Here you can find a full Deathloop Walkthrough for the entire game. Deathloop has 10 Main Missions that can be tracked through the Visionary Leads Menu. A playthrough will take around 10 hours. There are no difficulty settings, meaning it’s the same for every difficulty for every player.
This Walkthrough will guide you through all of the Main Objectives in the most efficient manner, including the puzzle solutions. Due to the nature of Deathloop, you can progress through most of the game in any order you choose, so this walkthrough is simply one of many ways you can go through the game.
There are only four main areas in the game, all with four different time periods that alter slightly in terms of enemy positions and surroundings, but for the most part they stay the same. In the event that you run out of lives, your current loop will reset back to morning and you will lose any non-infused gear. You learn how to infuse gear after the second Main Mission “Ubiquity”, which allows you to keep collected gear permanently between loops. If you die during a step of this walkthrough, simply use the Wait function on the menu to advance time to the period you were previously at to continue where you left off.
Nothing in Deathloop is missable, after the story you can keep starting new loops which makes all enemies respawn and you can go back everywhere. A loop is basically a day in Deathloop. After you run out of lives or after finishing a map at Evening, a new Loop will start. You do get to keep the Visionary Leads (story progress) you’ve done, so don’t worry, the story progress is permanent. The majority of trophies are best done after completing the story, as by this point you will have many upgrades and better map knowledge.
Important notes you should know before starting:
- All door lock combinations/codes and most puzzles in Deathloop are randomized for every player and on every playthrough. However, the correct combinations/code solutions are always found by picking up specific clues and it’s pointed out in this walkthrough where to get them. If you follow the Walkthrough from the start you’ll get everything that you need along the way. For puzzles there’s always the same logic to solving them, but the solution will be unique to your playthrough. So for this reason, it’s impossible to give specific combinations/codes/puzzle solutions. There’s no “one fits all” type of solution. Instead, we’ll explain how to get the clues containing the solution, as your combination will be unique to you and different from every other player. These will be pointed out here in the walkthrough, but you can also refer to Deathloop How to Get All Door Codes for a more concise overview.
- The story is advanced by doing the orange objectives in the Visionary Leads Menu. Make sure you track them from the Visionary Leads to be shown waypoints that guide you to the correct location. Always focus on completing those Leads before doing anything else on the map. Simply killing a visionary (red objective) without doing the orange objective won’t advance the story. Each Visionary has one Questline tied to them. After solving all Questlines for all Visionaries you unlock the final quest which is to break the loop.
- It’s recommended to follow this walkthrough from the start to get all clues along the way. If you do things out of order, you may be missing a clue to advance a questline. If that’s the case for you, just start working on another questline from the Visionary Leads Menu and return to the other questline later. Each questline has a big heading here in the guide and the objective names and important items are in bold text.
- Always collect all documents, audiologs and computer emails. These provide important story clues, needed to advance the game (will be pointed out in the walkthrough of course). Be thorough, pick up everything.
Tip: You can use your browser’s built-in search function to type in the area – daytime, or the questline name, or the specific lead/objective name. This will scroll to that particular part here on the page to help you find it instantly. On Computer: press CTRL+F / on Mobile: use your mobile browser’s ‘find on page’ function in browser options.
The Longest Day
From the beach, head up to the bunker to grab the machine gun, and go in to grab the hackamajig upstairs. This will allow you to hack devices with . Hack open the door and you’ll find a door requiring a code to unlock it. Enter 0451 to unlock (Old Habits Die Hard
Head right and through the tunnel, following it up until you find a machete and an enemy. Continue along the path to find some enemies below you. Deal with them and head into the library. Go upstairs and pull the lever. Break the window and jump out. With the loop reset, had back into the the bunker and grab the exemplar personal trinket, then grab the hackamajig where you’ll receive the code for the door.
Go through the code door and on your right you’ll find a machete and grenade, then leave the area to unlock your first slab: Reprise. This will allow you to die three times in an area before the loop resets. You’ll now have a tutorial on how the menu works, before heading to Updaam (Gooooood Morning, Blackreef! ).
Updaam – Morning
Follow the mission marker around to the right and you will come across a security camera blocking a lower route with a ledge to the left. Climb up, deal with the two enemies on the generator and go into your apartment. Interact with the minicom and read the first two messages, but do not read the two messages that pop up after reading these. Reading these will alert the enemies in the area. Retrace your steps back to the tunnel and leave Updaam.
The Complex – Noon
Next you’ll head to the Complex. Go out the left door and go around the ice to the left. Hack the camera and enter the Loop Control Center. Head upstairs and deal with the enemies, then grab the battery from the socket and place in the battery station to fully charge it. Now put it back in the socket and pull the lever to get your next piece of information. Now retrace your steps and leave The Complex.
Fristad Rock – Afternoon
With the information on the LPP acquired, head to Fristad Rock. Follow the mission marker across the bridge and head to the AEON Security Office. Once here, hack the panel through the window to enter. Head inside to read the note, which will give you the code to your safe back in Updaam. That’s all for Fristad Rock for now, so retrace your steps and leave the area.
Updaam – Evening
Head to your apartment again, but do note that the enemy patrol will now be different due to the time of day. At your safe you’ll find a message from Julianna, before being invaded by Julianna herself. Defeat her if you so desire (Nowhere To Run To ), and hack the antenna to open the exit. Head back out and leave Updaam to complete your first loop (All The Live-Long Day
Now that you’ve started a new loop, you’ll lose all your gear, but retain all the information. Don’t worry though, as soon you’ll be able to carry gear through loops. Grab all your starter gear again and head through the exit. Before heading to Updaam, don’t forget to equip your Spring Heeled trinket for your double jump.
Updaam – Morning
Return to your apartment once more and unlock the safe. Grab the LPP to find info on each Visionary (Welcome to Blackreef ), then leave Updaam. If you have any downloadable content such as weapons or trinkets, you will now have access to them. These will all be permanent across loops.
The Complex – Afternoon
First you will need to Find Wenjie’s Reseach. Head around the right of the map following the mission objective to find Wenjie’s Laboratory. In here you will find about fifteen Wenjie clones, and you will need to kill them all. Upon killing the final Wenjie you will receive (Pieces of Eight ).
Once the Wenjies are dead, head to the mission objective and pick up the portable harvester. With this you can absorb Wenjie’s residuum. Place the harvester back in the machine at the objective, then stand on the pressure sensitive platform and shoot the button. If there’s any weapon you have that you would like to keep, shoot it with this weapon equipped. Doing this will kill and you begin a new loop, but it will also unlock the ability the absorb residuum and infuse gear to make it permanent.
Chaos Theory
Now that you have the ability to infuse items and retain gear, you can start to make some real progress. From this point onwards it is up to you how you progress, as there are many Visionary Leads and Arsenal Leads you can follow at your own pace, with each step of a lead requiring you to visit one of the four locations at a specific time of day. This walkthrough will go through a set order that is efficient without wasting time periods/loops, but feel free to go in a different order.
To begin with, go to Visionary Leads and track the Chaos Theory visionary lead. Head to Karl’s Bay for the first objective, Bump off Harriet.
Karl’s Bay – Morning
Head around the right of the map following the mission objective towards Hangar 2. On the dock outside of Hangar 2 you will see Otto’s Workshop with a door code and a note next to it. Read the note for a discovery that will be useful later for Frank’s visionary lead.
Head through Hangar 1 to access Hangar 2. In here will be a bunch of enemies, as well as Harriet performing a morning ceremony. Sneak across the plane wing to the other side, and then back across the plane wing in front of Harriet to reach her office, where you can shoot the button on the door to open it, but be careful not to trigger the trip mines. Go back around to her office and read the messages on the minicom to complete the Chaos Theory visionary lead.
Now head through the door to kill Harriet and her guards, grabbing the Nexus slab off Harriet. With everything done here, return to the tunnel and leave Karl’s Bay.
Space Invader
With that visionary lead complete, it’s now time to start on Charlie’s Space Invader visionary lead. Before heading to Updaam however, make sure to infuse your Nexus slab (Forever Yours ), as well as anything else you want to keep if you have the residuum. It’s advised to prioritize slabs and weapons when infusing, rather than character trinkets and weapon trinkets. Then head to Updaam for the first objective, Gatecrash Charlie’s Game.
Updaam – Noon
Work your way around the map to the mission marker and you’ll see a bridge leading to Condition Detachment, Charlie’s mansion-turned-game. Before crossing over the bridge however, go through the building to the right and up the street to see a burning building, this should trigger a discovery which will be needed later for Frank’s visionary lead.
Head back to the bridge, go across and enter the mansion. There’ll be lots of enemies in here, as well as Charlie. Head to the top floor to find Charlie’s minicom in the backroom, which can provide you with a new objective, “Toss Charlie’s Bedroom”. Charlie will also be on the top floor if you haven’t set off the alarm.
Head outside and into Charlie’s room. If you have set off the alarm by this point, Charlie will have retreated into here and will start running and teleporting through the mansion, so chase him down and kill him to get his Shift slab. Return to his room and you will find a photograph of him and Fia together at Fristad Rock. With the last of the leads for this area acquired, leave the mansion and head for the nearest exit to leave Updaam.
Fristad Rock – Afternoon
Now head to Fristad Rock in the Afternoon for objective Search the Fristad Shore. You need to find the location of where the photo was taken of Charlie and Fia (you can view the photo under your objectives), but unlike other objectives there is no marker for it in the world and the game wants you to go find it by yourself. Take the following steps:
- After loading into the map, take the door to the right up the stairs.
- This leads outside to a small area with 4 enemies. Here you must turn RIGHT to get to a snowy path between the rocks.
- This leads to an area with the shoreline on the right and a crashed plane stuck in the water.
- Stay on the far right edge of this area, follow the shoreline all the way to the end, past the crashed plane in the water (shoreline leads to the back of a mountain).
- At the end of the shoreline is a bunker entrance. Go inside.
- Inside the bunker, read the book sitting in the middle of the computer console with 4 screens. Also play the audio log while you’re here.
After picking up the book, the objective “Search the Fristad Shore” will complete. The cassettes puzzle in the bunker can’t be completed yet, so ignore that for now. There’s nothing else to do here. Retract your steps the way you came and exit this map.
Karl’s Bay – Evening
Head to the Yerhva for the objective Find the Cipher, where you will find Charlie’s safe, which you can now open. Grab the book inside to complete the Space Invader visionary lead, as well as unlock the Afternoon Delight visionary lead for Fia, and the What Wenjies Want visionary lead for Wenjie.
Once you are done, leave the area and spend all your residuum before advancing to the next day, as you will lose all residuum that isn’t spent when starting a new loop.
The Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank
You’ll now start each loop immediately from the menu, with all the items from the beach, so you won’t have to run through that every time. Track Frank’s visionary lead and head to Fristad Rock for the first objective, Break into Frank’s.
Fristad Rock – Morning
Head out the left door and sneak along the coast to the entrance of Ramblin’ Rock Club. In order to enter you will need to grab a classpass from the dispenser outside, which blocks the usage of all your slabs, including Reprise so be careful when you have this on.
Once you’re inside, head downstairs and go all the way to the end of the floor, enter the last room on the left. There you will find a vent you can crawl into. Head all the way through the vent on the other side, then climb the rocks to the rooftop. Up here you will find another classpass dispenser on the right side by the cliffs near a turret. With this you can remove the classpass and return back inside via the vent.
Now that you’re back inside, you can navigate either through vents or by hacking the antennas above doors to open them. Make your way upstairs and enter Frank’s Recording Studio, preferably via the window above the left door. There’ll be a bunch of enemies in here, as well as Frank and two bodyguards locked inside his recording studio itself. If you decided to go here with your classpass still equipped, there is a classpass dispenser next to the bed for you to remove it. There’s a hackable panel on the side of the studio, which will allow you to open it up and kill Frank. Take Frank’s Constancy Automatic legendary weapon, then head into the studio and play the tape recorder to grab the next lead.
Lastly, head upstairs and read Frank’s minicom (interact with computer in his bedroom) to complete objective “Read Frank’s Minicom”. Thanks to you grabbing a few discoveries in areas in the last loop, you will now know to visit Updaam in the morning to continue this visionary lead. Return to the tunnel and leave Fristad Rock.
Afternoon Delight
Time to start on Fia’s visionary lead, Afternoon Delight. Track it and head back to Fristad Rock for the first objective, Search Fia’s Fortress.
Fristad Rock – Noon
Head around to the right where the submerged plane was, but this time enter the bunker via the door on the cliffs with the land mines and trip mines.
Be very careful while in the bunker, if Fia becomes alerted she will activate the reactor and blow up the bunker after about one minute. If you get caught in this explosion, you will die outright and the loop will reset. The explosion will also make the bunker inaccessible for that loop, so if you don’t complete your objective before this happens, you will have to do it again on another loop.
While in the bunker you will need to find 4 correct pictograms. They are red spraypaints with white/green icons on them, scattered across the bunker surfaces. There are 13 possible locations, but the correct ones are different each playthrough. All locations are listed below:
- Head halfway down the elevator shaft and the first pictogram location will be on the wall.
- Continue down and enter the room on the left, where you will find some reactor blueprints with four colored and numbered wires. Remember the order for these wires, as you can deactivate the reactor with it. On the wall here is the second pictogram location.
- You’ll also find an empty battery and battery charger in this room, so fully charge the battery and then use it to open the gate opposite this room, inside you will find the third pictogram location as well as a vent. Head into the vent.
- In the vent you can disable the turbine, then drop down to continue through. On your right you will find the fourth pictogram location, and on your left will be the reactor. Hack the antenna above the reactor panel and cut the wires in the correct order to disarm it. Be careful not to cut them in the wrong order, as doing so will trigger the reactor! With the reactor disarmed, you are now safe to alert Fia.
- Sprayed on the floor in the corner of the reactor room is the fifth pictogram location.
- Return back up the vent to where the second and third pictograms were located, and head underneath the yellow truck, where you’ll find the sixth pictogram location sprayed underneath the truck.
- Behind the truck at one of the big bunker gates, sprayed on the floor.
- At the next big bunker gate to the left of the last one, sprayed on the wall (same bunker exit behind the truck).
- Head into the tunnel to find the ninth pictogram location on the wall.
- Then head through the door towards the reactor and turn around to see the tenth pictogram location.
- Return back down the tunnel and upstairs and into a small room with two windows. Break a window and jump through, where you will find the eleventh pictogram location above your head.
- On the floor in the same area as the above pictogram (at one of the bunker exits).
- Continue through the next door to the locker room (but be careful as there are a few land mines in here), and you’ll find the last pictogram location on some lockers.
Leave the locker room and go around to the left, where you will be able to access Fia’s quarters, where there are a few land mines. Enter the middle room and kill her to grab her Havoc slab. Now that you are done with the bunker, leave via any of the bunker doors and return to your exit tunnel, and leave the area.
Fristad Rock – Afternoon
Now that you have the code to access the bunker, you can do the objective Return to the Machine. Head back around where the submerged plane was and cross the ice to reach it. Inside there’ll be a blueprint on the machine which shows all the pictograms and their corresponding cassette number (left image below). Simply input your pictograms in the correct order (you can check the visionary lead in the menu to see the images) and you will unlock the door to an elevator shaft.
For example, this was the pictogram order I got (will be different in your game, you must check yours individually):
Comparing it to the blueprint on the cassette puzzle console, the above example would result in 08-35-04-11. But again, it’s different for every player so you need to see what your individual pictograms were as collected in the previous objective.
After solving the puzzle, enter the elevator shaft that opened up in the room. Carefully make your way down, and when you enter the room you will complete the Afternoon Delight visionary lead (Dangerous Liaison ). With this you will now be able to kill Charlie and Fia together in future loops. Return to your tunnel and leave the area.
Lost in Transmission
Time to start Egor’s visionary lead, Lost in Transmission. Track it and head to The Complex for the first objective, Face Egor.
The Complex – Evening
Head out the right door and proceed towards the bunker. This place is very heavily booby-trapped, so pay attention to your surroundings. Once you’re inside the bunker, head through to the door on the other side and jump on top of it to hack the turret safely, then proceed through the bunker doors.
If at any point in the bunker you set off a trap, Egor will be alerted to you and will start attacking you once you go through these doors. If he’s not alerted however then you are able to get the jump on him.
Head upstairs into Egor’s Camp and interact with his minicom to get some leads, as well as unlock Aleksis’ visionary lead, Devouring of the Lambs. Go back downstairs into one of the rooms to read a note on a map to get the next lead, “Silence Egor’s Device”. That’s it for the leads here, but you may as well kill Egor now for his slab. If you didn’t alert him, he’ll be walking around in the middle of this area. Kill him and take his Aether slab, then leave the area.
Use all your residuum on infusions and advance to the next day.
The Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank (continued)
It’s time to continue Frank’s visionary lead, with objective Return to Otto’s in the Morning. Track it and head to Updaam.
Updaam – Morning
Head to Otto’s Workshop to find the firework machine working overtime. There’ll be 5 lit-up cables running along the ground that lead to blue fuse boxes, you will need to destroy all five of these.
Conveniently the first one is right next to the machine, and the second is just outside on the balcony.
Head across the street and you’ll find one upstairs.
Go to the rooftop next to your apartment for the fourth one.
Lastly head into the Library through one of the many entrances and go downstairs to find the final fuse box, as well as a fuse box that disables the lasers in the Library itself.
You’re done here, return to your tunnel and leave the area.
Updaam – Noon
Go back to Otto’s Workshop and read the messages on his minicom to complete Find the Code. This will give you another lead, which is all you need from this area. If you want you can go and kill Charlie for his slab again so you can upgrade it, otherwise just leave.
Lost in Transmission (continued) and What Wenjies Want
Rather than finish off Frank’s visionary lead in the afternoon, head to the Complex to finish Egor’s visionary lead with objective Find Egor’s Control Panel and progress on Wenjie’s visionary lead with objective Search Wenjie’s Quarters.
The Complex – Afternoon
Right as you leave the tunnel you’ll be at Egor’s Camp. Interact with the listening device to see that it is invisible, for which you’ll need a field nullifer. Climb up onto the building next to Egor’s Camp and shoot the blue fuse box through to window to disarm the lasers, then go upstairs to find the field nullifier in his room.
Place the nullifer in front of the listening device and enter the name for it (it will be listed in the lead), and then disable it to complete Egor’s visionary lead (Egoraphobia ). For example, in my playthrough the lead was called “Shut Down Device J520”, so I had to enter J520 into the machine. This will be different for every player, so you need to enter your individual one. Just press the Touchpad (on PS5) and into the “Leads” Menu and look what the objective says (right image below shows an example).
Now track Wenjie’s visionary lead and head to her quarters. Go downstairs and unlock the door that you now have the code for. Read the note next to the map for one lead, then read the messages on the minicom for another lead, as well to unlock Julianna’s visionary lead, Radio Silence. Lastly interact with the tape recorder next to the minicom for the last lead in this area, “Visit 2-BIT”. Feel free to kill the Wenjies before you leave for the residuum and gear, then leave The Complex.
Devouring of the Lambs
Head to Updaam to start Aleksis’ visionary lead, Devouring of the Lambs, with the first objective Crash Aleksis’s Party.
Updaam – Evening
Make your way over to Dorsey Manor, and enter it either via the main entrance, or climb on the red banners to jump onto the rooftop. There are several ways to get Aleksis to reveal himself, however the easiest is to deprive him of his choice of beer. From the rooftop, access the room on the left.
In here you’ll be able to hear two enemies down below talking about Aleksis’ favorite beer. Once they reveal which type of beer it is (for me it was chocolate beer), kill them and then go down the stairs next to them. Here you’ll find four beer taps you can turn off with their valves, as well as a bunch of land mines and trip mines. Disable all the mines, then shut the valve of his favorite beer. If you happened to miss which beer was his favorite, there will be a discovery listed for Updaam – Evening in the “Discoveries” tab that will list his favorite beer. Alternatively you simply shut off the valves for all four beers. Now head back up to the rafters where you listened to the two enemies.
After this Aleksis will get angry and eventually walk back into this backroom after his rant to grab a bottle. He will be identified at this point which will complete Devouring of the Lambs. Kill Aleksis for his Karnesis slab (Ensemble Tragedy ).
Now head over to Aleksis’ room, it can be accessed by going onto the rooftop and dropping onto the adjacent roof, where you’ll see an open window. In here you’ll find a note from Julianna. This discovery will be useful later for Wenjie’s visionary lead. If you want you can go kill Egor for his slab to upgrade, otherwise simply leave the area.
Radio Silence and What Wenjies Want (continued)
Now track Julianna’s visionary lead – Radio Silence – and head to The Complex for the first objective, Check out the Power Station.
The Complex – Morning
Head to the Power Station and read the directive on the table to find out that you need to power two of the generators in the room below. Head halfway down the stairs and you’ll see a battery just over a railing.
Grab it, then head down and place it in the generator and turn it on. Grab the battery again, and head through the blue doors behind the first generator to charge the battery (battery charger station on the right), then power on the second generator. With both generators on, head back up to the Power Station and send power to The Complex to unlock Tidevarv Station, which just so happens to be right upstairs. Head all the way through and read the note the get the next lead. With that, leave The Complex.
Updaam – Noon
Head to Updaam to for Julianna’s next lead objective, Search the Archives, and Wenjie’s next lead objective, Visit 2-BIT. Go out the left door and read the note on the garage door – you won’t be able to access it until the Afternoon, but it will unlock the next objective for Julianna.
Track Wenjie’s lead and head over to Charlie’s mansion to speak to 2-BIT. You must use your hacking device to open the doors to the room 2-BIT is in. In order to make a recording of Aleksis however you’ll need to get a tape of him, which if you read the note from Julianna in his room previously, you’ll be able to get one from The Library.
Head over and in the middle of the library you’ll find a safe you’ll have the code for. Inside will be a statuette of Aleksis that you will have to carry up to 2-BIT. This statue will talk the whole way there, so you may alert enemies. Once you return to 2-BIT and give him the statuette, choose “Make Aleksis give Wenjie what she wants”. With this, you are now done with Wenjie’s visionary lead (An Offer She Can’t Refuse ). Kill Charlie if you want, then leave the area.
Updaam – Afternoon
Head back to the garage door you couldn’t enter before and it will be open, completing the objective Return in the Afternoon. Go upstairs to the archive and there’ll be a note sticking out a bookshelf, which will get you your next lead.
Go back outside and down there stairs next to you to access the RAK. Head inside and read the note on the next door to get a code you can use back at The Complex. Leave the area.
For the Evening, you can either go to an area to get some more gear if you like, otherwise just advance time to the next day.
The Complex – Morning
Head back to The Complex and go to the Power Station for the next objective, Divert the Power. Enter the code you received at the RAK into the 3-dial lock to open the other switches. You can see the code in the Leads Menu, under the Lead “Divert the Power” (it says in the text under the clue “I can use code … to divert power”).
Head downstairs to power the first two generators. To have enough power for three switches at once however, you will need to turn on four more generators. Two are located through the blue doors where the battery charger is, and two are located at the back through the grey door, or broken tunnel in the second generator room.
The last room is heavily booby-trapped so be very cautious, as not only will the explosives hurt you, but they will also destroy a generator. If a generator is destroyed, you won’t be able to access all three rooms in one loop, but that’s fine as you can simply come back here and power them on another loop.
Once you’ve powered on the generators, return to the Power Station and direct power to Updaam, Karl’s Bay and Fristad Rock. Return to your tunnel and leave the area.
Updaam – Noon
First, go to Updaam. Head on over to the objective Search Yasen Station. Go all the way upstairs to find a note with one of the passwords. Kill Charlie if you wish, otherwise leave the area.
Fristad Rock – Afternoon
Next, go to Fristad Rock. Go to the objective Search Sova Station. Read the note on the table in the back for another password. Kill Charlie and Fia if you wish, otherwise leave the area.
Karl’s Bay – Evening
Lastly, go to Karl’s Bay. Go to the objective Search Akkar Station. Listen to the tape recorder on the ground for the final password. Leave the area, spend your residuum and start another loop.
The Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank (continued)
Finally time to finish up Frank’s visionary lead with the objective Find the Fireworks / Open the Container. Track it and head to Karl’s Bay.
Karl’s Bay – Morning
Head to Frank’s Container and open it (if you haven’t gotten the code yet, you must read the note next to the keypad to get objective “Go To Otto’s at Noon or later” and get the code from doing that). Inside the container, sabotage the flaps on the fireworks launcher (Baby, You’re A Firework ). Kill Harriet if you wish, otherwise leave the area.
Radio Silence (continued)
After that quick detour, continue on with Julianna’s visionary lead with the last objective, Open the RAK. Track it and head to Updaam.
Updaam – Noon
Go down into the RAK and use your new passwords to get inside. After the cutscene, you’ll complete Radio Silence (Beyond the Horizon ) and unlock your final visionary lead, Ending It. Leave the area and advance time forward to reset the loop.
Ending It
Now, it’s simply a matter of killing all visionaries in one loop and you’re free. Track the lead and head to Karl’s Bay.
Karl’s Bay – Morning
Head to Frank’s Container and jam the rain flaps. Go into Hangar 2 and kill Harriet. Leave the area.
The Complex – Noon
Go to Egor’s Camp, grab a Field Nullifer from Egor’s lab upstairs, carry it down to the control panel, hold to deploy the Field Nullifier which will reveal the control panel. Input the code to deactivate the Control Panel (shown in your visionary leads, just like before). Then leave the area.
Fristad Rock – Afternoon
Head into the bunker, open the door, kill Charlie and Fia. You know the drill. If it floods the area after killing them, you can just wait to drown as it will spawn you back outside the bunker. Leave the area afterward.
Updaam – Evening
Head over to Dorsey Manor. Kill Aleksis, Egor and Wenjie by any means (you can use the beer to single out Aleksis). Once they’re dead, head over to the RAK and board the Rakyetoplan.
Continue forward until you find Julianna. After the cutscene, grab the gun and pull the trigger while she is counting down. Finally, jump off the platform to break the loop (Ending It ). Jumping off the platform is mandatory to get the trophy and unlock the final cutscene and credits. You won’t get it if you let Julianna shoot you with the pistol, or if you sit down in the chair again after killing her instead of jumping off.
Congratulations, you have finished Deathloop! You can continue cycling through the loop for any of the other trophies you may need.
This concludes the Deathloop Walkthrough.
More Deathloop Guides:
- Deathloop Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- Deathloop All Door Codes & Lock Combinations
- Deathloop All Mostly Naked Character Locations
- Deathloop All Deaths
Irwynn says
Can’t complete Break into Frank’s – the machine on the roof just says I can’t get 2nd level pass because I must have level 1 pass. But I have it otherwise I couldn’t enter. The game is filled with bugs, jesus christ.
Archavia says
Hmm I’m not sure what’s going on with that, I tried to replicate it on a new save but had no luck. I was able to grab the classpass on floor 1, remove it on floor 2, grab it back at either terminal etc. However you shouldn’t need the classpass to get through the building, as with the vent that is accessible at the back of the building, you can get inside and then hack all the doors to Frank.
Ash says
When you completely die even when you use your revives after that do u lost your progress completely or no or Does your progress stay forever The progress I’m talking about is story progress
PowerPyx says
All story progress is kept between loops / deaths.
Hawkwind666 says
I didn’t get the objective for visiting Otto’s in the morning in Frank’s visionary lead. I couldn’t find the burning building mentioned in the walkthrough which is where I believe you get the clue. I’m stuck now as I am on the section of the walkthrough where you are supposed to visit Otto’s in the morning.
Archavia says
In order to get the discovery for the burning building, you must head to Otto’s Workshop during Updaam – Afternoon. It is down the road from the big red wolf head on the opposite side of the map from where you spawn.
PhantomFear94 says
Not stuck, but this didn’t trigger for me either. I noticed at the time that it didn’t trigger and I’d have to come back later, but yes, this happened to me also.
Spike says
I am having some issues with finishing Alexis’ visionary lead. I turned off the taps for his beer, then waited for him to get angry. For some reason, the objective marker didn’t update and I had to kill everyone in the area. I have killed him but the visionary lead is still telling me to search for clues to identify Alexis.
PowerPyx says
I had this too, I think the issue is if you alerted anyone at the party it can’t be completed anymore. Try quitting out to Main Menu and hit Continue to start at the start of the level (which resets the party).
JoeT says
While it makes sense, does anyone know if you have to redo the generators for the 3 RAK doors if you fully die the loop. I died in the evening session after getting the password for the first two doors. Can I go to complex and just power the initial two generators and run power to Karl’s Bay and immediately head there without redoing all of them…generators and password acquisition
Archavia says
Passwords will always carry over, so you should be fine to just power up Karl’s Bay and get the last password from there.