Daymare 1994: Sandcastle has 82 Collectible Locations spread throughout the game’s 17 chapters. This All-In-One Collectible Guide will show you the locations of all collectibles in the game. Collecting them all is necessary for the following trophies / achievements:
- 27 Documents – Librarian
- 6 Audio Logs – Radio Amateur
- 18 Scanners – Forensic Specialist
- 20 Alien Collectibles – Tin Foil Hat Enjoyer
- 11 Frost Grip Upgrades – Master of Ice
- 4 Weapon Attachments – Not required for any trophies, but beneficial as they make your weapons more powerful
All collectible types will count immediately upon collecting them and can be tracked under Extras > Challenges. These can be collected across multiple playthroughs, you do not need to collect all of one type in a single playthrough.
Documents and Audio Logs are traditional collectibles that can be picked up in the environment. Scanners are objects that can be scanned, and when nearby a scannable object a blue bar will appear in the top left of the HUD. Alien Collectibles are small alien toys that make a clicking sound when nearby them, which must be shot to be collected. Both Scanners and Alien Collectibles can be tracked on a per-chapter basis by pausing the game, as it will show how many of these you have found in that chapter in the top right corner. Frost Grip Upgrades can be acquired at Upgrade Stations that mostly appear along the main path. While these will count towards the trophy immediately, if you die/reload after getting one, make sure to get it again to benefit from the upgrade.
Some collectibles can appear behind locked doors that require you to hack to unlock. These have a limited number of attempts before being locked forever, so before attempting these hacks make sure to either make a manual save at the nearest save station, or revert to the latest auto save.
If you get stuck with the puzzles throughout the game, please see Daymare 1994: Sandcastle Puzzle Guide.
Chapter 1 – Lair Dam
Document 1 – Notes on the Prototype
Story-related. Automatically received after changing into your outfit in the locker room.
Document 2 – Special Agent H.A.D.E.S. – Data Sheet
Sitting on the bench right next to the lockers.
Document 3 – Armorer’s Note
Head downstairs to find this at the armory next to your weapons.
Chapter 2 – Area 51 Entrance
Document 4 – Operation Order
Progress through Area 51 until you reach a green tent next to a car with the driver door open. Head inside to find this document.
Document 5 – Note from the Security Officer
Once inside the building, head down the hall and enter the door next to the elevator. Go into the back room to find this on a desk. Contains locker code 215.
Alien Collectible 1
Head into the first room with the locker and this alien will be on a long desk by the window. Shoot it.
Scanner 1 – Vortechs Lock Model T-1000
After rebooting the system, head down the corridor and you will be introduced to a tutorial for scanning objects. Equip the scanner with and scan the door with
Chapter 3 – Ram-77 Lab
Alien Collectible 2
Continue progressing until you arrive in a laboratory with a large glass container in the middle. Immediately turn right to find this alien on a desk.
Scanner 2 – RAM77 Factsheet
Head behind the glass container in the middle and scan the terminal next to a display.
Chapter 4 – Ship Hangar
Alien Collectible 3
Go through the ship hangar until you climb a ladder into a dark area with a single decoy enemy. After killing it, there will be a door leading outside in front of you and a path left. Go left and you will be able to spot the alien sitting on a platform to the right.
Chapter 5 – Propellent Area
Scanner 3 – Engineer’s File
Immediately after escaping the three decoys, approach the bench on your left and scan the laptop.
Audio Log 1 – Anderson’s Audiolog
Head up the elevator and enter the corridor to find this on a corpse by the next door. Make sure to grab it before going through the door, otherwise you’ll miss it.
Alien Collectible 4
After acquiring the Frost Grip, put out the first fire and take the left path. Turn right at the blast door and you will find this alien on a barrel.
Chapter 6 – Aircraft Hangar
Scanner 4 – H.A.D.E.S. Agent Corpse
After freezing the pipes and going through the door, scan the body behind the object on your right.
Audio Log 2 – Backup Request
After going up an elevator, you’ll be on a platform with a save station on the left. This tape can be found next to a corpse to the right of it.
Alien Collectible 5
Head down the next elevator into the open hangar. Continue forward and there’ll be a door to Supplies, ignore this and go around to the left to find some stairs. Go up to find this alien next to a corpse and some ammo.
Document 6 – Notice to Staff
Now head through the door to Supplies and go upstairs into the Control Room. Head to the right to find this document on a long desk.
Scanner 5 – Designer’s Note
After going through two rooms with a bunch of bodies you’ll head down stairs back into the Hangar. Scan the terminal next to the stealth bomber before you go up the elevator.
Chapter 7 – Water Supply Plant
Scanner 6 – Aircraft Wing Section
After dropping into the Water Supply Plant, to your left will be a hanging wing section. Scan it.
Frost Grip Upgrade 1
Head down the corridor and go right through the red door. This upgrade station will be right in front of you.
Document 7 – Emergency Manual
On a table in the same room, next to the Maintenance Keycard.
Document 8 – Note to Computer Technician
Continue forward into Maintenance and go through the rooms until you arrive at the Badge Upgrade System. On a bench opposite this you will find the document.
Alien Collectible 6
Head up the ladder and continue into Level B-2. Take the left path into a room with some vending machines in the corner. The alien is sitting in between the vending machines.
Document 9 – Orders by Fax
After the fight with the Sparker, continue and you’ll have three doors to choose from. Go through the middle door to find this document inside.
Weapon Attachment 1 – High Capacity Magazine (MPG 510-K)
Inside the Medium locker next to the document. This upgrade will increase your SMG magazine capacity to 45.
Document 10 – Chat Decryption
Continue through to a room with another elevator and a save station. In between these will be another document.
Scanner 7 – Supervisor’s Note
Progress through the chapter until you’ve upgraded your keycard, then return back up to Level B-1 via a cargo elevator. You’ll arrive in a previously locked room, with a computer that you can scan next to the locked door.
Alien Collectible 7
Head to the back corner of this room to find the alien inside an open cabinet.
Frost Grip Upgrade 2
Now enter the open room to find another upgrade station.
Chapter 8 – Area 51 Outside
Document 11 – Jasper Note 1
Progress until you reach a red building with an open roller door. Inside will be an elevator with no fuel and a document on a cabinet by the next door.
Document 12 – Jasper Note 2
Turn on the power and continue until you face the new enemy type. After defeating them, enter the garage to find this document on a desk, in the same room as the gas canister.
Alien Collectible 8
Before leaving the area, enter a dilapidated shelter to find this alien on a barrel behind a car.
Frost Grip Upgrade 3
Head down the elevator into the tunnels and follow them through until you find an open room on your right with an upgrade station inside.
Alien Collectible 9
Continuing progressing until you get into a big fight with a Sparker. Head into the building and you’ll get a cutscene. Instead of going down the ladder, go across the gantry to find this alien sitting beneath a pipe.
Chapter 9 – Underground Levels
Alien Collectible 10
Play through the chapter until you reach a room with a turntable in the middle of it, after a few fights. Head past the turntable and you will find the alien on a wooden bench next to the door.
Scanner 8 – Area 51 Soldier
Head downstairs and go through the broken wall, then turn right to find a living quarters. Head into the back to find a body in the showers that you can scan.
Alien Collectible 11
Head down the elevator into the Cess Pool where you will fight some more enemies. From here, head underneath the room you came from to find this alien sitting on a forklift.
Frost Grip Upgrade 4
Head through the Cess Pool and you’ll find another upgrade station in an adjoining room.
Document 13 – Technician’s Diary
Right next to the ladder and gas mask.
Chapter 10 – Detention Area
Audio Log 3 – Inmates’ Audiolog
After leaving your cell, turn around the corner to find this on a corpse in front of you.
Frost Grip Upgrade 5
Progress through the level past the section where you have to put out fires and you’ll reach an area where you can climb over scaffoldings. After the first scaffolding you will fight some enemies, then you will have the option to climb over another scaffolding or take a left turn. Go left and you’ll find a locked door with a Hard lock on it. You only get 3 attempts, so it is recommended that you return to the previous save station and save before you attempt to open it. After unlocking the door, you will find an upgrade station inside.
Alien Collectible 12
On a shelf in the same room is this alien.
Weapon Attachment 2 – Long Barrel (JP PECK-DC12)
After turning on the ventilation, you will return to the area with the Front Gate. Turn left as soon as you enter the room to find a storage cabinet now open. This upgrade will increase your Shotgun capacity to 9.
Scanner 9 – Doctor Corpse
After the fight in the yard where you must shoot the power cells, head up the elevator and scan the tape player on the electrical panel.
Chapter 11 – Monorail Hub
There are no collectibles in this chapter. This area acts as a hub between several chapters and you will return here multiple times.
Chapter 12 – Medical Area
Alien Collectible 13
Head through the first corridors and you’ll see a room labelled Medical Records. Go inside and walk around the cabinets to find this alien sitting on a shelf.
Frost Grip Upgrade 6
Leave the room and go down the stairs on your left to find a Very Hard locked door. You will only get 2 attempts to unlock it, but you will have just triggered an auto save, so if you fail twice you can reload your auto save. Once you unlock the door, this upgrade station will be inside.
Weapon Attachment 3 – Muzzle Brake (MPG 510-K)
On a corpse inside the same room. This upgrade will increase your SMG’s accuracy.
Audio Log 4 – Researcher’s Audiolog
After encountering two Sparkers, you will go upstairs and get a cutscene in a room with a save station. Continue forward to a hole you are supposed to jump down, but don’t jump. Next to it you will see a hanging corpse you can interact with for this tape.
Scanner 10 – Medical Area
After dropping down the hole you will encounter multiple Sparkers. After the fight, enter the room and scan the computer on the right.
Chapter 13 – Residential Area A
Scanner 11 – Pill Dispenser
Head down into the street and you will be able to scan the pill dispenser on the right, next to a body.
Document 14 – Reprimand Fax
After heading into the apartment building, progress until you arrive on the ground floor with the save station. Head behind it to find this document next to the Passpartout Key.
Document 15 – Keeper’s Note
From the save station, turn around and there’ll be a locked room to your right with a document pinned to a noticeboard.
Alien Collectible 14
With the passpartout key in hand, head back up one floor to open the Club door directly above the save station. Head inside to find this alien on a wardrobe to the left.
Weapon Attachment 4 – Improved Pump Mechanism (JP PECK-DC12)
On the table next to the alien. This upgrade will increase your Shotgun’s firerate.
Audio Log 5 – Cleaner’s Audiolog
Head upstairs again and unlock the Heart door to find this tape on the corpse inside, next to the Suite Key.
Document 16 – Janitor’s Journal
Use the Suite Key to unlock the Diamond door on the same floor and enter the bedroom to find this document next to a corpse. This note gives a hint to the code for the security room.
Frost Grip Upgrade 7
Head downstairs to 2F and look out the broken window to see 8 digits. The 4 odd numbers make the code: 9517. Unlock the security room to access the upgrade station.
Document 17 – Researcher’s Diary
Head outside the apartment building and go down the alleyways to find this document on a corpse to the left.
Alien Collectible 15
Go upstairs and head towards the globe in the middle of the street, then turn around. This alien will be poking out from behind the wall above the blue rubbish bin.
Chapter 14 – Residential Area B
Alien Collectible 16
Go down the tunnel after the first save station, then turn left to spot this alien on the cement bags.
Scanner 12 – Screens
Climb up some ladders and enter the street to find some screens you can scan around the corner.
Document 18 – Helen’s Diary
Enter the house and go upstairs to the bedroom. Go around the corner to find this next to the basement key.
Document 19 – Tattered Diary
Head into the basement and take the ladder down, then follow the path to enter Aptom’s place. Turn around to find this document on the bed.
Document 20 – Aptom’s Note
Turn around and enter the cage to find this document opposite a locker.
Frost Grip Upgrade 8
Right next to the gate.
Alien Collectible 17
Go through the gate and walk forward to find the alien on the floor to the left.
Document 21 – Technician’s Notes
Head down to the monorail system and enter the Office to find this on the desk. Contains locker code 425.
Scanner 13 – Personnel Advice
Now head into the building opposite the monorail and scan the screen above the terminal.
Chapter 15 – Stasis and Disposal
Frost Grip Upgrade 9
Enter the laboratory in front of you and this will be on the left.
Scanner 14 – Frost Grip Data Sheet
Just to the right of the upgrade station, scan the monitor.
Document 22 – Order to the Manager
Continue forward and take the stairs into the Control Room. On the desk in the middle will be this document.
Scanner 15 – Head of Research
Scan the laptop next to the body in the back left corner.
Alien Collectible 18
Once you enter the room with the T-3 containers, head to the opposite side of the room and look behind the T-3 containers there to find this alien.
Scanner 16 – Report for the Security Director
Now head upstairs and scan the computer on the desk.
Chapter 16 – CASTLE
Frost Grip Upgrade 10
Head through the first room and this upgrade station will be on the left.
Document 23 – H.A.D.E.S. Operative’s Note
Go through the next door into the H.A.D.E.S. Room to find this note on a desk. This gives the door code 2244.
Document 24 – Chat Decrypted
Use the code to open the Director’s Office and find this document on the coffee table in front of you.
Scanner 17 – Head Researcher Email
Once in the Submarine Bay, head down the stairs and scan the laptop on the desk in front of the submarine.
Frost Grip Upgrade 11
Progress forward until you drain the pool and enter some tunnels. Go through the tunnels and this will be on your left immediately upon leaving them.
Document 25 – Old Fax
Open the door in front of you and this will be on the ground.
Alien Collectible 19
Head through to the next room and turn left to find this alien behind some crates.
Document 26 – Teleport Note
Now turn right and this document will be sitting at the base of the stairs on the left.
Audio Log 6 – Dr. Reyes’ Audiolog
Once you reach the Womb and collect the vial, this log will be on a table in the back.
Document 27 – Engineer’s Report
As you are going through some tunnels towards the Outland Program Teleport, there will be an open briefcase with a document inside it.
Chapter 17 – Evacuation Zone
Scanner 18 – Researcher’s Diary
After picking up the upgraded Frost Grip and opening the blast door, head inside and turn right to scan this device.
Alien Collectible 20
Continue forward until you reach another building you can enter. Go inside and the alien will be on a shelf to the left.
That’s all of the collectibles in Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle.
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