This guide shows the locations to all the door codes, safe combinations and other lock keys in Deathloop. All codes for locks in Deathloop are random to each playthrough and will be different for every player, thus you will need to locate the code to be able to open a lock. Once a code is found however it will be remembered forever, so you can freely open the respective lock whenever you wish.
Many of these are story-related, however there are still a few that are entirely optional, mostly to gain extra loot or find alternative routes. Each section will list the story-related locks first, followed by the optional ones.
Story-related Locks
- Lock Location: Inside the Bunker, just past the hackamajig.
- Code Location: Inside the Bunker on the second loop, found on the hackamajig itself.
- Mission: The Longest Day
The Complex
Story-related Locks
- Lock Location: The Complex – Afternoon , door inside Wenjie’s Lab on the bottom floor of the rightmost room.
- Code Location: Karl’s Bay, book inside the safe in the Yerhva (accessed as part of the “Space Invader” visionary lead)
- Mission: What Wenjies Want
- Lock Location: The Complex – Morning, inside the Power Station where the four levers are.
- Code Location: Updaam, inside the RAK Bunker just outside the lower tunnel that you can spawn in, on a note by the second RAK door.
- Mission: Radio Silence
Optional Locks
- Lock Location: The Complex – Afternoon, station in the back room of Wenjie’s Lab.
- Code Location: The Complex – Afternoon, note on a whiteboard downstairs in the rightmost room of Wenjie’s Lab (this code changes every loop).
- Lock Location: The Complex – Noon, the door to the armory inside the Ordnance Depot. The Ordnance Depot is found at the source of the explosion inside the bunker, and is accessed as part of the “In This Together” arsenal lead.
- Code Location: The Complex – Noon, a note on the floor below the armory, in a room that requires a battery to open (there are several batteries in the Ordnance Depot).
- Lock Location: The Complex, delivery booth just outside your tunnel (except when arriving in the afternoon, as you will appear at the tunnel on the opposite side of the map).
- Code Location: Fristad Rock – Noon, inside the bunker where Fia is located. Inside a room with a broken delivery booth there is a whiteboard with a four digit code on it.
Story-related Locks
- Lock Location: Updaam, safe inside Colt’s Apartment.
- Code Location: Fristad Rock, note inside the AEON Security Office, outside Ramblin’ Rock Club.
- Mission: The Longest Day
- Lock Location: Updaam – Noon, safe in the middle of the Library.
- Code Location: Updaam – Evening, in Dorsey Manor, note upstairs in Aleksis’ Room, on a desk.
- Mission: What Wenjies Want
- Lock Location: Updaam, RAK Door outside the RAK Bunker, just outside the lower tunnel that you can spawn in.
- Code Location: Updaam – Afternoon, note upstairs in the Archive directly outside the RAK Bunker.
- Mission: Radio Silence
- Lock Location: Updaam, RAK Door inside RAK Bunker, just outside the lower tunnel that you can spawn in.
- Code Locations:
- Updaam, note upstairs inside Yasen Station.
- Fristad Rock, note on a table inside Sova Station.
- Karl’s Bay, tape recorder on the ground inside Akkar Station.
- Mission: Radio Silence
Optional Locks
- Lock Location: Updaam, door inside the Smoker Building opposite Colt’s Apartment.
- Code Locations:
- Updaam, read The Pact of Smoke in the same room as the locks.
- Karl’s Bay – Afternoon or Evening, read Vanya’s Pact of Smoke in her apartment. In order to unlock the apartment, you must first press the button in the Smoker Building in Updaam – Morning to change the green light to the red wire.
- Karl’s Bay – Afternoon or Evening, read Anatoly’s Pact of Smoke in his apartment. In order to unlock the apartment, you must first press the button in the Smoker Building in Updaam – Morning to change the green light to the blue wire.
- Updaam, read The Pact of Smoke in the same room as the locks.
- Lock Location: Updaam, gate outside the Archives.
- Code Location: ??? (Note says the gate unlocks when using a phone in the area).
- Lock Location: Updaam, safe in a tunnel underneath Dorsey Manor, accessed from the cliff with the big wolf head.
- Code Location: ???
- Lock Location: Updaam, delivery booth on the balcony of the courtyard outside the Library.
- Code Location: Fristad Rock – Noon, inside the bunker where Fia is located. Inside a room with a broken delivery booth there is a whiteboard with a four digit code on it
Karl’s Bay
Story-related Locks
- Lock Location: Karl’s Bay, Otto’s Workshop container just outside Hangar 2.
- Code Location: Updaam – Noon, found inside Otto’s Workshop on the minicom (must destroy all five blue fuse boxes in Updaam – Morning for Otto’s Workshop to be accessible).
- Mission: The Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank
- Lock Location: Karl’s Bay, safe inside the Yerhva right outside your tunnel.
- Code Location: Fristad Rock – Afternoon, in a book in the bunker with the pictographic puzzle.
- Mission: Space Invader
Optional Locks
- Lock Location: Karl’s Bay, door on the bottom floor of Hangar 1.
- Code Location: Karl’s Bay, top floor of Hangar 2, note sitting on a crate on the gantry opposite the entrance.
- Lock Location: Karl’s Bay – Morning, safe in the sailor shed in the far back left.
- Code Location: Fristad Rock – Afternoon, note inside the same safe (now open) out on some ice in the far back corner of the map, behind the bunker.
- Lock Location: Karl’s Bay – Evening, door inside Dawn of Reason, found on the middle road (accessed as part of the “Super Shifty” arsenal lead).
- Code Location: Karl’s Bay – Evening, in the same building as the door. You will have three minutes to enter the code, and the code will be split around the room in hidden paintings. There are more than four potential locations for the hidden paintings, but they will all be found within the Dawn of Reason.
- Lock Location: Karl’s Bay, delivery booth up the road from where you start in the tunnel.
- Code Location: Fristad Rock – Noon, inside the bunker where Fia is located. Inside a room with a broken delivery booth there is a whiteboard with a four digit code on it.
Fristad Rock
Optional Locks
- Lock Location: Fristad Rock – Morning, generator inside Ramblin’ Rock Club, in a room in the back left. This will disable the ClassPass system in the building, allowing you to go through doors without a ClassPass.
- Code Location: Updaam – Noon, note on a whiteboard in a room underneath Charlie’s Condition Detachment. In order to access the room you will need a ClassPass equipped, which can only be found at Ramblin’ Rock Club in Fristad Rock – Morning.
- Lock Location: Fristad Rock, delivery booth immediately outside of your tunnel.
- Code Location: Fristad Rock – Noon, inside the bunker where Fia is located. Inside a room with a broken delivery booth there is a whiteboard with a four digit code on it.
That’s all the lock and code locations in Deathloop that are currently known. If you find a new one, leave a comment below and you’ll be credited here.
More Deathloop Guides:
- Deathloop Walkthrough
- Deathloop Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- Deathloop How to Solve ‘Search the Fristad Shore’ (Photograph Location)
- Deathloop All Mostly Naked Character Locations
- Deathloop All Pictogram Locations
- Deathloop All Deaths
Irwynn says
When I enter the code for Fristad Rock, generator inside Ramblin’ Rock Club it blinks yellow and shows I enter it correctly but nothing happens then. What should happen there?
Archavia says
This should disable the classpass system, allowing you to go through the doors in Ramblin’ Rock Club without having to hack the antennae or have a classpass equipped.
Irwynn says
Where is Ordnance Depot in The Complex – Noon? The guide is a bit hard to navigate along.
Archavia says
The Ordnance Depot is found at the source of the explosion inside the bunker, and is accessed as part of the “In This Together” arsenal lead. Apologies for the confusion, I’ve updated it to clarify it a bit better.
Irwynn says
Thanks. Btw in the Wenjie’s Lab (green one floor building) you can find a valve which can be used to unlock the safe. After picking up the valve get into the opposite bunker, follow up the stairs, turn to the right and head down the stairs (it’s a big room filled with enemies). You will break into the room (HZN doors to the right). There is a safe in that room.