Deathloop has 14 Mostly Naked Character Locations. Finding and killing all Mostly Naked Characters unlocks the Deathday Suit trophy. The mostly naked character is an enemy that has one fixed spawn per time of day per map. There are 4 maps (The Complex, Updaam, Karl’s Bay, Fristad Rock) x 4 daytimes (Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening), except for Karl’s Bay at Noon and Fristad Rock at Evening which are never playable = 14 Naked Character Spawns.
He changes his location depending on the time of day. Finding him only once per map isn’t enough for the Deathday Suit trophy, you actually have to find him during every daytime on every map.
The Mostly Naked Character is a unique-looking enemy, differentiated from other enemies by his outfit. He isn’t bare naked but wears very little clothing. He can appear in 2 outfits: Wearing underpants, boots, and a helmet (that’s what the majority of them look like). Or he can be wearing the same outfit but spraypainted turquoise and yellow like some regular eternalists (at afternoon and Updaam Evening). You can see what he looks like in the images below. Kill him and exit the map to make sure it counts. If you killed all but didn’t get the trophy, check the spraypainted characters at afternoon again, because they look so similar to normal enemies they are the easiest to get mixed up. Using the Aether slab ability (dropped by Egor) allows you to become invisible so you can sneak in and get a closer look at them. If you still don’t have the trophy, run through all of them again and always exit the level afterward.
Do note that if a Mostly Naked Character is not in the location listed, they may move if they or people around them get alerted at all, so keep this in mind when looking for them. Some of them are moving around slightly (not standing still) but they will always be in the same area within a small radius.
None of the Mostly Naked Characters are missable. You can keep restarting the Loop after the story, all enemies respawn and you can go back everywhere. They can be found as soon as you have access to all maps, none of them require any story progress or clues. It’s best to play through the story first to have better map knowledge. Then go look for the mostly naked guy after the story. Also see Deathloop Walkthrough if you need help with the story.
- The Complex – Morning: Standing in the middle of the bunker.
- The Complex – Noon: Roaming around Egor’s Camp.
- The Complex – Afternoon: Leave the tunnels through the right door, go straight ahead, make a left turn at the turret, go up the rocks on the right and keep going straight. This leads to where the tunnel spawn was at Noon. He’s on the road next to that tunnel exit, near a delivery booth. He will be spraypainted in turquoise color and looks like other enemies, but you can use Aether to sneak around and get a closer look (from up close you can see he is naked under the spraypaint, hard to see from afar). Or simply kill everyone there.
- The Complex – Evening: From the tunnel you start in, take the right door and he’ll be on the ground immediately in front of you, outside the tunnel. He’s dying on the road that leads to the bunker. If you don’t shoot him quickly he will bleed out and disappear. Important: Make sure you SHOOT him and do NOT use the
takedown prompt. It doesn’t seem to count correctly in some cases when doing the melee takedown.
- Updaam – Morning: Exit via the right tunnel door, then take the first right turn, go up the rocks to the rooftop (one enemy there) and then stick to the far right edge of the map. Below, at the corner edge of the map is the naked man.
Alternatively, he can appear slightly to the right of this location, directly below the rooftop. You will have to get him quickly here as within a minute of spawning in the map he will walk over to the electric panel and urinate on it, which will kill him.
- Updaam – Noon: Outside the candy store, by the ledge.
- Updaam – Afternoon: Standing in the crowd of the music performance, just outside the Library.
- Updaam – Evening: Standing on the top of the stage in the courtyard, just outside the Library.
- Karl’s Bay – Morning: In the alley outside Dawn of Reason. Sometimes he can also spawn inside Dawn of Reason.
- Karl’s Bay – Afternoon: Inside Hangar 1, on the middle floor. Note that there is no “Noon” version of this map, so you need to skip time to Afternoon.
- Karl’s Bay – Evening: Inside Aeon Coital Center, to the right of Dawn of Reason (red building, accessible via door in alley where naked guy was in Karl’s Bay – Morning).
- Fristad Rock – Morning: Near the AEON Security Station, beside Ramblin’ Rock Club.
- Fristad Rock – Noon: In the bar to the right of and below Ramblin’ Rock Club.
- Fristad Rock – Afternoon: In the bar to the right of and below Ramblin’ Rock Club. This is the last one because there’s no “Evening” version of Fristad Rock map.
After killing all 14 Mostly Naked Characters, the Deathday Suit trophy should unlock instantly when defeating the last one (no need to exit the map). If you don’t get it, simply go through all of them again. The tracking may not always be 100% accurate for this trophy but it’s obtainable by redoing them.
More Deathloop Guides:
- Deathloop Walkthrough
- Deathloop Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- Deathloop How to Solve ‘Search the Fristad Shore’ (Photograph Location)
- Deathloop All Door Codes & Lock Combinations
- Deathloop All Pictogram Locations
- Deathloop All Deaths
Smash41 says
Is this glitched for anyone else? I’ve gone through this list 3 times now and it just won’t unlock.
Craig says
I’ve been having the exact same issue – really disappointing since it’s my last trophy.
fei0x says
Updaam Morning guy needs to be shot too. Every time prior I kicked him off the ledge (too tempting). When I finally shot him the trophy clicked.
Exsosus says
He’s not there anymore? correct me if I’m wrong and have a look at my screens posted for Updaam Morning.
Thanks for your reply, Fei0x.
Exsosus says
I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, this guide is out of date after patch 1.2 ?
The nearly-naked man cannot be found in most / all these locations right now. I have tested most of them.
Exsosus says
Since writing this a few days ago, I have taken two screenshots for you to show that TIME AND MAP: Updaam: morning — had a whole different area of the half-naked man. Here you go to look at the location:
Updaam – Morning: Head to Alexis mansion, in Dorsey Square, use a sniper, or walk there using Aether to kill him. He can be seen in my images provided.
Dorsey Manor outside Alexis’s mansion:
Archavia says
I’ve gone through and checked every location and they’re all still accurate as of 1.2, with the exception of Updaam Morning. However he is not where you’ve shown in the screenshots (that is just a normal eternalist), he is close to where he was originally. He kills himself pretty early on though so it would be easy to miss him. I’ve updated the guide to include his new location.
Nik says
Badly glitched, I’ve been through this list twice now and PS5 trophy tracker says only 48% done???. Wouldn’t expect anything less from a game from Bethesda to be honest.