Deathloop Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 15-20 hours
- Total Trophies: 55 (1
, 1
, 11
, 42
- Offline Trophies: 52 (1
, 11
, 40
- Online Trophies: 3 (1
, 2
- Number of missable trophies: 0, nothing missable
- Glitched trophies: 3 (as of Patch 1.1): Play It Again, Colt
, Don’t Mind Me
, Clean-ish Hands
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: There are no difficulty settings available, it’s the same difficulty for everyone
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 with post-game cleanup
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you can continue looping after the story to go back everywhere / kill everyone again
- Release Date: September 14, 2021
Welcome to the Deathloop Trophy Guide! Deathloop is a unique FPS experience, where you will be reliving the same day over and over, all the while acquiring more clues and equipment. The game has some light roguelike elements, but nothing too punishing. The difficulty is quite easy and thanks to your supernatural powers the AI doesn’t stand a chance. After the prologue, you get the ability to self-revive 2 times before dying for real, which would then start a new loop.
Between loops you retain the clues you have collected (meaning you keep all story progress), and you can ‘infuse’ your weapons / upgrades to keep them permanently between loops (unlocked after 2nd mission “Ubiquity”). The story will take you about 10 hours to complete, while the platinum will take around 20 hours. Your goal in the story is to ‘break the loop’ by killing all visionaries in one day (one day equals one loop). There are only 4 maps that are relatively small but they change depending on the 4 daytimes (morning, noon, afternoon, evening).
During the story you get waypoints to the relevant clues by tracking them from the Visionary Leads Menu. You’ll want to track the orange-colored clues in that menu and complete those to advance the questline for each Visionary. After completing all Visonaries’ questlines you get a main quest for killing them all in a day which has waypoints and objectives that guide you through it. There are some light puzzle-solving elements, but for the most part the leads are marked by orange icons when you track them.
Several trophies are glitched as of Patch 1.1 (Play It Again, Colt , Don’t Mind Me
, Clean-ish Hands
). These can be earned by simply repeating them until they pop or doing them a specific way. If playing on a physical version, you can play without patches to avoid these trophies potentially glitching on you.
Step 1: Finish the Story
Your main goal initially will be to simply finish the story. While the game is very open with how you can play it, the main missions (known as “Visionary Leads”) are very linear and will almost always provide mission markers to progress them. The objectives that advance the story are the orange ones in the Visionary Leads Menu. Simply killing a Visionary doesn’t advance the story – you have to track the orange objective and follow the orange markers in the world. If you ever get stuck, refer to the complete Deathloop Walkthrough.
During the story you will already get about half the trophies without even trying and you’ll get lots of upgrades and slab abilities that make the rest of the trophies possible. Then after the story you will have better map knowledge and can mop up whatever you have remaining.
The miscellaneous trophies are much easier once you’ve finished the game so there’s no need to worry about any trophies in particular during this. That being said, if you happen to find any notes, audio logs or computer messages make sure to interact with them, as many of these will register discoveries that can be helpful later on. This also applies to eternalists having conversations, as sometimes these will give you a discovery too.
Step 2: Post-Game Cleanup
Once you finish the story, you will be able to continue looping. You can go back everywhere and kill everyone again. Now is the best time to work on all miscellaneous trophies, as you will already have some good weapons, trinkets and slab upgrades, as well as plenty of discoveries to make things easier.
You will need to kill the mostly naked character in each area/time period, complete an AEON dossier, kill each visionary with a certain method, complete maps under certain conditions, die every possible way and complete all of Charlie’s games. You may have done some of these naturally during Step 1 so just go through each individual trophy that you have left.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Deathloop Walkthrough
- Deathloop How to Solve ‘Search the Fristad Shore’ (Photograph Location)
- Deathloop All Pictogram Locations
- Deathloop All Door Codes & Lock Combinations
- Deathloop All Mostly Naked Character Locations
- Deathloop How to Get All Deaths (Spice of Life Trophy)
Deathloop Trophy Guide
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Into Eternity Collect all other trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Deathloop to unlock platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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Nowhere To Run To Take out an invading Julianna while playing as Colt. |
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Julianna will automatically invade you during the story (she first does it in the 1st Main Quest “The Longest Day”). You can do this offline, no need to be playing online for it. You will be notified when she invades and she will follow you around and shoot at you. Simply kill her when this happens. | ||
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Nowhere To Hide While playing as Julianna, cross Colt off your kill list. |
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This requires you to play the online mode “Protect the Loop”, selected from the Title Screen. In this mode you play Julianna and must hunt down Colt. As Julianna, you must kill Colt until he runs out of Lives (Colt’s Reprise slab hits 0 uses and then he dies again, thus ‘dying for real’). Killing him only once while he still has a life left won’t unlock the trophy. It only unlocks after you ‘kill him for real’ by taking his last life. You can either do it against random players via matchmaking, or boost it quickly with a friend. How to Boost with a Friend:
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One Perfect Day Complete ‘Ending It.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. You get this for finishing the story and breaking the loop by killing all visionaries in the same day. Over the course of the main story you collect the necessary clues to learn how to do this, then you can track the main quest “Ending It” which gives you waypoints to all of them. Frank is an outlier because you need to sabotage his fireworks console and select “jam the rain flaps” so that he has an accident and dies later after you left the map (you don’t get to kill him directly).
At the very end when facing Julianna, you can either shoot her from afar when entering the room she’s in, or sit down in the chair next to her and wait until she gives you a pistol, then shoot her with that pistol before she counts to 3. After killing Julianna you need to jump off the platform to break the loop and unlock this trophy (do not sit down in the chair to remain in the loop and do not let Julianna kill you with the pistol). See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. |
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Welcome To Blackreef Complete ‘The Longest Day.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. | ||
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Baby, You’re a Firework Complete ‘The Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. | ||
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Egoraphobia Complete ‘Lost in Transmission.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. | ||
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Dangerous Liaison Complete ‘Afternoon Delight.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. | ||
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An Offer She Can’t Refuse Complete ‘What Wenjies Want.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. | ||
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Beyond The Horizon Complete ‘Radio Silence.’ |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. See Deathloop Walkthrough if you get stuck. | ||
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Gooooood Morning, Blackreef! Escape to Updaam. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. This will be your first story-related trophy, unlocks during Main Quest “The Longest Day”, at the end of the Prologue when you travel to Updaam. | ||
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All The Live-Long Day Survive all 4 time periods in one day. |
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Every day will have four time periods, upon completing the last one you will reset the loop. This will come naturally while playing the game, simply do not lose all your lives completely in a loop. | ||
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Die, Die, And Die Again After acquiring Reprise, die for real – or what passes for real in the Loop. |
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Reprise is the slab that you get when traveling from the beach (where you spawn each morning) to any other area. It’s automatically picked up on the exit door each day. Reprise allows you to come back to life instantly after you die, without having to start a new loop, but it’s only good for 2 uses. Simply keep dying until you’ve run out of revives, then you ‘die for real’ and unlock this trophy. How many you have left will be shown on the left side of the screen (x0, x1, x2). You should be getting this naturally over the course of the story. | ||
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Dead Drop Absorb Residuum from a body – like some kind of temporal sponge. |
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This can only be done after having unlocked the ability to absorb residuum (automatic story-related unlock in 2nd mission “Ubiquity”). Now whenever you die, you can return to your corpse, hold ![]() |
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Pieces Of Eight While playing as Colt, kill Frank. Or Charlie. Or Fia. Or Wenjie. Or Aleksis. Or Harriet. Egor will do as well. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. The people mentioned in the trophy description are the “Visionaries” – that’s the main targets you have to kill to finish the story. It doesn’t seem to unlock on your very first visionary kill, however. After killing your second Visionary it should unlock. | ||
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Ensemble Tragedy Kill each Visionary at least once. |
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You will get this while completing all Visionary Leads, or alternatively when finishing the game if you have not killed any visionaries previously. Do note however that you must actively kill Frank in Fristad Rock – Morning for his kill to register. | ||
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Alpha Burger Kill Aleksis using his meat grinder. |
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This can be done in Updaam – Evening. In the main auditorium of Dorsey Manor there is a stage where eternalists will tell a joke, and if the crowd doesn’t like it they will fall into a meat grinder. Enter the party by going up the stairs outside and then through the upstairs door into the main auditorium. From there you can use Shift (or jump) to get to the air ducts on the ceiling, where the enemies can’t see you. Aleksis will eventually tell a joke himself, which is your opportunity for this (takes about 3-5 minutes until he goes to the stage). To identify which one is Aleksis, he will be the only one with dual golden machine guns as his weapon. In order to trigger the meat grinder, you will need to get behind the sign on the wall left of the stage, where you will find a button. Press this button when Aleksis is on the stage and he will fall to his meaty death. |
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Power Chord Kill Frank using a Slab ability. Take a bow. |
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This can be done in Fristad Rock – Morning. The best slabs to use for this are either Havoc or Karnesis. Inside Ramblin’ Rock Club, Frank will be in his studio. You will need to equip a ClassPass to enter here which disables your slabs, however this can be removed in the same room that Frank is located, so you will be able to use slabs on him without issue. Kill all the other enemies and lure Frank out of his studio. Now simply use your slab of choice on him until he dies. |
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Judgement Day Kill Harriet with poisonous gas. |
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This can be done in Karl’s Bay – Morning. The best way to do this is to use Harriet’s own weapon against her, as when you kill her she drops The Fourpounder with an effect that releases poisonous gas whenever it hits. Kill her, infuse her weapon, then return the next loop. Confront Harriet and simply shoot the ground near her to keep her in the gas until she dies. |
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Game Over Kill Charlie within the rules of Condition Detachment. |
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This one is a little more involved than the other visionary trophies. Before you can do this, you will need to go to Fristad Rock – Afternoon. In the middle of the map is a Transmission Post, and inside you find a large computer console where you can start an uplink to give 2-BIT new commands. Once you start the uplink, a map will appear on the screen indicating three locations where you will find uplink dishes. Their locations will be different each time you load into the map, but they have only a few places they can be. They will either appear on the roof of Ramblin’ Rock Club (rooftop of the building where you kill Frank at Morning), or in the open area directly outside the main bunker entrance (in front of the bunker where you kill Fia at Noon). Once you find the uplink dishes, hack one of them with your hackamajig, which will activate all three. They will begin powering up, but during this process many eternalists will run to the area and attempt to destroy the dishes. Defend them from the eternalists until they go completely green and finish the uplink (do not let the dishes get destroyed). Now return to the computer console in the transmission post and you will be able to complete the process, unlocking new commands for 2-BIT. Now exit the level via the tunnels and skip time till the next day to start a new loop. The new commands you got for 2-BIT will carry over, don’t worry. Then head to Updaam – Noon and go to Condition Detachment (Charlie’s Mansion). Head to the third floor where you will find a room that contains 2-BIT, hack the antenna above the door to go in to talk to him. One of the commands will be to change the Invader, do this and select Charlie. Once you do this, all eternalists in the building will become hostile towards Charlie and kill him, earning you this trophy. If Charlie goes to hide in his room you may need to go there yourself to flush him out so he starts running through the building where the eternalists are. If you don’t get the option to make Charlie the invader (or if 2-BIT says all options are exhausted), it means you haven’t finished the story yet and must do it later. You can only do this if one of 2 things is true: A) Never killed Charlie or issued commands to 2-BIT before, B) completed “What Wenjies Want” Visionary lead (story-related) and talked to 2-BIT afterward to become a 2-BIT power user, which makes it so 2-BIT will always process all of your commands. So if it doesn’t work, don’t worry, it’s not missable, you just need more story progress. |
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Quantum Solution Kill all versions of Wenjie within a 90-second period. Simple. |
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This can be done in The Complex – Afternoon. In the left area of the map is Wenjie’s Lab, which has several interconnected areas and about 15 copies of Wenjie. There are 3 Wenjies in the leftmost room, 5 in the rightmost room (including 1 on the roof), 2 in the back room and the rest in the round central room (including 2 on the balcony). In order to do this, you will want to have a decent weapon or two, like a purple shotgun or machine gun. If you want you can hack the cameras in the leftmost and rightmost rooms before engaging, just so turrets don’t trigger while you’re killing. Also be careful of the cameras in the central round room, as triggering these will cause depressurization, which can and probably will kill you. When you’re ready, start killing and rush through each room. 90 seconds is very lenient so this shouldn’t be too much of a hassle, even if you die once you should be fine to run back in and finish it off. A good weapon for this is the shotgun “Strelak 50-50” which is dropped by visionary Charlie in Updaam – Noon. Infuse it and equip it with weapon trinkets Big Box (more ammo) & Speedloader (Reload speed increased). It will kill the Wenjies in 1 hit from close range. You can also use the slab ability Havoc to deal more and receive less damage. |
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Not-So-Invisible Man Kill Egor while he’s under the influence of a nullifier. |
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This can be done in The Complex – Evening. In the back area of the map is Egor’s Camp. Around the camp are several nullifiers (they look like briefcases), as well as more inside Egor’s building itself. Grab a nullifier and set it up near Egor by holding |
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Didn’t See It Coming Kill Fia without causing a deadly reaction. |
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This can be done in Fristad Rock – Noon. Fia will be located inside the bunker in the right area of the map. Inside the bunker is a nuclear reactor, and if Fia becomes alerted to your presence, she will trigger the reactor to explode after about 1 minute. In order to earn this you must kill her without her triggering the reactor. This can be done either by not triggering an alert in the bunker, or by disarming the reactor. Stealth Method: Use quiet/stealthy takedowns on the enemies in your way and hack the cameras/turrets. Head straight for Fia’s room at the end of the upper floor (the floor above the reactor), there you find Fia and can kill her instantly. If you fail the first time, you can try in another loop. Reactor Deactivation Method: If you access the bunker via the elevator shaft (found through the door on cliff above the bunker, in the area to the right of where you spawn), there will be a repair room directly to your left. In here you will find a blueprint for the reactor, with four colored wires all with numbers. Remember the order of these numbers as they will be important. Head over to the reactor and you will find a panel on the back of it, hack it open and then cut the wires in the correct order to disarm it. Now simply go upstairs to Fia’s quarters and kill her. |
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Violent Delights Kill Charlie and Fia with a single bullet. |
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This can be done in Fristad Rock – Afternoon, at the end of the “Afternoon Delight” Visionary Lead. This is best done with the Nexus slab. First you have to completely finish the Afternoon Delight Main Questline before bothering with this. During this questline you automatically have to go to their secret meetup bunker multiple times. Once inside the bunker you can head down an elevator shaft into the main area of the bunker, where Fia and Charlie are located on the gantry in front of you. Use Nexus on one of them, then headshot either of them and they will both die instantly, earning you this trophy. |
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Ghost At The Feast Kill 3 targets at Aleksis’ party without being seen. Leave Updaam satisfied, knowing you made the party a better place. |
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First, you should finish the Main Story (completed final quest “Ending It”). You need certain story progress to get Wenjie and Egor to spawn at Aleksis’ party, in particular the “What Wenjies Want” and “Lost in Transmission” Visionary Leads. You must defeat all 3 Visionaries Aleksis, Wenjie, Egor at the party in Updaam – Evening, without being seen. It’s okay if enemies go into the “searching” state (yellow), they just can’t have the icon above their heads go red. If anything goes wrong you can exit to the Main Menu and continue to respawn at the level start. This way you don’t need to replay the 1st step every time. Recommended Loadout: Shift ability (with Upgrades: Airborne + Reach), Nexus ability (with Upgrade: Influence). A silenced weapon is preferred but not absolutely mandatory (e.g. PT-6 Spiker nail gun is silent, or purple weapons sometimes drop with a silencer modifier which can drop from any enemy randomly in the late game). Step 1 (The Complex – Noon): Use a Nullifier from Egor’s lab and hold Step 2 (Updaam – Evening): This is where the party takes place. Aleksis always spawns here by default. Egor spawns here by doing Step 1. Wenjie spawns here automatically if you finished the story before (automatic from story progress). Use Nexus to kill the 3 enemies at the spawn so they won’t be in your way later when backtracking to the exit. Then circle around the left edge of the map, there are no enemies there. Then via the rooftops jump onto the red flags outside the gate leading to Aleksis’ party (where a turret and 3 enemies are, but leave those be). From the flags you can use Shift to get up to the rooftops in the party area. From the outside, enter the door upstairs of Aleksis’ party area. From there, use Shift to the vents at the top of the room where nobody can see you and wait 3-5 minutes for Aleksis to take the stage. He’s the only one with 2 golden SMG weapons. When he’s talking into the microphone, press the button behind the sign left of the stage to open the floor and make him fall into the meat grinder. Quickly use Shift to get back to the balcony from where you entered. The enemies will all have yellow icons above their heads but this is okay so long as they don’t see you on the way out and turn red. This is the same method used for Now simply backtrack the way you came to the level exit (use normal level exit, not the rocket car). Do note that Julianna is likely to spawn here, so be careful not to run into her and hack her antenna if it has spawned, which you need to open the level exit to the tunnels. If Julianna doesn’t spawn you can head straight for the exit. Once you escape via the tunnels where you spawned, you will earn the trophy. If it doesn’t unlock, odds are someone saw you while exiting the main party area after dropping Aleksis into the meat grinder. Remember, if you notice right away that you were spotted you can exit to Main Menu and continue to respawn at the level start without redoing the 1st Step. |
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Forever Yours Infuse a Slab. |
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After completing the Main Quest “Ubiquity”, you will unlock the infusion mechanic. Any residuum you find in missions can be used to infuse gear to make them permanent throughout loops. Simply obtain a slab from any Visionary and infuse it for 15,000 residuum. | ||
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Spare No Expense While playing as Colt, own all upgrades for a Slab. |
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Each slab has four upgrades that can be obtained. Simply kill the same Visionary five times total and infuse the slab each time to get all the upgrades. Alternatively you can get slab upgrades from invading Juliannas, but the slab you get is random. | ||
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Rip And Tear As Colt, inflict a truckload of damage to Eternalists during a single use of Havoc. |
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This requires the Nexus slab that you get from killing Fia in Fristad Rock – Noon (Julianna can also drop it).
This is best done using the Euphoria and Withdrawal abilities for Havoc, and on Updaam – Noon. Head to Otto’s Workshop and you will see a crowd of about 10 eternalists outside the workshop. Activate Havoc and kill everyone in one usage of Havoc and you should unlock this. If you have any issues with this, try using a good shotgun, as well as the Juiced Up character trinket to increase your power to make Havoc last longer. |
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Blink Of An Eye As Colt, transport an enemy onto a mine using Shift. |
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This requires the Shift slab that you get from killing Charlie in Updaam – Noon (Julianna can also drop it). You will also need the Swapper upgrade for Shift, which you get from killing Charlie multiple times until he drops it. Be sure to equip the Swapper upgrade in your loadout. Now find any eternalist, hold |
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Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: PAIN As Colt, transmit damage over more than 20 meters using Nexus. |
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This requires the Nexus slab that you get from killing Harriet in Karl’s Bay – Morning (Julianna can also drop it).
Once you have it, head to Updaam – Noon and go to Otto’s Workshop to find a crowd of eternalists. Use Nexus a few times on eternalists in the middle and outskirts to chain them all together, then kill one to earn the trophy. If you are struggling with power, the Juiced Up character trinket should help with this. |
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Death Is In The Air As Colt, achieve 3 airborne headshots on enemies you’ve launched using Karnesis. |
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This requires the Karnesis slab that you get from killing Aleksis in Updaam – Evening (Julianna can also drop it). It’s easiest with the Suspension upgrade for Karnesis (can get it by killing Aleksis multiple times until he drops it). However, it can be done just fine with the basic Karnesis. Find any eternalists and use Karnesis on them, flicking upwards to send them sky high. While they’re airborne, try and shoot them in the head. Any type of weapon will work for this, however a pistol or machine gun is probably best. With Suspension they will remain airborne for a few seconds making it quite easy, but if you don’t have it you will have to rely on auto-aim to hopefully get headshots quickly. You will need to get all 3 headshots in one map, however there will always be dozens of eternalists to try this on. |
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Don’t Mind Me While using Aether as Colt, kill 3 enemies without alerting nearby enemies. |
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Glitched as of Patch 1.1 This requires the Aether slab that you get from killing Egor in The Complex – Evening (Julianna can also drop it). Find some eternalists together and kill them with your machete while you have Aether enabled. As long as they’re not facing each other you should have no issue killing them all without any other eternalists being alerted. You don’t need to kill 3 in one use of Aether, it’s okay to do it over multiple uses. If this trophy doesn’t pop, you will simply have to repeat this until it does pop. As it is glitchy it may not pop for many attempts, however it can be worth trying in different areas or with a silenced pistol or nail gun if it doesn’t work with the machete. |
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Dressing Down As Julianna, disguise yourself as Colt using Masquerade. |
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This requires you to play the online mode “Protect the Loop”, selected from the Title Screen. In this mode you play Julianna and must hunt down Colt. As Julianna, you must use her default Slab “Disguise”, look at Colt and use the Slab ability to disguise. This unlocks the trophy immediately. How to Boost with a Friend:
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For Every Occasion Take 36 different Trinkets into the field with you while playing as Colt. |
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Across the character trinkets and weapon trinkets, there are well over 40 different trinkets available. Any time you find a unique trinket that you don’t have yet, either infuse it to add it to your collection or simply equip it for a map to have it count towards this. As long as you’re not just using the same trinkets repeatedly and making sure to infuse new ones, you should get this without much hassle. | ||
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Spoiled for Choice Infuse one of each type of weapon. |
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For this you will need to infuse all 8 basic weapon types, as well as the 4 unique weapons. The basic weapons can be found all over in three variants – white, blue and purple (however you only need to infuse one) – while the unique guns are only available from completing Arsenal Leads. If you have any DLC weapons that are already infused when you first unlock infusion, these will not count towards the trophy, so you will need to infuse another of that weapon.
Basic Weapons:
Unique Weapons:
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The Spice Of Life Die every which way as Colt: Drown. Fall. Choke on poison gas. Succumb to fatal depressurization. Get blown up. Shot. Stabbed. Ground up. Fried by a rocket. Oh, and obliterated by a reactor. Fun, right? |
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» Deathloop How to Get All Deaths | ||
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Bling Bling Bang Bang Equip a loadout worth more than 45100 Residuum. |
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Over the course of the game you will infuse more and more gear. Eventually you will have enough high-tier gear (such as purple trinkets and weapons, as well as slab upgrades), to have a loadout worth well over 60000 residuum, so this shouldn’t be a hassle. The trophy will pop immediately in the loadout menu, so no need to use it. | ||
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Full Deck Kill a Visionary using a full loadout, without any empty slots or sockets, and escape the map. |
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Before you can do this, you will need to equip 4 character trinkets, 3 weapons with all 9 weapon trinkets filled up, as well as 2 slabs both with 2 upgrades equipped. Once you have this, simply kill any visionary and escape for this trophy. | ||
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Know Your Enemy Complete one AEON dossier. |
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This trophy wants you to find all “Document” type collectibles for one of the eight Visionaries. The easiest option is Julianna’s Dossier, because she has only 1 file and it’s available as soon as you unlock free roam for all maps. |
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The G.O.D. of O.S.P. Enter a map with an empty loadout and kill all Visionaries present. Leave the map. Wash your hands. |
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Before you do this, make sure you have nothing equipped (except your grenades, machete, hackamajig and Reprise). The best location to do this is on Fristad Rock – Afternoon. After playing through the story, Fia and Charlie will be in their bunker alone, so head around to the right area from the beginning. You can access their bunker either by going across the cliffs (there will be trip mines and land mines all along here), or simply by going around to the right and walking along the coast. Once you get inside the bunker, Fia and Charlie will be on the gantry in front of you. Sneak upstairs all the way (there will be some trip mines to avoid), you will find a control room in which you can flood the bunker. Initiate the flooding sequence, and then either escape or simply die to be reprised back outside the bunker. Fia and Charlie will die from the flooding, then you can simply retrace your steps to escape the map. If the trophy does not pop this way, simply kill them with the machete instead of flooding the bunker. This can be combined with Mightier Than the Gun |
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Mightier Than The Gun Kill all Visionaries in a map – and make it to the exit – without using a gun. |
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See The G.O.D. of O.S.P. ![]() |
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Silent Disco Get in and out of a map without being spotted – and kill all Visionaries present. |
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See The G.O.D. of O.S.P. ![]() ![]() |
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Only The Guilty Kill all Visionaries present in a map and escape without killing any Eternalists. |
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See The G.O.D. of O.S.P. ![]() |
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Clean Sweep Kill everyone in a time period and escape. |
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In any map, kill every single eternalist (and visionary if there’s any on the map). This is best done in The Complex – Evening. It has only 6 enemies, 5 at the start and Egor in his camp, so it is the easiest option.
Alternatively, Updaam – Morning (or any morning map), as there will be fewer enemies. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know if you’ve killed every enemy as the trophy only unlocks when you have left the map. For this reason you will have to be thorough, so make sure to go into every building and room and shoot around to alert enemies and draw them to your location. Updaam – Morning does have an enemy behind the three-lock door in the Smoker Building, however this enemy is not required. |
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You Only Die Once Finish an entire loop while wearing a ClassPass. |
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In order to do this, you will need to first grab a ClassPass in Fristad Rock – Morning, from the entrance of Ramblin’ Rock Club. Once you have this equipped, simply leave and enter for all four time periods. You cannot skip time periods with the wait function, as doing this won’t earn you the trophy. |
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Play It Again, Colt After finishing the game once, kill all Visionaries in a map and escape. |
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Glitched as of Patch 1.1
Simply kill any visionary after finishing the story (after unlocking One Perfect Day If the trophy does not pop upon killing any of the visionaries, you may need to follow the below steps in order for it to pop:
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Clean-ish Hands Kill all Visionaries – and no Eternalists – in a single loop. |
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Glitched as of Patch 1.1 If this trophy does not pop upon completing it, you may have to try it again to get it to pop. Make sure not to kill any eternalists or invading Juliannas during your run. Before you can do this, you will need to complete the story so that you’re able to kill all visionaries in a single loop (must have unlocked or completed Main Quest “Ending It”). This can be accomplished mostly through stealth, but thankfully you are allowed to alert enemies, just not kill them. Eternalists are any normal non-visionary enemies. It seems to be fine if they die from the environment, e.g. by falling into poison gas in Harriet’s hangar, or into meat grinder at Aleksis’s party. You just can’t kill any of them by yourself. Make sure not to kill any invading Juliannas either, as this can void the trophy. Recommended Slabs: Upgraded Shift slab (with Airborne and Reach abilities) and Upgraded Aether slab (with Ghost and Erase abilities). Shift Slabs/Upgrades are dropped by killing Charlie repeatedly (Updaam – Noon), Aether from killing Egor repeatedly (The Complex – Evening). The general advice for this is to make your way through areas by abusing Aether to stealth past enemies, and Shift to cross areas quickly. Thanks to Aether’s Ghost upgrade, you can stand in one spot indefinitely without it draining any power, but do note that enemies can still see you in Aether if they get close enough. You can even activate Aether and then use Shift which will keep you invisible, and by using Shift instead of walking it counts as “standing still” so with Ghost upgrade the Aether doesn’t drain any power. In the event that you alert eternalists, simply hide to try and lose their attention. If at any point you make a mistake and accidentally kill an eternalist, you can simply exit to main menu and when you reload it will put you back at the beginning of that map again. If you run out of lives and ‘die for real’, simply close the game application and reboot the game, it will put you back at the start of the current level, no need to start a new loop.
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A Charlie Montague Game Prove you’re a real gamer by winning Charlie’s Wake Up Challenge, Reward Scheme, the Moxie, Haul-A-Quinn, and the Yerhva. |
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Charlie has five games spread across Blackreef. You must complete all five for this trophy.
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Cooking With Gas While playing as Colt, ignite a gas cloud while someone is inside it. |
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The best places to do this are either in Karl’s Bay – Morning or Updaam – Noon. In Karl’s Bay, Harriet will be having a ceremony in Hangar 2 where she lowers an eternalist on a crane into a gas cloud. Once the eternalist is fully in the gas cloud, shoot it to ignite it and kill the eternalist. In Updaam, head over to Charlie’s Condition Detachment mansion, and on the bottom floor there’ll be a gas cloud to the left. There is actually an eternalist in here already, so just shoot the gas cloud to kill him. | ||
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Sugar Crash While playing as Colt, use candy to gain a tactical advantage. |
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Throughout the game there are candy machines, that when attacked will release a bunch of candy onto the ground. If an enemy walks over this, they will trip over. The best place to do this is in Updaam – Morning, as just outside your tunnel to the left is a Candy Store, filled with candy machines and some enemies. Destroy one (e.g. by kicking it), attract an enemy’s attention and lead them over the candy so they fall down. |
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Residual Earnings Absorb more than 20000 Residuum in a map. |
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Simply have more than 20000 Residuum in your reserve during a map. You can get residuum from glowing objects around the map, or from killing visionaries. As long as you grab residuum from visionaries you will get this automatically in any map with multiple visionaries. | ||
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Chop Chop Kill 3 enemies with the machete in 10 seconds. |
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Find any group of eternalists and use your machete with ![]() |
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Old Habits Die Hard Enter 0451 at a keypad. |
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At any of the many locks throughout the game, simply enter 0451 to earn this. This is a reference to just about every immersive sim out there, where 0451 is almost always used as a code. The 0451 code doesn’t need to be the correct one to open the door (it can be the wrong code for the door and you still get the trophy). |
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Deathday Suit Kill the (mostly) naked character in each map. |
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» Deathloop – All Mostly Naked Character Locations | ||
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Oops While playing as Colt, cause someone to fall to their death. |
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There are many opportunities to kick people to their death, but the best opportunity for this is on Updaam – Morning. As soon as you leave your tunnel, climb the rock to your right to find an eternalist hanging out by the edge of the cliff. Simply kick them off with |
PowerPyx says
Hey guys,
this is a very fun platinum hunt! Creative and unique trophy list and the game itself is something new that hasn’t been done in this form before.
Without use of walkthroughs the story may take around 10-12h. With a Walkthrough, you can do it in 10h easily. You can find a complete Walkthrough here: Deathloop Walkthrough.
Didn’t encounter any game-breaking bugs or trophy bugs. Only the usual Bethesda bugs like NPCs getting stuck in walls or loot disappearing into thin air. But overall nothing major that would keep you from completing it. Luckily everything resets/respawns each day so can’t miss anything. With guides you can plat it in about 15h.
Game is more linear than I thought. There are quest markers for almost everything. It’s also not really a roguelike, so don’t let that put you off. You get so many resources from killing a single visionary that you can always infuse the best stuff you found on your run, so you keep it permanently. Game is pretty easy in general because of how OP your weapons/abilities are. There’s strong auto-aim by default so tapping
in very quick succession will automatically keep you aimed at enemies’ heads. Have fun!
Daniel Boydell says
Had oops not work on mine at the same enemy on the cliff edge do you know if it’s glitched for anyone or am I doing it wrong
Archavia says
Might be worth trying on another enemy by a different ledge, every map will have someone by a ledge somewhere. A good place to try it is against the enemy sitting on the dock by the AEON Security Office in Fristad Rock – Afternoon.
White Corvid says
I just got the One Perfect Day trophy without killing Juliana at the end. Just didn’t pull the trigger after her count three.
Yu may want to note this.
Great guide as always but I feel 15-20 hrs is pushing it even with a gd.
A little shy there, as is the 3 out of 10 difficulty rating. The pvp stuff was easy but many of the challenges require multiple attempts. 4 out of 10 for mine.
White Corvid says
Okay, so Play it again Colt is bugged for me and a know a few others on Reddit.
Not sure why.
I did complete One Perfect Day without shooting Juliana but then ran it again and shot her. After that the next map I ran still didn’t pop after killing a visionary.
Any tips or updates appreciated.
White Corvid says
Okay, my bad. I’m sorry fot any confusion but Play it again Colt isn’t glitched.
You can remove my earlier post.
From what I can tell. If you don’t get the final cut scene (triggered by killing yourself in Ending It) you can cause Play it again Colt not to work.
You guys did say implicitly not to play the final scene differently. Lol
CJ says
First off I love your guides, using it right now in fact. I just wanted to point out a trick I found for the Alpha Hunter Trophy. You don’t actually NEED to drop down in order to activate the grinder, for some reason you can hit the button while standing on top of the red sign that the button is located on. You only need to aim downward.
Leroy says
I think your great mate. But this time, I think you are off the mark with your time and difficulty for this game.
Some trophies, like kill all visionaries and no eternalists etc are pretty annoying.
You have to wipe progress if you miss some trophies also.
William Mertz says
I need some assistance in the 2 online trophies. Will help boost. Please hit me up at PSN: Taurnake. I am usually online in the mornings M – F before 10:30am EST.
Nicolaj Dahl says
Ghost at the feast trophy gotta be bugged.
I have tried everything now.
I have done it with nexus, not getting seen and nothing.
I have done it killing only the 3 visionarys, no trophy.
I have done it with the mechanical affinity, getting the turrets to kill them all without getting seen.
I seriously give up…. ??.
Anyone have an idea what i can do, it not fun anymore.
Psid : NalaCin
Blazinghellion says
Any chance someone would let me boost the 2 online ones real quick? I didnt plan on platinum this bit is so fun and want to.
John says
I’m glad you didn’t encounter any glitched trophies, but you seem to be the exception. I’ve experienced several and judging by Reddit forums I’m not the only one. Is it possible you’ve left out small details in your guide?
John says
Beat super shifty and wasn’t awarded the heritage gun, was just given a purple rapier. The gun in the case inside the fathom of lament, correct? What am I missing?
Michael Stenlund says
I just wanted to add a pleasant small correction to the OP and let you know, One Perfect Day achievement, can now be accomplished by not killing Julianna also. This is because the developers intended the ending to be as you, the Colt protagonist decides to end the storyline.
Thank you for such a good complete Achievements guide! Now I can get 100% in Deathloop.
Running PC version, stable.
SyBorg says
Hi if anyone would like to boost the MP trophies then please add me…
wushiko says
Can someone team up with me for the two online trophies?
ID: wushiko
Avatar: neon helmet w/ horns
Luis says
Not sure why but I think “Blink of an eye” is glitching for me, same with “”Spoiled for Choice”
Natas says
This is great news! I don’t have to cancel my pre-order. Thanks to the powerpyx team for always having a great guide!
PhantomFear94 says
Thank you very much for this roadmap and all the hard work.
One question, if I may – given the ‘loop’ nature of the game, are you able to make strategic saves like in Dishonored? I’m thinking for the visionary-specific kill trophies? Or if you mess up, do you need to restart the loop each time?
Archavia says
If you make any mistakes during a map (for instance if you’re doing the trophy for not killing any eternalists in a loop and you accidentally kill one), you can simply exit to the menu and when you load in you will be at the beginning of the map again. There is no saving mid-map, but they aren’t overly large so you wouldn’t lose much time in this scenario.
PowerPyx says
Each daytime is so short (2 minutes) that it’s not worth backing up any saves.
You can “cheat” it though by returning to the Main Menu when you have no lives left, then click continue and you respawn at present days with all your lives back. So that will save you from dying out completely and having to restart a loop from scratch. The loops are very short in this game though, you can complete each day in about 1-5 minutes and you keep any clues / infused gear even when you die.
You can skip time at the start of a loop to get to the exact daytime you need (e.g. skip straight ahead to evening if you just need a single objective in evening time). Backup saves aren’t necessary, game is very easy, AI is basically blind and doesn’t know how to deal with your supernatural powers, and you have multiple lives per day.
PhantomFear94 says
Glad the MP trophy is boostable, although as my main system is Xbox (I played PS5 for exclusives, primarily) I don’t have a strong network of friends on PlayStation, and not anyone I know who is playing the game either.
If anyone did want to boost this, my PSNID is also PhantomFear94. Expect to have the game no later than end of September, possibly sooner than that.
sup bro, how u doing? im gonna focus on SP trophies, and let the MP later, i always do that, as a soon i finished my SP trophies, im gonna contact you, my id is us_chrono
PhantomFear94 says
Thanks Chrono. I have someone else who messaged me too, although, I’m happy to help you either way.
Robert M Nagy says
Hey, my psn is roblivion if you want to boost Saturday night I’m down. Let me know. I’m trying to get these too
PhantomFear94 says
Hey guys, had 5-6 requests on PSN (will help any who messaged me, even if I already have it), but please no more requests!
Whispii says
If anyone still wants needs to boost the no trophies those are my last 2 and would be happy to help. My psnID is Whispii
Bloodhound354 says
Add me if anyone wants to boost the online trophies Bloodhound354
Seth hatcher says
hey did you get my friend request roosterteeth99 my psn
Rick says
yeh i would like help for the online trophies please.
Pasquale says
Hey guys, I am trying to boost these too, is it okay to add you?
NamelessXIII_ says
Missing the 2 online trophies pls help id NamelessXIII_
G Mac says
Hi, so for the final story mission, do you have to kill all 8 without dying? So, what I mean is, say you killed 4 and then died, can you skip time to the part you died and then just kill you other 4? Or do they all have to be killed without you dying at all? Thank you very much.
PowerPyx says
You need to kill all in one loop (=without dying). Don’t worry about it, it’s super easy and during the story you are taught how to combine their kills efficiently. Then during final quest you have waypoints that show you what to do. It takes maybe 10 minutes to kill them all in one go (the longest part being loading times between the maps lol).
mrfugazi says
‘Play it again, Colt’ doesn’t unlock for me. I have the trophy for finishing the game, got the credits and the dev’s note afterwards and have by now finished multiple maps while killing all visonaries. Any ideas?
Archavia says
It might be worth killing the eight visionaries in a loop again, as you will get the credits every time after you kill the last visionary. Maybe after doing that again, it might pop? We haven’t received any reports of this happening yet, so it’s a bit of a strange scenario. Have other visionary-related trophies been popping for you just fine?
mrfugazi says
Everything else has unlocked fine. I’m just missing the trophy for playing all of Charlie’s games (which I haven’t gone for yet) and ‘Play it again, Colt’. I’m gonna give completing a whole loop again a shot.
Archavia says
Let us know how it goes, hopefully it works out!
mrfugazi says
I finished a loop with a different choice at the end and then got the ‘Play it again, Colt’ trophy afte clearing another map. So it might be dependet on the your choice, but I’m not sure.
Archavia says
Glad to hear it popped. If you don’t mind confirming, which choice did you make at the end of each loop?
mrfugazi says
On my first loop I actually didn’t make a choice at all because I was waiting for a button prompt, so both Julianna and Colt survied.
On my second loop I killed Julianna and myself.
I think you might have to do the second option for the loop to fully count. Afterwards I had a new entry in the ‘Ending it’ quest/lead chain for killing the 9th visionary (Colt).
Archavia says
Ah okay yeah that is probably it then, thanks for confirming!
Marco says
Not working for me. Finished the game twice, made two different choices and the trophy for killing a visionaire after finishing the story isn’t working
Brian says
This was buggy for me as well. When I finished the game, I shot Julie and ran off the platform, got the broke the loop trophy, then went to work on the two birds one bullet trophy for killing Charlie and Fia at the same time. Play it again Colt should have unlocked then but it didn’t. Later on when I killed Harriett to save Amador for the Haul a Quinn quest it finally popped.
PhantomFear94 says
Play It Again, Colt isn’t working for me either. Still have quite a bit mopping up to do, so I won’t panic yet.
mrfugazi says
Thanks for suggesting another loop playthrough!
zulqarmessi says
Thank you so much legendary powerpyx and archavia, Great guide ????????
Luay says
Can someone please help me with the multiplayer trophies? Pan: Intophilia
Luay says
I managed to get it online…
Michael Mongelluzzo says
I’ll help out let me know when psn mongmich
Koudelka(PS1) says
Whoa, a lot of trophies!
Looks interesting this game…. But I may wait a bit for a sale. Too much already in my plate.
FYI: Left Alive would make for a good candidate for next trophy guide.
Nighthawk1092 says
Great guide powerpyx and archavia. If anyone wants to boost the online trophies hit me up my psn is nighthawk1092. I’ll help you get them if you do the same for me.
xxx says
Anyone want to boost the mp trophies? My psn is Matthii89
DarkCaje says
I’ll help ya out! Psn DarkCaje
xxx says
I added you, still need the trophies
Zurin says
I didnt unlock Pieces of Eight after killing Wenji, anyone having problems as well?
Bun says
I am on pc so it’s less helpful but I didn’t get it for killing Wenjie either. The description names the others too so maybe it unlocks with the next?
Archavia says
It should unlock for killing any of them, so hopefully that will be the case upon killing any other than Wenjie. When testing some things on an alt account I didn’t have it unlock on Wenjie, but it did unlock on Charlie. If it doesn’t unlock at any point while playing it however, it may be worth backing up your save file, starting a new save and going through until you’re able to kill one again.
jeffsore says
It didn’t unlock for me either after killing Wenjie my first time, or when I killed Harriet on my next loop. Haven’t tested further or killed anyone else yet, so hopefully it will pop.
Hagz says
Add me for Julianna trophies, I need as well.
Please say its for Deathloop
Vonhart says
Hey, hoping someone can help with the MP trophies! Thank you! PSN – The_SICness_23
asdw says
hello can help today (9/16) or tomorrow (9/17) anytime. PSN sharpmezman
Ashley Shenton says
With the Charlie trophie using 2bit. It said known commands exhausted. But they bad guys didn’t kill him.. do you have to do the code thing again or? Thanks 🙂
Archavia says
Once you complete the What Wenjies Want visionary lead as part of the story, 2-Bit will make you a power user, after which he was always accept your commands. You will then be able to assign Charlie the Invader role again.
PhantomFear94 says
This is happening to me too, post-game.
Omen66 says
Anybody want to do the online trophies together? Psn omen66
Cameron Walker says
Yep. Psn diazau
I can get on today. Sunday to knock it off
PowerPyx says
Well you can’t earn the Platinum without playing online, so the Plat is an online trophy too (as marked in the overview section of the guide).
Matthew says
Need the trophy for killing colt as Julianna, anyone wanna help me boost it? My user is Matt-McKindahigh
Cameron Walker says
Yep psn diazau
I can be on anytime today
Joey says
Thanks for such a great guide. Is there any reason why Reprise would not be working? Like when you die you’re supposed to get two respawns before the loop resets, but my loop keeps getting reset after only dying once? I know I have Reprise equipped.
Archavia says
Depends how you’re dying. Some very particular deaths, such as dying to a reactor explosion in Fristad Rock – Noon will completely kill you and end the loop. Same goes for if you die while under the effects of a nullifier/classpass, as they disable all slabs including Reprise.
Joey says
Oh man, it was the class pass!!! Now it all makes sense. Thanks for the reply, happy hunting!
ChopTop says
Pieces of Eight: I’ve killed Wenjie and Harriet and this trophy hasn’t popped. Anyone running into issues with this one? Thanks!
Archavia says
It might just be that the trophy is a bit glitchy, as some have gotten it on their first kill, some on their second kill. Given the amount of visionaries you kill over the course of the plat, it should pop eventually. Worst case scenario you could back up save, restart and rush through to killing visionaries again, but I wouldn’t even consider that option unless you do everything else first and it still hasn’t unlocked.
ChopTop says
Makes sense, thanks! Was wondering if I should just start over since I’m not that far in.
PhantomFear94 says
It is indeed buggy, but as Archavia has said, it shouldn’t matter as we’ll need to kill so many. I am following the walkthrough (which is great) and Wenjie was my 1st visionary – I didn’t get this to pop after the 1st, but went back and killed Wenjie again to try and get it to pop and it worked the 2nd time.
Danger Dan says
Is there a way to reset game over? When I talked to 2-bit he keeps telling me I can’t make Charlie the invader. I made the mistake of killing him first and then talking to 2-bit
Archavia says
Once you complete the What Wenjies Want visionary lead as part of the story, 2-Bit will make you a power user, after which he was always accept your commands. You will then be able to assign Charlie the Invader role again.
Daniel Fuchs says
“Game Over” trophy seems misseble. I failed the 1st time as the goons did not kill Charlie, now the 2-Bit says he will not do it again. I have re-done the satellite dish bit several times and hacked 2-Bit but I cannot execute the Kill Charlie command. Really frustrating.
Archavia says
I just tested on an alt and the reason for this is that if Charlie isn’t killed on the first time giving 2-Bit the command, he won’t accept it again until he designates you a power user. In order to become a power user, you must first complete the What Wenjies Want visionary lead, which is completed as part of the story. After completing that visionary lead and talking to 2-Bit, he’ll make you a power user and always accept your commands. With that you will be able to assign Charlie as an Invader again. We’ll update the trophy to reflect this 🙂
Gigi says
I had to kill Harriet twice for me to count her as killed in the mission (in the visionary clues menu), and Charlie killed him and didn’t count him as killed in the mission.
In the report at the end of the mission he writes me that I killed them, but in the menu in the clues of the visionaries, he does not mark them as killed.
Am I wrong something?
The “Pieces Of Eight” trophy unlocked it for me after killing Harriet twice and once Charlie, I completed the missions, I returned to base without dying.
PhantomFear94 says
Pieces of Eight is buggy, but it shouldn’t matter as we’re going to need to kill all visionaries several times. I am following the walkthrough, so Wenjie is my first visionary, I didn’t get ‘Pieces of Eight’ after killing them the first time, but went back just to do it all again and then got it the 2nd time.
Archavia says
Make sure you have one of each of the nine basic weapons infused, as well as all four unique weapons infused. If it hasn’t unlocked when you have all of those, if you have any weapons that were already infused from DLC such as the pre-order bonus, make sure to manually infuse those for it to count.
Donald Forbes says
Thanks for the guide, really enjoyed the game.
I am looking for help with the Julianna trophies PSN = donald047.
Donald Forbes says
Literally got it in the game I was matchmaking while writing this message. Typical lol.
Christian says
Need help with killing Cole as Julieanna.
Nick Desinformation , European time zone.
Connor Howell says
Dan says
Hey, nice work ! Thanks 🙂 One Question – Where do you get the Tribunal (silencer) ?
Archavia says
I don’t think there’s any guaranteed spawn for a silenced Tribunal, but some invading Juliannas will drop it when defeated (at least the AI ones when playing Singleplayer). Alternatively there is a guaranteed silenced LIMP-10 in The Complex – Noon, upstairs in Egor’s Camp in the room where blue lasers are blocking the entrances.
PowerPyx says
I got Silenced Tribunal to drop from a normal enemy at Aleksis’ party in Updaam Evening, but it’s completely random. Just kill all party guests after the story (by that point they will drop purple grade gear a lot). It has to be a purple grade drop, because blue and gray drops don’t have weapon modifiers on them. After the story you get purple drops all the time. Kill everyone at party, leave the map, repeat. In early game they almost never drop purple stuff. The Aleksis party is a good place to farm for gear because it has so many enemies so close together, so just kill all of them quickly with Nexus + shotgun. The weapon modifiers/effects are randomly generated for purple gear.
Alternatively, use the Nail Gun which is also silent by default but it’s a bit weaker.
c2b says
Thanks Sir, your site makes our gaming even better.
Rez says
The No Where To Run To trophy has t popped for me. I’ve killed Julianna several times. Is this actually an online trophy?
Archavia says
If you’re not having any luck getting it to pop against human invaders, it may be best to set your game to Singleplayer (can adjust it in the lobby menu in the top left) and kill an invading NPC Julianna, as this will unlock it.
Rez says
Got it. Up popped in The Complex at night. Not sure what was different t about this kill than the others, but I’ll take it.
BendyWire91 says
If anyone would be willing to help me boost the 2 MP trophies I’d appreciate it! PSN ID: BendyWire91
BendyWire91 says
Got ‘em!
Deluziion90 says
Thanks for the amazing guide. Platinum achieved in 3 days. These new AAA ps5 games are really easy lol.
Bob says
Anyone knows how/where I can get killed by a Rocket other than in Charlie’s place? I already used the rocket on my first run to kill Charlie, and now 2-BIT don’t want to issue the command anymore…
Bob says
Ahh nvm, you can do it again after a certain quest =)
PowerPyx says
You can use it again after becoming a 2-BIT power user from story progress (after Visionary Lead “What Wenjies Want”). There’s a note about this in the guide 🙂
Enuelise_Azrangr says
I need some help boosting the two online trophies so if someone is willing to help then id much appreciate it. Enuelise_Azrangr is my PSN. Thank you!
Enuelise_Azrangr says
Got it!
PhantomFear94 says
Not sure if its me, but I’m finding Deathloop substantially harder than Dishonored to complete. You have to be so precise at some points, reactor level as an example. 3/10 seems optimistic, personally.
PowerPyx says
I’d say best loadout is Shift + Aether or Shift + Nexus.
For weapons, a silenced one (Nail Gun, or another weapon with silencer mod) + Rapier with Speedloader trinket (the autoaim is insane, kills anything in 1 hit) + the Strelak 50-50 shotgun that Charlie drops with Big Box trinket for more ammo and Speedloader trinket for faster reload (kills any visionary/Julianna in 1-3 headshots at close range).
With that loadout it’s pretty easy.
Basically, the Shift lets you reach anywhere and the AI can’t keep up with you if you zip from one place to another. The double-jump personal trinket also helps a lot to get around with ease.
For anything that needs stealth, Aether + Shift lets you bypass any enemies.
Also abuse the heck out of autoaim by tapping L2 in quick succession (instead of holding it down), especially with Rapier rifle or pistols. Pistols do autoaim headshots automatically. I’d say overall you are even more OP than in Dishonored and the autoaim helps too.
PhantomFear94 says
Thank you for this. My set up is quite different so I’ll give this a go.
I’m loving the game, just find it trickier than I thought as I actually have found other games easier than the “out of ten” score (all subjective, right?).
Fia’s Fortress is the trickiest bit so far, found clearing that quite difficult as AI placement means pure stealth is very tricky. Ended up prioritising the wire cutting above pictograms so I had room for error, I also went back in a different loop as Julianna was after me which made it annoying. Nothing too difficult since.
Eric says
Ensemble Tragedy is glitched for me. Did not unlock after beating the story and killing everyone.
Zorca says
Just had the same thing happen, about to see if it pops from killing a visionary again in “ng+”
Cameron Walker says
Hey guys. You might e know but I just the Juliana invading trophy before I even saw Cole. I got a notification that an eternalist had beaten me to killing him and then the trophy popped. I guess so long as he dies while you’re invading it registers.
finn says
Can someone help me getting online trophy?
If you are willing to help, please contact PSN at yu-finn
I would really appreciate it.
finn says
I got it! thank you.
Cinderkin says
Hey PowerPyx, I would recommend for Clean Sweep doing it on Complex during the evening. There’s only 6 or 7 enemies on the entire map, and they are all at the beginning of the spawn except for the visionary.
Got it very easily.
Hhm_34 says
Matchmaking is taking too much time.
if anyone wants to do the online trophies with me I will be greatfull.
PSN: Hhm_34
Matt says
So PowerPyx really going for this plat, really think it takes this small amount of time? By endgame do things become easier and trophies become easier?? Really hoping so! Love the game so far
PowerPyx says
Story is like 10-12h. Then it’s just a few hours cleanup. You can get each misc trophy in a matter of minutes. The longest thing would be finding all Mostly Naked Chars, Charlies Minigames, Killing all Visionaries in 1 Loop without killing Eternalists – those take about 30 minutes each. Everything else is done in a few minutes each (some in 1-2 minutes with the right slab upgrades). 15-20h is very doable with trophy guide + walkthrough.
RP says
I need help boosting the online trophy, please add me on psn:tiancai63 if you are interested to do it together
Brian says
I can’t get the fwd: pain trophy to unlock. I’ve tried two different ways: linking a bunch of people at once at the Aleksis party, and linking one character standing still to one walking towards them and shooting as soon as the link pops up.
What slab upgrades were you using to unlock this?
Archavia says
Influence is the best ability for this, and the best location is in Updaam – Noon, outside Otto’s Workshop. With it being burnt down there’ll be a huge crowd all up the street, link them all together and you should get it.
Brian says
Thanks for the reply, I found a vid showing how they did it in Updaam noon and was finally able to get it! It’s really finicky though, as the NPC on the far left paces back and forth and your power drains super fast when you have that many people connected.
SepVF says
hello do you know if there is time limit when playing Charlies game for the Reward Scheme, when I was looking for boxes the boxes blew up and told me to loop and return.
Archavia says
The only box for Reward Scheme that is timed is the one in the room with the door puzzle, where you have to open the door within 3 minutes. If the timer expires and the door locks, you cannot reach the box inside and thus need to try it again on another loop.
Brian says
Just a heads up, I found a vid that showed you can sneak in to the room with the door puzzle and bypass the time limit. Theres an opening you can Shift up into above one of the outside doors. You can also turn off the gas in Hanger 2 using the same lever Harriett pulled before starting the timed puzzle in there as well, so that way you can retry without having to restart the level.
Spike says
For the trophy for beating Charlie’s games, so you have to clear the Moxie in under 3 minutes or is that optional? I just did it but it took longer than 3 minutes and I didn’t get the gun at the end.
Archavia says
I believe you need the final reward for it to be considered completed, but I’m not entirely sure. It may be worth doing the other games and if it doesn’t pop from those, do the Moxie again.
db says
I don’t think you have to complete in under three minutes, I got mine without doing that. If you need the gun I believe you can get it from the Lament challenge in Karl’s Bay.
Dix3n says
You do not need to complete the timelimit on the moxie challenge, I just got the achievement without collecting the gun at the end.
Sledge says
by far the best place to get the Clean Sweep trophy is Complex – Evening
There’s only like 6 enemies on the entire map and 5 of them are right where you spawn (all with their backs turned to you and stationary, easy to kill) and the 6th is Egor, who is just standing around alone for an easy assassination.
KrApN3k says
Hello, please add me on PSN if you would like to boost online trophies as well. My nick is: KrApN3k_hun, I am usually available in the evenings CEST time.
Dix3n says
Need a partner for boosting the online trophies, PSN: Farlov
Spike says
I’m having a lot of trouble with Ghost at the Feast. I use Nexus on Wenjie, Egor and all the eternalists. After I shoot the eternalists in the head with my silenced SMG, the eternalists die but Wenjie and Egor survive. Then I get spotted before I can shoot them again. I have no idea how they are surviving the headshots. It’s annoying having to replay the level again as you have to wait about 5 minutes for Alexis to go on the stage. You also get invaded by Julianna which makes it harder.
gamerkomt says
Try the silent method with a machete. Instructions are on youtube. I did it this way.
Hawkwind says
I need some help with the online trophies. They are the last trophies I need for the platinum. My PSN is SublimeHawk. I can help you get the trophies also.
Hawkwind says
I found someone who helped me. I have the Plat now so I no longer need any help.
Mohsen says
Please help with online trophies
Psn Id: Mohsen-Razor
Telegram id :
Will help you too as well. Thank you
Nebroray says
If anyone wants to boost the multiplayer add me, nebroray.
Finch says
I send you a friend request!
Connor says
Looking to boost online trophies. Add me, Hans Turdburglar.
Finch says
Hello. I need help with one trophy. Of course i will help you too. Psn id George kal (god of war avatar)
DjCala says
Add me DjCala
Andrew says
Let me know if you would like to boost the online trophies
DjCala says
Anyone for the MP trophies? Add me DjCala
Bill says
Will add you mate, my ID is sevenam
Norma says
Hi, can anyone help me with the online trophies? My PSN is angie2965
Kauline says
“For Every Occasion” isn’t popping for me and I feel like I have every trinket in the game. Any tips?
Archavia says
Make sure you’ve equipped everything and gone into maps with them. You can just equip four, enter a map, leave, then repeat with each different trinket.
Darren says
Just to note on killing Frank with a slab ability, if you go down off the roof, and around the left of his club through a cave there’s a tunnel you can use to sneak into the club without putting on a class pass. All the doors inside have antenna that can be hacked – makes it very easy allowing you to use abilities anywhere in the building.
Leo says
Or you can put on the classpass at the front door, walk in through the front entrance, hack the front entrance door, walk back out, take off classpass, then walk back through the front entrance
Jack Royle says
Anyone need multiplayer boost?
FlaskfulOfHollow add me.
Bill says
With regards to Play It Again, Colt, it seem it is bugged for me. I replayed all visionaries and killed them, escaped but no trophy unlocked. Any feedback on this?
Todd says
Need help with online ones psn ID Todd_Unctious
John says
I’ll boost with you, Fr. PSN: CoerciveNotion
Roy says
Online trophies. TN-Roy
Todd says
You want help with MP trophies and vice versa?
Wargazsem says
You should update the guide.
“Play it again Colt” is glitched. I’ve seen multiple posts on Reddit talking about it…it seems to randomly pop. I’ve seen a few people say it finally popped after they went for the clean run, some just kept killing Harriet..
Chris says
Great guide, but there are a number of Glitched trophies that you might want to add. Reddit has a list and I’ve run into a couple already.
The one for killing a visionary after completing the game doesn’t unlock and the invisibility kills doesn’t unlock.
Ben says
Anyone fancy boosting the 2 online trophies?
I can’t even find a player to invade let alone attempt to do it.
Ben says
Psn: PlatinumBeast92
Scott says
Add me to boost the online, PSN = beaudine
Great guide Power, thanks for another one
John says
If anyone wants to boost online trophies – PSN: CoerciveNotion
Scott says
I do, psn = beaudine. Can’t msg you on psn CoerciveNotion
Bryan says
Not sure if this was mentioned before but it’s worth noting that you can still hack turrets to kill eternalists for you for the Clean-Ish Hands trophy. Really helped for the Noon – Complex area
Sebastian says
If anyone is down to boost the online trophies hit me up.
PSN: Seba305
Dust says
I need online trophies, and will help get them
psn: dustsack
Dust says
I got my trophies, but I’ll help anyone that needs it. I mainly play on the weekends. Just send me a friend request.
Eric says
Hey I am looking for help to get those online trophies. I am missing them for the plat. My PSN is Bgizznit. Add me and I will accept. currently not accepting DMs from people who aren’t my friends. Thanks
us_chrono says
im online now anyone wanna do the online trophies? us_chrono
Legit says
I need help for both trophies.
Psn: TheiLegitRecon-
Jason says
Hi looking for someone to help me boost the online trophies. PSN: HODL
Alessandro Copercini says
Hi Wanna boost online trophies? Someone can help me? Id psn
Pablo Tabeayo Sande says
I am looking for help to get those online trophies. It is necessary to complete the game before?
ID Fenix_ExE_19. Thanks.
Klusmos says
I need help boosting the two online trophies. I’ll help you in return if you need it. Ready whenever you are.
PSN: Lord_Anaklios
Jared Files says
Added you. We can exchange the two trophies.
Jared Files says
I’m looking to boost Juliana killing Colt and the Masquerade trophy. Add me and we can trade.
PSN: SanctumSweat
alessandro says
I`m cbanego, i added you
Simon says
Looking for someone to trade the online trophies.
PSN: EnDscx
Jared Files says
Add me!
alessandro says
I added you, my name is cbanego.
CrazyMD says
Looking to boost online trophies
PSN crazycarl1235432
Usually on evenings, EST
Martino says
Sure, my PSN is FreehandmartC, I’ll send a friend request.
Legend says
Looking for help with the nowhere to hide and dressing down trophies. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
alessandro says
Looking to boost online trophies
PSN cbanego
Ahmed says
Online trophies .
Psn ID : A7MD-srt
Ronimeister says
Hey, looking forward to help you with these online trophies + I also need to complete them
Psn: Ronimeister
Ozstugats says
Add me to boost online trophies psn ozstugats
Ledden says
I will, did you get my request
Leo Ledden says
Can anyone help my with my online trophies please
Add me Gamer_Ledden
Ak2 says
Looking for someone to boost multiplayer trophies!
Anyone? PSN: kdodoss22
Martino says
Someone helped me out so I’d like to pay it forward and help someone else. If you’d like my help, let me know and mention when you’re available and your timezone. PSN FreehandMartC
eva says
Hey add me for all the online trophies
PSN: ExVxA-01
Timo says
Add me for the online Trophies
PSN: ExVxA-01
Erfan says
I was looking for achieving the online trophys too..
If it’s possible add me
Bfield3605 says
Looking for online trophy boost
Psn: bfield3605
Bfield3605 says
So looking for boost
Chris Williams says
Looking for online trophy boost.
PSN: SchnorkieDad
Xeneise_gonza says
I just sent you a friend request.
My ID is Xeneise_gonza
Phillip Rodgers says
I need both online trophies if you want?
Psn: hamishrockz
ramseyt89 says
need both online trophies
psn ramseyt89
Dan says
Drop me a request Smiley442
DUDE_MAC88 says
Looking for help with online boost.
Add me and we’ll figure a time out.
fett-01 says
Friend request sent
PSN: fett-01
Nicolaj Dahl says
Ghost at the feast trophy gotta be bugged.
I have tried everything now.
I have done it with nexus, not getting seen and nothing.
I have done it killing only the 3 visionarys, no trophy.
I have done it with the mechanical affinity, getting the turrets to kill them all without getting seen.
I seriously give up…. ??.
Anyone have an idea what i can do, it not fun anymore.
Psid : NalaCin
Salim usb says
I’m looking to boost the online trophies as well.
Psn: u_s_badazz
Dan says
Drop me a message and I’ll do it with you Smiley442
Remi says
Anyone want to help with the online trophies? Need the one where you change into Colt. Live in europe..
Szechuanz says
I need this too!
Add me:
Dan says
Add me on PSN Smiley442
Rrobinvip says
Hello powerpyx. After patch 1.1, some trophies are glitches out. Such as The G.O.D. of O.S.P., Mightier Than The Gun, Silent Disco and Only The Guilty.
BodyChipper says
Can confirm, I killed Craig and Fia as described, never killed an eternal, and got neither of those two trophies.
BodyChipper says
For anyone seeing this, try doing Egor at night instead. And as a precaution, also unequip all trinkets and upgrades from any slabs/weapons, even though they aren’t equipped.
You can sneak up to Egor if you are careful, there are no other enemies around, just boobytraps galore, so you can’t get all 4 trophies if you are good enough for O.S.P., Mightier than the Gun, Silent Disco, and Only the Guilty in one go. Worked for me finally on v 1.1
BodyChipper says
Technically with the above method you can also get the one for killing him under the influence of a nullifier AND get Clean Sweep (I think, though it’s how I got it the first time I killed him there at night).
Linkse_Rakker says
Need someone to help me with the online trophy 🙂 Plz add me PSN: Linkse_Rakker
Patrico says
The G.O.D. of O.S.P. Isn’t working anymore..
Krinian says
Mine too please help
Meno says
Isn’t working with me also, I achieved most of them (49 trophies) but I think
the G.O.D. of O.S.P. is glitched trophy, I tried several times with no luck.
Meno says
Update: I got the G.O.D. of O.S.P, done with Egor in the complex.
PetulantBehemoth says
Bout to lose my sanity trying to earn the online trophies the normal way. Please help lol
Add me: PetulantBehemoth
PetulantBehemoth says
Update: Got the online ones for myself, still willing to help others get theirs while I still have the game rented for the next week or so. 🙂
GaloWar says
Me too and it was very fun. I recommend trying to get them playing for real.
Ieljaas says
Boost online trophies pls
PSN: ieljaas
Please help with online trophies!
Metabolic-V says
Hey still need these? I can’t even get a matchmade game going.
Blazinghellion says
Looking to boost the 2 online trophies
Psn blazinghellion
Marco says
Please help with online trophy (ENG or ITA).
Send message to
GaloWar says
Just finished the trophies. One of the funniest platinum I’ve ever gotten.
Nick says
Please help with online trophies??
Can’t even find a normal match to start with…..
Psn: nicholasyuen
Kev says
I am also looking to boost Julianna killing Colt and the Masquerade trophy. Add me and happy to trade. PSN: kevinroast
from 8pm GMT if pos, thanks!
Timebomb_Bob says
I can help. I need it to.
Simone says
I need the trophy too
PSN: Thane_of_Skyrim
GMT time zone
WadeMadshow says
I added you. I need them too as well.
Simone says
Edit: done
Val says
Hi, added you. Could you still help?
namerehwon24 here
Carl says
need boosting of ONLINE trophies, will help you out with it too, of course
psn xIronPonyx
riegogogo says
Added you. Will also need help.
Val says
Hi, I just tried to add you.
My PSN is namerehwon24
Jordan says
Any one want to trophy boost add me fozzy–22
j_kuest says
Online Trophy Boost
PSN: j_kuest
Fattymacd says
Online trophy boost
Psn: Fattymacd
riegogogo says
Need boost for online trophy. Thank you!
Danny says
Yes add me i need them also Agrophobic_acky
Danny says
I need to boost for online trophies anybody interested
Matt says
Looking to boost, PSN: Maces626.
JoeT says
Sent you a friend request
Jumba says
Looking to boost both online trophies, PSN: Jumba
Please let me know if you can lend a hand.
doctortonge says
Just got the game, looking to boost deathloop multiplayer.
Will help in return
doctortonge (GMT)
Jeremy says
Let’s do online trophies together.
Psn koensayr_s3
Jeremy says
Got it done thanks guys
Black_Crow2186 says
Can you help me to boost the Trophy?
Mr-Copyright says
Play It Again, Colt is glitched after the latest update.
Spent all day trying to get this trophy but no luck. Did exactly what’s mentioned in the trophy guide over here also on PSN Profiles and Reddit but the trophy didn’t unlock.
Joe says
Need both online trophies if anyone can help! Happy to return the favor!
PSN WangerOfChung
Logan says
I tried and failed and failed some more. If anyone can help with the online trophies it would be appreciated and the favor would be returned. Thanks, all.
PSN: Melting_Teeth
Sid says
Need help with online trophies.
Psn: rastaboi
Black_Crow2186 says
Anyone can help me boost the online Trophy?
Sid says
are you still looking to boost? send me a message: rastaboi
Israel says
Please help to boost it. I can help you too. ID: dush13lf
Sid says
are you still looking to boost? send me a message: rastaboi i sent you a message
Brendan Buckley says
Has anyone else had problems with certain trophies unlocking. I have completed “Ending it” and now the spice of life, god of osp, mightier than the gun, only the guilty and play it again Colt trophies won’t trigger for me. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the game but nothing seems to work. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
DC says
Can anyone help me boost the online trophies? Can return the favor.
Chris says
Looking to boost the online trophies. Will return the favor if needed. PSN Smokatron. Usually on anytime after 8pm EST
Chris says
Edit: got the platinum. Thanks for the help. If anyone is desperate for a boosting partner I can help.
Chris says
Edit: No longer have a copy of the game and not able to help in the future.
thedonjnr says
Looking to boost the online trophies. PSN – thedonjnr
Craig Pearman says
looking for help to boost the online trophies please – psn – chelseacraigcol
Matt Willis says
Glitched trophies have been patched to working again in patch 1.2. All unlocked for me without an issue. The GOD of OSP didn’t unlock with the drowning method but it did with machette kills.
xAlvaritox says
Looking to boost
Chris says
Looking for online Trophie boost.
TheDeathGeneral says
Sent you a request, nick TheDeathGeneral. Lemme know when is convenient for you.
Rodrigo Dias says
L4 online trophy boost. SirYeetusMaximus
Spillmcq says
Looking for a boosting partner for 2 online trophies.
Ruben says
I have a problem with ” pieces of eigth” trophy. The trophy will pop killing any visionary, but still not popping to me.
I kill Julianna and Wenjie ass story mision very early in the game.
Now i kill charlie and it is not popping to me the trophy. In the description it says kill ass colt, but juliana and charlie i killed both with a turret, and wenjie i dont remember. I also used turrets to help me killing the clons, but the final wenjie clon i dont know if i kill myself or a turret.
Can this be the problem? That i killed with turret but dont myself?
Manny says
Please invite for online trophy boost.
8-11 pm EST mostly.
Devin says
Looking to boost MP trophies.
PSN: D3v1n117
Kalath says
Looking for boost with MP trophies.
EU time but flexible.
PSN: Kalath
Hotellsix says
Hello everyone, looking for boost with two MP trophies.
PSN: Hotellsix
Avenged_Squashy says
Looking For Online Trophy Boost
Whenever time should be ok
PSN: Avenged_Squashy
greg says
add me pls: MrGregorA
greg says
I am looking for boosting partner. PSN: MrGregorA
Fadomas says
Add me for boosting the online trophies Fadomas just send me a message to know you’re interested about the game
Miguel Alonso says
Just the two online trophies left for me. Looking for a boost partner. PSN ID: rilk1977. I am in Spain.
Sam says
I’ll add my psn is samlogan
Sam says
Looking for a boosting partner psn is samlogan
RJ says
any want to do the trophy Nowhere To Hide and Dressing Down ?
add my psn !!!
psn is rodjeep
thank you
Andy says
Hey folks, I’m looking to boost the two online trophies for this one. PSN: MarvelManAndy for anyone who wants to get them too.
Dhiraj says
Same here, are you still looking to do them, my psn I’d is
I am in uk
Dylan A says
Hey, I’m looking to boost the two online trophies for this one. PSN: WAB_curly. Can help you get them as well
michi5210 says
Me too,I couldn’t find your PSN,mine is michi5210
Soroush says
Add me to boost online SoroushSnake
James Hoffman says
If you’re still offering to do boost for it I’ll add you if that’s okay?
I’m HoffyCupcakes
Live in UK/England
James Hoffman says
Looking to boost online – HoffyCupcakes
Greatly appreciated!
mrbislacco says
Hey, I’m looking to boost the two online trophies.
ID PSN: mrbislacco
mx5y says
Hello, Looking to boost the online trophies
ID: mx5y
Raul Perez says
Hello, are you still looking to boots? If so shot an add ID: rarooo_ PST
Rarooo_ says
Looking to boost online trophies
ID: rarooo_
Thank you!
LookTheresJosh says
Looking for someone to help me with the online trophies, please add me: LookTheresJosh
LookTheresJosh says
I can confirm that the accessibility options such as “one-shot kill” do not lock the trophies, which makes the platinum 10x easier!
Stan says
Please help with trophy add me at godzillastanley8
rawd76 says
looking to boost mp trophies
NATHIX86 says
Hi there, I’m looking for a boost too, my PSN is NATHIX86
Kafkaesque2112 says
Looking to boost this as well
a7inchstrapon says
anyone want to help boost for ps5?
id – a7inchstrapon
eastern time
Alberto says
Anyone still looking for help to boost the online MP achievements?
Please add me!
xdemonxxkillerx says
looking to boost online trophies.
PSN ID : xdemonxxkillerx
xdemonxxkillerx says
Has says
I need help for the 2 online trophies, so if you’re up for mutual boosting add me please: Heave-A-Sigh
NoctisMorgan says
Do you guys know if turning in infinite reprises disables trophies?
maplesairup says
Going for the multiplayer trophies. Eastern time
PSN: maplesairup
maplesairup says
ARTiLLERy says
I’d also like to boost those online trophies. Anyone up for it?
Europe, GMT+2
KongMysen says
I sent a Request. PSN Id: Kongmysen. I’m GMT +1
Dastan says
Need help with online trophies, I’ll help you also
PSN: BarbecueWings
WellzBellz90 says
Thanks alot for the guide!
I’d like to boost the Julianna trophies.
PSN: WellzBellz90
Classy187 says
Looking to boost the 2 very quick online trophies with some one.
Classy187 says
Done yet? I’ll boost with you Classy187
willytanger says
looking for boost
PSN: willytanger
wushiko says
Did you find someone? We can help each other.
wushiko says
I’m also looking to boost online trophies.
PSN: wushiko
Durop says
Looking to boost the 3 online trophies.
PSN: durop
Kilian says
Anyone to boost online trophies?
Playstation: KilianEA7
Durop says
Add me PSN: durop
MoonWalker47II says
Looking for online trophies boost. PSNID: MoonWalker47II
Bryan says
Add me psn: bryanarmy10
Carl says
Need help with online trophies.
PSN ID: cj2mabg
Alek__1979 says
Anyone to boost online trophies?
PSN: Alek__1979
Joketsu82 says
Need help with online trophies.
PSN: Joketsu82
Viologygy says
Anyone want help with the online trophies add me.
PSN: Viologygy
Ryan says
Can someone help me with the online trophies please?
PSN: rshaw
AJ says
I’ll do online trophies. Rshaw I tried to add you but says your privacy settings won’t allow.
Marie says
Anyone who still needs the online trophies or wanna help me get them? Psn: xChasingthunder
Brian says
Looking to boost multiplayer.
PSN Goawy16
Ryan says
Do you still need to boost multiplayer? My PSN is JameS-RyaN-9x
Tomi says
Lets do it bro. I add your psn id
hasan says
Looking to boost multiplayer.
PSN : hshamlooh
Keyaku says
The spoiled for choice trophy required another weapon for me. I needed the HALPS weapon from Wenjie lab. This is the laser gun which has to be unlocked by tricking the camera into firing the laser at you while standing in front of the closed box which has the gun. This room is found in the first part of the lab with the 3 Wenjies.
Helyos says
Need someone for multiplayer trophies
PSN: Heelyoos
Bugwarlock says
Hey I need it too PSN: Bugwarlock
Dav says
Do you still need a boost? My PSN is: DavMalheur
John says
Looking for someone to help me with the online trophies.
My PSN is WakeyGamer89
Nova says
Looking to boost online trophies.
PSN is NovaForceZ
I’m in MST US timezone
Kakers09 says
Trophy push kakers09 username PSN
Sano-zanza says
Need to boost online
PSN: Sano-zanza
CF says
*** Clean-ish Hands Trophy is super bugged after the latest update. ***
I finally got it in 2024, after a dozen attempts of stealth and no stealth . What appears to be a factor is: Don’t die in a loop. If you do , start over a new loop at morning. The gas tank guys at the beach can’t die, distract them then hide so they don’t explode. Raise the hook guy to the highest level. At Night take the left route to the mansion, do not take route where drunk guy falls and dies.
Happy hunting
yiğit says
please add me for online trophies
Psn : GamerGeisha
Themisgr says
Need help with the online trophies psn ThemhsGR
Enzo says
Hi, PSN FoxintheBox82 UK GMT – anyone happy to be added to help with the two online trophies please?
Jp says
Hey im looking to get those trophy too my psn is jep0023