The Synthoceps is an Exotic Gear Piece in Destiny 2 for Titans.
It’s a random drop from Quests, PVE and PVP.
- Exotic Name: Synthoceps
- Type: Gauntlet Armor (Titan)
- Item Description: “Caution: the oranism has been known to develop consciousness. In these cases, immediate termination is recommended.”
- Special Ability #1: Biotic Enhancements — Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee damage when surrounded.
- Special Ability #2: Improves reload speed for equipped Kinetic weapon.
- Acquired by: Random drop from Quests, PVE & PVP. It has a chance to drop from Shaxx’s Call to Arms quest (talk to him in the Farm and complete a few Crucible Matches), and it can also come from the post-story main mission in the tower (it gives one exotic engram which contains one random item).
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