You Couldn’t Stop Shaking is a Main Story Mission in Days Gone. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the “You Couldn’t Stop Shaking” Main Quest.
- Return to Your Bike with Sarah
- Clear the Area of Marauders
- Retrieve the Centrifuge
- Return to Your Bike with Sarah
You Couldn’t Stop Shaking Starting Location
This mission will start immediately after the end of So Many of Them. This mission starts in Lake Crater.
Return to your Bike with Sarah
While Deacon and Sarah were looking for the centrifuge, some Freakers attacked a group of Marauders. Be ready to open fire on both of them. Find cover behind a wall and use your best weapon to take down everyone in sight. Since there are so many enemies here, it might be a good idea to collect some loot and ears for You’ve Got Red On You and
Lend Me Your Ears as you take down more waves of enemies.
As you proceed, eliminate new waves of enemies, always taking cover.
Clear the Area of Marauders
For the third and final gun fight you only need to take care of Marauders.
Retrieve the Centrifuge
For your next objective you need to retrieve the centrifuge Sarah had put down to help you in the fight. Retrace your steps to the mission marker and a new cutscene will follow.
Return to Your Bike with Sarah
Once things have gone back to normal, return to your bike with Sarah to conclude the mission. You will automatically be at camp again with Sarah being appreciative of all the help you’re giving.
This concludes You Couldn’t Stop Shaking mission in Days Gone and unlocks the mission “You Can’t Be Replaced”.
For all other Days Gone Story Missions check out the full Days Gone Walkthrough.
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