Death Stranding has 39 UCA Facility Locations. The UCA Facilities are like outposts. You must level up all of them for the following trophies:
- In Sam We Trust
– Connect all facilities to the UCA.
- Best Beloved
– Reach the maximum connection level with all facilities.
None of them are missable. You can still connect and level up all facilities after the story. Most UCA Facilities are automatic from the story. After the story, check which ones you got left and refer to the guide below for how to recruit them.
The leveling process for facilities is always the same. Simply bring them deliveries. Premium Orders on Hard difficulty are best. If you manage to get S-Ranks it gives you even more likes. Where you select Standard Orders at terminals press to enable Premium Deliveries (unlocked during Episode 3). Each facility has 5 levels, represented by 5 stars on the map. But some take longer than others to level up (the knots with large population tend to take longer than small outposts). One big delivery is often worth more than 5 small ones. Some facilities will also appear to “get stuck” at level 2 or so (especially Veteran, Novelist, First Prepper). If that happens with any facility you need to read their emails to make them “unstuck”. To get new emails: deliver 1 item to their facility (lost cargo is easiest), zipline to closest safe house, sleep to get email, read it, repeat.
The best tip for leveling up facilities: Ziplines. Build out a Zipline Network between the Facilities you want to level. Then you never need to walk, cargo doesn’t slow you down, BTs don’t get in your way. Ziplines are the biggest time saver in the game, you can put one every 300 meters, allowing you to zip all over the map.
For Facility Rewards, see: Death Stranding – All Facility Rewards / Unlocks
East Region:
Facility #1: Capital Knot City – automatically from Order #2.
Facility #2: Waystation West of Capital Knot City – automatically from Order #4.
Facility #3: Ludens Fan – bring him some Lost Cargo scattered around east region (Lost Cargo is randomly placed and can be anywhere, use scanner with to mark it).
Facility #4: Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City – automatically from Order #5.
Facility #5: Wind Farm – automatically from Order #9.
Facility #6: Musician – go to his facility and he will give you a standard order at his terminal “[Order 172] Retrieval: Sheet Music Washed Away by River”.
Facility #7: Port Knot City – automatically from Order #14.
Central Region:
Facility #8: Lake Knot City – automatically from Order #18.
Facility #9: Peter Englert – Do Order for Sam “[Order 26] [URGENT] Fresh Pizza Delivery: Peter Englert”. You can accept this order from “Lake Knot City” in the north of Central Region. This lets you discover this facility. Now you must do all other remaining “Orders for Sam” (optional main quests) that make you bring deliveries to Peter Englert. They require more story progress. After making a delivery, sleep in your private room to advance time and get new emails > read the emails from Higgs or whoever sends one (reading emails seems to be necessary to make new Orders for Englert spawn). Then check all facility terminals for “Orders for Sam” after the story / check emails for more info where a new order awaits.
Facility #10: Engineer – automatically from Order #19.
Facility #11: Elder – automatically from Order #20.
Facility #12: Craftsman – automatically from Order #22.
Facility #13: Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City – automatically from Order #24.
Facility #14: Collector – Go to his place (put a ladder or anchor above him and climb down the chasm), he has a delivery for you at his terminal and wants you to retrieve some items from a MULE camp.
Facility #15. Film Director – automatically from Order #31.
Facility #16: Junk Dealer – automatically from Order #34.
Facility #17: Chiral Artist’s Studio – automatically from Order #33.
Facility #18: South Knot City – automatically from Order #38.
Facility #19: Cosplayer – accept Order for Sam [Order No. 37] Sewing Kit Delivery: Cosplayer. You get this from “Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City” or “South Knot City” after advancing the story to the end of Episode 3. The starting terminal for this varies, so check other surrounding facilities as well if they got this quest available.
Facility #20: Weather Station – automatically from Order #27.
Facility #21: Timefall Farm – automatically from Order #28.
Facility #22: Veteran Porter – deliver Lost Cargo for Veteran Porter to his facility. Lost Cargo is randomly placed, but it does show up more frequently around his facility. Just keep a look out for Veteran Porter Lost Cargo until you leveled him up. He will appear to get stuck at certain levels. The trick is to deliver 1 item, lost cargo is typically the easiest as it usually spawns just down the hill from him. After that zipline to the closest safe house, sleep and wait for an email from him, make sure to read it and then go find another lost cargo or delivery mission and repeat this. An extra tip is if you happen to find two or more lost cargo for him, or find one whilst doing a delivery for him, only complete one of them, sleep, read emails and then give him the other. This works for the novelist and first prepper too, the idea is they’re reluctant to join the network and sleeping passes time for them to decide. Reading the emails is mandatory, that’s what makes this NPC “unstuck”. Thanks to JubilantSwine for the tips.
Facility #23: Waystation North of Mountain Knot City – automatically from Order #41.
Facility #24: Distribution Center North of Mountain Knot City – automatically from Order #43.
Facility #25: Novelist’s Son – bring him some Lost Cargo with his name on it. You can often find some around his place, press to scan for Lost Cargo and check that the cargo says Novelist’s Son. He will appear to “get stuck” at certain levels. The trick is to deliver 1 item, lost cargo is typically the easiest, or take on a Standard Order. After that zipline to the closest safe house, sleep and wait for an email from him, make sure to read it and then go find another lost cargo or delivery mission and repeat this. An extra tip is if you happen to find two or more lost cargo for him, or find one whilst doing a delivery for him, only complete one of them, sleep, read emails and then give him the other. This works for the novelist and first prepper too, the idea is they’re reluctant to join the network and sleeping passes time for them to decide. Reading the emails is mandatory, that’s what makes this NPC “unstuck”. Thanks to JubilantSwine for the tips.
Facility #26: Photographer – automatically from Order #51.
Facility #27: Mountaineer – automatically from Order #51.
Facility #28: Spiritualist – automatically from Order #53.
Facility #29: First Prepper – go to his facility and at his terminal accept Standard Order “[Order 397] Collection [Fragile]: Anti-chiralium Medication. As you level him up, he will appear to “get stuck” at certain levels. The trick is to deliver 1 item, lost cargo is typically the easiest, or take on a Standard Order. After that zipline to the closest safe house, sleep and wait for an email from him, make sure to read it and then go find another lost cargo or delivery mission and repeat this. An extra tip is if you happen to find two or more lost cargo for him, or find one whilst doing a delivery for him, only complete one of them, sleep, read emails and then give him the other. This works for the novelist too, the idea is they’re reluctant to join the network and sleeping passes time for them to decide. Reading the emails is mandatory, that’s what makes this NPC “unstuck”. Thanks to JubilantSwine for the tips.
Facility #30: Mountain Knot City – automatically from Order #44.
Facility #31: Doctor – automatically from Order #48.
Facility #32: Heartman’s Lab – automatically from Order #55.
Facility #33: Roboticist – automatically from Order #47.
Facility #34: Geologist – automatically from Order #58.
Facility #35: Paleontologist – automatically from Order #59.
Facility #36: Evo-devo Biologist – automatically from Order #61.
Facility #37: UCA-41-011: Chiral Relay – automatically from Order #62.
West Region:
Facility #38: Distribution Center North of Edge Knot City – automatically at start of Episode 9.
Facility #39: Edge Knot City – automatically from Order #63.
That’s all of the completion relevant / trophy relevant facilities you can level up. There are some other marked locations such as two incinerators but there are no people or deliveries there and they can’t join the UCA or level up. The 39 above are the only ones you need.
PowerPyx says
West Region Facilities are hidden for now. I found everything – will unhide them in a few days (right now nobody is this far anyway).
Kyle says
So I’m on order 8 and just standing outside a locked Luden’s Fan. Is this only available after a certain story point because the “lost cargo” that’s required isn’t anywhere around the facility.
PowerPyx says
I got him pretty early on, but it was after going to Distribution Center South of Port Knot City.
The lost cargo can be anywhere though. I found it more frequently in like a 300 meter/yard radius around his house. But lost cargo is randomly placed. I also recall there being some standard orders for him in the Distribution Center South of Port Knot City.
Wouldn’t worry about it for now, just keep playing and you’ll find orders / cargo for that guy sooner or later.
Paradox says
Can someone confirm that Facility #9 really unlocks after completing “Fresh Pizza Delivery: Peter Englert” quest? Because I delivered the pizza and region is still not connected to UCA.
PowerPyx says
It’s how you initially discover it. You must do a few more deliveries to level it up. I think they were all “Orders for Sam” (Main Quests). I’ll look into it and add the other missions for Peter Englert shortly.
lestatier says
Are you able to still leveling Englert facility after discovering Higgs basement?
Paradox says
Thanks PowerPyx, my first not story related facility got connected from first delivery so I got confused when second didn’t connect right away.
To answer lestatier’s question – yes, you can. My second delivery was from south lake city and it was after I finished the story and found Higgs basement, try really far away facilities.
Zasa says
Is there any way go to central region from the east by not using fast travel?
Leon says
I only managed to deliver two pizzas before getting a message about this facility being Higgs’ home. Now there aren’t any available orders and the region still isn’t connected to the UCA. Any tips for what to do next?
Acidboj says
Same problem. After Higgs gone it is not connected. Dunno what to do
Velt says
Try check mail from higgs, he will ask for last pizza from first prepper facility.
Col says
Same for me too. I actually think this trophy is unmissable. If you don’t complete all pizza deliveries and then finish the game this place is inaccessible for connecting with UCA.
After a pizza mission that you do
U can give it 5 star
sevonhorn88 says
Arya wrong, its not a pizza deliv, its after 5 delivs.
BA_0172 says
So I just connected the 39th facility, but didn’t receive any trophy… any1 else got this problem?
PowerPyx says
Are you sure Veteran joined the UCA? Because at level 2 he’s not UCA yet. Check the map for all of them again (press R3 on map). It must say “UCA” and no territory blacked out. If it says “Bridges” on a facility it hasn’t joined the UCA yet and you must level it up further.
BA_0172 says
I’ll check that tomorrow. Thanks for the response!
Veteran says
I have your probkem too.veteran is not uca.what should ido.what i havetoo level up?please help
PowerPyx says
Bring him more deliveries. It can take 30+ deliveries until he gets unstuck (he gets stuck between lvl 2 and lvl 3). But it’s normal, he’s just stubborn and when you keep bringing him stuff he is impressed.
Also sleep in private room from time to time and check his emails.
vergto says
Novelist’s Son does not give communication points, I already have 2000 likes, but only 1.5 stars of communication
DangerSpice says
Can the two locations in the West Region be leveled up, or do they not count for Best Beloved? I don’t see stars on them at all, and neither facility has orders that I could use to level up the other.
PowerPyx says
The ones in West don’t need to be leveled.
SnakeLiquid says
I complete order 397 for First Prepper, but he didn’t join UCA, the other orders are just deliveries, what do i have to do now? complete orders from other preppers for him?
Alan says
There is a Doctor 5 level star delivery – N. 326 to the first prepper. Help if u no find lost cargo for him
Veteran says
Hey i really need help i delivered lost cargo and also one standard order to veteran porter but he didn’t join uca what should i do?
ZexionPonty92 says
Can’t find anywhere the veteran porter lost cargo to unlock it. Suggestions?
James says
Yeah, I’m stuck on there too.
Solipher says
Likes aren’t registering for Peter Englert, how do I get him unstuck?
Portuguesegoose says
Where do you get the 4th pizza order to max out Peter Englert? I’ve done the one from lake knot, south knot, and timefall farm. Someone told me heartman’s, but there’s no orders for sam there. I’ve been everywhere and I’m unable to find it.
Gikoma says
I thought it was Mountain Knot City, not 100% sure.
Kampfferkel says
Yes, the 4th is in Mountain Knot City. Check your e-mails in the game. ;)
Kampfferkel says
Can’t find any lost cargo for Veteran Porter. Also his home is locked so I can’t go inside to the terminal. I’m at the beginning of episode 8 after Heartman. Can I do this only after the story?
Shadowno says
This trophy is killing me. Have all facilities done accept one apparently, which is so close I can’t figure out which one it is.
Ra1zorB1ad3 says
Here’s a tip. Use the ☆ backpack accessory and these will be 5☆ bunkers in no time.
Pavel says
Where can you find it ?
Josh Ramsay says
Hey guys I just wanted to ask so you have to connect 39 waystations to the chiral network for IN SAM WE TRUST but 3 of these Chiral Relay, Distribution Center North of Edge Knot City and Edge Knot City don’t have any deliveries to do so I’m guessing there just story related and for BEST BELOVED its just the other 36 you need to 5 star or has my game glitched?.
Radim says
I have problem with Lake Knot City and Mountain Knot City to achieve 5*. I already delivered them about more dozens of cargo and I am still stuck at 4,5 star. Know anybody how to unstuck them, please.
PowerPyx says
Keep bringing them stuff, they get stuck for a long time. Sleep in private room after each delivery, check if they sent an email (if they do, then read their email).
Radim says
May I repeat orders I already completed?
PowerPyx says
Yes, they will still earn you likes. Levels with facilities are only based on likes you received from them and nothing else.
The big facilities just take longer to level up because more people live there and they require more total likes. It can take 30 orders or so to get Mountain Knot from Lv4 to Lv5. But if you stick to big orders (lots of weight and lots of likes) it goes quicker.
Radim says
Thank you so much. It works. Now just missing First Prepper and Lake Knot City but only about less then half star. Thank you once again. 🙂
Daan says
Hi i have a problem with Best Beloved trophy i got all of the 36 facilities to Lv5 but when i check the summary it says 35 at maximum.. but i dunno wich one because on the map they are all UCA …do i have to sleep in all of them ? i dont receive emails anymore and is the last trophy to platinum is become quite annoying 🙁
ace 1 says
have all 39 but no trophy popped
Gigi95 says
Finished the game and the only facility I need is the novelists son. There are still only 36 facilities showing up in my bridge link overview. I know the 2 facilities in the west region and the Chiral ray don’t need to be levelled up but they still don’t show up? Will they show up once I get the novelists son?
MeanDiller says
Is this confirmed that you don’t need to level up chiral Ray terminal?
When I go there it is locked
MeanDiller says
Hi all
I am only a few facilities away from having them 5 all 5 star.
I have just gone to the chiral relay terminal and it is locked, is this normal? If not how do I unlock it to get 5 stars etc?
*I have completed all storyline missions etc
Tim says
It should be stated that Facility #37 does NOT need 5 stars…you connect it via the story but you do not need to bring it deliveries/no need to level up.
PowerPyx says
It has no star ratings… so it’s self-explanatory that it cannot be leveled up.
Itaqua27 says
There is no order at first prepper..what do I do?
Alvinomartin says
I have finished the story and 5 started most of them. But the UCA-41-011’s terminal is locked.
I know you guys answer the question above that it cannot be leveled up. But on your screenshot above, you got 5 stars on it, and on mine, the UCA-41-011 is on 2 stars. What should i do
Nathan Drozario says
Does the Chiral Relay need to be 5 stars to get the trophy?