Drunk And Disorderly is a Lost and Found Quest in Dead Island 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Drunk And Disorderly Lost and Found mission.
Starting Location: Ocean Avenue
Counts Towards Quest Completion in Region: Ocean Avenue
Requirement: Finished the Main Story (not available during first story visit to Ocean Avenue because the restroom door will be locked)
Reward: Party Starter (Unique Brass Knuckles), 2000 XP
Mission Info: A bunch of dudes picked the wrong night to get totally wasted. If you can follow their drunken texts, you might be able to snag their stuff.
- Follow the paper trail to a kick-ass new weapon
- Find Jordan somewhere on the Pier, swipe his keys
- Claim your kick-ass new Party Starter from the dudes’ car
Starting Location: Drunk And Disorderly
Drunk And Disorderly starts in Ocean Avenue, but it’s not available on the first visit during the story. You can come back for it after finishing the main story and it will be available.
On the ground floor of the Lotusville Mall, in the south-east corner next to the staircase, go through the door with the golden “1” on it.
This leads to a restroom. The door to the restroom is locked during the story but it’s open after the story. Inside the restroom pick up Journal #1: Dudes Who Chug to start the quest. We must now follow a trail of journals to get the key to the lost weapon.
Follow the paper trail to a kick-ass new weapon
Journal #2: Dudes Who Get Inked
Fast travel to Venice Beach. Enter the Tattoo Parlor west of the Blue Grab Grill HQ. You must push the gate button on the wall and quickly go through before the gate lowers again. Inside you find a unique zombie called “Grant”, defeat him and loot the Journal he drops.
Journal #3: Dudes Who Get The Munchies
From the Tattoo Parlor follow the promenade north until you reach a building called “Lenny’s” (next to weed dispensary). A unique zombie will come crawling under the garage door when you go nearby, he’s called “Cole”. Defeat him and loot his Journal.
Journal #4: Dude, Interrupted
Fast travel to The Pier (Santa Monica). Just outside the Pier Grill you can find this journal on a table. It’s straight below the blue sign that says “Pier Grill”.
Find Jordan somewhere on the Pier, swipe his keys
Immediately after picking up the last Journal it spawns a new enemy called “Jordan” (Firestorm Slobber). He’s in the north-east corner of the Pier. Defeat him and loot Jordan’s Car Keys.
Claim your kick-ass new Party Starter from the dudes’ car
Fast travel back to Ocean Avenue. Open the map and you will see the weapon chest already marked in the south where it says “Serling Hotel”. Make sure to add a waypoint to find it more easily (click /
on it). From the ground floor of the mall, go through the “Staff Only” door in the south-east corner. Follow the path downstairs to the parking garage. The correct car is a white SUV, the first car to the right of the parking garage exit. Use the key on the trunk to get the legendary Party Starter brass knuckles.
This finishes Drunk And Disorderly Lost and Found quest in Dead Island 2.
For all other Lost & Found Quests refer to Dead Island 2 All Lost & Found Quests Guide.
Ryan S says
What do I do I finished the quest without killing Cole and Grant but now they won’t spawn so I can’t get last 2 journals
Max says
Check your inventory and make sure that the journals are not there. If they aren’t fast travel to another location and then back and they should respawn.
Ben says
I finished all the story quests but the #1 door for the drunk and disorderly lost and found quest is still blocked.
JoMomma says
Did you check both ends of the mall? There are 2 sets of doors with #1 on the first floor by each stairwell. I went to the still blocked doors and thought I missed something until I realized the other set.
FourteenForOurFuture says
I thought ppl might like to know that the bathroom door is unlocked for me even though I haven’t finished the story yet. The last story quest I completed was “Blood Drive” and the last side quest was “Dez and the Mother of Satan” …I think it was locked up to that point. The online guides say “only available after main story has been completed” for several other side quests, but I don’t think that’s always the case. There’s been at least one other instance where the guides were wrong about the story needing to be finished, but I can’t recall which one it was at the moment.
FourteenForOurFuture says
Correction: The last story quest I completed before discovering the bathroom was open was actually “Boardwalking Dead.” It could be useful to know that accepting missions apparently triggers certain things in this game as well, most of the time you can accept a mission without being tied down to actually following through right away. If you go ahead and accept the missions as they become available, you’ll be sure to trigger anything that happens to be tied to accepting the next mission. I just found out that you don’t have to wait until the end of the campaign to unlock the “Body Count” AR either! Hopefully this info can save someone a little time and / or frustration.