Crossroads => When Connor face Markus, choose questions to increase (SI), like Reason, Convince, Question, Sow Doubts => Connor Deviant
Andrew "KILAH4716" L. says
Is it required to discuss Cole’s picture in “The Bridge” to answer correctly to Hank’s son’s name? Or is just seeing the picture from “Russian Roulette” all you need?
Canz says
I think seeing the picture is all you need.
I’m a bit nervous thinking Hank might shoot Connor, as Connor didn’t know his son’s name. However Cole’s name was unlocked anyway. Probably Android Technology’s magic.
ps. I went back to the bridge to see if I can know anything. However Hank didn’t give a clear answer and obliviously not planning to tell Connor his son’s story. Would there be a change if Hank is in Friend Level? I tried but failed, I didn’t find enough options to raise the status to the top. He just don’t want to talk.
Tibone says
Hi, I’m confused about a node connection, if u look at Connor at the Cyberlife Tower chapter, right after u [Stop conversion to save Hank] u can choose [Attack new Connor] this will go straight to [Connors Fight], but here is where I’m super confused, u can go straight from [Connors Fight] to [Resume Conversion] and skip the Hank asks questions part, but how?! I have read online that u need 100% QTE on that fight, but I have never gotten this? If anyone has figured this out, let me know, I really want to know how u do that connection between the nodes! ☺︎ or maybe just a wrong connection? I don’t know haha, thank u in advance!
Phillipe says
You need to finish converting the android before the new connor shoots at your hand (press the button very fast). After that, you just have to lose the fight.