Dead Space Remake has 327 Collectible Locations. This updated All-In-One Collectible Guide for the Remake will show you the locations of all collectibles, as well as how to complete all Side Missions and Chapter-specific Trophies. Many of the collectible locations have been changed from the original PS3 version. Locating all Collectibles is required for the following trophies:
- 188 Logs – 150 Needed for Story Teller
and Legend Teller
- 13 Schematics – 12 Needed for Merchant
- 10 Weapons – 7 guns/tools required for Full Arsenal
- 21 Weapon Upgrades – Built To Order
- 6 Suit Upgrades – Needed for Maxed Out
- 69 Nodes – 189 Needed for Maxed Out
, will need to get the rest through New Game Plus and buying them
- 3 Side Missions – Full Clearance
, Final Regeneration
and Whole Again
- 5 Chapter-specific Trophies
- 12 Marker Fragments (New Game Plus) – 1 Needed for Marked
, all needed for Reunion
Logs can be found both as physical collectibles around the game, or are received as calls from your crew mates, with over 100 coming automatically from the story. Some of these logs are missable, or are mutually exclusive with one another, meaning you will need to get some in New Game Plus if you want them all. Schematics, Weapons and Weapon Upgrades are found through the USG Ishimura to be collected. Nodes are upgrade resources found inside Node Cabinets, and are also received alongside each Weapon Upgrade and can be purchased from the Shop. Suit Upgrades are bought from the Shop, with some requiring Schematics to unlock. Side Missions span across the majority of the game and will give you access to a variety of other collectibles as well as their respective trophies. Marker Fragments are a new collectible introduced in New Game Plus that a required to unlock the new alternative ending.
Logs can be tracked under the Database tab, both for each chapter individually as well as for all side missions. Marker Fragments and Side Mission-related items can be tracked under Key Items in your Inventory. Weapon/Suit Upgrades can be tracked by viewing the respective item at a workbench. Schematics can be tracked by seeing what is available in the Shop.
Everything located on the USG Ishimura is unmissable until the Point of No Return at the end of Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions, except for a small number of action-dependent logs that only trigger when doing certain actions at specific story points. The guide will list everything when they first become available in an efficient order, but if you miss anything you can go through the Ishimura when you have full access in Chapter 11. Everything in Chapter 9 – Dead On Arrival is missable, so be sure to collect everything during this chapter.
Upon completing the game, you will receive a selection of unlocks (Credits, Nodes, Logs and the final Suit Upgrade) to use in New Game Plus. Everything that you collect will carry over to New Game Plus, so if you happen to miss anything then you can collect them during this playthrough. There is no Chapter Select, but with a combination of the Ishimura being fully explorable and everything carrying over to New Game Plus, there will be ample opportunity to collect anything you miss.
All Collectibles by Chapter:
Below are links to all Collectibles by Chapter, there are 12 Chapters total. These include all collectible types in most efficient order (logs, schematics, weapons, weapon upgrades, suit upgrades, nodes, side mission objectives, chapter-specific trophies, NG+ marker fragments):
- Chapter 1: New Arrivals
- Chapter 2: Intensive Care
- Chapter 3: Course Correction
- Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
- Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
- Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
- Chapter 7: Into the Void
- Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
- Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
- Chapter 10: End of Days
- Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
- Chapter 12: Dead Space
- New Game Plus: Marker Fragments (needed for Alternative Ending)
That’s all 12 Chapters and New Game Plus Marker Fragment Collectibles in Dead Space Remake on PS5 & PC.
By Collectible Type
These types are included in the chapter-by-chapter version but if you prefer a guide for just one specific type see the below:
Chuckles the Jester says
i followed your video guides, and i’m currently in new game plus, i found one of the remaining 3 logs, but where are the other 2?
chrisaverage says
I finished the game on Normal and then New Game + on Hard, both times finishing all the side quests. I have all the database entries for main missions yet still missing 2 side mission entries.
So they are (very?) missable and this guide doesn’t list them anywhere from what I can tell.
Archavia says
Yeah there were actually 3 side mission logs that none of us found on any playthrough, so wasn’t sure where those came from.
chrisaverage says
Apparently those two missing entries are developer’s easter eggs, so you need to know a secret combo. If you make a right sequence of punch/stomps in the circle on the floor in the small unitologist room you will get a text log and an audio clip (along with some bonus nodes).
Archavia says
Yep, I added them to chapter 4 earlier today!
Jacob L. says
I’m playing on Xbox Series S. I don’t see anything about Marker fragments in the guide. I’m on Mission 1 and found the first one I’m guessing when I got Data Board.