Dead Island 2: Haus DLC Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 2-3 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 6 (1
, 2
, 3
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, all the DLC trophies will autopop when transferring a save from PS4 to PS5 (not from PS5 to PS4). Make sure the PS4 save is on your PS5 console, then in the PS5 version’s title screen click Options > Transfer PS4 Data and it will autopop all trophies including Platinum instantly.
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you can freely roam the DLC after completing the story
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave
- Release Date: November 02, 2023
Welcome to the Dead Island 2: Haus DLC Trophy Guide! This is the first DLC for Dead Island 2. Just like the main game, the DLC is also very easy and straightforward to 100% with most of the trophies being story-related. The DLC can be started by looking for the orange icon in Bel-Air, just outside of Emma Jaunt’s mansion, after completing the mission “Room Service for Major Booker”. While you can access the DLC very early on in the game, it’s recommended to do the DLC after finishing the main story since it can spoil a lot of upcoming plot points.
Step 1: Complete all 6 Main Missions
This step will take up the majority of your time since completing all 6 main missions is the bulk of the list. You can also focus on some of the miscellaneous trophies while clearing your way through the story, but you can very easily come back to get them later and just solely focus on clearing the story for now.
Step 2: Clean Up
During this step you’ll want to focus on getting any of the 3 miscellaneous trophies you might have missed while clearing the main missions. The only one that might pose any sort of challenge is Top That, Trisha since you need to be quick with your aim.
Dead Island 2: Haus DLC Trophy Guide
Main Game & DLC Trophy Guide:
Dead Island 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap
DLC #2: SoLA
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One of Us Received Konstantin’s gift. |
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Automatic story-related trophy. This unlocks after completing the last main mission of the DLC, “The Ark of Ascension”.
During the last mission you’ll be tasked with deploying the ark. You’ll need to fight your way through a number of zombies, while clearing all the Dark Brains in order to progress further into the building. Once you reach the ark, you’ll need to clear the Dark Brains off the ark, as well as clear waves of zombies afterwards. The waves are relatively small and shouldn’t pose much of an issue. Guns, especially an Electrocuter Modded Shotgun with the Static Charge perk, are really useful here as there will be a lot of Apex Variants during these waves. After destroying the last Dark brain on the ark, you’ll have to face the last wave while in Fury mode. All of the zombies are nearly dead during this section, so it’s extremely easy to just spam attack as you run at them. After the last wave is cleared, approach the ark and interact with the gate to watch the final cutscene of the DLC. |
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Pork Chopped Defeat Long Piglet. |
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Automatic story-related trophy. This unlocks after defeating the boss at the end of the main mission “Dinner Date”.
The boss is basically a modified version of a Crusher that is immune to Bleed damage. There will always be lots of other zombies trying to swarm you at the same time. For this reason, a Electrocutor Modded Shotgun with the Static Charge perk is advantageous as it will do tons of shock damage to both Long Piglet as well as the surrounding zombies. This setup isn’t required however. You can easily use whatever you have available to you and fight them as you would a normal Crusher since that is all the boss fight essentially is, just with more health. |
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Whatever It Takes Complete the Rites of Passage in Haus. |
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Automatic story-related trophy. This unlocks just before the end of the main mission “The Invitation”.
During the main mission, you’ll need to complete 3 Rites of Passage in order to progress the story. Each of the Rites of Passage is located inside one of the Suburban houses, except the second house on the right, which just has loot inside. First Rite of Passage: Once you enter the Suburban area, enter the first house on the right and go to the second floor. Enter the closet, which is the second door on the right and pick up the Valve Wheel off Shelf. Exit the closet and go through the door to your right to go up to the attic and place the Valve Wheel on the Gas Pipe Valve in the center of the room. Once you activate it, equip and hold a weapon you don’t care about and interact with the furnace in the center of the room to burn it and complete the first Rite of Passage. Second Rite of Passage: From the entrance of the Suburban area, enter the second house on the left and go all the way up to the attic. In the attic there will be a broken electrical cord on the ground. You’ll need to either use a Chem Bomb or the nearby Water Jerry Can to connect the electrical current to the ripped cord. Afterwards, go down into the basement. Once in the basement, jump into the blood-filled pool once the game tells you to and stay in there until your objective completes. You might end up dying here if you don’t have the medkits to heal or don’t have high HP to begin with, but you’ll complete the second Rite of Passage. Third Rite of Passage: In the same area where you finished the second Rite of Passage, a door will open that will lead into the next house through a system of vents. Once you’re in the next house and have cleared the zombies, run up to the attic and there will be a microphone in the center of the room. Once the game prompts you to give a confession, go up to the microphone to confess your sins and complete the third Rite of Passage. |
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Wilhelm Send 15 zombies to their doom in the bottomless pits. |
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During the main mission “The Deeper”, you’ll be tasked with heading into the underground club known as The Deep by going through the house at the end of the Suburban neighborhood and heading through the broken wall where the kitchen would be. In this area, there will be a lot of holes in the ground that if you or a zombie fall into, will die. You’ll need to kick a total of 15 zombies into these pits around the area.
It’s recommended to equip the Drop Kick skill card while going for this trophy since it does less damage than Jump Kick, while also knocking back zombies further. With it equipped, you’ll want to get the zombies’ attention and try to get them as close as possible to the pit and then either do a regular kick or a drop kick to knock them into the pit. |
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Top That, Tisha! Get five headshots with the Crossbow in quick succession. |
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At the very start of the main mission “Dinner Date”, you’ll find the K-Prototype crossbow. From this point on, you can attempt this trophy whenever or wherever you want.
The best way to earn the trophy however, is to find an area where a lot of Shamblers, Walkers, and/or Runners spawn, such as Venice Beach. Before starting, it’s recommended to put the Speedloader perk on your Crossbow so your reload speed is faster, which will give you a bit more window for error. Fast travel to the Blue Crab and go outside into the parking lot. Turn to the right and jump over the fence to get the attention of as many zombies as possible. Once you think you got enough zombies, jump back over the fence and all the zombies should be lining up along the fence. Doing this method, you can aim your shots easier without risk of getting interrupted by a zombie from behind. Just make sure you’re still quick with your shots. |
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Lawn and Order Maim 10 zombies with gardening equipment in the Cul-De-Sac’s tall grass. |
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During the main mission “The Invitation”, you’ll be tasked with heading into a Suburban looking neighborhood by going through the left hallway in the main room of the DLC.
While in this area, if you walk on the grass it will spawn zombies to come attack you. You’ll need to maim a total of 10 zombies while on the grass in this area using a weapon such as a Shovel. You can find a Shovel in this area behind the second house on the left from the entrance of the area. You’ll want to aim for the zombies legs so you don’t accidentally kill them before you can main them. After maiming a zombie for the 10th time in this area, the trophy will unlock. |
Main Game & DLC Trophy Guide:
Dead Island 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap
DLC #2: SoLA
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