This guide shows how to get all Crafting Recipes, Plans, Blueprints, Items, Weapons, Equipment, Tools, Vehicles, Craftables in Death Stranding. Fabricating all items unlocks the Homo Faber trophy.
Simply put: They all are rewards from Story Missions (Orders for Sam) and from leveling up UCA Facilities. None of them are missable. In fact, you get the majority automatically from just the story. The rest you can still get after the story in free roam.
To keep track of which individual items you crafted: Go to a Terminal > Fabricate Equipment > click on an item to see the item description > in bottom left corner of item description will be a small white box. It has a checkmark if you crafted it (empty if never crafted before).
Useful Links:
- Ladder – [Order No. 4]
- Climbing Anchor (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 4]
- Climbing Anchor (Lv. 2) – [Mountaineer Level 3]
- PCC (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 5]
- PCC (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 27]
- Container Repair Spray – [Order No. 8]
- Blood Bag – [Order No. 14]
- Smoke-Emitting Decoy – [Order No. 18]
- Vog-Emitting Decoy Cargo – [Elder Level 2]
Equipment - Bridges Boots (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 7]
- Bridges Boots (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 24]
- Bridges Boots (Lv. 3) – [Order No. 50]
- Power Skeleton (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 19]
- Power Skeleton (Lv. 2) – [Engineer Level 3]
- Power Skeleton (Lv. 3) – [Engineer Level 4]
- Speed Skeleton (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 34]
- Speed Skeleton (Lv. 2) – [Junk Dealer Level 3]
- Speed Skeleton (Lv. 3) – [Junk Dealer Level 4]
- All-terrain Skeleton (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 47]
- All-terrain Skeleton (Lv. 2) – [The Roboticist Level 3]
- All-terrain Skeleton (Lv. 3) – [The Roboticist Level 4]
- Armor Plate (Lv. 1) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 1 or 2]
- Armor Plate (Lv. 2) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 3]
- Armor Plate (Lv. 3) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 4]
- Armor Plate (Lv. 4) – [Waystation North of Mountain Knot City Level 5]
- Oxygen Mask – [Order No. 59] –> can only be crafted in snowy mountain region (e.g. Mountain Knot City)
- Power Gloves [Order No. 50] –> can only be crafted in snowy mountain region (e.g. Mountain Knot City)
- Thermal Pad [Order No. 55] –> can only be crafted in snowy mountain region (e.g. Mountain Knot City)
Weapons - Bola Gun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 22]
- Bola Gun (Lv. 2) – [Craftsman Level 3]
- Anti-BT Handgun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 33]
- Anti-BT Handgun (Lv. 2) – [Chiral Artist Level 2 or 3?]
- Sticky Gun – [Order No. 36]
- Handgun (Lv. 1) – [South Knot City Level 1 or 2]
- Handgun (Lv. 2) – ???
- Handgun (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 3]
- Assault Rifle (Lv. 1) – [South Knot City Level 1 or 2]
- Assault Rifle (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 43]
- Assault Rifle (Lv. 3) – [Mountain Knot City Level 3]
- Assault Rifle (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 5]
- Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 41]
- Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (Lv. 2) – [Order No. 43]
- Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (Lv. 3) – [Mountain Knot City Level 3]
- Non-Lethal Assault Rifle (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 5]
- Shotgun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 52]
- Shotgun (Lv. 2) – [Photographer Level 3]
- Shotgun (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 4]
- Riot Shotgun (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 52]
- Riot Shotgun (Lv. 2) – [Photographer Level 4]
- Riot Shotgun (HG Custom) – [Peter Englert Level 4]
- Grenade Launcher – [Order No. 61]
- Remote-Detonation Grenade Launcher – [Distribution Center North of Edge Knot City, upon first visit]
- Quadruple Rocket Launcher – [Edge Knot City, upon first visit]
- Multi-Rocket Launcher – [Exo-devo Biologist Level 4]
- Hematic Grenade (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 14]
- Hematic Grenade (Lv. 2) – [Paleontologist Level 1 or 2]
- Smoke Grenade (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 19]
- Smoke Grenade (Lv. 2) – [Craftsman Level 3]
- Stun Bomb – [Order No. 34]
- Remote Stun Bomb – Junk Dealer (Level 3 or Level 4?)
- Grenade – [South Knot City Level 1 or 2]
Vehicles - Floating Carrier (Lv. 1) – [Order No. 27]
- Floating Carrier (Lv. 2) – [Weather Station Level 3]
- Reverse Trike – [Order No. 23]
- Reverse Trike: Long Range – [Order No. 23]
- Reverse Trike: Defensive – ???
- Reverse Trike: “Ride” Type – [Memory Chip #31]
- Truck – ???
- Truck: Long Range (Lv. 1) – ???
- Truck: Long Range (Lv. 2) – [Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City Level 4]
- Truck: Long Range (Lv. 3) – [Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City Level 5]
- Truck: Defensive – ???
Special thanks for helping to fill out the rewards: “DK”, “Septomor”, “Itachi da Peerless”, “Neo”.
That’s all 72 craftables in Death Stranding. You can keep track of how many you crafted under World Map > >
> Bridge Links >
on your Name > Delivery Stats > Types of Items Fabricated. After crafting all 72 you earn the Homo Faber trophy, which will be one of your last for platinum.
Septomor says
Remote Stun Bomb I received from Junk Dealer Level 3 or 4
Septomor says
Along with Speed Skeleton lv 2
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added those in and mentioned you in credits at end of guide.
Nearie says
I just build 74 items and the trophy won’t unlock. The menu still says 71/72. what am I doing wrong ? Those are 72 items from your list and two gold items from the preorder bonus.
Nearie says
I just slept and used fast travel a lot. Then rebuild all vehicles and now it’s done.
Javis says
I got the Bola Gun level 2 from the craftsman at level 3
James says
In the bottom right corner of the item description for any given craftable there is a check box, empty if never made before, checked if you have crafted one. Makes keeping track much easier. The list is still helpful for a total.
Joseph says
Thank you James! I was losing my mind with the last 2 I was missing and they we’re two of the level 1 skeletons I definitely made but probably equipped right away instead of placing in backpack so I dismissed them.
The checkbox mention should definitely be added to the guide itself.
Ben says
Yes, thank you! This is critical and should be at the top of any guide for this Trophy. Saved me much time.
btw, its the Lower Left corner of the description, not the Lower Right corner.
MingZeon says
Thanks James ?
SgtJesusSaves says
You’re a lifesaver! I’ve been trying to figure out what I haven’t crafted for two days now.
(apparently I never crafted a defensive truck)
Scartera says
Confirmed, god bless this man!
Conner McRae says
Vog cargo comes from level 2 elder
Smoke grenade comes from craftsman level 3
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added!
Conner McRae says
Also the power skeleton level 3 comes from level 4 engineer.
PickledMisfit says
I’ve been reading all over the place people getting stuck at 71/72 crafted items. I was this way for a long time. I discovered that I had skipped the sticky gun quest out of the Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City. This was a Sam mission that I never finished.
Since I pre-ordered the game, the speed skeleton gold version was in my crafting list. This item is not included in the fabrication count, but was throwing me off in my schematic counting as I saw I had 72 schematics.
Hobo says
For the truck, you need to do an order for sam mission at the junk dealer for the distro center south of lake knot
BadTomcat says
68. Truck is gotten from junk dealer.
Itachi da Peerless says
The Speed Skeleton lvl 3 you get from Junk Dealer lvl 4
The Anti-BT Handgun lvl 2 you get from the Chiral Artist’s Mother but not ure which lvl…think it’s 3.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, updated and also added you to the credits 🙂
Emily says
I missed the sticky guns. Will I not be able to get my platinum now?
Philipp says
1) Great job, guys. Putting all this together helps a lot. Thank you.
2) Emily, you can still get the sticky gun, after finishing the story. There is a delivery, which starts in the distribution center south of port knot city. You have to get back up to six sticky guns from the mules next to the dirstribution cente rand bring them toport knot city.
3) I got the plan for the defense truck after a time-sensitive delivery from port knot city to south knot citiy. Unfortunately, i do not knot the number, but i finished it with one run and it was a huge amount of cargo. I think it was 20 L-size packages and 10 M-Size packages. You get a vast amount of likes for it.
Mario says
I can’t get it, my profile says 71/72 items crafted, but the only one without the check mark is the “Speed Skeleton – Golden Lvl 1”
No matter how many I craft, it doesn’t check.
Also tried the Sticky gun mission but I missed it and I can’t find it in any place
Neo says
Sticky Guns – [Order No. 36]
Neo says
From: Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City
To: Lake Knot City
Troy says
What about backpack upgrades?
Filippo says
I had a problem with this order and, it no longer appears among those available, is there no other way to get it????
All I need is this to reach 72/72 and platinum the game
gingojambo says
You can get truck long range lv1 on a order from lake not city to distribution center south of lake not city , 450 kg fuel prototype