Dead Space Remake has a total of 48 Trophies (1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 9 Silver, 36 Bronze). Below you can find the full Dead Space Remake PS5 trophy list.
Dead Space Remake Trophies
Concordance Officer
Collect all Trophies.
Welcome Aboard
Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting.
Lab Rat
Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty setting.
All Systems Go
Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty setting.
Cannon Fodder
Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty setting.
True Believer
Complete Chapter 5 on any difficulty setting.
Greenhouse Effect
Complete Chapter 6 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Chapter 7 on any difficulty setting.
Strange Transmissions
Complete Chapter 8 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Chapter 9 on any difficulty setting.
Keeper of the Faith
Complete Chapter 10 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Chapter 11 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Chapter 12 on any difficulty setting.
Final Regeneration
Discover the Hunter’s origins.
Whole Again
Pursue Nicole’s investigation.
Set A Benchmark
Complete the game on Medium difficulty or above.
Complete the game in Impossible Mode.
Trusted Contractor
Complete New Game Plus on any difficulty mode.
Full Arsenal
Own every weapon in the game.
Built To Order
Install every weapon upgrade.
Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle.
Live with the Hot Ones
Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower.
A Cut Above
Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper.
Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun.
Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun.
Full Contact
Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam.
One Gun
Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
Pack Rat
Place 25 items in Storage.
Story Teller
Collect 75 Logs.
Legend Teller
Collect 150 Logs.
Collect all Schematics.
Dismember 50 Limbs.
Dismember 500 Limbs.
Rip off a dangling limb using Kinesis.
Raise The Stakes
Pin an enemy.
Use Stasis on 50 enemies.
Kill 10 enemies with a stomp attack.
Maxed Out
Fully upgrade all weapons and equipment.
Front Toward Enemy
Survive the Shooting Gallery.
Complete Level 6 in Zero-G Basketball.
There’s Always Peng!
Find the Peng Treasure.
Full Clearance
Create the Master Security Override.
Brute Force
Kill a Brute.
Kill the Leviathan.
Get Off My Ship!
Kill the Leviathan Remnant.
Mindless Prey
Kill the Hive Mind.
Pick up a Marker fragment for the first time.
See the alternative ending on any difficulty mode.
The PS5 Remake trophy list is similar to the original PS3 trophy list. A few trophies are new or changed and some trophy values are different.
What are your thoughts on the Dead Space Remake trophy list? Do you like what you see? Are you going for the Platinum? Check back for a full Trophy Guide & Roadmap when the game releases.
TM says
Glad to see that “dont get cocky’ kid” trophie dident make the cut.
Looks like we are going to need 2 play throughs, i will probably do the plasma cutter and hardest difficulty in new game plus. And just have fun on the first play through.
Also glad to see that there is some new trophies in there, and I cant wait to board the USG ishimura again.
Hagz says
At least there’s no trophy for the turret sequence. That was the bane of my trophy hunt on the PS3 version.
Neme says
Hope impossibile is fine on NG+ and is not like only 3 save or similar XD wait for your guide mate, the best on the web. Thx for all of your work.
Dorian says
Thank god they got rid of the turret section trophy. Love this list and can’t wait to platinum this. Also that alternate ending trophy though ?
Sunny khandait says
Never played the dead space series before. Only 2nd one on PC when i was a kid. Looking forward to this game ….hope impossible difficulty isn’t too punishing. Waiting for your guide, pyx.
Seth Lester says
It’s not hard at all at least it wasn’t in the original
Darkshadows4ever says
Welp im not getting a platinum unless doing the zero g basketball is easier then original that was hard
Seth Lester says
In the original, it was extremely easy. All you had to do was get 15 points on all levels and you pass.
Anonymous says
Considering how similar the trophies are to the original, I’m hoping its’s a 5/10 Platinum trophy difficulty for this remake and not any harder but it will depend on how hard Impossible Mode is.
Also, I just want to take the opportunity to say no way this remake should cost £69.99, that price is already unreasonable as it is for new original PS5 games, let alone remakes. However, I am interested in buying and playing the game when it’s cheaper because I didn’t finish the game on PC so this would be my chance to do so and earn a Platinum trophy.
Cj says
Honestly should be brought up more. Ridiculous. I could see it going on sale somewhat early in a few months but could also see it taking forever
Anonymous says
Why shouldn’t it be $70? It’s built from the ground up and not just an HD remaster. Companies make games to make money. Maybe just borrow it if it really bothers you. LOL
Anonymous says
1. I said 69.99 British pounds, not US dollars, learn the difference.
2. Dead Space (2023) costs £49.99 on Steam and £69.99 on PS5/Xbox Series.
3. How does it make any that EA are charging £69.99 for both Dead Space (2023) and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? One is a remake (not reimagining like Final Fantasy VII Remake/Resident Evil 2) and the other is a brand new sequel.
andamansea says
I agree the game shouldn’t be $70. Creating a remake is half of the work of the original game. The story, the sounds, the character models, the level design, and the core gameplay is almost completely identical with a few tweaks here and there. The only thing that is drastically changed is the lighting and the graphics. I’m sure there is some more new things thrown in but its for sure not worth $70, no remake should be unless its a complete reimagining.
Anonymous says
*3. How does it make any sense that EA are charging £69.99 for both Dead Space (2023) and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? One is a remake (not reimagining like Final Fantasy VII Remake/Resident Evil 2) and the other is a brand new sequel.
Creasy says
Another article states Impossible difficulty will be Permadeath. I just hope it allows for some saves along the way.
Chibioni says
Thank you for putting the trophy list up. Was dreading seeing the “Don’t get cocky, kid” trophy, and I’m so happy they removed it! That trophy was a pain in the ass!
Jacob Groves says
Look forward to this game. I understand why 69.99 is high for this game remake because of add new contents in remake include new additional areas and new gameplay elements you never seen from original, new and upgraded visuals, gameplay and audios. So I do understand why $/£69.99. Anyway I hope Impossible Mode not too punishing!!!!
Tony says
This list is a lot easier than the original, glad to the turret section trophy gone, the new trophies will be fun to get, can’t wait to see the alternate ending.
Ben says
Untouchable trophy
Complete the game in Impossible Mode.
How are you supposed to do this if it’s Impossible? :P j/k
Chris says
The senior director said in an interview that impossible is with oermsdesth.So if you die you can start from the behginning again.And every new game + should get harder and harder with any new run.Also the enemies should get harder and harder an don’t are on the same spot like the run before.If this is true this game would be a 10/10.
Raúl says
I was reading the “Next guides” section and… Dead Space will only have trophy guide? Being a “simple” and “short” game… I was hoping a full guide/walkthrough like RE 2 and RE3 remakes 🙁
PowerPyx says
It will get an all-in-one collectible guide which will essentially be a walkthrough including all trophies 🙂
PhantomFear94 says
From PSNP comments, I think that Impossible mode is confirmed permadeath, but with a single manual save slot that can save in (no autosaves) that only overwrites with death. Thus, if you’re savvy, you should be able to back-up your save and just re-download it if you die, reducing it from a 10/10 to maybe a 6-7/10. Don’t believe its single sitting like Mein Leben in Wolfenstein 2: TNC
If you’re playing on Xbox like me, you “bank” a cloud save with every hard quit, so I’d recommend quitting the game completely every hour or so. In theory should work, as I do this with a lot of games.
If you die, don’t quit the game (!!!) – go to dashboard > games and apps > dead space > manage game > saved data > delete console save ONLY. It’ll delete your local save, and then quit the game automatically (this is fine). Restart, and it’ll resync your last cloud save (when you last hard quit the game), putting you back before your death. Good habit to get into generally, as if you get a story-based achievement glitch ever, you can try again.