Destiny 2 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: Depending on Raid – 5/10 with good team – 7.5/10 with bad team
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50 hours
- Offline Trophies: 0
- Online Trophies: 14 (0
, 2
, 11
, 1
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, beat a Nightfall Strike on Prestige difficulty or Raid on Prestige difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 3 (one playthrough with each character class)
Welcome to the Destiny 2 Trophy Guide! Just like Destiny 1 this is an online-only game. It cannot be played offline. A constant internet connection is required. There are only 13 trophies plus the platinum. It’s a very straight forward list. Your main goal is beating the raid. Most other things will come naturally along the way. You must also play the 3 different characters and unlock their respective subclasses. All trophies, except for the nightfall strike and raid, can be done solo. The nightfall requires a group of 3, and the raid 6 players. As the level cap is raised through DLC these may be possible to do beat solo, but without DLC it’s not feasible.
Step 1: Get All Subclasses with First Character, Level 20, Shaxx’s Call to Arms, Challenges, Nightfall Strike, Raid
Simply play through the story. After the story go do the follow-up mission in the ‘The Traverler’ hub area (marked on map). This will instantly put you at level 20.
Unlock all subclasses with your first character. In Destiny 2, subclasses are obtained from finding Artifacts in random loot chests. One after level 7 and the other after level 14. The artifacts initiate small quest lines that result in the subclass being unlocked. You can farm loot chests from public events. The higher your level, the better the odds of finding the Artifacts.
Also do Shaxx’s Call ot Arms Quest. You can talk to him in the Farm hub area or ‘The Traveler’ hub area. For this quest you just need to play a few Crucible PVP matches.
Challenges will unlock automatically later into the game. Completing 30 isn’t too horribly difficult, just a bit time consuming. They are pretty basic tasks like killing enemies with specific weapon types, or killing enemies in quick succession.
Next you need to beat a Nightfall Strike. To unlock Nightfalls you need a minimum power level of 230. The power level increases by equipping better gear (level 20 legendary and exotic items).
Now all that’s left for this playthrough is the raid. It will take a group of high level players to beat it and you need really good equipment yourself. However, over time it will get easier as new DLCs are being released and the level cap will be raised.
Step 2: Get All Subclasses with Second Character (Speedrun)
Rush through the game again and unlock the 3 subclasses for your second character. You’ll earn some story-related exotics along the way. Put them in the vault in the farm. This way you can share the exotics with your other characters.
Step 3: Get All Subclasses with Third Character (Speedrun), 15 Exotics
Now pick the last remaining character class and unlock all its subclasses. Along the way you will earn a few more story-related exotics. This should be enough to put you at 15 exotics total. If not, go back to your main character and keep farming for exotics until you have 15 total.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Destiny 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Fastest Way to Reach Level 20
- Power Levels Guide: Reaching 300+ Power (Raid Preparation)
- All Exotic Gear
- How to Unlock Heroic Events
- How to Unlock Flashpoints
- Golden Chest Locations (that’s the fastest way to get purple gear)
- All Consumables, Redeemables, Tokens, Resources, Crafting Materials
- All Vendors and Faction Rewards
- Leviathan Raid Walkthrough
Destiny 2 Trophy Guide
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Traveler’s Chosen Obtain all trophies in Destiny 2. |
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Earn all other Destiny 2 Trophies to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Long and Winding Road Reach level 20. |
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Level 20 is the highest level. You earn XP from doing quests, side activities and killing enemies.
Simply beat the story. You then come to the “The Traveler” hub area with one more main mission marked on the map. It’s a very quick quest that requires you to talk to some NPCs. Upon completing it you will reach level 20 automatically! It doesn’t matter what level you are before then. Even if you’re just level 15 it will instantly put you at level 20. Only do the story and ignore everything else. You can speedrun it in 10 hours or less. Between main missions you’ll have to level up to get access to new planets. Do the adventures marked on the map, they give decent XP. Playing in a group lets you earn XP even when allies kill the enemies. This is a lot quicker than going solo. |
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Zavala’s Lieutenant Acquire each Titan subclass. |
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The Titan has 3 Subclasses:
The first subclass is unlocked automatically from the third story mission “Spark”. You only need to unlock two more. In Destiny 2 subclasses are obtained from Artifacts found in RANDOM loot chests. They spawn randomly while free roaming on planets but also when completing public events. The higher your level, the better the odds of finding the required artifact from a loot chest. The first artifact can be found after reaching Level 7, the second after Level 14. The least troublesome strategy is to wait until after the story. In all likelihood you will have gotten the subclass quests along the way without trying. If not, farm public events for their chests. Unlocking the subclasses is enough. You don’t have to upgrade them. |
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Cayde’s Pathfinder Acquire each Hunter subclass. |
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The Hunter has 3 Subclasses:
The first subclass is unlocked automatically from the third story mission “Spark”. You only need to unlock two more. In Destiny 2 subclasses are obtained from Artifacts found in RANDOM loot chests. They spawn randomly while free roaming on planets but also when completing public events. The higher your level, the better the odds of finding the required artifact from a loot chest. The first artifact can be found after reaching Level 7, the second after Level 14. The least troublesome strategy is to wait until after the story. In all likelihood you will have gotten the subclass quests along the way without trying. If not, farm public events for their chests. Unlocking the subclasses is enough. You don’t have to upgrade them. |
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Ikora’s Protégé Acquire each Warlock subclass. |
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The Warlock has 3 Subclasses:
The first subclass is unlocked automatically from the third story mission “Spark”. You only need to unlock two more. In Destiny 2 subclasses are obtained from Artifacts found in RANDOM loot chests. They spawn randomly while free roaming on planets but also when completing public events. The higher your level, the better the odds of finding the required artifact from a loot chest. The first artifact can be found after reaching Level 7, the second after Level 14. The least troublesome strategy is to wait until after the story. In all likelihood you will have gotten the subclass quests along the way without trying. If not, farm public events for their chests. Unlocking the subclasses is enough. You don’t have to upgrade them. |
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Show Me What You Got Complete Shaxx’s Call to Arms. |
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This quest is given to you by Lord Shaxx, an NPC found on the Farm. It’s a very simple quest that requires you to play a few Crucible Matches (PVP).
You find Lord Shaxx in the hangar, on the right side of the Farm. Quest Steps:
You can keep track of the quest progress by pressing Touchpad and L2. Once everything is complete, return to Shaxx to hand in the quest. He’ll reward you with a random Exotic gear piece and the trophy. Note: After the story, Lord Shaxx spawns in ‘The Traveler’ hub area instead of the Farm. |
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In A Flash Complete a Flashpoint. |
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The People’s Hero Complete a Heroic public event. |
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Public events happen every few minutes while in free roam (EDZ, Titan, Nessus, IO).
They are marked by a blue Here’s a list of how to start every type of Heroic Event: Destiny 2 How to Unlock Heroic Events Once the event starts it will say on the left side what type of an event it is. Quickly refer to the list linked above to look up the requirement to turn it into a Heroic one. It’s best if you play in a Team of 3 so multiple people can focus on the Heroic task. Personally, I found Glimmer Extraction & Devil Walker very easy. It’s random however which type of normal event you’ll get. The good news is you can turn any type of normal event into a Heroic one, you just gotta do the secret task linked to that type of public event. There’s a public event every 5 minutes or so per planet. You can also switch between different planets to reduce waiting times. |
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Heart of Darkness Complete a Nightfall strike. |
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Nightfall Strikes unlock after beating the story, reaching level 20 and raising the power level to 230. They are harder versions of the default strikes and require 3 players.
You can select Strikes via Destination Select (in the top left corner where you select planets). Keep in mind you need 230 power first. Your power level is increased by equipping better gear. Get level 20 legendary (purple) and exotic (yellow) gear to gain power levels. Because the Nightfalls are harder they also give better rewards. Some can even drop exotic gear. Being light level 260 or higher is recommended to make it a bit easier. |
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The Life Exotic Collect 15 exotic weapons or armor. |
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Exotic Gear is colored yellow. It is the rarest gear in the game.
Here’s an overview of all exotic weapons and armor pieces: Destiny 2 Exotics The good news is that some exotics are rewards for quests. You even get them from main missions as fixed rewards. Unlike Destiny 1, they can drop randomly from PVE (killing enemies + doing side activities) and PVP (winning Crucible Matches). Complete the post-story quests, some of them give exotic weapons! The Nightfall Strikes can also drop them. Xur will sell you Exotics in exchange for Legendary Shards. 3 Exotics are automatic story unlocks. If you bought a new copy of the game you should also get a code for the Coldheart Exotic Weapon. A fifth can be earned quickly from doing Shaxx’s Call to Arms Quest, see trophy “Show Me What You Got”. The 3 story-related ones, as well as Shaxx’s reward, are different for every character class. You unlock Exotics at the following story points:
The 15 exotics are counted together from all your characters. They are account-wide! You should play through the game with all 3 characters to get the gold trophies for their subclasses. In the process you are guaranteed to earn 3 different exotics from story quests per character. You can get a very easy fourth exotic with each character via Shaxx’s Call to Arms Quest. That puts you at 12 Exotics. Getting 3 more should happen almost automatically along the way. There tend to be a few random exotic drops per playthrough. In theory, you could play up until Mission 6: Riptide, pick a different exotic each time, store it in the vault, start a new character and repeat. Each character class gets 3 different armor pieces after the Riptide mission. 3 Character Classes x 3 Exotics per Class = 9 Exotics early in the game. Simply get the subclasses with all characters and put unused items in the vault. You’ll likely get 15 exotics while working on the other trophies and preparing for the nightfall strike & raid. If not, you can buy more exotics from Xur. The MIDA Multi-Tool, Sturm and Rat King are also fixed rewards for endgame quests. The exotic customization items (emotes, sparrows, spaceships, weapon skins) that you get from Bright Engrams also count towards this trophy! |
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Challenge Accepted Complete 30 challenges. |
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Challenges will unlock automatically later in the story.
After “Main Mission 11: Fury”, you will have to talk to Ikora Rey at the Farm. This cannot be missed, the story will guide you there. After speaking to her the challenges become available. They are relatively simple tasks, such as killing enemies with certain weapons. To check the active challenges, press the touchpad. Wait a few seconds for the challenges to load in. Do not hold touchpad, only tap it (to the point where it shows your ghost companion). The challenges reset daily. There are 3 different challenges per activity – strikes, crucible, and every planet has its own unique set of challenges. Make sure you go through all of these things each day. Visit every planet and do the challenges there, then do the crucible challenges and the strike challenges (note: for strikes there’s only one daily challenge for all strikes combined, not one for each invididual strike). Skip the time consuming ones and repeat the next day for new ones. |
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Belly Of The Beast Complete the Leviathan raid. |
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See Leviathan Raid Walkthrough In preparation for the raid, check the in-depth Power Levels Guide on how to get to 300+ power. The raid is for power levels 260-280. It is recommended that all players have at least 280 for this. There is no matchmaking for raids, meaning you have to find a group by yourself. Destiny 2 clans are a good place to start. Also make sure that the equipment you use doesn’t just have a lot of power levels but actually deals a lot of DPS (damage per second). Assault Rifles are generally a good choice, and for some parts of the raid swords, rocket launchers and grenade launchers. There are checkpoints within the raid (one after every big area) so you’re allowed to fly back to the tower to decrypt the engrams you’ve found. |
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The Prestige Complete the Leviathan raid or a Nightfall strike on Prestige difficulty. |
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For this you can either beat the Leviathan Raid on PRESTIGE difficulty or any Nightfall on PRESTIGE difficulty.
Beating the raid on any diffculty does not unlock it. The easier option by far is to do the Nightfall Strike. For Prestige Nightfall, Power Level 300 is recommended. It requires 3 players at 300 power. See Destiny 2 Power Level Guide: Reach 300+ Power. The Nightfall changes weekly. If you get a very difficult mission you can just wait for another week and try a different Nightfall. They reset each week on tuesday at 2AM Pacific Time / 5AM Eastern Time / 10AM British Summer Time |
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Lest Ye Be Judged Encounter an Emissary from beyond. |
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To unlock this trophy, you will need to play the “Trials of the Nine” which is a new Crucible PvP mode.
This mode is ONLY AVAILABLE ON WEEKENDS and requires a 4 player fireteam. Invite 3 of your friends, then go to the Crucible (in destination select). Now select “Trials of the Nine” in the middle and win one trial match. Afterwards, you unlock a new social space which can be selected in the Crucible (above the Trials of the Nine icon). Select the new social space and the trophy will pop as soon as you enter it. |
Thiv says
1 correction for ‘The People’s Hero’
All public events have the potential to become heroic depending on player actions. Every type of event has a specific condition to change it from normal to heroic.
For example when doing the weapon cache one on Titan- when damaging the spidertank you make it drop arc orbs. if you unlock all 3 heavy weapon caches (2 orbs per cache) the event changes to a heroic version and the objective changes from kill one tank to kill 2 tanks.
PowerPyx says
Thanks for the tip, Tiv! This makes a lot more sense now. The game never explained this. Updating ASAP.
Hartia says
For Lest Ye Be Judged
I’m thinking it might actually not be Xur related. Bungie released the roadmap for the month. And the Trials icon looks similar to the trophy icon with the 3 light blue dots (rotated 90 degrees). Could it mean flawless in Trials?
PowerPyx says
Only time will tell. Xur is coming on September 15th. Still a week to go. That’s when we’ll know.
Kevin says
How come “the prestige” is at 0.1% if is coming soon?
BioHaZarD says
You can get trophy prestige nightfall.
PowerPyx says
Yes it’s already obtainable but 300 power is recommended to play it (though I think it’s accessible with 270 power). The “coming soon” just means the explanation is coming soon, once I have all the details.
Right now, it’s difficult to get to 300 power. Let alone complete the Nightfall on Prestige.
Going to add more after the raid.
I still wonder if that trophy means “complete a raid on prestige” or “complete a raid ON ANY DIFFICULTY or nightfall on PRESTIGE”. It’s not quite clear.
Vledermause says
How much of this can be done solo? As in, is there some sort of matchmaking for activities that require more players?
PowerPyx says
Good questions!
1) The trophies for the Nightfall and Raid cannot be done solo at this time. Everything else can be. The Nightfall requires a group of 3, the raid 6 players. However, the level cap will be raised with DLC and then it can probably be solo’d (in a few years when all DLC are released, but right now it’s impossible I think — though they can be started solo)
2) I haven’t seen matchmaking for the nightfall or raid. Have to double check this, the descriptions for those trophies are still work in progress. When I tried, it put me straight into the nightfall solo without any matchmaking.
I shall add those answers to the introduction part.
Andy Ciesielski says
It’s not Xur. Found him on Nessus in watchers grave bought exotic armor and no trophy. So as it was said before maybe this trophy is connected to trials of nine?
Hartia says
Wonder what the conditions are. Did you have to get perfect like in the first game to make it to that secret area.
Hartia says
Just watched someone on YT, they got the trophy through the Trials.
Tuben13M says
I got 17 exotics and no trophie Im sorta pissed
coroner says
For the raid trophy, do you need to do the raid from start to finish in one sitting ? Can you get the trophy by just beating the final boss fight ?
PowerPyx says
Haven’t tested, but I would assume joining after the final boss is enough. The trophy doesn’t pop from the boss, it pops when opening the reward chest after the boss.
I believe in Destiny 1 this worked.
Fiel says
I have really hard time with T9 trophy. this alone make me don’t want to bother this platinum anymore. i just can’t fight aimbot people in T9. got 6-0, 5-1 every time. I am bad at PVP to begin with.
In short, if you are not good at playing shooter game on PVP mode kiss your platinum goodbye unless you can find someone who are willing to carry you. : (
PS. I don’t know why my post is output like that, maybe auto filling of google chrome. please remove above 2 posts.
Bro says
I am trying to complete ‘Show Me What You Got’ , ‘ Lest Ye Be Judged’ and ‘ Challenge Accepted’ but none of the markers or prompts appeared in the game although I completed the story.
Is it unobtainable now?
surtur101 says
I’m not sure but to me it seems that there are challenges only for the crusible, strikes, nightfall, raids and gambit so only the multiplayer modes have challenges anymore. I don’t know about Lest Ye Be Judged nor Show Me What You Got->I have to look in to that
surtur101 says
All right I did some digging and it seems that all those three(at least) are still bugged. People have been waiting sinse late august(when Forsaken came out) for a fix. There have been like 3 small patches/Hot fixes but none have had an effekt to the trophies
Loomis says
Have there been any new developments regarding the “Show Me What You Got” and “In A Flash” Trophies? Not only have I completed all 3 guardian classes but, I’ve also played crucible enough times to reset my valor rank multiple times as well as Played through multiple flashpoints, and I never got an indication for either.
Claudio Clari says
Hi guys, i need help with the two leviathan raid trophy. Any clan can help me? Thanks.
Tag PSN: clariox
Aleksi Jormanainen says
I would like to find someone to run story together
My psn is xAleksi22 and i play on europe timezone
Of course i will try to get platinum
ZanarkandA3on says
Guysss please i need you help can this still be completed 100% in 2024? all trophies