Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 if you platinumed Demon’s Souls on PS3 or platinumed other Soulsborne games before. If it’s your first Soulsborne game it will feel quite a lot harder around 7/10 difficulty.
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25-30 Hours if you played the original, around 50 hours+ if you didn’t
- Offline Trophies: 34 ( 5
, 7
, 22
- Online Trophies: 3 (1
, 2
- Number of missable trophies: All trophies are missable except for automatic story trophies & online trophies, but you have multiple Playthroughs (at least 3) in front of you so there are more than enough chances to get what you’re missing.
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No Difficulty Settings
- Minimum Playthroughs: 3 without Save scumming / 2 with Save scumming – Get all the boss souls you need more than once, rescue the merchants needed and secure your savefile. Buy all the miracles needed from Urbain and get the trophy. Reload your save and do the same with Spells.
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: No
- Release Date: November 12, 2020
Welcome to the Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake Trophy Guide! A remake of the game that started it all. And with “it all” I mean the Soulslike-Subgenre of action RPGs. If you played the original you already know what you’re getting yourself into. For people who haven’t played it on PS3, if you played any Dark Souls or Bloodborne that gives you a good idea of what to expect. If you never played any Souls games, expect a long learning curve, your first Souls game is always your hardest. For newcomers the Royalty starting class which focuses on magic is recommended.
The big difference to the Dark Souls Games is the fact that the game is divided in 5 Areas instead of one open world. Each Archstone, which are basically doors to the areas, are divided into 3 (or 4 for the Boletarian Palace) subareas with a boss waiting for you at the end of each of them. In usual Souls fashion you can unlock shortcuts throughout each level to make backtracking faster and easier.
The game stays mostly true to the original with a few changes and additions here and there, so if you managed to platinum the original the remake shouldn’t cause you troubles at all. The trophy list, while different, is still close to the original. The differences are welcome ones since you no longer have to upgrade weapons using all the different materials, which eliminated the hunt for Shining Lizards. In exchange for the tedious grind the remake added a bunch of trophies for specific ways of defeating a boss and a few NPC-related ones, which are basically just a milestone for the Magic/Miracles related trophies.
General Starting Tips – Important if you are new to the Game!
Before we even begin, here are a few VERY important things you have to know about:
- PLAY OFFLINE – playing online might mess up progress you make towards World Tendency (at least that’s how it was in the original, better don’t take any chances here)
- ALWAYS PLAY IN SOUL FORM – Dying in Soul Form has no negative influence on the Tendency system, while dying in Human Form does. After defeating a boss you will automatically turn human again – head into the Nexus and suicide there to be in Souls Form again before you move on since dying in the Nexus or dying in the Soul Form alltogether has NO influence on World/Character Tendency
- DO NOT CONSUME OR SPEND BOSS SOULS RANDOMLY – The Souls you get from Bosses are needed for Miracles/Spells and Weapon Upgrades needed for other trophies, do not just randomly use them
- DO NOT ATTACK NPCS – You might need them and you don’t want them to turn aggressive towards you
- PICK “PROVIDENTIAL RING” AS STARTING BOON – This is a new ring that didn’t exist in the PS3 version. You need all 30 Rings for a trophy. It’s highly recommended to pick it as a starting gift! If you didn’t pick it as a starting gift, you can still unlock it later (see Rings Guide).
General Starting Tips – Which class should I play?
Honetly, this question gets asked a lot in many RPGs but it doesn’t matter. Starting class only matters at the beginning of the game, since you can level up your stats however you want. Royalty is a good starting class for new players since it has strong Magic Stats from the beginning and magic is known to be strong in Demon’s Souls. Magic usage is not limited to a certain number like in Dark Souls but can be simply replenished with an item. Once you played the game for a bit you can decide yourself what suits you well – magic, swords, great swords – whatever you like. There is no “one fits all” weapon class.
Step 1: Finish all the Archstones with Pure White World Tendency
As mentioned above, always play in Souls Form. While it is a handicap since you will have less health, it is the only way that allows you dying in the game without messing up the World Tendency. Defeat 3 Bosses in each Archstone for the world to turn Pure White and take care of all the Trophy-relevant events like rescuing the merchants needed for Spells and Miracles.
Rescue Yuria ( Witch in the Tower), Sage Freke (
A Dash of Sage), Saint Urbain (
Umbasa) and buy all the stuff they offer (see their respective trophy info below). You CAN’T get all the stuff from them in your first run since some additional Boss Souls are needed for several Spells.
For the starting boons pick “The Providential Ring”. At the time of writing, it is not yet known how else to get this and you need all Rings for a trophy (only confirmed as a starting boon so far). The easiest starting class for newcomers is “Royalty” which is the one that starts with highest magic stats, but for trophy purposes it doesn’t matter what class you play. Magic makes it easier to get started in the first area.
Also, in the trophy list the bosses are not in the in-game order. If you get stuck and need to know where to find the next boss refer to the dedicated Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake Boss Guide for recommended order.
Step 2: Getting Rings / Spells / Miracles in NG+ and beyond
After your first run you will need to focus on all the collectibles in the game, while getting through the story a second and third time for Rings, Spells and Miracles. You will also have to play around with your character Tendency for a few Rings as well, but check the Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake Rings Guide for more info on that and also see the Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake Spells & Miracles Guide for the other Collectibles.
The way to go is as followed in your first Playthrough:
- Finish the game with Pure White World Tendency – Play only in Soul Form, suicide in the Nexus to get back to the Soul Form after defeating a boss since it turns you human each time. Gather all the rings (and weapons if you want some) that are only available in PWWT.
- Get Pure Black World Tendency – Once you are sure you have collected all the Rings and Weapons you want that are only available in Pure White, keep killing yourself in each of the 5 archstones in Human Form until they reach Pure Black World Tendency. Once they are Pure Black collect all the Rings you need in them and move on to step 3.
- Pure White Character Tendency – Now that all worlds are in PBWT you can traverse them and kill Black Phantom NPCs (Miranda in firste area of Boletarian Palace, Scirvir in second area of Stonefang Mines, Rydell in first region of Tower of Latria, Satsuki in first region of Shrine of Storms, Selen in second area of Valley of Defilement). This will help you turn your character Tendency Pure White. With Pure White Character Tendency talk to the Monumental in the Nexus for the Friend’s Ring and follow to step 4.
- Pure Black Character Tendency – Slaughter NPCs throughout the 5 Archstones like the Filthy Man in Stonefang Tunnels, Once Royal Mistress in Tower of Latria, Graverobber Blidge in Shrine of Storm, Dregling in Boletarian Palace, Filthy Woman in Valley of Defilement. When in Pure Black Character Tendency Mephistopheles will appear in Nexus, she will have you kill NPCs one after one and once she tells you to kill Yuria the Witch it will be her last request, killing Yuria and talking to her asfterwards will grant you the Foe Ring.
For you second Playthrough:
- Defeat 3 Bosses in each area
- Rescue the Merchants again
- Secure your Savefile
- Buy all Miracles from Urbain
- Reload your savefile
- Buy all the Spells from Yuria
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake – Boss Guide (Recommended Order)
- Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake – All Ring Locations
- Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake – All Spells & Miracles Locations
Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake Trophy Guide
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Slayer of Trophies All Trophies Obtained |
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Earn all other trophies in Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake to unlock platinum. | ||
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Phalanx’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Phalanx” |
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Phalanx is the first boss you will encounter in Demon’s Souls and very likely your first trophy you will unlock as well. Phalanx is a blob-like enemy surrounded by smaller blobs protecting him with shields and spears forming the name-giving Phalanx formation. To drain the boss health you have to attack the big blob in the middle after taking down the small shielded enemies. They are weak to fire so make use of firebombs and turpentine you have found throughout the stage.
You don’t have to kill all the small enemies to defeat the boss, but once you do the boss becomes a punching bag and can’t protect himself anymore. |
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Tower Knight’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Tower Knight” |
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The boss of the second area of the Boletarian Palace. A huge knight wielding a humongous tower shield to protect himself. In order to defeat him you need to attack his ankles until he staggers and falls down on his back. Once he is on the ground his weakspot – his head – becomes reachable for melee attacks and his life will drain very quickly.
On both sides of the castle walls will be archers who will attack you to interrupt your attack attempts. You can dispose of them first but you should know that defeating the Tower Knight without killing the archers will grant you the One Shall Fall Trophy as well. |
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Penetrator’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Penetrator” |
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The boss of the third area of the Boletarian Palace. Penetrator wields a long sword and is pretty fast. Use the statues in the area for your advantage to flank him. Additionally, you can have Biorr assist you in this boss fight, for info on how to get him check the Brother-In-Arms Trophy below.
You can’t fight the Penetrator until you have beaten one of the 4 Final Bosses of the other areas first: Dragon God, Old Monk, Storm King or Maiden Astrea. |
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False King’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “False King” |
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The final boss of the Boletarian Palace and you could say the final boss of the game since the last boss battle is just a punching bag. The False King is fast and hits hard with both close combat and ranged magic attacks, as well as an AoE explosion. Another one of his attacks is unique and lets him drain your soul level! So watch out for his grabs. Take your time and don’t play risky. | ||
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Armor Spider’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Armor Spider” |
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The first Boss of the 2nd Archstone which leads you to the Stonefang Mines. You will fight the Spider in a mining tunnel with it at one end and you at the other. Armor Spider will use ranged attacks to stop you from approaching it, so either dodge them to get closer or use ranged attacks like magic yourself. Once you are close to it, it will use short-range attacks and a flame-carpet that will make you retreat back to where you came from. | ||
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Flamelurker’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Flamelurker” |
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The second boss of the Stonefang Mines. Flamelurker is weak to magic so as a magic user he shouldn’t cause you too much trouble. As a melee user Flamelurker can be a challenge since he hits like a freight train. Don’t overestimate your damage output and focus on blocking and dodging when he goes into rampage. | ||
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Dragon God’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Dragon God” |
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The archdemon of the Stonefang Tunnels. It’s a relatively simple puzzle boss. Once the fight starts head right and destroy the rubble while hiding from his fist attack to reach a ballista on the right side. Once you use the ballista to shoot him follow the path to the other side of the arena to reach the second ballista. Once you have used both ballistas, Dragon God will go down for you to finish while hitting his head.
Additionally, you can get another trophy in this fight when using a specific weapon, for more info check Fists of Legend below. |
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Fool’s Idol’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Fool’s Idol” |
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Before you enter the boss room of Fool’s Idol in the Prison of Hope area of the Tower of Latria make sure to climb the tower on the right side of the boss room entrance. Walk to the very end of the hallway and kill the praying enemy there. If you don’t he will keep reviving the Fool’s Idol all the time and make her impossible to defeat.
During the fight itself Fool’s Idol will teleport and create clones to trick you off. The real Fool’s Idol will shoot thicker Soul Rays so that’s a way to recognize her. Watch out for magic traps she sets on the floor which will stun you when you step on them. |
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Maneater’s Trophy Slayer of Demon “Maneater” |
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The second boss of the Tower of Latria is not a Maneater, it’s TWO Maneaters. The gargoyle looking enemy you will fight on a bridge like area will fly around the area and land in between to give you opportunity to strike. Once some times passes a second one will appear to make it a 2v1 fight in your disadvantage. Try to deal as much damage as possible to the first one before the second one arrives. A bow or magic can be helpful here to hit them while they are midair. | ||
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Old Monk’s Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Old Monk” |
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The archdemon of the Tower of Latria. This fight can be both very easy or very hard. While playing online this boss can be controlled by a real person and should you be paired up with someone who knows what they are doing very well you might get in trouble.
Playing offline you will face an NPC version of the boss which isn’t particularly difficult. The only attack you have to watch out for is when he summons 5 yellow orbs which are homing shots so keep your distance for easier dodging of this move. |
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Adjudicator’s Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Adjudicator” |
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The first boss of the Shrine of Storms. You can either stay on top of the arena to shoot his head with magic or bow, or drop down and hit his stab wound on his belly while dodging to the right all the time. After some hits he will fall down and you will be able to hit his head. Hitting his belly will void the One Shall Stand Trophy, though. | ||
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Old Hero’s Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Old Hero” |
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The second boss of the Shrine of Storms is the Old Hero. He is a huge human-form enemy with a giant sword but there is a gimmick to this fight: he is blind. When walking slowly or having the Thief’s Ring equipped he will not be able to know your location. Use that to your advantage for a few safe hits before retreating again. | ||
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Storm King’s Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Storm King” |
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The archdemon of the Shrine of Storms. The boss will not be there from the start. Instead the arena will be filled with flying mantarays. Use a bow to kill as many as possible, so they don’t attack you during the fight. Once the air is clear (literally) sprint to the very end of the arena to find the Storm Ruler sword, which is a gimmick to this fight. The Storm Ruler is a longe range sword which will “split” the skies and deal massive damage to Storm King.
You can also just shoot him with arrows but using the Storm Ruler is way more satisfying. |
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Leechmonger’s Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Leechmonger” |
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The first boss of the Valley of Defilement. He will wait for you on the bottom of a pit, which will give you many different approaches to the fight. You can either use your high ground to shoot him from above or you just go down and hit him up-close. It’s recommended using fire against him since he is weak to it. | ||
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Dirty Colossus’ Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Dirty Colossus” |
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The second boss of the Valley of Defilement. Get close to him and use fire attacks which he is very weak to. Just dodge his swings and watch out for his explosion which will cover you in dirt. Not a particularly difficult boss. | ||
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Maiden Astraea’s Trophy Slayer of the Demon “Maiden Astraea” |
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The archdemon of the Valley of Defilement. Maiden Astraea is a special case since you don’t fight her at all. She just sits at the very end of this grotesque arena and prays. Instead her bodyguard Garl Vinland will come after you and he hits like a freight train.
There are multiple ways of dealing with this fight. You can either defeat Garl and then kill Astraea, kill Garl and simply talk to Astraea or ignore Garl completely. Once you kill Garl head to Astraea and you will get her soul by either killing her or talking to her which will have her kill herself instead. Check the May you be unharmed Trophy below on how to defeat Astaea without killing Garl. |
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Return to Form Help a player vanquish a boss |
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After defeating the Phalanx and talking to both Maiden in Black and the Monumental in the Nexus you will be given the Blue Eye Stone. You can use it to set a summon sign and have someone call you into their world. Set your sign, wait for someone to call you in and help them defeat the boss. | ||
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Unwelcome Guest Vanquish a player as an invader |
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Use the Black Eye Stone to invade another player and kill them. You have to deal the final blow, otherwise you won’t get the trophy. | ||
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One Shall Fall Vanquish the Tower Knight without killing any archers |
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In the second area of the Boletarian Castle- The Lord’s Path – the boss will be Tower Knight. On each side of the arena on top of the castle walls are archers who will try to disturb your fight. For this trophy you have to ignore them. Focus on Knight’s ankles until he falls down and hit his head for massive damage, while dodging the arrows. | ||
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Brother-in-Arms Vanquish Penetrator with Biorr |
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Once you have unlocked the third area of the Boletarian Palace – Inner Ward – head through the level and kill the first and second Fat Official (the weirdly laughing enemies). This will grant you the Iron Ring of Keys and an Official’s Cap With that head back to the area just before the Tower Knight fight and open a door there. Inside the area you will find a cell where you can rescue Biorr.
Once done defeat the Penetrator with Biorr’s assist for the trophy. |
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Fists of Legend Vanquish Dragon God with the Hands of God |
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In order to get this trophy you will have to defeat the Dragon God using the Hands of God. You have to use the ballistas in this fight but you will have to use the Hands of God for the last phase of the fight when his head lies on the rocks. You will have to equip BOTH Hands in order to get this trophy.
There are multiple ways of obtaining this weapon:
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Time for Rolling Cross the walkway through the Idol’s volleys of arrows |
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In the first area of Tower of Latria, shortly before the boss room you will encounter a big arrow shooting machine with a bunch of corpses lying in front of it. You have to time your rolls in between the arrow volleys to get past it for the trophy. It’s not as hard as it sounds since there is a bit of time between the volleys for you to roll past it. | ||
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Not Fooled Vanquish the Fool’s Idol without hitting any clones |
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Fool’s Idol will create clones during the fight to trick you into attacking them instead of the real Idol. There are 2 ways to figure out which Idol is the real one. Either get close to them and use the auto-aim to see if a short lifebar appears, which it only does for the clones or pay attention to the soul arrows they shoot. The real Idol will shoot soul rays which are way thicker than the ones of the clones. | ||
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One Shall Stand Vanquish Adjudicator without having him fall down |
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You will enter Adjudicator’s boss room from above, the perfect spot for this trophy. His weakspot is his head which you normally reach by attacking his stab wound on his stomach for him to fall down. For this trophy you need to focus only on his head and not attack his belly.
Use either a bow or magic while staying on top of the arena and dodging his tongue attacks. |
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May you be unharmed Vanquish Maiden Astraea without killing Garl Vinland |
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The fight takes places in a very grotesque area with cursed baby corpses grabbing you in the swamp in the middle and Garl Vinland chasing you if you try to get too close to Astraea. You can get the trophy by shooting Astraea with a bow from far distance of simply outsmarting and outrunning Garl, but he will catch up to you eventually. Using the bow and shooting her from a distance is by far the safest way to get it done. | ||
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Seekest soul power Embrace the power of the Old One |
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Secure your savefile before entering the “fight” with the Old King at the end of the game! According to a report you have to kill the Maiden in Black in order to get this trophy… however you need to spare her in order to get her Soul which is needed for another trophy. So kill her, reload your savefile and beat the “boss” again without killing her this time around. | ||
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A Dash of Sage Rescue Sage Freke the Visionary |
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You will find him in the Prison of Hope, in one of the cells. In the area just before the Fool’s Idol on the wall behind the praying enemy you have to kill to make the Idol vulnerable will be the Special Key. With the Key head back to Sage Freke to save him from his cell. He will appear in the Nexus afterwards. | ||
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Umbasa Rescue Saint Urbain |
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In the second area of the Shrine of Storms – The Ritual Path – head to the bottom of the area with the first Grim Reaper looking enemy and head behind the staircase. There Patches will kick you down a pit where you can rescue Saint Urbain. Saint Urbain is needed in order to learn all the Miracles in the game. | ||
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Worthy of the Sword Deliver Makoto to Satsuki |
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Satsuki will appear at the very beginning of the Shrine of Storms when it reaches the Pure White World Tendency (again, don’t die in the area in Human Form, always play as Soul Form and kill all the bosses). Satsuki wants you to show him the Magic Sword Makoto.
You can find the sword in the second area of the Shrine of Storms – The Ritual Path – on a rock where Patches kicks you down the pit behind the first Grim Reaper. Once you have the sword Satsuki will ask you to show it to him, agree and the trophy is yours. |
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Road to Possibilities Give the Searing Demon Soul to Blacksmith Ed |
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After defeating the Flamelurker give its Soul to Ed the Blacksmith at the very start of Stonefang Tunnels. This will unlock the option to create weapons from Boss Souls. To unlock the shortcut to him you need to go straight past the second fog gate in Smithing Grounds up to the cliffs and activate the elevavator there. | ||
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One of the few Obtain Istarelle |
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In order to obtain Istarelle you will first have to achieve the Pure White World Tendency in the Valley of Defilement by defeating all 3 Bosses there without dying in the Human Form. So after each boss head back to the Nexus to suicide there to be in the Soul Form, since dying in the Soul Form doesn’t affect the World Tendency.
Once the Valley is Pure White head to the first area of the Valley and follow the stage until you reach the area with rats at the bottom of a ramp. Kill the rats and the huge enemy on the other side. Halfway across the path connecting the area with rat and the area with the huge deprived enemy you will see a ladder on your left. Climb up the ladder and follow the path while fighting huge enemies until you reach a cave at the end with 3 huge deprived ones. Kill them and the Istarelle will be yours. |
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Witch in the Tower Rescue Yuria the Witch |
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Once you have unlocked the third area of the Boletarian Palace – Inner Ward – head through the level and kill the first and second Fat Official (the weirdly laughing enemies). This will grant you the Iron Ring of Keys and a Official’s Cap With that head back to the area just before the Tower Knight fight and open a door there. Inside the area you will find a cell where you can rescue Biorr.
Additionally, there will be a third Fat Official which will drop the Bloody Key. With the key head back to area before the Tower Knight again and open the gate there. Follow the path into a tower with a fat official above you. Equip the Official’s Cap you got earlier and he will lower the stairs for you. Defeat the Official, take off your cap and talk to Yuria afterwards to rescue her and have her appear in the Nexus. Yuria is needed in order to obtain all the Spells. For the PS5 version rescuing Yuria has been changed a bit since you can’ trick the official to open the staircase by wearing only the Cap. You need to dress up as a fat official wearing all of his gear – you need to kill fat officials in both Boletarian Palace as well as in Stonefang Mines for them to drop all the gear pieces. Only with a full set the fat official can be tricked to open the staircase for you! |
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Legacy of the Kings Obtain the Northern Regalia |
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Can be only obtained in a second playthrough. In your first playthrough you will need to obtain 3 items:
Will all 3 items go the Blacksmith Ed in the beginning area of Stonefang Mines. If you have the Soul of the Flamelurker in your Inventory he will let you use Boss Souls for smithing. Fuse the 3 Items with his service to obtain the Northern Regalia. You could theoretically use the Nexus Binding after picking up the second sword to get in your first playthrough as well if you wish. |
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Sage’s Trophy All Magic Spells Obtained |
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» Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake – All Spells & Miracles Locations | ||
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Saint’s Trophy All Miracles Obtained |
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» Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake – All Spells & Miracles Locations | ||
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King of Rings All Rings Obtained |
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» Demon’s Souls PS5 Remake – All Ring Locations |
Christian says
Thank god that their is no need for stonedfops. The droprate for the final one stoped my plat for the original. 1%chans. 1chance no drop and then you have to try in new game + instead.
MrCookTM says
No idea what you’re talking about, pure bladestone was the hardest one to get (low chance like you said, 1% sounds accurate), but it could be farmed indefinitely from the dual katana skeleton in shrine of storms. Just took patience, the longest it took for me was around 7ish hours on my EU version plat, around 3-4h on US and SEA plat.
MAXspeilman says
You say play offline but what about those online trophies wouldn’t it be best to get them out of the way?
Gurpreet says
Can we summon someone like darksouls, bloodborne or nioh
SelfConfidenced says
Correct what about the online trophies ?? Do I have to play online to get platinum?
Ken says
Anyone wanna team up to get the online trophies early? Add me, my PSN is KenRN3
Saurabh says
How hard are the boss fights in this game compared to Sigrun in God of War?
Oliffen says
Sigrun is just an angry version of all the other Valkeries. Some bosses in Demon’s Souls are alot harder, and some are very much easier 🙂
PhantomFear94 says
Would be a very interesting comparison for me, too. Not a Souls-borne player but Sigrun was one of the harder bosses I’ve faced period (at least on the 3rd difficulty).
Saurabh says
Also, how hard is the game compared to the time trials on hard in SOTC remake cause I’ve beaten that
Sam W says
I had a lot more trouble with some of valkyries and trials in God of War than any of the bosses in Demon’s Souls, it just takes a lot longer to get back to the bosses when you die.
Sewii says
In average the hardest souls bosses are as difficult as Sigrun, where you learn a choreography to beat the boss as you die time after time.
The big difference is that in GoW you get to Sigrun after following almost an unbendable timeline, so you get there with most of what you need to beath the boss. In souls games there is no clear path to follow, so you could encounter bosses that are almost impossible to beat because your character is too weak. You go find an easier boss sometimes and come back at the harsest later.
Dan says
Personally I’d say they’re very easy compared to Sigrun.
If a boss appears too strong, just return later when you’re op
Also most bosses have weaknesses you can exploit.
PhantomFear94 says
Can anyone give any advice if this is the first souls-borne game I’m looking to play seriously? Read you should always spend your first attempt dodging and blocking just to get used to their moves, but any other advise? Many thanks.
Omar says
Die->Learn->Die->Learn->Die->Learn…, until you succeed
Amy says
Don’t see dying as a bad thing, it is part of the game. I often did ‘suicide runs’ during the Dark Souls games in an attempt to pick up an item (since you don’t lose items when you die), knowing that I would certainly die in the process.
Sewii says
Demon’s is a good one to start with. I found it’s difficulty as medium compared to Dark Souls 1 or Sakiro being brake my controller hard.
I recommend a starting class that’ll give you strong magic, like royalty, as that’ll make the 1st playthru easier. Close combat classes require more skill and knowledge you’ll learn on the 1st playthru. Watch a beginner tip youtube videos to find some early suicide run weapons.
Leo says
Nice guide guys will look forward to playing this again when i can finaly get a ps5 lol
Payton says
This aged well lol
demon says
Where are the Glitches/Bugs Boss Guides? How about an overpowered Stats build?
demon says
Well, i use the Gold Coin Glitch. I also got the Blueblood Sword. I will brute force my way through the game now.
Boss says
Will we be able to trade, give away or receive items such as rings, spells etc? It’s it possible to boost with friends?
3pointsfromMars says
Hey Powerpyx, are you really sure about the 3 playtroughs? I got the platinum trophy for the PS3 version last year and i just needed 1 playtrough and a little bit of NG+ in order to the get the last miracles/spells from Yuria.
DK says
Changed it to 2 Playthroughs since save scumming exists. But in your second playthrough you still have to kill a lot of bosses (basically most of them) so I will count it as full playthrough.
Sepheroithisgod says
The Yuria Questline has been changed. You must wear the entire Official’s Set.
crazycub says
Yes can confirm! I was thinking my game was glitched with the official’s hat but you must wear the entire set (new items added). The official’s clothes is found by killing the official after the Armor Spider archstone. Leggings are off of the fat official in 2-1 (I forget which one). Gloves also in 2-1 I believe but the leggings and gloves I forge the exact location. Just go through 2-1 and 2-2 and you should get them by beating the ministers (and then the Penetrator level for the hat, of course).
DK says
Thank you for that info! Will add it to the guide.
Lucas Christ says
Please help. I beat Phalanx and the trophy popped but in my profile it’s still “Not Earned”. I did sync my trophies with network just to make sure. Whats going on?
DK says
Can’t help you with that buddy. Probably some psn issues or something on your end, sorry.
viciousbroccoli says
I’m positive I picked the Providential Ring as a starting gift but I just noticed after beating Tower Knight that it isn’t there. Am I going to have to restart the game or is there still a way to get the ring within the world?
DK says
There is probably a way to trade for one with the crow, but so far nobody knows it seems. Would be kinda stupid if picking it as a starting gift was the only way, since you can’t trade rings with other people.
demon says
“take care of all the Trophy-relevant events.
Rescue Yuria, Sage Freke and Saint Urbain and buy all the stuff they offer.”
Your Trophy Guide is written for some advance players, who already know the game. For someone new to this game, the guide is just mediocre. I don’t even know where to begin, cause of all the missable things..let alone which class should i choose? Is a mage built OP? Which weapon should i upgrade? Not enough advise.
I guess too many games right now…Spiderman, AC Valhalla and so on.
PowerPyx says
It will all make sense when you play the game. To answer your questions:
– “take care of all the Trophy-relevant events”: I agree, this needed further clarification and has received an update in the Roadmap.
– “Rescue Yuria, Sage Freke and Saint Urbain”: this was and is explained fully in the guide.
– “which class should i choose? Is a mage built OP? Which weapon should i upgrade?”: Doesn’t matter what you pick for trophy purposes, whatever class fits your playstyle. There is no “one fits all” in Souls games. Royalty class is probably easiest for new players in the 1st area (magic focused), a note about that has been added. The rest is just trial and error to get good.
If any other questions or concerns, leave a comment and will give it another look. Questions often lead to incorporating the answers into the guide which helps everyone 🙂
Justin says
You have to read the entire thing before judging it, there’s explanation on how to do everything
demon says
The Providential Ring, which can be selected at character creation as a starting boon. This one increases your item discovery. It’s unknown whether this can be found or obtained by other means, but I can confirm based on my own progress tracker that it is required for the trophy.
The Ring of Longevity, which is included in the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game. This one increases your maximum HP by what seems to be around 5%. It can also be obtained by trading a Pure Bladestone, infamously farmed in 4-2, with Sparkly the Crow in 4-1.
The Sodden Ring, found in 3-2 with pure black world tendency. This one increases your mobility in deep water.
The Ring of Uneven Scales, found by trading a gold coin found in 1-3 with Sparkly the Crow in 4-1. This one cuts your equipment burden limit to increase your overall item burden limit.
Some info on the new rings, if you did’nt get it already.
DK says
Ring locations are done already, but thanks anyways. We still don’t knwo if the Providential Ring has a second way to be obtained, but it probably does somewhere.
demon says
“The longevity ring has a glitch that you able to swap it and get health which makes it an infinite heal glitch. Get good at menu swapping and general spamming a button. You will probably be able to do this mid fight”
Can Powerpyx confirm it?
DK says
Yes, there is a glitch like that, however only usable when you are in a safe spot. Doing that during bossfight isn’t really recommended since being in menus doesn’t stop the game.
demon says
But you could technically heal to max after every mob fight, right? But to use that strat, you first need to buy the expensive Digital Deluxe Edition. Otherwise you won’t have the Longevity Ring at the beginning. 🙁
Jamal says
Just finished the game and did NOT receive the trophy for Seeketh Soul Power. You HAVE to kill the Maiden in Black to get the trophy otherwise it wont pop. It would probably be best to back up your save and then do both endings.
DK says
Thanks for letting me know. This is weird indeed… The devs really wanted to stretch this platinum out a bit it seems.
Save-scumming shall be the option again.
Bersi says
Is the Old King the first fight against Allant in the cathedral or does this refer to the fight in the cave after the first fight and you get teleported?
Or better said, can I save after the first fight against King Allant before entering the cave and then kill both the King + Maiden, then reload and kill only the King in the cave?
Jamal says
Also done more testing for the Providential Ring. Starting on a fresh save with a new character and choosing the ring does not update the trophy tracker. Bluepoint should probably address this.
Vawn says
You have to have ALL the rings on one character. If you played first and had some rings, starting over where you choose the Providential Ring would create a character with only that one ring. I assume that progress tracker would still list whatever percentage you were at on your previous character.
Jamal says
Yes I can confirm which is ridiculous. Im missing just that one ring, two spells and I’ll have the plat but I REALLY dont want to do all of the ring stuff again just for one. Something has got to give.
Kevin says
Trade a gold coin to the crow and she’ll give you the ring
Sam says
@Kevin, giving a gold coin to the crow will give you the Ring of Uneven Scales not the Providential Ring. As of right now, the only way to Platinum the game is to pick the Providential Ring as your starting boon in order to collect all the rings in the game.
Please test something yourself before posting it. You might give false hopes to someone and also have them waste a gold coin.
Overgrownmoose says
I will add a hint here so that I don’t get lost among the comments.
the game has one counter. When you killed the lizard, you go up to it, press x, and a window with loot pops out, well, what fell out of the lizard. If the loot does not contain the stone you need, then WITHOUT CLOSING THE WINDOW WITH THE LOUT, you exit the game through the PS button, then re-enter the game and you find yourself in almost the same place and the lizard is alive. Well, in short, you do these simple manipulations until you drop what you need from the desired lizard. Good luck in the next playthrough.
john says
could someone in some kinda detail what me mentions with doing it in 2 playthroughts? how do you save scum it? @powerpyx
DK says
I mentioned it twice in the guide ^^
Secure your savefile, buy all the miracles at the end of your 2nd playthrough for the trophy, get your save back from the cloud and this time buy the spells needed.
Vawn says
You can’t trade rings with other players.
TCP says
Will you be doing a walkthrough , like you did for sekiro
Ie a guide explaining order to get everything and where to find , what to do etc etc ?
Tyler says
I accidentally died in body form in 4-1, I’ve been playing all offline, is it still possible to bring the world back to pure white for whatever trophies require it?
Sam says
You’ll be fine. You still got 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4 to get you to pure white. You could also upload your save to the cloud and play most of the game in human form and just reload your save whenever you die. that way, you can get invaded and killing an invader increased the white tendency.
Jamal says
As long as you make sure to play through the entirety of the rest of 4-1 in spirit firm you should be good. Just never EVER play the level im body form.
SoulMaster69 says
Im a bit confused about 2 things
1. When is the best time to do the missable boss trophies? 1st or 2nd playthrough? I already missed the Tower Knight one.
2. You say to finish the game with Pure White World Tendency in the 1st playthrough. Do you mean the entire game or just all the bosses except the final? Because it looks like we also have to do stuff in Pure Black in the same playthrough?
Saurabh says
Why not ’try to get the boss trophies the first time you try to defeat that boss?’
Saurabh says
I mean try to get the boss trophies in the first playthrough
Broken963 says
Your first playthrough is best just in case you do miss the trophy anyway you can take care of it in your 2nd playthrough.
Completing the game in White World Tendency means up to the final boss as when you kill it the game will jump you straight to New Game Plus. Will have the guide updated for clarity, thank you.
Saurabh says
Do I get the pwwt rings in my first playthrough after I beat 3 bosses in each archstone?
Jamal says
No. To get the pwwt ring you must answer “Yes” to the monumental at the start of the game, beat 5 unique black phantoms that are located in each world. That can be done by putting the world into pure black tendency. Once you kill those 5 unique phantoms, you should obtain a pure white character tendency. Go talk to the monumental after that and he will gift you the friends ring. The ring guide on this post will help you.
Broken963 says
You will need to first reach Pure White Tendency and then look up where to get the items correlating to PWWT and go back and collect them.
Jim Milton says
I’ve only beat first area (Boletaria arch) but I didn’t know about the world tendency affecting trophies. I think I died a couple times there under body form. Do I have to replay the whole game? Thanks a lot.
Sam says
Hmm, it depends how black your Boletaria Arch is. If it’s already pitch black, you should restart the game and only play as a soul at all times, That’s the easiest to not mess up your world tendency. Otherwise, play in Body Form but you have to Save Scum every time you beat a boss or reach a checkpoint you feel like not replaying.
If it’s still white, you’ll got a few more bosses in that Arch and, if ever those don’t get you to pure white (which would be surprising), killing dragons should do it.
If you wanna be 100% safe, restart the game and only play in Soul Mode the entire time. After you beat a boss (which makes you Human again), kill yourself in the Nexus since it doesn’t affect any world’s tendency.
Broken963 says
You should still be able to reach PWWT with that Archstone having many more bosses to kill. If you don’t reach PWWT you can always try again for it in NG+
TCP says
Anyone know if any of the PS3 platinum walkthroughs would work for ps5 version ?
I’ve seen one that says 10 hour platinum but not sure would work on ps5
Or does anyone know of one that would work ?
Basically one that says every step to take in one guide
As I never played demon souls
But played all dark souls , sekiro , nioh etc
idontunderstand says
What do you mean “secure your save file”? How do you that with PS5?
PowerPyx says
PS5 Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS5) > Console Storage > Upload to Cloud.
(same as on PS4 basically)
ExodusAttack85 says
I believe you need to make sure Sync is off too, right? Otherwise it will autosave and copy to the cloud instantly yes?
Sam says
Just realized that you will have to kill Patches, Saint Urbain, (and his student), Sage Freke (and his student too), Biorr (if you have him) and Yuria The Witch in order to get the Foe’s Ring. Therefore, no need to farm any of the ring each of these characters drop since you’ll obtain them in order to get the Foe’s Ring.
Andy says
I’ve killed many players as an invader and the unwelcome guest trophy does not pop
Jamal says
Well had to go back through on a new character to get the providential ring. Finally got the platinum. Still MUCH less tedious than the ps3 platinum I had to go for. Also, as far as the spells trophy, im not sure if I messed up somewhere but even if you save scum you cant aquire the ALL Spells trophy on your second playthrough. The stat tracker only tracks what you buy off of the first time you purchase the spells regardless if you back it up. No matter what, I had to play about halfway through ng+3 to get the last 2 spells I needed since you need a total of 3 souls for a couple of them. If I am wrong please let me know.
Sam says
I don’t know what happened with your game but I can confirm that I finished the Platinum in only 2 Playthroughs. If you follow exactly what the guide says, you play your NG and NG+ back to back without spending any boss souls or colorless demon souls and, at the end of your NG+ playthrough, (this is what I did), you go to Saint Urbain, buy all the miracles, get the trophy. Reload your save from the cloud. Then buy everything from both Freke and Yuria and the Spells Trophy will pop.
***Maybe you didn’t do both endings on your first playthrough? You’re supposed to kill the Maiden in Black, get the trophy, reload your save, then replay the ending but without killing her in order to obtain the Black Demon Soul. I’m not 100% sure but that is the only thing I could think of. If you search on Google, apparently the Black Demon Soul is only given to the player if they let the Maiden put the Old One back to sleep. So, if you killed her for the trophy and just kept on playing, you missed out on that one soul for your NG+.*** <— this may be a tip?**
Sam says
Alright, ***MAJOR TIP****, if you think you’re stuck with Pure Black World Tendency, think again! All you need is one friend that can join you.
Step 1, set a password in the Network settings (both players must have the same password obviously) .
Step 2, Choose which world you want to make Pure White.
Step 3, Make sure you’re in human form and your friend is in Soul form.
Step 4, Have them invade you with the Black Eye Stone and kill them once they join.
Final Step, Do this a few times and your world will be Pure White. Make sure to go back to the Nexus or just reload the area in order the update the World Tendency.
OsuOrr says
Would you or anyone else be willing to help me with this? I have the first three world stones in black world tendency and need pure white for some rings. PSN:OsuOrr
Mark21 says
For the “Unwelcome Guest” trophy , which is the best time to obtain it? I dont wanna mess with character tendency.
Sam says
If you follow the guide, at some point you’ll need to have Pure Black Character Tendency in order to obtain the Foe’s Ring. Might as well do it at that moment.
DjCala says
You can simply use save scum, secure your save, invade and get the trophy, download your save from cloud
Zac says
Just a heads up with “Legacy of the kings”trophy , you can absolutely obtain the northern regalia in your first playthrough. Once you have obtained both swords, including killing king allant inside the old one (make sure you don’t walk too close to the fog gate or it will trigger the ending), you just need to use either the nexus binding ring (lose your souls upon returning) or a shard of archstone to take you back to the nexus. From here, go see blacksmith ED and you can obtain the northern regalia.
Chris says
I am absolutely terrible at this game. Never played a souls game in my life. Been stuck on the Gates of Boletaria for 6 hours and can’t beat it. Sigh lol.
SelfConfidenced says
Hello am just confused here
About the 2 online trophies what are the best time to do them ? Is it best to get save them for last trophies so you don’t mess up your Tendencies ?
Second it’s just curious why powerpyx still doesn’t have a video guide for trophies????
Eric says
FYI I didn’t get the trophy for killing Dragon God with the Hands of God because I only had one equipped. I killed him with the right hand and it did not count. Apparently you need both equipped for the trophy.
Soneghet says
Not exactly.
I did this yesterday with just the Right Hand and the trophy popped.
TheToastyPenguin says
I did it with one equipped. Popped just fine for me.
Schlyter84 says
I did not kill the dragon at all and still got the trophy. I started beating the dragon with hands of god equipped in both hands maybe 4-5 times when realizing this would take the whole day. After that I switched to Crescent Kilij and killed it, trophy popped.
Kayo says
The guide says to finish the game with PWWT, but I was under the impression that NG+ begins right after beating the game, so there would be no opportunity to turn the worlds black. Do we turn them black before the final boss?
Sam says
You leave the boss in 1-4 for the end. Once you’re ready to go in NG+ (after getting your worlds and character to Pure Black in order to get the rings), only then do you kill the final boss, Old King Allant.
Bersi says
I m sorry to ask but I still feel a bit unsure about the way to go plat:
Step 1:
If I understood it correctly I clear all archstones in PWWT except of 1-4 which is the final boss (?), rescue the three lads and clean up all the rings. Do I also need to free Rydell?
Step 2-4:
Then I swap to PBWT, PWCT, PBCT.
Then I kill the final boss in 1-4 and progress to NG+ right?
If I got that right, why do I need to do a full clean in NG+ again? Whats the purpose of that. I thought after NG I have all souls needed, so I could just rescue Yuria and Urbain to save scum all Miracles/Spells.
Help would be much appreciated! I dont want to mess it up.
Thanks in advance!
Kayo says
The guide is a little confusing about some of the points, but having progressed some, it’s become a little more clear to me.
Save Urbain. When you have all necessary souls to buy all his miracles, backup your save. Buy all miracles for the trophy to pop, then revert to your previous save.
Save Yuria, buy all her spells. If you do this on your first run, you won’t have to go through most of the Boletarian Palace to save her in your second run.
Rescue Rydell for a ring.
In NG+, save Freke.
Only Stonefang, Latria, and Defilement need to be completed in their entirety in your second run. When you’ve done so, you should have all the souls necessary to buy the rest of the spells from Freke.
Sam says
You need some of the Boss Souls 2 times for the Spells. Look at the Miracles and Spells guide. You indeed use Save Scumming at the end of NG+ but that’s only to save yourself from having to do a NG++ run.
Here’s something I posted under someone else’s comment a few days ago: “If you follow exactly what the guide says, you play your NG and NG+ back to back without spending any boss souls or colorless demon souls and, at the end of your NG+ playthrough, (this is what I did), you go to Saint Urbain, buy all the miracles, get the trophy. Reload your save from the cloud. Then buy everything from both Freke and Yuria and the Spells Trophy will pop.”
Kayo says
Correction: When you beat the game, you get a soul used to buy a spell from Yuria, so you still need to rescue her in NG+.
Bojack says
Hi guys, I need help with the “Unwelcome Guest” trophy. Please add me at Awfulchan. I will help you with yours as well. It is only trophy I need apart from collecting all the spells and miracles.
Timmonius says
I have my last trophy glitch on me. I killed the maiden. Got both the platinum and the trophy for the maiden to pop up, have the captures for them, but they aren’t in my list. Had my friend check my list, those 2 are still missing. Killed her again and they now won’t pop at all. It’s a shame…
ExodusAttack85 says
Hey guys – just a quick question on save scumming. I switched from Xbox, so never had PS3 or 4. The way XB1 worked was that it always synced with the cloud so for a game that you were maybe trying a no death cheese you would play offline for 10-15 min, connect online to sync with cloud, go back offline and play. If you died, you would just delete the save locally, go back online to sync, and just lose 10-15 min of progress,
With PS5 it seems easier right? If I have my game synced and I want to just do the spells/miracles trick I could just go offline for one trophy, quickly download the cloud save, and then pop the other?
I just want to make sure I’m doing the steps right. Deleting the local save always made me nervous on XB1, but never had an issue.
Aizen says
Hello! Thanks for the guide. I have 2 questions.
1) I’ve been saving on the cloud and used to back it up whenever I died and remained in human form. I’m pretty much done. I’ve followed the guide and killed the 5 Black Phantoms to get the pure white character tendency but its still not full white. Am I screwed and have to do another playthrough?
2) To get a pureblade stone, does the world have to be in pure black world tendency?
Bersi says
I got my pure bladestone in PWWT doing the hidden black skelly from the 4-2 (Ritual Path) archstone. Just roll down, exit to the far left where the grim reaper sits on top. run up the stairs and there is a hidden entracen on the side walls. hit it, pass through and kill the black skelly.
Roberto says
I died at the same time as i killed the black phantom in 3-1, i did not get the black eye stone. Is there any other way to get it?
Roberto says
I also Killed Ostrava In 1-2 for the Mausoleum Key, is it still possible to get Pure White Character Tendency or do i have to get that in Ng+
AlbinoPolarBear says
Watch out, don’t equip Makoto sword when talking to Satsuki. He will instantly attack you and you cannot get the trophy.
dk says
My tips:
-do not fight False King before you get the Friend’s Ring
I killed five BP and reached PWCT after the hole in Nexus opened, cant get the ring
– I think you need to kill Yurt to have the Mephistopheles
In my NG+ I killed harmless NPCs and reached PBCT after 1-1, Mephistopheles does not show up
Anonymous says
Great guide PowerPyx! I was wondering if you could add the brief description and trophy name for the boss-objective trophies inside the Recommended Bosses Guide Order. Some have them like Dragon God and the Maiden but others don’t, like Fool’s Idol.
DjCala says
If someone summon me to kill a boss, my world tendency screw up or i’m fine? Thanx
GrimD says
looking for someone to summon me to a boss for the trophy and il help likewise!
PSN: GrimD89
GrimD says
got it done.
Chris Radford says
Why not just get the rings for pure white tendency in the first playthrough? Why wait until the second playthrough? All shortcuts are gone in the second playthrough.
Galowar says
So if don’t die in body form , don’t kill any npc and don’t kill the last boss, nothing would be missable in the first playtrough (obviously what’s possible the get) ?
DjCala says
I think that yoh should kill all 3 bosses for each area, expect the last boss of Boletaria (4th boss), get all the ring in PWWT, get PBWT, get the rings, get PWCT get the rings, kill the final boss and go to NG+.
Kill all the boss you need again and get the demon’s souls neede for miracles and spells.
Is that right?
Galowar says
That’s what I understood too, but I’m afraid if there’s any missable thing even following the script you wrote.
Roberto says
You also need PBCT for the Foe’s Ring
xK1ng_Gh1dorahx says
Can anyone help with the unwanted guest trophy?
Roberto says
Could someone help me get Pure White Character Tendency by invading me and letting me kill him so i can get the Friend’s Ring?
Titus says
Add me titi_macel
Simon Ward says
Please add me claretwardy88
Titus says
Need help with online trophies. I can help in return.
Psn ID : titi_macel
DjCala says
I’m online if you want
Galowar says
What’s is the best way to deal with ostrava? I didn’t kill him in 1-1 because I want the pwwt and I saved him in 1-2 but been killed by tower knight and seems I have to take care of him every time I die in the 1-2 stage and I’m afraid that he can be murdered sometime and I can’t get the mausoleum key.
Adam says
He’s way too strong to get killed. He just goes up the tower and clears the crossbowmen and fighters. I completely avoided him after the initial encounter, just ran through to repeat the tower knight fight. He was fine in the nexus after the boss fight. I think you have nothing to worry about.
Adam says
Should I kill Yurt on first playthrough? Or just avoid him so character tendency is not affected?
DjCala says
Killing Yurt has no effects on character or world tendency
DjCala says
Someone for online trophies?
Psn ID: DjCala
Simon Ward says
Psn claretwardy88 be on tommorow
Simon Ward says
Need somemone to invade and let me kill them a couple times il do anything to help in return
Damian says
Psn: lfc1105
I’m in most nights need someone help me get to pure white and to do the two online trophies will help in return.
Jericho766 says
I don’t know if someone mentioned it, but i found out that PS5 new trophy system break a trophy list. I guess, you can do all trophies in one walkthrough using backup saves.
If trophy says, for example, “Buy all miracles” and have a count ( 0/12), you can buy miracle and back to your old save. A count will be at 1/12 and you don’t have to buy this miracle again AT ALL, ’cause system think that you have it already.
Jericho766 says
But, maybe its just was a coincidence. Sadly, i can’t say it for sure. Will be great if someone could check it
Class6ix says
This is interesting, hoping someone can test this out to see if the trophy unlocks even if you don’t have everything all at once but instead attain one at a time abusing backup save.
Nathaniel Johnston says
No, this does not work, I tested it.
Moe says
Can I get the “PROVIDENTIAL RING” in my NG+ playthrough? Because I didn’t pick it up in my first
Class6ix says
I’ve read that the providential ring can be attained by trading the Large sword of searching at Sparkly the crow. The sword of searching requires the Old Hero soul though.
Sam says
It’s fine because, if you follow the guide, the Old Hero Soul is one of the only ones that you only need once. So you get it once in NG, use it to get your Providential Ring and then use the one you get in NG+ for the Second Chance miracle (unless you want Second Chance early on then just to the opposite).
wumbo_bot says
Is there anyone willing to drop my some pure bladestone?
And would anyone be interested in helping me with the online trophies?
PSN: wumbo_bot
Can be online in the evening (GMT) or the weekend.
Lucifero says
For my first run after I finished the game with PWWT, how can I get PBWT if I killed all bosses? How do I become human again?
TheCap702 says
Need help with invasion trophy. Invasion for invasion?
PSN: TheCap702
Niallenev says
Great guide, thank you. I would suggest adding the fact that you need to say ‘Yes’ to the Monumental’s question near the start of the game to obtain the Friends Ring. I’d put that within the do’s and don’ts at the start of guide.
I know you can do it it via the next NG+ but could save someone eles some hassle.
Shane Scott says
Still need help? I need help with Return to Form. Finding it difficult in getting summoned to help someone beat a boss.
PSN ID: chain_affinity
Jack Morgan says
I still really need this trophy mate, have you done it yet and need help in return? I’m LVL 105.
Lucifero says
I killed all black phantoms but still no PWWT (only grey). What can I do?
Max says
Patches got killed in an explosion in 2-2, will this affect any trophies?
AGuyCalledHarry says
I need help with the return to form co-op trophy. I can’t seem to get summoned for any boss. Add AGuyCalledHarry on PSN
Jack Morgan says
Hey man, did you do this? I really need help getting the trophy too and am on LVL 105.
demon says
You can trade a Large Sword of Searching with Sparkly the Crow in 4-1 to obtain the Starter Ring.
AGuyCalledHarry says
I’m after the Unwelcome Guest Trophy – Add AGuyCalledHarry on PSN
Hey all, I need help for both online trophies. Please message me! Thanks 🙂
Matthew says
Would anyone be willing to invade me and let me kill them? Looking to get my character to pure white tendency. PSN matthewr372
Lucifero says
I need some Trophies? I need some online ones, and a pureblood soul. I would help too
PSN: Lucifero_Kain
Spiral says
Hi all – I need to boost Return to Form & Unwelcome Guest
PSN: Spiral725
Time Zone: US Eastern Time (EST).
I have an SL120ish character and a grunt royalty that’s beat Phalanx. I’d like help beating Maneater a second time.
Spiral says
I need to boost the online trophies.
PSN: Spiral725
Timezone: EST
I have a SL 120 priest and SL 20 royal. Could use help with maneaters on the former.
Send me a message via psn
Lucifero says
Anyone here for the Return to Form throphy? PSN: Lucifero_Kain
Matthew says
Anyone willing to drop pure bladestone for me? Been farming for hours and not one has dropped. I am willing to help out with something else in return ! Or exchange items of I have them
Matthew says
PSN: matthewr372
Bennett Foster says
Glitched trophy: May you be unharmed
I definitely killed Garl Vinland before walking up to Maiden Astraea. She finished herself off, and then I got the trophy. I have no idea what I did to cause this, but I don’t think I did anything out of the standard order. This was my first playthrough and I thought I was doing things in the standard order. Once I got the trophy and looked up what it was for, I was really surprised because Garl Vinland had already been killed. Anyone else have this happen?
J says
How screwed am I? I used an item in the first archstone that returned me into human form.. and then I died obviously. New at the game. Will that stop me from getting pure white world tendency?
Chris says
I can help you get your tend pure add itz_bru7alz.
Beauforth says
So something you can do to farm PWWT or PWCT if you have a friend
– choose a server that isn’t the default one in network settings on the main menu, I used London EU
– Set a password
– Become human, note the boss must still be alive in that area
– Have your friend invade, they will most likely find your world, kill them
– Rinse and repeat until world or character tendency are white. Note you will have to reload the area by going to the arch stone and warping into the area again to see the effects of world tendency
Vinster says
Instead of playing offline, can I just set a password in the game’s network settings?
Ken says
Need help for the invasion and return to form trophies, can help you in return. PSN is liumidsun
Anthony says
Can this still be done i need to get to PWCT from black i screwed up
Aliazeus says
Hello I still need to help somebody for “return to form”…
Is somebody interested ?
ID : Aliazeus
Dennis says
Need help with the online trophies, can help you in return.
PSN Klapper94
Chris says
Can’t send you a friend request send me on itz_bru7alz..I can help you with whatever you need just looking someone to play with in new game +
Chris says
If someone could help me get my character out of pure black please..I’ll help them with whatever they need help with I’m on new game plus gamer tag is itz_bru7alz
Paul says
Looking for help with the Unwelcome Guest (invade + kill another player). I despise invading and just want to get this trophy out of the way. PSN ID: jag_stilvecchio, UTC-6 (US Central Time)
Sauron2004 says
Can any1 plz help me getting PWCT? Invade me and getting killed a few times… I messed up with the Black phantoms.
User ID: Sauron2004
Europe time zone
Chris says
Sent you a friend request itz_Bru7alz
Adam says
I followed this guide and it worked out pretty well but I would definitely tweak the roadmap a bit to make it more complete and beginner-friendly.
You will need online just for Unwelcome Guest and Return to Form trophies – I would highly recommend doing Unwelcome Guest early following a guide for a good build – I did pure strength. You are more likely to be matched with a novice who is just winging it and will be destroyed by you – I did this in 4-1. Was matched with a pro (and handed my balls), then a novice and it took 5mins. I also save scummed to revert any character tendency effects.
I killed Makoto and Yurt during the main playthrough and still achieved PWCT after killing the final black phantom. PBCT was achieved after killing exactly the 5 npcs in each world.
Make sure to stop at 4-2 after saving Saint Urban, there is no point of going any further in that archstone. The rest have to be cleared, except for False King of course.
I used a Shard of Archstone after the King Allant fight in my first playthrough to get back to the nexus to craft the sword for Legacy of Kings early. This was a bad idea since I could not return to the boss fight and jumping down the new hole in the nexus just killed me. Better just to get it on the second playthrough as you need to get past the flamelurker anyway – so you can unlock the smith again with no issue.
Adam says
Forgot to mention the stopping at 4-2 line was meant for the second playthrough.
Johnny says
Need help with pure white character and online trophy. Add Semmy2014 (europe NL)
Antonio says
Need help with PWCT, 72lvl (PSNid Ant0n11o0oo)
Guil says
CAN we help each other? Need same trophy
Add: Zotrox
Abdullah Alfarsi says
help with PWCT level 142
Abdullah Alfarsi says
Help with PWCT level 142
PSN ID: Alfarsi
Lucas says
I need help with the Unwelcome Guest Trophy. PSN: xflucas
Lee says
Desperately need PWCT can anyone help with invading me and letting me kill them? Please help psn Angry_vg_nerd
Lee says
Does anyone know if killing Ostrava straight away to get the key will void the Mephistopheles quest so I can’t get the foes ring?
Chris says
It does NOT void it that’s what I did. Much easier to get mausoleum key that way.
Chistia_2031 says
need help for the Unwelcome Guest trophy
ID: Chistia_2031
Cirbell says
Anyone who can help invade so I can get PWCT and the Ally Ring? Of course I can invade you too.
ID: cirbell
WadiumArcadium says
I can help and could do with the same help. PSN is my username.
WadiumArcadium says
I’m also in need of someone to invade my world so I can change from white to pure white character tendency. Happy to return the favour. I’m online in the evenings GMT time. PSN is my user name.
Chris says
I am also in need of an invade and a boss assist in order to finish platinum. Would really appreciate if someone on here could just team up to knock out online trophies. Username is i2thmah86
Chris says
Now just need boss assist……. Anyone?
Oscar says
If anyone is able to invade me and let me kill them until I get PWCT I’d really appreciate it please?
PSN name is oscward
Jack says
Tried sending you a message but your settings won’t allow me to.
Ivan says
Can anyone help me to get pwwt in shrine of storms?
Psn id CarIvan1894
Jack says
Anyone else need to boost character tendency?
PSN- FlaskfulOfHollow
Add me.
Just added you. Can I please ask you to help me with online trophies. Thanks
Can someone pls help me with the online trophies? Please add me PSN – ZAZA@BNE. Happy to help you with yours if needed.
Yesiamhuman says
Need Unwelcome Guest trophy. Willing to help with other online trophies or PWCT.
PSN: Yesiamhuman
poptermos says
Looking for someone to do “Return to Form” trophy.
PSN: poptermos
Adrian says
Hi. Two online trophies.
PSN: adik007
Yazdan says
Want help with two online trophies.
Psn. lonely-gamer99
Hayden Saye says
Would like help with online trophies, and killing invaders to get to pure white character tendency for a ring.
PSN – DeathxPenalty
Griffin1976 says
Need help with online trophies and getting to pure white character.
PSN is Griffin1976
SulleyPSN says
I Need help with the invasion trophy.
I am level 104
My ID is SulleyPSN
Brian says
Looking for online help and returning to pure white character tendancy. I’ll return the favour. I message people on her but they have either sold the game, or gave up.
Thanks in advance.
Lotex says
Messaged you on PSN earlier (Lotex-Style), hit me up if you still need it.
rilk1977 says
Also need help to get pure white character tendency.
PSN ID: rilk1977
playing each night from 23pm to 01am
T-Con78 says
Become human and die until all worlds are black then fight the NPC phantoms. Character tendency will move to pure white.
Wallace_Zero says
Only trophy I have left is to be summoned to help with a boss (“Return to Form”), but I fear I’m too high of a soul level for anyone to be able to summon (195). Shoot me a message if you’re able/willing to help; I will help you as well.
PSN: Wallace_Zero
Wallace_Zero says
Just finished the platinum this morning. Thanks to those who messaged me!
Max says
Looking for the multiplayer trophies (invade someone and help fight a boss). Will return the favour: doctortonge psn (GMT timezone)
Wallace_Zero says
Sent you a friend request; wouldn’t let me message you. PSN is Wallace_Zero
Chaoticblood says
Can someone drop me my 3 last rings…..
Chaoticblood says
Psn is chaoticblood sl 70
T-Con78 says
My soul level is 73 so, that’s perfect! If you still need it/them, please let me know. I need both of them.
I’ll send you a friend request.
Brian says
Tried the “gold coin luck glitch” I used it in front of the maiden then talked to her but the luck stat doesnt move. I’ve tried several times with no “luck” lol. Am I missing something?
Travis says
Probably not. They patched it almost immediately.
Denszecu says
I need both multiplayer trophy. Add me : Denszecu
Mateusz R says
what is your level
Brian says
Just need the online invasion trophy. I have a red eye stone. I’m willing to help in return.
add me: randomhero116 I’m on today.
randomhero116 says
Just need the invasion trophy. I will help out in return.
psn randomhero116
soul level 184
Mateusz R says
Looking somebody to get my last two trophies (online).
I can help in return.
My current level: 135.
psn id: mateusz__r
I usually play on afternoon (Europe).
Mateusz R says
Is a summon range really a thing? I found contradicting information but i tried with a friend (using online password) who is outside my summon range and it didnt work.
He can find my summon sign which i leave using a blue stone, but when he picks it up the sessions start establishing and fails shortly after… Any ideas? We tried multiple time on different stages.
Brian says
Can’t find your psn id.
add me maybe we can help each other
Brian says
Finally got the platinum today. thanks for the help.
Krisztian says
Can someone help me pls ? I need white cc tendency and officer gloves pure bladestone psn: StCarlosso
Keith says
Need both invasion kill trophies. help me out, I’ll return favor.
PSN is HaGz
Travis says
Did you find someone?
If not, I can probably help you. I need them too so, we can help each other out. I’ll send you a friend request.
PSN: T-Con78
KC says
Looking for someone to help me get the Return to form trophy.
Level is 70 on NG+, can put summon sign outside of Phalanx or Tower Knight.
PSN is kcmee0507. Appreciate any help.
KC says
Thanks for the help
Nick says
Need invading trophy if anyone wants to take turns . My soul level is 48
PSN nickgt4185
Travis says
I can probably help you. I need them too so, we can help each other out. I’ll send you a friend request.
PSN: T-Con78
Travis says
Need the online trophies. PSN: T-Con78
Level 70ish. Send me a friend request and we’ll take it from there. Thanks!!
Dan says
It’s stated that you should get all of the world and character tendency items on your 1st playthrough thus leaving you with a pbwt and pbct – which do carry over into ng+ making your playthrough harder, is it possible to get the tendency items on the 2nd playthrough?
Also, Yurt is not mentioned in the guide and he can easily mess up your NPC’s in the nexus, he also must be killed for pbct quest to initiate, probably should edit in a line or two about him
Daniel says
Need the online trophies
PSN : max_thieriot
thank you
bob says
need help with unwelcome guest.
psn: WARLORD5248
bob says
completed. do not need assistance anymore. thx
Tony T. says
I would appreciate help with the online trophies. I had no idea the Blue & Black Eye Stones were level restricted. I’m level 195. The horrible thing is this is the last 2 trophies I need for platinum in every Souksborne game. Thanks
Tony T. says
Sorry lack of sleep here. My PSN ID – Tony Randolph Thompson
Egi says
Hi can anyone hell with character tendency? My lvl 79.
PSN ID Parad1se1
Thank you!
inile says
need help PWcharacter lv200 PSN i-nile
Sebastian says
Anybody could help with PWcharacter? Lvl 67 – just ping me … PSN: der-sepp86 Thanks!
Protothomas says
Hi, could anybody please help me with the invasion trophy? SL65 just ping me @ protothomas_
Diogo Fernandes says
Hi guys. Can anyone help me with online trophies? PSN: DS DSDiogo
willytanger says
PSN: willytanger
Need both online trophies. Don’t mind to help PWWT or PBWT
Sessh says
Have you gotten your trophies yet? If not we could do them, I need PWCT still.
Sessh says
Hey there,
I need help getting my character tendency to pure white, so I need to kill an invader 2 or 3 times.
Will help out with similar issues too.
SL 81
PSN: Sessh_0
Kinger says
PSN: Kinger
Need help with online trophies and PBCT to go for Foe Ring.
If up for assisting with getting other demon’s souls to finish getting all spells/miracles that would be great.
SL90 Royalty
ArtemisEntreri01 says
PSN: ArtemisEntreri01
Need help with online trophies and PWCT to go for Ally Ring.
Need some who has Red eye stone to invade me and let me kill them…
SL85 Royalty
Thank you.
Jepator says
Hi, i need help with Unwelcome guest trophy..
PS ID: Jepator
Thank you.
Pryzmatyk says
need help with getting PWCT, I need someone to invade me, and I need to kill him, will be very grateful for help and will help u as well!
PSN: Pryzmatyk
Gr_Venom_Gr says
Need Help getting to PWCT. Will also help anyone who needs this. SL is 115
PSN: Gr_Venom_Gr
Anthonystx says
Looking for help with Pure white world tendancy events, need Dark Phantom invaders to let me kill them or players to let me co-op and help defeat bosses. SL is 93 atm.
PSN: anthonystx
Rodrigo Dias says
Looking for help with PWCT and invading trophies. Soul level around 85 but can increase if necessary
Rodrigo Dias says
Psn: SirYeetusMaximus
Salim Alsaeh says
Looking for someone to help me boost the online trophies.
PSN: u_s_badazz
Ebiru2387 says
Hey all, just bought the game and am wanting to find someone who will want to get the 2 online trophies.
I am in USA, CST time zone. I play evening and most weekends.
Happy to help with your trophies, or other trophies ya might need for other games (if i own the game)
PSN Ebiru2387
CrazyChiller1990 says
Hello, would Someone Help me getting Pure White world tendency in 2 regions? Maybe invade me and i kill the Phantom? Of course i would Return the favor, thanks.
Noodlees says
I have sent through a FR – Noodlees.
George says
I’m looking for someone to co-op the whole game and platinum with. I am not new to this franchise and have the 100% (trophies) for Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls II. But I always prefer to play these games on co-op mainly for the boss fights and for this game it will be for the world tendencies – so we can invade each other and turn them white if we need to. I am based in the UK – so my time zone is GMT. Please only send me a friend request to co-op this game if you speak English, have a microphone, aren’t based too far away from GMT time, have a reliable (hopefully wired, not wireless – internet connection) and are a committed 100% trophy hunter.
My PSNID is – K15_Lewis_Ram_zh
(send me a message with your friend request – Demon’s Souls)
Thanks 🙂
michi5210 says
Do you still need help?I need help getting my character tendency pure white.If so my psn is michi5210
David Graham says
Can anyone help me get my character tendency to pure white please? PSN: OminousZeroes
moassie says
Need help for online trophies
BioHazardPw says
i need someone for unwelcome guest please
i can let me kill too
i will loose my ps plus on 3 days and i suck at pvp 🙁
ID: BioHazardPw
REAL_Hordkall says
Need help with Return To Form (No one summons me) and with pure white tendency character. I will also help if needed.
PSN: REAL_Hordkall
Adam says
Need help with the 2 online trophies, will help with anything you need in return
Please add me
PSN: Bibliophile213
Pavlintosh says
Sent you a message a few days ago.
PSN: Pavlintosh2
Huskark13 says
Need help with online trophy Return to form
PSN: Huskark13
SystemIDentifier says
Need help with the trophy Return to form
PSN: SystemIDentifier
Jonathan Lauritsen says
Need help with world tendency, turning it white.
FattassXD on PS5.
Need help for the trophy “Return to Form” for demons souls remake ps5 i can help too.
Soul says
i need help on this too. maybe we can help eachother. im sl 109. can it be done? psn prokter
mx5y says
Need help to Get to pure white character tendency, will help back
PSN: mx5y
Soul says
need help with return to form trophy online. need this platinum. sl 109. anybody?? i can help with tendency etc if needed.
Soul says
forgot to say my psn prokter
ndj1986 says
I need help with “return to form” and “unwelcome guest” trophies. I can help with anything you need.
Psn ndj1986
Timezone GMT
duzzdingo says
psn duzzdingo
online trophies
Realuser says
Can someone help me with the online trophies
Account name :
Realuser says
Can’t do the trophy don’t have the game anymore
bence290 says
Need help Pure white character tendency
Psn: bence290
kurt says
If I do PBWT events before PWWT will npcs still spawn?
I was gona go in this order:
1. get PBWT and do events (killing Black Phantom npc and primeval demon in same run)
2. get friends ring affter doing the same for all 5 worlds
3. kill last boss of each respective area to get PWWT
4. do all PWWT events (kill the human npcs that spawn and collect new drops)
5. get PBCT and do Mephistophles quest
6. foes ring
thanks for your time anyone reading this, I would love some feedback before proceeding :D
kurt says
I currently still have all world tendencies towards white coz im playing in soul form and offline and i feel its a waste to go pure black now but if i kill the human npcs from PWWT in each world I wont make it to PWCT for the friends ring from killing the BP npcs from PBWT in each world because the human form npcs from pure white reduce more Character tendency than the BP ones from pure black give.. dont know what to do
kurt says
and as an arcdemon demon to be able to go past tower night, I finish world 5 first, and finish the PWWT events before the PBWT events on that world, since I dont have to kill the human npc there to get her armour (selen vinlad) and character tendency will still reach pure white before killing the other human npcs on PWWT
Martin Mesjar says
I need help with “return to form” and “unwelcome guest” trophies. I can help with anything you need.
PSN Martinm444
Charlie says
I just need the trophy to kill a player as an invader, if anyone can help that would be much appreciated.
PSN – SeeDoubleOhPee
DuckmanGamez says
Did u get it already?
DuckmanGamez says
Dear God! Lol anyone trying to get online trophies? My silly behind forgot to get friends ring so i need to get pure white. Also i need to invade someone real quick. Ill help as well
Psn DuckmanGamez
Legeorge says
Hi dude, I need help too with pure withe character and coop trophy, Wana try?
Dyaa says
Need help with pure white and online trophies i can help too
Jay says
Trying to get online trophies and PWCT.
PSN: jayjay_jam
I’ve sent a friend request to you ChaosSmith0, if you’re still working on the online trophies.
Classy187 says
Looking for a partner for the 2 online trophies. Let me know which boss fog gate you are at and I’ll do the same. We both need a blue eye stone (1-1) and black eye stone (2-2 or 3-1)
PSN: Classy187
Carl says
Need help with the online trophies
ID: cj2mabg
baRRY says
Hey fellas just need some help for the 2 coop trophies, willing to return the favour
PSN: BUttCRACK123456
FlyByers says
Looking for MP trophies
PSN: Flybyers
Arturo Fabelo says
I’m searching for someone who help me far white character tendency, as well as MP trophies.
ID: ArtoriousBeowulf
MisterUgo says
I’m looking for help with the online trophy and the character’s pure white tendency
ID: carlosbueno
Marcus says
Thanks, PP! Great guide. I did 3 playthroughs because i did things wrong. Also, I think it’s worth saying that if you’re in black tendency character, it is not possible to change the tendency for pure white in one playthrough, that’s why I needed a third. Killing all 5 black phantons in PBWT changed my black tendency from black to neutral, then I left all world in pure black and killed all five again, after this the tendency finally went to white. Annoying trophy.
Ure wrong says
Ofc it is possible.
Dro Mora says
recently got the platinum… if anyone has any questions i can help you out. @dro2020.
otopot2543 says
how did you get that plat man, i thought the servers shut down.
HugoA-El says
I need help with the “Return to Form” trophy. Currently I’m on level 94 playing the NG+
My psn: HugoA-El (GMT-4 timezone)
Lucas says
Looking for someone to help with PWCT
PSN : Luukz-
Guy says
I need someone to invade me, so I can get to pwct
Tim says
Someone still playing this and willing to help me get the online trophies?
PSN: SomethingSalty