Cyberpunk 2077 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 (can do everything on easy difficulty)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 70h with Money Exploits / 100h without Money Exploits
- Offline Trophies: 45 (1
, 1
, 17
, 26
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 14
- Glitched trophies: There are reports of the silver trophies for doing all Gigs & NCPD Scanner Hustles in each district not unlocking (it’s worth noting that some tasks only spawn at certain daytimes, some require Street Cred 50, and some require you to have done tasks in other districts – so most of these reports are actually from people missing something and not bugs. Clear everything on the map first as you might be missing something else). There are also reports of Gigs having game-breaking bugs, which can make them impossible to complete (in most cases, reloading a previous manual save will fix progression bugs).
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on easy
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (and some partial replay of final mission for different endings)
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes. After finishing the story when the credits are done rolling, choose
“Sure, Just One More Gig” to be put back before the Point of No Return. This puts you back before the final missions and you can continue in free roam and finish up any Gigs, Side Jobs and NCPD scanner events you have left. From here you can also replay the final missions for the different endings.
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: The PS5 version can automatically detect and import the save on your console, save transfer is available. However, importing saves to the PS5 version can cause issues with trophies not unlocking and it’s not recommended. The trophies do not autopop. Some trophies unlock if you do one more of the requirements, but some trophies bug out and don’t unlock at all. For trophy purposes it is best to start over from scratch on the PS5 version.
- Release Date: December 10, 2020
- Guide last updated: September 26, 2023 – added Phantom Liberty DLC
Welcome to the Cyberpunk 2077 Trophy Guide! The trophies in CP77 can be divided into the following categories: Story, Endings, certain Side Questlines, Miscellaneous / Combat, Collectibles, Side Activities. You will need close to 100% completion. Everything can be done on Easy Difficulty. There are no difficulty-related trophies. It doesn’t matter what starting lifepath you choose, so go with whatever you like. The main thing to watch out for is to keep a Manual Save from the start of Main Mission “Search and Destroy” (near end of story) because you must save Takemura there for an Ending trophy. You’ll also want to be careful to not fail the Side Quests of Panam / Rogue / Judy Alvarez / River Ward / Kerry Eurodyne because they are needed for trophies. Also keep 17 unspent Attribute Points on a Manual Save so that you can get all attribute-related trophies in one playthrough. The rest of your story choices don’t impact any trophies or endings (only saving Takemura). After the story you will be put back before the Point of No Return (before final Mission) and can continue doing any side activities you have left. The final mission can be replayed as often as you want for the different Endings. Some trophies can become very grindy if you don’t focus on them from the beginning, read Step 1 of the Roadmap carefully for those.
Step 1: Finish the Story (Any Difficulty)
Your primary focus should be the story first. The reason is that all Open World Activities will be marked automatically on your map after finishing the story, and several side storylines are gated behind story progression. After the story you will have access to all the side content. Of course you can already start working on side tasks whenever they become available.
What starting lifepath you choose doesn’t matter (Nomad, Streetkid, Corpo). They only have a different Prologue and some different dialogue options, but they all end up on the same story path. The only story choice that impacts the endings is to save Takemura in Main Mission “Search and Destroy” (one mission before final mission). Keep a Manual Save at the start of “Search and Destroy“, then you can reload it if something goes wrong and can’t miss it. After the story it will put you back before the final mission so you can replay it for the different endings. Each lifepath also has some unique bonus side quests but these don’t matter for trophies. Furthermore, all trophies can be done on Easy Difficulty.
The following trophies require special attention. You should work on these from the beginning – for further reading see their details in the trophy guide:
The Devil – *HIGHLY MISSABLE* – Keep a Manual Save from Main Mission “Search and Destroy“. You have to save Takemura during this mission for this Ending. It’s the mission after “Play It Safe” and just before the final story mission.
Stanislavski’s Method – *MISSABLE* – You must pick 10 different dialogues tied to your starting lifepath throughout the game. What lifepath you pick doesn’t matter. There are far more than 10 opportunities for this, but you could technically miss this if you already completed everything and didn’t make use of these dialogues.
Breathtaking – *MISSABLE* – Johnny’s Pants can only be found during the Gig “Psychofan” in Heywood. Can’t return after the Gig is complete.
Bushido and Chill – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Rogue’s Side Jobs (Chippin’ In > Blistering Love).
The Sun – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Rogue’s Side Jobs, Ending-related.
Life of the Road – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Panam’s Side Jobs (Riders on the Storm > With a Little Help From My Friends > Queen of the Highway).
The Star – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Panam’s Side Jobs, Ending-related.
Temperance – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Panam’s / Rogue’s Side Jobs, Ending-related.
Judy vs Night City – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Judy Alvarez’s Side Jobs (Both Sides, Now > Ex-Factor > Talkin’ ‘Bout A Revolution > Pisces > Pyramid Song).
To Protect and Serve – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail River Ward’s Side Jobs (I Fought The Law > The Hunt > Following The River).
To Bad Decisions! – *MISSABLE* – Don’t fail Kerry Eurodyne’s Side Jobs (Holdin’ On > Second Conflict > A Like Supreme > Rebel! Rebel! > I Don’t Wanna Hear It > Off The Leash > Boat Drinks).
Master Crafter – *MISSABLE* – Requires 18 Attribute Points in “Technical Ability” OR “Intelligence”. This enables you to buy the required perks to craft Legendary Items. Also, don’t sell your legendary gear for money. It’s better to disassemble it to get Legendary Crafting Materials until you have this trophy. This is missable because you don’t get enough Attribute Points to max out everything and you can’t reset Attributes. An easy workaround is to keep 17 unspent Attribute Points (= enough to max out any Attribute) > Make Manual Save > spend the Attribute Points for the trophy > Reload the Save > Now you have the Attribute Points back and can spend them for another trophy.
V for Vendetta – *MISSABLE* – Requires 16 Attribute Points in “Body”. This is required to equip the “Second Heart” Cyberware (Circulatory System) which enables you to self-revive. This is missable because you don’t get enough Attribute Points to max out everything and you can’t reset Attributes. An easy workaround is to keep 17 unspent Attribute Points (= enough to max out any Attribute) > Make Manual Save > spend the Attribute Points for the trophy > Reload the Save > Now you have the Attribute Points back and can spend them for another trophy.
Ten out of Ten – *MISSABLE* – Requires 20 Attribute Points in any Attribute to reach Skill Level 20. This is required to max out a Skill. The Skills are “learning by doing”, meaning you must kill enemies a certain way repeatedly to level up the skill (e.g. doing kills with the same weapon type levels up that weapon’s skill tree). If your skill progression ‘gets stuck’ you must put some more attribute points into the attribute tree to keep gaining more Skill XP. This is missable because you need to max out one Attribute but there aren’t enough Attribute Points to max out everything and you can’t reset them. An easy workaround is to keep 17 unspent Attribute Points (= enough to max out any Attribute) > Make Manual Save > spend the Attribute Points for the trophy > Farm kills to increase skill (e.g. on police after story) > Reload the Save > Now you have the Attribute Points back and can spend them for another trophy.
Autojock – *SEMI-MISSABLE* – Buying all Vehicles is expensive. Don’t spend money on anything that isn’t strictly trophy-related. Don’t spend money on weapons, armor or high-end cyberware until you have bought all cars. It could result in a very long grind if you spent too much money on other things. Save all your money. Also loot and sell everything you come across. (Note: With Patch 1.06 it’s still possible to use an exploit that gives 1 Million Eurodollars in 50 Minutes – see Cyberpunk 2077 Money Guide)
The Quick and the Dead – Requires a Nervous System Cyberware implant that has a “slow down time” effect (bought from Ripperdocs). For example “Dynalar Sandevistan” or “Kerenzikov Nervous System” which slows down time during dodges.
Christmas Tree Attack – Put 2 Perk Points into the “Intelligence” > “Breach Protocol” perks called “Big Sleep” & “Mass Vulnerability” to get 3 Daemons for use in one Breach Hack (keep 2 Perk Points for this).
General Info: Now is a good time to read What’s the Difference between Attributes, Skills, Perks and the individual Attributes List, Skills List, Perks List. It’s important to understand what each of these means so you don’t get confused by the terminology.
Also keep in mind that enemies who are tied to specific side tasks will go away once the task is done. So the more activities you complete, the fewer enemies remain in the world. However, for anything not listed above you can easily farm kills against police (they count as enemies too and respawn infinitely in the open world).
After the Credits it will put you back before the final mission and you can replay it for the other Endings.
Summary of what to remember: Keep a Manual Save at the start of Main Mission “Search and Destroy” (this is just before the final mission to save Takemura for “The Devil” Ending). Keep 17 unspent Attribute Points on a Manual Save so you can do the Attribute-related trophies via reload (because Attributes cannot be reset). Be careful when doing Gigs in Heywood, the one called “Psychofan” contains a missable Johnny Silverhand Collectible. Don’t fail anyone’s Side Jobs (reload last autosave if it shows quest failed).
Step 2: All 4 Story Ending Trophies
After the Credits, press “Sure, Just One More Gig” to be put back before the Point of No Return (this puts you before the final mission). Then you can replay the final mission again to go for a different ending. There are 4 silver trophies tied to different endings:
The Devil,
The Star,
The Sun,
The Endings are picked in Main Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Misty (girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony. Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand and it’s this choice that decides the ending. Remember you must have saved Takemura during story quest “Search and Destroy“. For the other Endings you must also play through the Side Questlines of the characters “Panam” and “Rogue” (their side quests can still be done after the story).
» Cyberpunk 2077 Endings Guide (All Endings)
Step 3: Collectibles (Johnny Items, Fast Travel Dataterms, Tarot Cards, Cyberpsycho Sightings)
After the story you can quickly grab the Collectibles you haven’t obtained yet. In this step you should pick up:
Breathtaking – Johnny’s Pants are missable and can only be found during Gig “Psychofan” in Heywood. Can’t return there after the Gig. You should have all but 2 Johnny items automatically by now from quest rewards.
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Johnny Silverhand Collectible LocationsFrequent Flyer – Find all Fast Travel Dataterms (they show up as purple map markers when within a few meters of them). Having all fast travel points available now can save you time later when going through the side activities.
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Fast Travel Dataterm LocationsThe Wandering Fool – Find all 20 Tarot Cards (Tarot Graffiti).
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Tarot Card Locations (Tarot Graffiti)I Am The Law – Find all 17 Cyberpsycho Sightings. They are a subtype of Gigs and are behind some of the yellow question marks on the map.
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Cyberpsycho Sightings Locations
Step 4: Miscellaneous Trophies, Remaining Combat Trophies
If you still have any Miscellaneous Combat Trophies left (or any of the trophies mentioned in Step 1), start working on them now. You can combine them with the Side Activities in Step 5. For example, if you have 100 Melee Weapon Kills left, you’ll want to only do Melee Kills for a while. So just take a quick look through your trophy list and plan for those Miscellaneous Trophies during Step 5.
Step 5: Trophy-related Side Quests, All Gigs, NCPD Scanner Hustles
For the platinum in Cyberpunk 2077 you will need close to 100% completion. Just some Side Jobs aren’t required. Here’s an overview of all the side content you will need to do.
Side Questlines:
To Protect and Serve – River Ward’s storyline
To Bad Decisions! – Kerry Eurodyne’s storyline
Judy vs Night City – Judy Alvarez’s storyline
Life of the Road – Panam Palmer’s storyline (this is tied to one of the Endings, so you should have done it during Step 2 already)
Bushido and Chill – Rogue’s storyline (this is tied to one of the Endings, so you should have done it during Step 2 already)
Other Types of Side Activities:
- Gigs (All needed) – these are marked as “Gigs” in your Journal. You get them by going to all yellow markers on the map, as you approach you will get a call from that district’s fixer if it happens to be a gig. More Gigs unlock as your Street Cred increases. You need to reach Street Cred 50 first to unlock all Gigs. So if it looks like you have cleared a district but no trophy unlocked, your street Cred is likely too low and it hasn’t spawned the remaining Gigs yet. The Quests marked as “Side Jobs” in Journal are not required for the district-related trophies and vehicles (“Rides” section) don’t count either.
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs Locations - NCPD Scanner Hustles (All needed) – these are the blue icons on the map (Assaults in Progress, Organized Crimes, Reported Crimes.
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations
While doing all of this you will automatically reach maximum Street Cred (Level 50), which you need to unlock the remaining vehicles for purchase.
Step 6: Buy All Vehicles
If you followed the advice from Step 1 and didn’t overspend on other purchases, you should now have enough money to buy all Vehicles for Autojock. You will also need to be Street Cred 50 to unlock the last cars for purchase.
Note: With Patch 1.06 it’s still possible to use an exploit that gives 1 Million Eurodollars in 50 Minutes which can save you a lot of time – see Cyberpunk 2077 Money Guide.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Story Choices Guide
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide (All Romances)
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Endings Guide (All Endings)
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Boss Guide (All Bosses)
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Full World Map
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Legendaries Guide (All Legendary Weapons / Legendary Armor / Legendary Cyberware)
- Cyberpunk 2077 – All Cyberpsycho Sightings Locations
- Cyberpunk 2077 – All Tarot Card Locations (Tarot Graffiti)
- Cyberpunk 2077 – All Fast Travel Dataterm Locations
- Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
- Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Assaults, Crimes)
- Cyberpunk 2077 – All Vehicles
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Fastest Ways to Make Money Guide
- Cyberpunk 2077 – How to level up All Skills
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide: Meredith Stout
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide: Panam Palmer
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide: Judy Alvarez
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide: River Ward
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide: Rogue
- Cyberpunk 2077 – Romance Guide: Kerry Eurodyne
- Phantom Liberty DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Cyberpunk 2077 Trophy Guide
DLC Guides:
Phantom Liberty DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Never Fade Away Unlock all Trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Cyberpunk 2077 to unlock platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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The Fool Become a mercenary. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during the Prologue, after the tutorial. | ||
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The Lovers Steal the Relic. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Mission “The Heist“. | ||
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The Hermit Find Alt Cunningham. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Mission “Transmission“. | ||
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The Wheel of Fortune Interrogate Anders Hellman. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks at the end of Main Mission “Life During Wartime“. | ||
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The High Priestess Talk with Hanako Arasaka. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Mission “Search and Destroy“. | ||
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The World Complete the main storyline. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Mission “Where Is My Mind?”. After the Credits, press ![]() |
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The Devil Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka. |
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During Main Mission “Search and Destroy” you have to save Takemura to get this trophy. It’s the mission after “Play It Safe” and just before the final story mission. This is very easy to miss because there is no objective for it and no indication that Takemura can be saved at all. You will go into a building, knock on the door 4 times, talk to Takemura and Hanako. Afterward, police storms the building and you get separated from Takemura. Some enemies will now spawn in the building. Instead of following the objective out of the building, you’ll have to turn left at the first possible point and crouch under some rubble, then head upstairs to find Takemura holed up in a room with enemies. Defeat the enemies and escort Takemura out of the building. In the cutscene when leaping out of the building’s exit door Takemura has to show up. Then you have done everything right and can get the trophy. While you can still get ‘The Devil’ Ending if you left Takemura behind to die, it only unlocks this trophy specifically if he is alive. Ending-related trophy, for getting the “Where is My Mind?” Epilogue. The Endings are picked in Main Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Misty (girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony. Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand and get to choose the ending. You must have saved Takemura during main job “Search and Destroy” to unlock the trophy. |
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The Star Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos. |
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*MISSABLE* – if you fail Panam’s Side Questline this would become unobtainable.
Ending-related trophy, for getting the “All Along the Watchtower” Epilogue. The Endings are picked in Main Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Misty (girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony. Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand and get to choose the ending. For this particular ending you must have finished Panam’s Side Questline (see Endings Guide below). |
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The Sun Become a legend of the Afterlife. |
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*MISSABLE* – must befriend Johnny when talking to him at the end of Rogue’s first Side Job “Chippin’ In“. Only then you will get Rogue’s next job “Blistering Love” (which has Johnny going on a date with Rogue). This is also required for “Bushido and Chill”. You’ll know you did it correctly when it triggers “Blistering Love” directly after finishing “Chippin’ In“. If you messed up the dialogue with Johnny you can reload the previous autosave to fix it.
Ending-related trophy, for getting the “Path of Glory” Epilogue. The Endings are picked in Main Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Misty (girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony. Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand and get to choose the ending. For this particular ending you must have finished Rogue’s Side Questline (see Endings Guide below). |
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Temperance Let Johnny Silverhand keep your body. |
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*MISSABLE* – if you fail Panam’s / Rogue’s questlines this would become unobtainable.
Ending-related trophy, for getting the “New Dawn Fades” Epilogue. What Ending you get depends entirely on one set of dialogue in Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Misty (girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony. Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand and it’s this single choice that decides the ending. |
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To Protect and Serve Complete River Ward’s storyline. |
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*MISSABLE* – If you refuse to help River Ward when talking to Joss in the kitchen or don’t rescue Randy during “The Hunt“, you would fail his questline and miss this trophy. If this happens you can simply reload a previous autosave.
This requires you to finish all of River Ward’s side jobs. Note: River Ward can be romanced (optional, not needed for any trophies). If you’d like to pursue him as a romantic partner, see River Ward Romance Guide. Below are his 3 side quests and how to unlock each of them:
The trophy will unlock after “Following the River“. Whether you romance River Ward or not doesn’t matter. |
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To Bad Decisions! Complete Kerry Eurodyne’s storyline. |
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*MISSABLE* – if you fail Kerry’s questline this would become unobtainable (but can reload last autosave to fix it).
This requires you to finish all of Kerry Eurodyne’s side jobs. His questline is automatically triggered after completing Rogue’s side questline (see Note: Kerry can be romanced (optional, not needed for any trophies). If you’d like to pursue him as a romantic partner, see Kerry Romance Guide. Part 1: Rogue’s side quests –
Part 2: Kerry Eurodyne’s side quests:
The trophy will unlock after “Boat Drinks“. Whether you romance Kerry or not doesn’t matter. |
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Judy vs Night City Complete Judy Alvarez’s storyline. |
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*MISSABLE* – During Pisces if you agree to Maiko’s plan/payment when talking to the gang bosses in the penthouse, Judy will delete you from her contacts and you won’t get her last quest Pyramid Song. In this case you could miss the trophy. Make sure you kill the gang bosses in the penthouse for a positive outcome.
This requires you to finish all of Judy Alvarez’s side jobs. You meet her automatically during the story and her side quests become available later in the story. Note: Judy can be romanced (optional, not needed for any trophies). If you’d like to pursue her as a romantic partner, see Judy Romance Guide. Below are her 5 side quests and how to unlock each of them:
The trophy will unlock after “Pyramid Song“. Whether you romance Judy or not doesn’t matter. |
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Life of the Road Complete Panam Palmer’s storyline. |
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*MISSABLE* – if you fail Panam’s questline this would become unobtainable (but can reload last autosave to fix it).
This requires you to finish all of Panam Palmer’s side jobs. You meet her automatically during the story and her side quests become available later in the story. Note: Panam can be romanced (optional, not needed for any trophies). If you’d like to pursue her as a romantic partner, see Panam Romance Guide. Below are her 3 side quests and how to unlock each of them:
The trophy will unlock after “Queen of the Highway“. Whether you romance Panam or not doesn’t matter. |
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Bushido and Chill Watch Bushido X with Rogue. |
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*MISSABLE* – must befriend Johnny when talking to him at the end of Rogue’s first Side Job “Chippin’ In“. Only then you will get Rogue’s next job “Blistering Love” (which has Johnny going on a date with Rogue). This is also required for “The Sun” Ending. You’ll know you did it correctly when it triggers “Blistering Love” directly after finishing “Chippin’ In“. If you messed up the dialogue with Johnny you can reload the previous autosave to fix it.
This requires you to finish all of Rogue’s side jobs. You meet her automatically during the story and her side quests become available later in the story. Below are her 2 side quests and how to unlock each of them:
The trophy will unlock after “Blistering Love“. |
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Breathtaking Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand. |
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Johnny’s Pants can only be found during the Gig “Psychofan” in Heywood. You can’t return there after this Gig. » Cyberpunk 2077 – All Johnny Silverhand Collectible Locations |
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It’s Elementary Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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I Am The Law Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Cyberpsycho Sightings Locations | ||
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Greetings from Pacifica! Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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The Wasteland Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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Little Tokyo Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Westbrook. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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Mean Streets Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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The Jungle Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Santo Domingo. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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City Lights Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Gigs List & Walkthroughs
» Cyberpunk 2077 – All NCPD Scanner Hustles Locations (Side Jobs / Vehicles aren’t needed for this. You only the blue icons on map and what’s filed under “Gigs” in Journal. They all get marked automatically as you level up Street Cred.) |
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Full Body Conversion Install at least one implant in each system and body part. |
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You need to install only 1 implant per body category for this (no need to fill all 20 slots). Implants are installed at Ripperdocs, marked by a white Scissors icon on the map: ![]() While viewing the world map you can press There are the following System and Body Parts (only 1 per category needed, no need to fill all slots):
Here’s what your Cyberware screen should look like when the trophy pops: |
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Gun Fu Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat. |
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To get this you must defeat 3 enemies within 3.5 seconds from 5 meters or less.
Odds are you will get this naturally while playing as Johnny Silverhand. He has a revolver that kills enemies in 1 hit. During his gameplay sections this is easiest and you will probably unlock it at some point without even trying. If you still don’t have the trophy by the time you’ve finished the story, go to a blue NCPD event (Assault, Crime) in a low-level area. These always have plenty of enemies close together. Get 3 low-level enemies close together and shoot them with a high-level revolver or pistol. You should deal enough damage that they die in 1 hit. After the story you will have access to high-level weapons (can either buy a revolver / pistol from an weapons dealer, upgrade an old one via crafting, or pick it up from a defeated enemy). |
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Christmas Tree Attack Complete a Breach Protocol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded. |
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Step 1: First you must buy the 2 Perks “Big Sleep” & “Mass Vulnerability” (found under “Attribute: Intelligence” > “Skillset: Breach Protocol”). Below is an image of the two Perks you need, their level 1 versions are enough: Step 2: Now go to any surveillance camera. These are regularly found at Scan with Step 3: This will bring up a new menu with a green puzzle grid containing numbers. It should show 3 Daemons on the right side: Icepick, Camera Shutdown, Mass Vulnerability (blue box in image below). It also shows a “Buffer” at the top and “Sequence Required To Upload” on the right (circled red in image below). Now comes the confusing part. All 3 Daemons must successfully upload in one attempt. The breach protocol puzzle is randomized on each attempt and different for each player. The numbers are always selected in this order: Row-Column-Row-Column (Horizontal-Vertical-Horizontal-Vertical). You must string up these numbers in the correct order. This is learning by doing, just repeat this and reload your save if you fail until it works. Each number you scroll over will highlight the “Sequence Required to Upload” on the right, you’ll want these to be lit up in blue. But you also have to watch out that a Sequence with only 2 inputs doesn’t finish before one with 3 inputs which could mess this up. It’s better to finish the ones that require 3 inputs first. Just keep trying until you get the hang of it. When you upload all 3 Daemons in one go it will unlock the trophy. If you only uploaded 1 or 2, reload your save and retry. If all of them failed, just wait out the 20 seconds cooldown to retry. Camera Shutdown and Mass Vulnerability are the Daemons you unlocked with the Perks, Icepick comes from your Operating System Cyberware (using the Operating System you start with is fine and what I personally used, it’s called “Militech Paraline” – Menu > scroll over Inventory > Cyberware > Operating System). |
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Ten out of Ten Reach the max level in any skill. |
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There is no way to reset Attributes & not enough Attribute Points to max out everything. An easy workaround is to keep 17 unspent attribute points > make a manual save > buy the attributes you need > do the trophy and reload. The problem is that it would take 100 Attribute Points to max out everything (5 Attributes x 20 Levels each). But you can only earn 71 Attribute Points total (22 you start with + 49 from level-ups). This leaves you 29 Points short so if you spend your Points on the wrong Attributes you could miss this. For this trophy you need 20 Points in a single Attribute. Do note that Ripperdocs sell a Reset item called “Tabula E-Rasa” for 100,000 Eurodollars but it only resets Perks and not Attributes or Skills, which doesn’t help with this trophy, so don’t waste your money on it. For this you must reach Level 20 for any skill. This trophy only requires you to max out one single skill (out of 12 Skills total). Skill Levels are increased by doing the same type of kills / takedowns repeatedly. It’s nothing you level up with skill points. Instead it’s “learning by doing”. So to level up the Handguns skill, you will have to do a lot of Handgun kills. To level up Blades Skill, you will have to do lots of Bladed Weapon kills, to level up Assault skill you must do Rifle kills and so on. To see your Skill Level Progression, press Touchpad If your progress towards a skill “gets stuck” you must put more attribute points into its related attribute. For example, if you only have 3 attribute points in “Reflexes”, your progression on the underlying skills “Handguns, Assault, Blades” will get stuck at Skill Level 3. Then you’d have to spend an Attribute Point to raise Reflexes to Level 4 to gather more XP for those skills. To get a Skill to Level 20 its underlying Attribute must also be Level 20. The easiest skills to level are the weapon kills under “Reflexes” so put sufficient points into that attribute. It’s highly recommended you keep 17 unspent attribute points because you need to max out different attributes for different trophies. Then create a Manual Save, do this trophy (can simply farm open world enemies or police), restore the save to get back the Attribute Points. Also see » Cyberpunk 2077 All Skills List Quick Exploit Method (last tested with Patch 1.06 as of January 13th, 2021): An insanely quick method is to upgrade Body Attribute to Level 20, buy a Berserk Cyberware (see trophy |
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Gunslinger Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver. |
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For this trophy you need to shoot a grenade that was thrown by an enemy out of the air with a revolver. First, you need a revolver. You can either buy one from a weapon shop, or wait until an enemy drops one. Looting it from enemies is better to save money. Just keep a Revolver in your inventory as soon as you get one. Enemies will from time to time throw grenades at you. These will have a yellow outline around them when they are being thrown, making them easier to see. Not all enemies have Grenades though. An easy workaround is to do this against police. Just shoot someone and wait for police to arrive. They always have some grenades on them. It can be quite tricky shooting one out of the air without slowing down time first. So to make this significantly easier, you should first go to a You can make a Manual Save before buying the Sandevistan Cyberware. When you have the trophy, reload that save to get your money back. This way you don’t need to “waste” money on it, which is better saved for buying vehicles. |
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Two Heads, One Bullet Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot. |
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First you will need a Sniper Rifle. You can either loot them from enemies (Snipers) or buy one. It’s best you wait until you get one as an enemy drop, there will be plenty throughout the story and other side activities. Just remember to keep at least one Sniper Rifle you find. Now look for 2 policemen standing next to each other. You can frequently find them at street corners, they are always standing still and close together. Line them up and then shoot both in the head, killing them with 1 shot. It doesn’t matter what type of Sniper Rifle you use (a Tech Sniper Rifle works just as well as a Power Sniper Rifle). If they don’t die in 1 hit, reduce the difficulty to easy in game settings and/or come back after leveling up and getting a better Sniper Rifle. Here’s a location of 2 policemen standing next to each other (in the north-west of Watson district): |
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Rough Landing While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 enemies. |
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First you must buy a Berserk Cyberware (Operating System) from a The easiest option that doesn’t have any Attribute Requirements is the “Biodyne Berserk MK.1” (Operating System Cyberware). It’s bought from the Ripperdoc in Westbrook, Charter Hill from their Operating System category and costs €$7500: Once you have this Cyberware equipped, you must activate it using |
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Stanislavski’s Method Use a dialogue option related to V’s life path 10 times. |
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*MISSABLE TROPHY* – only limited opportunities for lifepath-related dialogues throughout the game, if you never pick these it could be missed
Throughout Main- and Side Quests you will sometimes get an additional dialogue choice tied to your starting life path (Nomad, Streetkid, Corpo). These can be either blue optional dialogue or yellow main dialogue. These dialogues show your life path in front of them, for example if you play Streetkid the line of dialogue will show “STREETKID -” to the left of that dialogue. This trophy is missable because there’s only a finite number of dialogues tied to your life path and if you were to intentionally ignore them, you might miss the trophy. There are far more than 10 lifepath dialogues in the game. Just watch out for these. If you miss one, don’t worry there are plenty more (no need to reload your save if you miss one). Just try not to miss too many. The lifepath dialogues most frequently take place in story missions, but there are also some in side quests. Clicking on the same dialogue 10 times in a row will not unlock this trophy. It has to be 10 different dialogues! Here’s an image of what such a dialogue looks like (Streetkid example): |
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Autojock Buy all vehicles available for purchase. |
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Buying all vehicles costs €$ 1,798,000 Eurodollars.
Over the course of the story and while free-roaming, you will automatically receive phone calls and text messages from people wanting to sell you cars. These will then get added to your Journal (quest log) under “Rides”. In the Journal click New cars become available for purchase by leveling up your Street Cred (which you increase by doing Side Tasks). You will need to reach Street Cred 50 to buy them all. The easiest way to get them all to pop up is to finish the story first. Then complete all Side Tasks to reach Street Cred 50. Then free-roam around the district where the car is being sold (listed below). The fixer of that district will text/call you about new cars for sale, but only while you are within the right district. Example: You free-roam around City Center, you will receive text messages about new cars for sales in City Center. If your Street Cred is too low you won’t get another message until you’ve reached a high enough Street Cred Level. While doing all the gigs, NCPD events and other side content you should automatically unlock all the car messages. You will unlock the car purchases in order from lowest Street Cred requirement to highest Street Cred requirement. Because of how expensive they are, you will have to complete a lot of side activities to get enough money. Don’t “waste” too much money on weapons or Cyberware upgrades. This could complicate things as you’d be low on money. So keep this trophy in mind from the beginning and start saving for the cars. Of course buying cheap items is fine (especially Cyberware you need for other trophies), but don’t go spending 150,000 Eurodollars on some Legendary Weapon. The biggest source of money is from selling high-level gear (weapons, armor) that’s dropped by enemies. As you get to higher-level areas these drops will be worth significantly more than in the early game. Vehicles that come as free rewards from side activities or that can be found in secret locations in the open world are not required. Only the vehicles you actually have to purchase yourself count for it. These are the vehicles you have to buy, how much they cost, and their districts (free roam in that district to be notified of cars for sale):
For Best Ways to make Money, Money Farming Methods, and Money Exploits refer to the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Fastest Ways to Make Money Guide. |
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Master Crafter Craft 3 Legendary items. |
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*MISSABLE* There is no way to reset Attributes & not enough Attribute Points to max out everything. An easy workaround is to keep 17 unspent attribute points > make a manual save > buy the attributes you need > do the trophy and reload. The problem is that it would take 100 Attribute Points to max out everything (5 Attributes x 20 Levels each). But you can only earn 71 Attribute Points total (22 you start with + 49 from level-ups). This leaves you 29 Points short so if you spend your Points on the wrong Attributes you could miss this. Do note that Ripperdocs sell a Reset item called “Tabula E-Rasa” for 100,000 Eurodollars but it only resets Perks and not Attributes or Skills, which doesn’t help with this trophy, so don’t waste your money on it. The easiest option is to craft Legendary Components. First you must put 18 Attribute Points into “Technical Ability”. From “Technical” Attribute select the “Crafting” Skill Tree. Buy the following Perks: “True Craftsman” (craft Rare) > “Grease Monkey” (craft Epic) > “Edgerunner Artisan” (craft Legendary) > “Tune-Up” (upgrade from lower quality). This image shows the recommended Perks in Green: These Perks allow you to upgrade lower-rarity components into higher-rarity components, making this trophy quick and easy. Alternatives:
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Daemon In The Shell Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one “Detonate Grenade” quickhack. |
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First you will need the “Detonate Grenade” quickhack. There are two methods to get it: Getting Detonate Grenade – Method #1 (A bit random, but doesn’t require Attribute Points): You can find Detonate Grenade Quickhack as a random drop from specific groups of Netrunner-type enemies found in Pacifica. They have about a 5% drop chance (but the higher your level, the better the chance). Depending on whether you sided with the NetWatch agent or not in I Walk The Line, their locations will change (but it will always be one group or the other that spawns). Make sure you finished main mission Transmission first to get them to spawn. Their locations are in the images below. Kill them > look if they dropped the Detonate Grenade Quickhack (will be purple rarity) > if not run away across the street (100 meters or so) > come back and they will have respawned. No need to even skip time, they respawn instantly if you just run away far enough. It took me around 30 minutes at level 27 on easy difficulty to get one Detonate Grenade Quickhack from them. The enemy type called “Snakecharmer” seems to be most likely to drop it (you can see the enemy type by scanning with Possible Spawn Location #1: Possible Spawn Location #2: Getting Detonate Grenade – Method #2 (Reliable, but requires Attribute Points): Put 16 Points into “Intelligence” Attribute > in “Quickhacking” Skill Tree buy the Perk “Hacker Overlord”. This enables you to craft Epic quickhacks. Now go to the Crafting Menu > Quickhacks > Detonate Grenade (costs Quickhack components: 60 Uncommon / 35 Rare / 15 Epic / 2 Legendary). You get Uncommon & Rare Quickhack Components by buying them from Equipping Detonate Grenade & doing the Trophy: To get enough RAM to use Detonate Grenade, you must first buy a better Operating System with more RAM from a Now equip the Detonate Grenade Quickhack via Menu (Touchpad) > click “Inventory” > Cyberdeck (bottom right corner) > click Detonate Grenade icon. Find a group of 3 enemies standing close together, they appear frequently in the open world. Here’s the location of 3 Maelstrom Gang Members in Watson that I used for the trophy (they are low-level and require less RAM): Use the Detonate Grenade Quickhack on them – scan with |
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The Quick and the Dead Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed. |
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First you will need to get a Nervous System Cyberware implant that has a “slow down time” effect. You can buy these from Ripper Docs, marked by white scissors on the map ![]() An easy option is the “Dynalar Sandevistan” (Operating System) bought from a Ripperdoc in Watson (Northside). This Cyberware allows you to slow down time by pressing Another easy option is the “Kerenzikov” Nervous System at Buck’s Clinic in Watson (Northside) district. It automatically slows down time when you aim down the sight (hold You can combine the two and alternate between them. |
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Must Be Rats Perform the Distract Enemies quickhack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself. |
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You can repeatedly distract the same enemy 30 times in a row for this with the same device. Use |
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V for Vendetta After reviving with Second Heart, kill or incapacitate the enemy who killed you within 5 seconds. |
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*MISSABLE* There is no way to reset Attributes & not enough Attribute Points to max out everything. An easy workaround is to keep 17 unspent attribute points > make a manual save > buy the attributes you need > do the trophy and reload. The problem is that it would take 100 Attribute Points to max out everything (5 Attributes x 20 Levels each). But you can only earn 71 Attribute Points total (22 you start with + 49 from level-ups). This leaves you 29 Points short so if you spend your Points on the wrong Attributes you could miss this. Do note that Ripperdocs sell a Reset item called “Tabula E-Rasa” for 100,000 Eurodollars but it only resets Perks and not Attributes or Skills, which doesn’t help with this trophy, so don’t waste your money on it. First you must put 16 Attribute Points into “Body” and buy the Cyberware “Second Heart” (Circulatory System) from the Here is the location of the Ripperdoc that sells “Second Heart”: To actually equip the Second Heart your Body Attribute must be Level 16. The Second Heart Cyberware is only available as Legendary (Orange) grade. Make a Manual Save before buying it. Then after getting the trophy you can reload to get your money back (better spent on Vehicles). With “Second Heart” Cyberware equipped, let any enemy kill you. The Second Heart will revive you with full health. Now quickly kill your attacker (Shotguns work great). It’s best to leave only one enemy and weaken him beforehand, so that he is quicker to kill. |
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True Soldier Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons. |
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Use Firearms (Pistols, Revolvers, Assault Rifles, SMGs, Sniper Rifles, LMGs, Shotguns etc.) to defeat 300 enemies over the course of the game. Keep in mind that you need 300 firearm kills for ![]() ![]() |
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True Warrior Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons. |
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Use Melee Weapons, such as Katanas, Knives etc. to defeat 100 enemies over the course of the game. Keep in mind that you need 300 firearm kills for ![]() ![]() |
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Right Back At Ya Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you. |
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This trophy will come naturally and will most likely be one of your first. Throughout the game, enemies will frequently throw grenades at you. Just kill or non-lethally incapacitate an enemy after they threw a grenade. Don’t even worry about this one. | ||
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The Wandering Fool Find all the tarot graffiti for the job Fool on the Hill. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Tarot Graffiti Locations (Fool on the Hill Side Job) | ||
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Frequent Flyer Find all fast travel dataterms. |
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» Cyberpunk 2077 – All Fast Travel Dataterm Locations | ||
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Legend of The Afterlife Reach max Street Cred. |
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For this you must reach 50 Street Cred which is the maximum. You can always see your Street Cred Level in the top left corner of the world map (and also in your Character Stats Menu). Complete Side Jobs, Main Jobs, NCPD Events, and Gigs to increase your Street Cred. The story alone gets you to Street Cred 20. The rest you will have to get from doing the side activities. |
DLC Guides:
Phantom Liberty DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Jordan K says
Thanks so much, man. So excited.
Ed says
Glad it’s much easier than Witcher 3. Witcher 3 was insane goddamn.
FrasierCrane1992 says
There is a speedrun guide for witcher 3. I first played it for 120 hours for fun and then I used the guide. You can platinum it in 40 hours. In fact, I’m helping a friend with it now. Death March is extremely easy as well. Use quen and learn the attack patterns.
Gamma says
You right. I never understood the gwent card haha
PhantomFear94 says
This is the utterly perfect game length, for me. I didn’t want it to be quick, but also didn’t want 120+ hours like AC Valhalla. 60-70 hours is the sweet spot.
Everything I’ve seen for this game so far as made me Super pumped. Hope you (and the team) enjoyed it as much as possible!
Thank you so much for this landmark guide!
4ipuxa says
Valhalla was awful in terms of platinum. its boring as hell not to mention stupid fish catching with random spawn.
estjaydee says
I loved origins and oddysey but my god Valhalla is boring AF.. what a waste of money.. i put it down as soon as i got cyberpunk and cant see me ever even going back to it.
PhantomFear94 says
Can anyone confirm if there are manual saves, btw? You would expect so in an RPG. Just want to know so I can make layered saves in case the ending requirements do require more than a replay of the final mission!
PowerPyx says
Yes, there are Manual Saves. You have 20 Manual Slots + Quicksaves + it keeps several of the latest Autosaves.
JL says
Why does this game look so blurry and like a PSVR game on my PS5? I’m guessing since I’m just playing the PS4 pro version and not a fully upgraded PS5 version just yet?
PowerPyx says
Disable HDR, Chromatic Aberration, Motion Blur and Film Grain in Game Options under Graphics. Game looks sharp for me on PS5.
Dino says
Hey powerpyx thanks for everything you do! I’m not really understanding the dialogue missable?
PhantomFear94 says
When you choose your dialogue in main and side missions/quests you will sometimes get the option for one specific to your lifepath. I’m guessing if you constantly avoid using this option, you’ll eventually run out of opportunities to do this 10 tines…and since you can’t repeat missions/quests you’d be stuck.
Bersi says
You will sometimes in dialog options see a symbol with the description of your life path e.g. STREETKID and then you get the line you would be saying. Just pick these 10 times and you are good.
Which is very easy and those are mostly optional dialogues anyways or itwont change outcomes THAT much, so just pick it until pops and you are good.
Eric says
Awesome. This is one game I want to play blind first without worrying about trophies. Second run I will clean up the trophies on another path. I feel like saving all the money and not spending them on new weapons will hamper the experience.
Braden Smith says
No money glitches yet? I wanna buy all the cyberware ?
hans says
You didn’t list the „buy all cars“ trophy as missable, so is there still a way to make money after I finished all quests? You probably cannot give a estimation on how much money we can spend, but I would enjoy the game more when I don’t have to worry about the money.
PowerPyx says
You can still make money after the story / side stuff. But as pointed out in the Roadmap Step 1 it would become extremely grindy if you spend your money on too much other stuff.
I’m also still looking at best money-making methods.
Robert says
Great work! I thought this would be a 7-9,5, but I guess I was wrong.
Dragontechnique says
Damn no difficulty achievement… I don’t know shouldn’t espe
cially that be worth a trophy? I don’t get it 🙂
Yesitsme says
On the ps5 some games show as ps4 on the trophy list does this happen with cyberpunk or does it show as a ps5 title
MikkDC says
It will be PS4 as there is no PS5 version yet (the upgrade / PS5 version is due out in 2021). So even though you’re playing on the PS5 it will still be the PS4 version through back compatability.
GPAP360 says
Must Be Rats trophy can be farmed on the same spot till trophy unlocks.
GuyFlies says
Yeah, I had the same guy going back and forth between a lamp and a sign until it popped
PhantomFear94 says
I’ve done the requirement for “Right Back at Ya” several times, but no achievement…can I confirm you simply kill any enemy once they’ve thrown a grenade at you?
PowerPyx says
That’s all I did for it, yeah. It just popped quite randomly on the 2nd NCPD Scanner Event I played, was one of my first trophies. Wouldn’t worry about it, just keep playing and it will auto-pop.
PhantomFear94 says
It worked first time after I restarted the game, so either a huge coincidence or it is slightly buggy on XB1.
Stevebhoy says
You need to defeat the enemy before the grenade explodes killed tons of enemies who had thrown grenades and noting then killed I guy while his grenade was still in the air and the trophy popped
ThunderGod49 says
If I miss the Stanislavski’s Method Trophy on my first playthrough, can I make another playthrough and get the trophy?
PowerPyx says
PhantomFear94 says
Final question, sorry! With attribute and perk points how plentiful are they? I’m putting as many as I can into Reflex (Level 10 skill) and Technical early but will also need some for body. Want to make sure I don’t run out!
Sean Humphries says
Wondering if Stanislavski can be save scummed ? i’ll give it a go and see if it unlocks
PowerPyx says
Let me know how it turns out. I can confirm that picking same dialogue 10 times didn’t unlock it. But I didn’t try reloading save games.
Mike says
get a new save, skip all dialogues, you’ll get within 100 minutes.
PhantomFear94 says
Have tracked on XSX and it didn’t work for me. Think it needs to be 10 legit different options.
Tenreth says
Does not work.
Lynxdt says
Can the difficulty be changed mid-game? So if I started on hard, can I change to Normal?
PowerPyx says
Yes, any time in game options.
KennethPNielsen says
Hey Pyx, how much money total is needed for Autojock trophy?
PowerPyx says
Still working on it. It will be added to the guide once I know the total.
Update: 1.8 Million.
Crow says
Also- in this thread. Do you make enough money throughout the game (going for plat) to buy all the cars as long as you don’t waste any? Or do you have to grind? Seems like a lot of money is needed.
Currently, there is the $100K per hour soda can glitch. Im wondering how much I should grind out now.
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
How do you do the Christmas Tree Attack trophy?
PhantomFear94 says
I don’t think anyone knows for sure just yet.
If I was a betting man, I’d guess you need to have 3+ different daemon perks in the Intelligence (Attribute) > Breach Protocol (Skill Branch). I guess then you need to have levelled up the Intelligence attribute enough so you have enough points (I think its RAM points?) to use 3 daemon-related quickhacks at once. At the moment I have 5 intelligence, but only 4 RAM, so I’m guessing that increases by levelling up that attribute.
Mike says
already got it, basically you max out your intelligence level. take the skills that automatically upload your 1st daemon for free and shorten the code length for daemons. and you’ll find it easy to upload 3 daemons in a row
Crow says
Going for plat, how many total attribute skills are available for plat? Do you have to worry too much about not having enough for all the specific trophies. Still haven’t seen anything definitive yet.
Mark Westside says
There are a total of 56 attribute points to spend. Each attribute starts with 3 points. You can distribute 7 points at the start of the game. One of the remaining 49 points is gained on each level up.
So you theoretically can max out three attributes to level 20.
TheNoMoreHero says
You don’t need max intelligence, just three different attack daemons in proximity of each other. (Cameras, enemies together essentially) You start off with icepick and can aquire mass vulnerability and Big Sleep early on. What the trophy requires you to do is obtain all 3 hack codes in one breach protocol attempt.
This can be done with your default operating system as I have done it, but this would be extremely hard to do as you only have 4 inputs which is known as buffer on your operating system. You can breach protocol and if you don’t see a pattern you like that will work, back out of it, hide and it will reset after 30 seconds if you would like to attempt this again, which will give you a different sequence but less time to solve, which isn’t an issue if you map out your hack before starting.
That being said eventually you will be able to get better operating systems that give you more buffer, 7, etc. So I recommended you buy one of these to make things significantly easier and if your short on cash or worried about saving cash for cars you can save scum it and get the trophy and just reload to before you spent the cash.
Anyways hope that helps, I wanted to point this out because you don’t need to spend a lot of points in intelligence unless you want to with the other method mentioned above, which you could also save scum, I just find this to be more efficient, my intelligience I have left at level 5 for the time being.
Spoilers from a side mission from the start of the game below
I have Failed the mission “Happy Together” (it literally appeared mission failed on my screen) do I need to redo that or is it ok for the platinum? I’m asking because it would be really bad for this to be only thing not done
EarnestC says
Wondering the same thing. Not sure how I failed but went back and the dude was dead, failing the mission automatically.
Sebay says
Looks like no. This mission isn’t required for Watson full clear achievement.
I failed this mission too. But i got achievment It’s Elementary
PhantomFear94 says
I’m having issues with quests where I need to wait for people to call you back. For example, it took me many hours for Takemura to phone me during “Down on the Street”, and after several real-life hours still no call from Judy to start her side quest-line. Am I doing something wrong? I’m skipping 24 hours in the game, progressing a bit, skipping 24 hours again, and so on. No idea of the problem.
Alita says
Thx for the guide!
I have a problem – where can I find detonate grenade hack?
OTPYG says
I’d also like to know this.
F8L-Fool says
Once you put 16 points into Intelligence you can unlock a perk in the Quickhack tree for Epic Quickhacks. Detonate Grenade will then become available.
If there is another location for it I have yet to find it.
Andy says
Go to the Chapel in Pacifica, up the stairs you have 3 netrunner spawns that on kill may release the hacks Suicide, Detonate Grenade and Cyberpsycho
Mike says
Is “Breathtaking” missable (in case I sell these clothes by any change)
BJ says
You can’t sell or disassemble Silverhand’s items.
Mike says
You can sell/dismantle the gun and the gun does count.
KingDraKe7 says
Easy Christmas Tree Attack Method
I did this at level 5 Intelligence, You need at least $45,000 and Level 14 Street Cred. Also from the “Berach Protocol” tree you need the Perks “All In”, Mass Vulnerability”, and “Big Sleep”. If you do not want to waste the perks and money, save game before method and reload save after.
First take the $45,000 to the Ripper doc in Watson near the bridge his name is Robert. Buy the Operating System “Raven Microcyber Mk.4” cyberdeck. Now look for an enemy, camera, just something near other hackable objects. Your looking for 3 sequences completed in one breach protocol. (Datamine’s DO NOT COUNT). Its easy with the the cyberdeck purchased. Hope it helps.
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
Do you have a spot where you can find all three near each other?
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
Okay, I managed to get it in the gig “Hippocratic Oath” at the Clean Cut building.
RS says
For “Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.” are side quests included as well? I’ve completed all side gigs(yellow dots) and ncpd hustles(blue dots) that I can see on the map but the trophy is not unlocking. I’m currently street cred 40.
Max says
I believe Watson is glitched. Many reports in other forums. I’ve done everything, trophy didn’t pop. I have quests I’ve competed in my active log, but with no way to do then again or get the system to trigger that I’ve completed them.
Jerry says
Thanks for your guide. I have a question on the location all clear trophy, i spend a day on Watson complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles i could saw on the map but the trophy did not pop, is there any hidden event or mission. Is side mission count to this trophy?
PowerPyx says
For some Gigs you need a higher Street Cred. Finish story and reach Street Cred 50, then the rest will show up.
pterdi says
Hey PowerPyx! One of the vendors sells something for 100.000 eurodollar that enables you to respec. Unfortunately, I don’t remember which vendor was it, but I’m sure, there is a way to respec.
PowerPyx says
You mean the Tabula E-Rasa that Ripperdocs sell? It can only be used to respec perk points, not attributes (which is also pointed out in the guide).
KennethPNielsen says
Does it matter if i failed the mission ”Happy Together” 🙁 will it screw me over?
PowerPyx says
Because this is a Side Job and not a Gig it shouldn’t matter 🙂
KennethPNielsen says
Okey Thanks Pyx, i Was afraid i screwed myself. 🙂 – So it dosen’t matter if i fail Side Missions?
PowerPyx says
Should be okay.
Some other people in comments also said they failed some Side Jobs and even failed Gigs and they got the trophies for all Gigs just fine. So failing these things doesn’t seem to matter based on early reports.
Patricko says
The fact that we can’t respec Attributes and we have to play in a specific way to earn those trophies (or don’t use attributes at all) is dumb as hell…
Joshua Santos says
Someone has never played fallout or Skyrim before
Hhh says
I cannot progress in the story further anymore. When i talk to the proxy that asian lady sent i do not get a scene with johnny after i leave the room. And now i don’t have any main mission on the list, anyone having the same issue?? Any fix anyone?? I spoke with johnny only once and now i do not have any mission to finish, mission (tapeworm) vanished and cannot find johnny anymore.
GPAP360 says
Found a secret car on the mission Chippin’ in (Spanish quest name at least), is one of the Rogue linequest. The one on the port / ship.
If you don’t kill the main objetive “Grayson” he will tell you about a cage which contain the Samurai’s Porsche. If you kill him you can pick the key from his corpse but must find the cage.
Don’t know if this count to the trophy but the phrase “Car buyed” appeared on the screen.
Pic 1: Image 1
Pic 2 (Whit the Car buyed text”: Image 2
Pic 3: Image 3
Mike says
There’s actually a hypercar for free. In a cave, just pick it up once and it adds to your registry. Not sure if it counts
PowerPyx says
Only the ones you buy with your own money count.
Cars from Side Jobs / found for free in secret locations, don’t count.
Stalker-NSDQ79 says
There is a Part to reset all Skill Points for 100.000 €$. You can buy it from certain Ripperdocs.
PowerPyx says
Only resets perks, not attributes. It’s called Tabula E-Rasa and not relevant for what we need for trophies.
Patricko says
Can I do “kill in a specific way” trophies after doing story and clearing map from all stuff? Or should I focus on some of them during game?
DAOS2000boss says
For the master crafter trophy and the other one what do you mean by keeping a manual save with unspent attribute points I’m not really sure how to go about that…. if you have one attribute point do you just keep saving that until you get to 17 then save then? But that won’t allow you really progress in the story as you’ll be too under equipped right.. need help with that please.
PowerPyx says
It’s fine to spend Attribute Points during the story. You get one per level up. Just keep saving them after you hit level 30 or so and stop spending until you have 17 total at the same time.
Hartgroove says
A little addition to Master Crafter trophy.
There is no need for any legendary specs, all you need is to unlock the perk to craft legendary item “Edgerunner artisan” and perk “Tune-up”. Tune-up allows you to craft “Legendary Item Component” which will count for the trophy.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, will try that.
(Update: works, added that in)
Bart says
I tried this and it worked.. I also needed two other perks; TRUE CRAFTMAN to craft Rare items components, and GREASE MONKEY to craft Epic items components from those Rare items. TUNE-UP is used to craft Legendary items components from Epic item components.
To put it simply:
TRUE CRAFTMAN: Uncommon to Rare
TUNE-UP: Epic to Legendary
I had plenty of uncommon (700+) from disassembling unwanted weapons.
Arrcaninee says
I did the 10 dialogues trophy and the trophy didn’t pop up, anyone with the same problem?
PhantomFear94 says
I know it sounds stupid, but for “Ten out of Ten” is the max level for a Skill, in fact, 20? I’m at 8 for Handguns, but it is saying only 40% progress. I know Attributes are out of 20, so I guess it makes sense if Skills are too.
PowerPyx says
Yeah in the Perks Menu you can scroll to the bottom left and push the Right Stick to the left to scroll over the rewards. Gives a reward for each level up until 20.
(Although why it’s called Ten out of Ten and not Twenty out of Twenty is beyond me :D)
Eternal76 says
I just failed a side gig. Am i screwed on the all gigs trophy ? Thanks for your great work!
PowerPyx says
Which Gig / District was it? I’ll try to replicate it.
In the meantime it’s safest that you reload a previous save if you have one (it keeps autosaves from last checkpoints so you can always go back).
Eternal76 says
It was in the first district on the docks where a priest wanted help with his brother. The enemies were way too strong so i left the area, hoping to return there later and it gave me a “quest failed” notice. Unfortunately i have played since for 5 more hours. Currently hoping it wont screw me over.
Eternal76 says
Actually just found out that it was the side job named “Losing My Religion”. I don’t know if it counts as a gig or not so any clarification would be greatly appreciated. FYI, I didnt have any contact with the police before starting the mission.
PowerPyx says
If it’s listed under Side Jobs then it doesn’t matter.
Since there are some lifepath-exclusive side jobs and some that lock out each other it would be impossible to “complete” all side jobs in the same playthrough. That’s the reason why they are not needed for the trophy (because not possible to complete all side jobs anyway, no matter how hard you’d try). Gigs on the other hand don’t have that problem.
Hhh says
How many attribute points you get from the game?? More than 30 or 40??? Why is it missable trophy??
PowerPyx says
You get 71. But it’s not enough to max out all Attributes so if you spend it on the wrong Attributes you could mess this up. It’s explained under the related trophies.
Bartmoss says
For ‘Master Crafter’, you can alternatively level up intelligence and get the ‘bartmoss legacy’ perk and craft 3 legendary quickhacks. I just got the trophy doing that.
cainiao says
for the rough landing, I killed 2 enemies and I didn’t unlock the trophy. Do I have to kill them at the same time?
PowerPyx says
Yes, at the same time.
cainiao says
thanks for helping! Any places recommended?
Mike says
Around Megabuilding H10 you’ll find plenty of them. (in the random spawning events), in case you finish all of them , get some police chasing at you at lower level and go up to higher level, jump and kill the police.
GuyFlies says
You don’t have to kill them. Just knock them down. I did it on two guards at full health and they survived but the trophy popped.
iDormir says
Legit the Easiest Trophy “The Fool “, which has 94.8% earn rate popped for me but when I go to my trophies it says I didn’t earn it!!! I’m playing on Ps5 BTW
Mike says
for trophy “Breathtaking”, the Porsche 911 is not needed.
(I personally missed the Porsche 911 and collected other 6 items, the trophy popped for me).
JonKess says
Do you need the Metro Fastravel Points for the Throphy? Because i cant seem to get the Ellison Street and Zocalo ones.
PowerPyx says
Nah, it’s fine to miss a bunch of fast travel points. Not actually all are needed, so you’re good.
LetsPlayNintendoITA says
they don’t actually show up ingame. it’s super stupid they show up in the official map but not ingame map selectable
Hawkwind666 says
Can I get some clarification about which side quests or gigs are not required for completion? I have a lot of SOS quests on my map for example, guess those aren’t needed since they aren’t marked as gigs?
Lionel says
Anyone know if mantis blade works for True Warrior trophy? Or only katana, hammer, etc are valid
PhantomFear94 says
Mantis Blade 100% works. Unlocked the achievement using it. So OP.
Shinyshirthero says
I’m having major issues with this achievement. I got to 2 kills fine. Now it’s completely stuck. Mantis blades, katanas, knives – nothing registers.
Mike says
Is there a way that I can make money quick?
I’m about to finish this game and the only trophy left for me is the “Autojack”.
I spent less than $50k for misc, but I only have less than $1M in my pocket, far from the $1.8M
PowerPyx says
The only decent method I found so far is to loot high-level enemies (some respawn in the same place each time) and sell their stuff. Still quite the grind, though. The in-game economy seems a bit broken right now.
PhantomFear94 says
Check my comment below for reselling exploit (will likely be patched).
PowerPyx says
Thanks for sharing, will give this a try shortly!
idontunderstand says
Do the Space Oddity side mission. Sell the painting for $4,000 at a drop point, exit, go back in buy it for $5, then sell it again. Do this 5 times for $20,000 then wait 24 hours for the money to reload.
I was getting around $30,000 a minute doing this.
Max says
I got the trophy for doing everything in Watson after actually doing everything in Watson and North Oak, not sure what that’s about. I’m only street cred 34 though so you don’t need 50 for the do everything in Watson trophy
PhantomFear94 says
There is a crazy money making exploit atm. Made €$1000000 in 45 minutes and will personally do this another 2-3 times. Will likely be patched at some point but working as of V1.04 (14th December 2020). Various YouTubers found this.
– Complete “Space Oddity” Side Job (takes 10 mins). You need to be at least Level 20 or you’ll be ripped apart in the only enemy encounter, although I imagine you could get around it with vehicle kills if you’re lower than that! Otherwise super straightforward mission. (Note: If your body isn’t high enough to threaten the hobos you can pay €$2000 and collect a access shard off the corpse concealed around the left side of the building).
– You are awarded with a painting worth €$ 4000 when sold at a drop off. However, you can sell it for that value, then re-purchase it back for €$5 (€$3995 profit), and keep selling it over and over for very quick eddie’s!
– To do this make a save. Then go to any drop off (can sell items here). Sell the painting for €$4000 then BACK OUT. Then buy the painting back for €$5 then BACK OUT. Best sorting by price (descending) and the final category (looks like two boxes overlapping) for quickest selling. For me was 1st item in my inventory sorting this way (depends on your items).
– All drop offs run out of money to give you at €$20000 (5 cycles of selling/rebuying). When this happens, ensure the item is in YOUR inventory (otherwise you lose it!!!!) and simply wait 24 hours. The €$20000 cap should be it’s in YOUR inventory by default anyway. Then do this again…and again…and again.
– You get €$100000 every 3-5 minutes, and €$1000000 every 45-60 minutes! Save every now and then incase you lose the item somehow.
OTPYG says
This didn’t work for me. $4000 to sell and $4000 to repurchase. Tried on multiple vendors.
PhantomFear94 says
Don’t go to vendors. It needs to be the self selling drop off points. Looks like cubes on the map.
Mark Westside says
@OTPYG: You need to open the vendor, sell it, exit the vendor, open the vendor again, buy back and repeat.
NL_the_Godfather says
There is a faster method at the mission I walk the line.
If you are at the final boss Sasquatch you kill him. Then finish him off with a melee weapon.
Then afterwards stand next to him, save the game in a new slot. Then koad that savegame and the boss will be again almost dead to finish him off. I could kill him in 1 or 2 melee swings each time and was already right next to him.
This gives xp, streetcred and 30k €$. If u are fast u can do this 3 times per minute (i have an ssd on ps4 with faster loading times, but ps5 should be even faster) and will give u around 5.4million an hour.
You also get to streetcred 50 really fast. The xp is around 100 per kill but didn’t level up so fast for me.
Smash41 says
You need to back out of the vendor after selling it and go back in and the value will be 5 credits to buy it back. It doesn’t work if you don’t back out.
PhantomFear94 says
The Walk the Line method is also valid. I’d argue the Space Oddity glitch is better for pure cash, as you don’t need to keep going through loading screens, but the Walk the Line glitch gives you Street Cred and Level increases too, and big ones. Unfortunately I’d already cleared this mission before I discovered the glitch.
Street Cred comes pretty quickly (at 38 with 3-4 missions left, done virtually no side gigs or hustles) so I’m not too worried.
OTPYG says
Thanks all. I was doing it at a vendor. My bad for not reading the instructions properly! Works a treat now that I’m actually reading the instructions!!
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
I found the “Detonate Grenade” quickhack over in Coastview where 3 Voodoo Boys gang members are. Fast travel to the Chapel point and farm the aforementioned gang members. Run down the street and 2 more will be standing by a van. You can also get the epic Cyberpsychosis quickhack if you want. To reset the spawn for the 3 members, run back up and they should be there.
DonDoen says
Can confirm this.
Strange thing though: The mod dropped as a purple one but unlocked the orange in my inventory instead.
Got a clip of the drop aswell:
I just ran up the hill and turned back at the traffic lights. Took me from level 38 to 39.5
PhantomFear94 says
I’m slightly confused. At the Chapel point, don’t know which way to run. The clearing in the video doesn’t have any enemies spawn for next nor does it have a van. Do you mean literally DOWN that very long road, or was it a figure of speech?
Tiffany says
PhantomFear, the group that Don farms can be found by fast traveling to “Chapel” and heading right up the stairs in front of you.
However I farmed this group 5 times and never got anything besides epic components. Maybe I’m not high enough level yet.
GPAP360 says
I don’t really understan yet what we must do to 100% each district.
All the blue icons are needed (and i did allready), but what about the yellows ones? All the yellows ones must be donde too? Only the ones whit the (!) symbol? Only the ones whit the unique icons like the phone, the face, the cartel…
I’m lv 50 atm but don’t know whit yellows missions i should do.
PowerPyx says
The ones that count as “Gigs” in the journal.
Hartgroove says
Regarding Berserk cyberware. Ripperdock in the west of Heywood Wellsping sells “Moore Tech Berserk” which requires only 9 Body instead of 16. Does the same.
Tiffany says
To do even better, the Ripperdoc in Charter Hill sells an uncommon Berserk operating system that has no body requirement to equip (or less than 6, as that was my body attribute when I got the trophy).
Kyle says
Don’t you need like 16 body regardless to get the V for Vendetta trophy? So it looks like we are forced to level Body and either Int/Tech for master crafter, which is really disappointing. Not allowing attribute respecs is obnoxious.
Anon says
The requirements stated here for the trophy “Ten out of Ten” are wrong. Getting 20 points in an attribute won’t grant the trophy, because the trophy requires you to max out a skill, not an attritute.
(Just tested with the Technical Ability attribute: 20 points, no trophy).
PowerPyx says
It’s stated correctly in the guide. Quote from guide: “Reach Level 20 for any skill.” – “To get a Skill to Level 20 its underlying Attribute must also be Level 20.”
You need 20 Skill + 20 Attribute.
In order to reach 20 Skill you also need to level up the Attribute. Otherwise the Skill ‘gets stuck’ and can’t be leveled up anymore. It’s not just Skill Points. That’s also why this is missable, which is explained multiple times in the Overview, Roadmap and Trophy Description itself ;)
MsPoopsALot says
You can reset attribute points at Cassius for 100k eddies.
PowerPyx says
No, unfortunately only lets you reset Perk Points, not Attributes.
(pointed out in the guide 4 times in red color under the related trophies)
GPAP360 says
Well i completed:
Blue icons
Yellow icons
All tarot cards
All cars
In Badlands and Pacific and no one of the 100% trophies unlocked for me yet.
Maps are full clear, clecked lot of times allready.
Mike says
Wait for a patch, a lot of bugs in Gigs and NCPD events. I don’t think it’s on high priority for the developer to fix them though. (they’re focusing on performance issues / game crashes / bugs in main storyline / etc)
AntiRozetka says
In Pacifica there should be one more assault near the stadium, but it didn’t pop up for me? Can you help me? Do I need to complete more story missions?
Drew says
I am stuck in the same situation
Tyrael says
Has this been resolved? My Pacifica map is cleared and no trophy popped.
JKatarn says
I just solved this, there is indeed one more assault near the stadium.
It only popped up after I completed the “follow up” of one of the assaults. So make sure you take care all of the reported crimes plus their extra missions (if there is one, always triggered by reading the archive of convos).
The assault is also at the north east side of the stadium a few hundred metres away from the megabuilding H4 fast travel point and under the overpass if people would like to try to look for it manually.
Dix3n says
Do you get enough attribute points to spend so you can meet the requirements for every trophy ? Since you need 16 body for the Second Heart, 16 intelligence for Detonate Grenade quickhack, 18 technical for Master Crafter and 20 in any attribute for the max skill trophy. It doesn’t seem you need any points in reflexes or cool.
Piknim says
You don’t need any points in technical ability if you opt for 20 in Intelligence to craft 3 legendary quickhacks which don’t need any points or perks in crafting.
John Lee says
“Little Tokyo” is potentially glitched
I cannot proceed with the Gig “getting warmer”.
I googled this issue, and it’s not just myself, but affecting a lot of people.
OTPYG says
That mission glitched on me too. Won’t let me start it, keeps it marked as ‘undiscovered’. At least it’s common and will hopefully be patched sooner rather than later.
JonKess says
One big tip for everyone still early in the game. As soon as you reach Stree Cred Level 14 you can buy a legendary cyberdeck for 35000 Eddies which will grant you a Buffer of 8 instead of 4 which will heavily increase the amount of Eddies you get from Acces Points in the long run. You can buy that from the Ripperdoc in the west of Kabuki market.
Johan says
So, I bought the Scrapper perk which automatically scraps junk as soon as it is looted. And as you know it is not able to turn it off. Will it be a pain in the ass or even impossible to reach the money for all the cars?
Anczej says
No, you can still easily farm money on components. Soda cans -> disassemble -> craft bounce back mk1 -> disassemble -> craft epic EMP grenades -> disassemble and sell epic components to vendors/drop points is what I’m doing. Once you get a base of common/uncommon components from bounce back mk1, you have a pretty much infinite source of income. Just need to set up a macro on your mouse or keyboard. ;)
lich says
thanks, a lot.
ProinsiasCassidy says
I can’t complete Gig named A lack of Empathy. Only option for me is deposit your weapons and if ı try to upload malware my character gets stuck.
Sleepy says
I received Detonate Grenade quickhack from a Netrunner enemy in Pacifica outside of the Chapel dataterm
Cameron says
Haven’t seen anyone else ask this. For “The Devil” trophy, I did not save Takemura on my first time going through the mission. If I go back to that save file, save him, and then load up where I am currently in the story, would I still be able to get that trophy? Or would I have to load up from that quest, and then continue from there?
PowerPyx says
You’ll need to replay from there. But the good news is that this is just one mission before the final mission.
Drew says
I’ve completed all activities in Pacifica but no trophy. Anyone else experience this?
Matthew says
Seems like there are some bug for full body conversion trophy? I got everything but the trophy doesnt pop.
Bamboocha909 says
To get 20lvl of skill like mechanics is possible to have or create some ammount of grenades then to equip them and in backpack recycle. Items itself doesnt recycle at all and no materials from them are aded but XP are counted. So you can do again and again till skill mechanics has 20lvl.
slassar136 says
There’s also an athletics glitch where all you need to do is activate berserk, perform a punch and then hit the touchpad, menu button and then go afk, then check back and forth to see your progress bar slowly go up. Easy way to get to level 20 athletics for the “Ten out of Ten” trophy.
Poland says
I can confirm DEAMON IN THE SHELL isnt missable even if you killed plascide and sided with netrunner.
Just go to chapel marker and find other enemies then then the groups on mentioned video, because if you betrayed pascide you will not have these groups spawned there.
I got the detonate quickhack from first enemy i met around chapel area. And also got the trophy after. Level 20, street cree 34 :).
PhantomFear94 says
Thanks for this. Most of my saves are end game, and I betrayed Placide. Fortunately, I have 3 backup saves right before I start “Walk the Line” so I can just try and farm this achievement on that save, then move on!
PhantomFear94 says
Oh, nice, I didn’t read your post properly (oops!). So you can get this even if those 3 enemies aren’t there? I’ll have a look around the Chapel dataterm again later! Thanks!
Jonas Mathiasen says
I betrayed Placide but I don’t see other enemies in the area? The only people I can find in the area are civilians
JL says
For the Two Heads, One Bullet trophy, I keep getting only one headshot. The bullet doesn’t seem to pierce through the head of the first policeman. I’m using a tech sniper rifle Nekomata. Do I need to use a power sniper rifle like what you used in the video?
Jason says
Found it easy doing it on pedestrians and groups of friends
Sandi says
U can’t shoot cop , u have to shoot a gang or something but not cop , i got the trophy with overwatch sniper btw
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
@Sandi That’s odd because I was using the same weapon as OP (difficulty was on Easy) and shot two cops then trophy popped.
GPAP360 says
After tried A LOT of things whit patch 1.02 and now patch 1.04 i must say that i got buged the 100% completion of Watson, Westbrook and Santo Domingo.
Only 3 trophies to plat, all missions / side missions and gigs are donne, blue icons too… crap.
marian.vismek says
For me it seems I got bugged the 100% completion of Heywood. Got everything but no trophy.
PhantomFear94 says
Apparently, some NCPD hustles can lead to gigs outside of that district, but count towards it. Calling the fixers in that area (i.e. Regina Jones for Watson) has also budged a final gig or two, at least for certain TrueAchievements users.
Piknim says
Hi, can confirm that 20 in Intelligence and the perk Bartmoss legacy is enough to craft 3 legendaries with no need to have any points/perks in technical ability nor crafting skill tree.
Some legendary quickhacks also give you daemons to use in breach making it easier to get the three daemons in one breach trophy.
Robot says
Are the Delamain missions required to get all side jobs in all areas done? I unlocked all these jobs related to getting cars back to Delamain HQ and I got so ticked off cuz Delamain kept slowing my car down and making the mission take longer that I destroyed the car and now all the missions show as failed. Will this lock me out of trophies later?
marian.vismek says
I completed every event (gig, street crime, etc.) in Heywood fror Mean Streets trophy. But trophy didn’t pop up. I tried to pass time through the whole day by 3 hours step an check out if some event appears. But nothing noticed. Is there something I am missing?
marian.vismek says
Alright, I got it few moments after complete some event in city centre.
Joshua Santos says
Im killing 2 cops or 2 enemies with one bullet sniper Legendary Five0 but trophy wont pop. Ive done it 7 times and nothing. Is it the sniper??
Slicee-of-Lifee says
Probably. Change the weapon and try again with another sniper rifle.
Gizi says
Gig: Freedom of the press can be failed. When Max shoot himself.
(What is more for me and for many players it glitched at the end when You have to collect reward. 1.04 didn’t fixed that.)
Carlos says
I cant complete it too , it’s really frustraring . Have you find any Solution ?
Bart says
I had the same problem. I fixed it by reloading a previous save and doing other quests. Then I came back to this gig, and it was done correctly. So, I advise to do the same. Good luck.
P.S: This solution seems to work on other gigs as well. Always make sure that the gig you just done is under Completed list in Journal. If not, reload save and do other quests/gig, and come back later.
Trashman says
Just for info. There is an implantat that slows down time for 2 seconds the moment someone is expecting to see you. When you kill someone in this moment, it also counts for the slow time kill trophy!
Cunfuzzled says
Hey PowerPyx, I’m in need of some clarification on the Attribute Points. How would you recommend going about stockpiling the 17 needed points?
So far, I’m currently Level 5 and Street Cred 12. My Attribute Points are 5, with 12 Perk Points available. I haven’t spent any points thus far because I wasn’t quite sure when to start stockpiling them.
PowerPyx says
You can either spend them how you like until Level 30 and only then start saving up Attribute Points (you still earn enough on your way to Level 50).
Or you play through the game from the start without spending any, until you have 17. Then you do those Attribute-related trophies and keep that Manual Save, just in case. Then you can spend them how you like and play the game “normally” without having to worry about how to spend them anymore.
PhantomFear94 says
@PowerPyx, do you naturally hit Level 50 on the way to doing everything? I am only Level 26 after finishing the story and doing maybe 10% of the side content. I have plenty of flex (only need V for Vendetta now re: attribute achievements/trophies), and need 15 points with 24 left to earn, but I was wondering if I’ll need to grind levels? Thanks.
Cunfuzzled says
Awesome, that’s good to know. Thanks for the clarification.
deviator says
I can confirm that failing any gigs will not affect your progression for the “complete all gigs” trophy. I failed a main gig (Shark in the Water) in Watson but I still got the trophy.
AnElephant says
I am trying to talk to panam and Mitch for the raiders of the storm quest. After leaning on the car they just stand there not moving and I can’t talk to them. I can’t get the platinum without completing the quest line. Help?
PhantomFear94 says
Re-load a save. Any progression issues I’ve encountered are usually rectified by re-loading an older save. Layering your saves in a game like this is incredibly important.
Marawan Abbas says
When going for the 50 kills in slowed down time trophy, do the kills stacks meaning if i die and reload a from last checkpoint my kills are carried over, or will i have to do anything on one save, if that makes sense,
Midovich says
There’s actually a glitched NCPD Quest “Needle in a Haystack” that may prevent you from getting It’s Elementary Trophy & The Platinum.
elijahwilson says
Also a gig in Westbrook, “Getting Warmer,” is glitched preventing me from getting the “Little Tokyo” trophy
KISSfan81 says
This is the only Hustle open for me. I’ve already looted the container but it won’t mark as complete. It’s my last trophy for platinum. Any solutions for this?
slassar136 says
For some reason, I can’t start the second Brendan quest, the talking vending machine. I don’t know what that quest is called and I’m not sure if that is part of completing gigs for the trophy. Can anyone confirm?
Bart says
I don’t think it’s required for the trophy. but try to leave the area. skip for 24hr. then return.. remember to walk back because if you drive -fast-, the quest may not be loaded.
J says
Here to confirm that Judy’s last mission will still activate even if you eliminate Maiko.
dinesh says
Bro I finished all the gigs and NYPD scanners in waston but I didn’t get the trophy
Axel says
I can confirm with patch v1.05 the money glitch (space oddity) still works! Sell it, leave drop point, buy it back, repeat.
Greetings from Germany.
Rin_TohsakaUBW says
There seems to be a bug where the game won’t let you explore after you confirm “Sure, Just One More Gig.” I got “The Devil” ending and it let me free-roam but after getting the other 3, it didn’t do the same.
Matheus says
You can get the Ten out of Ten trophy very easily by duplicating junk or some other item and disassembling it to level up Crafting. It took me about 10 min.
Note: I only tested this with junk but apparently it should work with regular consumables. The good thing about using consumables is that you don’t need to reset your skills if you have the skill “Scrapper” from the Crafting tree.
Technical Ability Level 20
Some junk (can’t have the skill “Scrapper”) or consumable.
The painting from the money exploit (ideally about 100; you can duplicate it the same way you duplicate the junk)
A good amount of money will make things faster (I had about 350k). You won’t lose any money in the end if you have the paintings to sell.
-Sell one junk, close shop
-Open the “glitch shop” by pressing triangle and options at the same time; you’ll know it worked because the “Level” on the top left will look cropped.
-In this “glitch shop”, you can buy back the same item multiple times. It will look like you’re not spending any money but you are so keep that in mind.
-Once you buy back a few dozen Junk close the “glitch shop”, open the shop and sell all of it.
-Open the “glitch shop” and continue buying back the junk. Rinse and repeat.
You need to disassemble about 75k junk to get to level to level 20 (from level 6).
When you run out of money, make sure you sell the junk first and then sell the paintings to get your money back otherwise the shop won’t have enough money to but the junk.
Ryder says
I did the same with Ozarks grenade. Was much faster imo
Billj says
For Ten out of ten trophy. Easy way to upgrade crafting is to equip a med item you have in the 100s or 1000s and then “dismantle” one of them but it won’t actually dismantle any of them but you will still get the xp for dismantling 100s of them.
Slassar136 says
Ugh… i’m so close to plat, but i’m locked out from doing the “Little Tokyo” trophy because my game is bugged and I can’t get a phone call or open up the doors to the apartment for the gig “Getting Warmer”. Tried reloading a manual save but it still isn’t working.
Carlos says
Hey PowerPyx,
I have a problem where I cant finish the gig: Freedom of the Press. After collecting the reward, the gig doesn’t close. I don’t know if I will fail this trophy due to this issue. I will update you later.
Carlos says
Hello again,
UPDATE : I confirm that even when I was never abale to finish this quest due to this issue, I was able to get the ” It´s elementary” trophy.
Sargon says
I have just received the “Autojack” Achievement with only 26 cars.
It seems that the Type-66 “Cthulu” is NOT needed for this.
Also, I don’t know if it;s the same, but while I did get the quests:
Quartz EC-L R275, Thorton Colby C240T and Type-66 640 TS, they instead sold me Quartz EC-T2 R660, Thorton Colby C125 and Type-66 “Jen Rowley” respectively. Is this just me? Can someone double check their car list? Maybe it depends on your path? I’m a nomad.
Max says
I’m apparently missing something in Santo Domingo, anyone got an idea what that could be? I’ve done every gig and NPCD activity on the map, and have every other trophy
PhantomFear94 says
See my tips at the very bottom of the page.
Xahori says
I got Autojock trophy without getting the Type-66 “Cthulu”. It seems it doesn’t count for the trophy as it is a reward from a side job, even if it pops later to buy.
PhantomFear94 says
Can concur with this. I checked achievement tracking on Xbox, and was the only vehicle where it didn’t rise (but unlocked fine).
2bNs says
Same happened to me.
PowerPyx says
Trophy Guide & Roadmap all done now 🙂
In the linked Gigs Guide I’m still going to make a full Walkthrough for each individual Gig with its location and unlock requirement (already half done, should be complete in a few days).
Other supplemental guides are finished – in time for Christmas.
What a year.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Cunfuzzled says
Thanks again for the awesome work you do!
Stay safe, and have a good holiday!
Bart says
Good job and thank you and the team for the guide.
Regarding the glitched trophy, here’s a tip: at the end of each gig, make sure it’s under COMPLETED in Journal. If it’s not (i.e still open), reload previous save that is prior from starting the gig. Then, continue with other gigs/side quests, and come back later to the glitched gig. It should work then.
This happens because the fixer doesn’t call after completing the gig like they are supposed to. And it has happened to me on two gigs (the fixer of both of them was Rogue).
Hope this helps.
Happy holidays.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, good tip!
I’ll add it to the Gigs Overview page 🙂
Arvsss23 says
I cant seem to trigger Gig: Small Man, Big Evil to finish watsons completion for “it’s elementary” trophy. The only one I need. This is so frustrating!!!
Xahori says
Have you tried to skip time 48 hours?
PhantomFear94 says
If you aren’t getting things to trigger in districts for their trophies/achievements, here are some tips:
1) When you “start” working on 100%’ing a district, make a new manual save slot and save exclusively to that slot until that district is done, then move on, district-by-district (obviously, you will naturally have done SOME side content, but likely not loads). Doing this, if a gig or hustle glitches on you, you can re-load a save before this and start it again. A pain, but 2-3 hours lost progress rather than an entire playthrough.
2) Read all your shards. On a couple of occasions, Hustles and Reported Crimes (a type of hustle) didn’t spawn for me because I thought I read the shard, but hadn’t. It’s under your Journal in the menu.
3) Go to V’s apartment, sleep, skip 16 hours. This specifically helped with Pacifica. I was stuck on 92%, did this (recommended on Reddit), and it spawned the final hustle by the stadium. Was defo not there before.
4) Skip time in increments of 3 or 6 hours and keep checking your map. Not many, but some hustles/gigs only spawn at night.
5) On Xbox, these achievements all showing tracking! For every activity you do, you will see your counter for that achievement go up a few % with each activity. You can kind of gauge how much you need to do by the increments. If your tracking pauses, save in a new slot, restart your Xbox and reload, do another activity, and it should retro-update your progress.
6) The above is helpful anyway, but it made it easier for me, and also allows me to categorically confirm that journal logos aren’t always correct. Sometimes a gig/hustle you think is for one district actually contributes to the one over (mainly ones close to borders, or gigs that finish in another district). If you’re really stuck with the above, move on to the next district over in any direction. One of their gigs may actually count for that district you’re working on. I haven’t done Watson/Heywood yet, but numerous people are confirming this was the reason they thought they were/are stuck at 96+%.
7) Visit and/or call your district’s fixer. Family Heirloom was bugging for me, and calling Rouge (exhausting dialogue), time skipping and changing time increments finally got that gig to load for me. Someone else said speaking to Regina in this manner spawned a gig for them in Watson.
Doing this I’ve done 4 of 7 districts with only 5-20% natural progress in each in around 5 hours. My understanding is that as of patch V1.05 very few gigs/missions now bug out on you.
PowerPyx says
Good stuff, thanks PhantomFear94.
I added some of these to the NCPD Hustles page 🙂
PhantomFear94 says
Thanks PowerPyx ? Above all, sleeping at V’s apartment is very important. I have the 1000G now; I mentioned above about this tactic un-bugging a hustle in Pacifica, same situation for Watson!! So for 2 of 7 districts sleeping at V’s apartment and skipping 16 hours (only needed to skip time with Pacifica, Watson just sleeping worked) helped me in spawning a hustle 100% not there before.
Christoph says
There is a Bug when you do the gig “Many Ways to Skin a Cat” in Watson too late you can’t finish it. So you don’t get the trophy “It’s Elementary”. I have that unfortunately.
Arvsss23 says
Edit: I did all the gigs. I compared powerpyx’ list and verified I did all the gigs. So this trophy bugged on me. This is the last trophy I need for Platinum. All efforts just gone to waste *sigh
PhantomFear94 says
Got to sleep at V’s apartment. For both Watson and Pacifica it spawned a new hustle for me!
Gros says
I have encountered a stange bug, i can’t continue the game.
After the ending, despite selecting “one more gig”, the game keep going back to title screen..
Seibei4211 says
So Cyberpsycho sightings don’t seem to be necessary for the district completion trophies. I didn’t think so, since they’re classified as “side jobs”, but I tested with Badlands to be sure. My last thing was a Reported Crime, the one on the border of San Dom and Badlands.
JKatarn says
as far as trophy hunting goes this is good to know only, because there is a trophy to complete all cyberpsycho missions afterall, thanks anyways.
falsaai says
I can confirm that “It’s Elementary” trophy is glitched, at least for me. I cleared the entire map of the game (not just Watson), including side quests, gigs, NCPD quests, literally everything and it didn’t pop. I even went back to an old save and cleared Watson all over again with no luck. So disappointed.
Good news for others, I can also confirm that failing a gig does NOT prevent you from getting the trophy. I failed gigs and side quests in Heywood and Pacifica, but managed to get the completion trophies for both.
PhantomFear94 says
Sleep at V’s apartment. Should spawn a final Scanner Hustle.
PashlyandeR says
Is money glitch working on 1.06 update patch ?
PowerPyx says
Yes, still works 🙂
Noirdog says
I can’t obtain city lights and it’s elementary because some gigs are “pending” Regina or Dino don’t call back so the gig result still on, i have tried to sleep in V apartment, clearing the cache, or playing with time, but still bugged, these 2 trophies and i will have the platinum, so frustrating
GamingTroller101 says
I just got the Breathtaking trophy requiring the collection of all Johnny Silverhand’s clothing. I had deleted his gun by accident, but I still obtained the trophy when I obtained the last piece of gear (the pants for me).
Noirdog says
Does anyone know if i start a new game and i only do the 5 gigs bugged in Watson and 2 in the city if i will obtain the trophies ignoring the rest? Or should i clear the map all over again?
JKatarn says
you will need to clear the district again
Mystic says
Aren’t the minimal number of playthroughs 2 since you can’t get some of the romance trophies if youre not the right sex. Pretty sure I just got locked out of the Kerry eurodyne trophy because I’m a female.
PowerPyx says
You don’t need to romance anyone at all for trophies. You can still do their quests regardless of gender. The trophies are only for doing their quests, not for romancing them 🙂
Only 1 playthrough needed.
ryu10 says
i have a ncpd scanner (the one with the skull) on coastview, south-west, bugged. i kill all the enemies but the task is always active and not completed. i tried everything, what can i do?
Neshtotam says
Check carefully because some npcs bug in containers and become invisible.Listen for their voice and where it is coming from.That happened to me quite a few times but it is when you find the last guy it’s easy to kill him with a sniper that pierces through walls.
KennethPNielsen says
i Only need Scans and GIGs left for Platinum, But im afraid to run into game breaking bugs, like GIGs that has breaking progression bugs,
Will a reload of an autosave fix the issue? Or does it have to be an Manuel Save?
PowerPyx says
Depends on a case by case basis. Reloading last autosave fixes most issues, but in some cases (depending on when it became bugged), it may require reloading a much older manual save.
If you still have a Manual Save from “Search and Destroy” (or after the story), you could try that. Would have to redo the entire district with the bug, but it’s better than having to replay the entire game. If that doesn’t work either, can only wait for a patch in the future or replay the whole thing (but it might bug again until they patch it).
Salvatore says
Hi Pyx! Amazing Job! I have a question, the trophies that requires to not fail the panam and rogues sidelines stories, apart from ‘life on the road’ (which i got it automatically when finishing panam missions), are they unlocked when you complete the game with the respective ending or should they unlock when you complete the side missions? I haven’t done the rogues side missions yet, but for instance, doing the panam ones, i only got life on the road .
By ‘failing’ you mean , even just like failing and redoing?
Please let me know 🙂 cheers, Sal
DJ says
I am thoroughly confused with the whole attributes thing I need some help.
PowerPyx says
I made an article for What’s the Difference between Attributes, Skills, Perks.
Check that, it should answer all your questions :). It can be a bit confusing at first. I’ll add the link to the Roadmap as well, because it seems a lot of people are confused about these 3 stats and what they mean.
JonKess says
One Mission south of Jig Jig Street called “Taube mit Ölzweig” in german doed not work for me. Its the one with Sergei Karasinsky. He stands there but i cant talk to him. Is there a workaround for that?
Elite_VRTX says
Anybody having problem with buying the Emperor 620 Ragnar? The vehicle is literally invisible and I have no option to buy it. I bought every and almost all trophies. This bug is not allowing me to obtain the platinum trophy.
Michael says
I have completed everything in the game except the Brendan (Talking Vending Machine) quest line. And I can’t progress that quest. It’s Elementary trophy will not unlock for me. I’ve seen people say that they got the trophy without the Brendan quests. Any ideas?
Lukas says
I can confirm I’ve unblocked this trophy before reaching Brendan’s quest mate, so it seems you’re on the same boat as me, but I’m struggling with Little Tokyo on PS5.
I’ve completed all quests/activities etc, but the trophy doesn’t want to pop up. Throughout the game, I received delayed calls from Wakako (she called me regarding an already completed gig when starting a new one etc). The trophy didn’t pop up for me, even though I’ve finished the game and my map is virtually empty. It also appears to me that after finishing quests for Panam, the gig “Tyger and Vulture” has re-appeared in my missions, I obviously can’t finish it. At this time I also received a text message from Wakako regarding this gig (I didn’t have it in my messages before, but the Gig was marked as “completed”.
Does anyone have any solution for it? As much as I loved the game, I don’t want to start from the scratch, especially since there’s no guarantee it won’t get bugged again.
Thank you for your help and have a great 2021!
Lutfor Rahman says
I was reading the trophy guide for missables before start to play Cyberpunk 2077. Then I was checking the trophy list in the overview section under Cyberpunk 2077 on my PS4 and GUESS WHAT! There aren’t any trophies listed, instead it says, “Check back soon!”.
My question is, if I start to play will I get trophies???
PowerPyx says
So the trophy list doesn’t show up on your PS4? They should show up after booting up the game for the first time.
Try earning a trophy and then sync trophies with PSN. It should show after that. Alternatively, you can go offline and it will show the trophies normally. You will still earn the trophies, it’s just a display bug by the sound of it.
Lutfor Rahman says
Thanks for your reply. I follow what you have asked and will inform you.
I was just thinking if it could be because of Sony pulled it off from PlayStation store.
Tyga337 says
its elementary has to bugged? I’ve completed literally everything on the map but the trophy doesn’t want to pop. any ideas??? this is literally my last trophy lol
Poland says
Just got platinum in 65h. Played naturally + money glitch. It was pretty smooth! Iam happy i didnt get any bugs. I think plat can be done in 40h easy with money glitch, but when rushing for it and people would miss enjoyable stuff.
Thank you for the guide!
raahulll4 says
Thanks as always! I’m having some issues with the ‘Christmas Tree Attack’ trophy. I have brought the 2 perks and my OS includes Ice Pick so essentially I should have all 3 daemons appear when I go to breach – however, whenever I breach anything, only 2 show up – not Mass Vulnerability. I was wondering if you knew a solution or if this is just another bug to add to this list.
Thanks again 🙂
PowerPyx says
Have you tried with the default starting OS that you have from the beginning? That’s what I used.
Use the same location / camera shown in the video if you can.
Alternatively, try buying another OS and try at different cameras to see if that fixes it. Let me know if any of that works 🙂
I haven’t heard of this being a bug before, but with this game anything is possible^^
ZPK says
I failed the mission with the guy in the apartment, near where our apartment is. Mission involved a tortoise. Will this affect the district completion trophy?
KYU says
No . I failed it too and got the trophy :))
Snake2410 says
FYI, Master Crafter bugged on me in a good way. I crafted two iconic weapons into legendary and the trophy popped even though it says 3 legendaries crafted.
I-Mace-I says
If anyone wants to cheese the “Ten out of Ten” trophy then here’s how;
Max out Body to 20.
Buy any Operating System that gives Berserk and equip.
Go outside.
Press R1+L1 to activate it.
Sprint and hit circle to slide.
While sliding, press the touch pad to open menu.
Put your controller down.
Voila. Ten out of Ten trophy after however long it takes.
For some reason the game counts you as in a continuous “Athletics” thing so just rapidly adds Athletics XP to your total. If you open the Athletics progress bar it won’t show the progress but if you switch menus with R1/L1 or hit circle to back out and X to re-enter you’ll see it’s rapidly progressing. I was at level 3 and (at time of writing) I’m now at 11 and counting after only 10 mins, perhaps?
As I say, it’s cheese but saves doing any of the more legit ways of grinding any of the skills/perks to max.
PowerPyx says
This works, LMAO!
Thanks for sharing, I’ve added this to the guide and credited you. Very good find and by far the quickest and easiest method for Ten out of Ten.
demon says
The 80% health item Glitch is faster for the Ten out of Ten Trophy.
Leo says
Doesnt seem to be working now unless i am somehow doing it wrong
Saudumm says
Still works with Patch 1.2 – I’m in the menu right now and Athletics already went from Level 2 to Level 8 after a few minutes.
Adrian says
Havin’ troubles at Gun Fu trophy. I kill the enemies real close and real fast. Someone knows if I can’t do it with crafted guns?
TechKingOnline says
Just a small tip, not sure if its been mentioned or not, so apologies in advance if it has, but I found for the NCPD assault missions (blue baseball bat icon missions), it says “neutralise the perpetrators AND collect the evidence” – but you can simply sprint into the assault mission area, ignore all of the enemies, run straight to evidence bag (yellow exclamation mark) collect the contents and leave the area, this completes the mission. I got all mine done in each of the 6 regions in about 1-1.5 hours, so its super fast. Platinumd the game in 60 hours using the item money glitch. Obviously killing the enemies in the assault missions is more fun, but anyone who just has the NCPD missions to do for the plat …this is a great way to do the ncpd assault missions rapidly. The skull icon police missions you do need to kill all enemies in the area, but for the assault missions you dont. I put a vid up of it on my YT channel. Hope it helps someone.
Anyone says
Hi, thanks for the guide! Idk if this happened to anyone but the “must be rats” trophy doesn’t unlock for me. That is the only trophy missing me for the platinum. I’ve done way more than 30 distract enemies quick hack. What do I do?
PowerPyx says
First try doing 30 quickhacks in one session (30 in a row without doing anything else in between).
If that still doesn’t work, back up your save games in PS+ cloud or on USB. Then delete all Cyberpunk 2077 save games, delete the game, reinstall the game and start from scratch (do not copy back your old saves). Play through the prologue again and then farm the 30 quickhack distractions. Luckily, this can be done early in the game.
Perhaps the tracking in your save games froze for this trophy or something went wrong with the trophy set installation (that’s why reinstalling often helps fix issues like this).
Sylar2511 says
As PowerPyx said, you need to do them in one session. For instance, my True Warrior achievement was stuck and glitched. So, with patience, I tried all over again… In fact, tracking was working again (after surpassing original number) but then I’ve been stupidly killed. The big deal was that, reloaded the save, it was like the counter resetted to zero! So I did 100 in one session, AGAIN! So crazy.
Max says
My Santo Domingo 100% trophy and therefore platinum unlocked automatically today after the update when I loaded the game up, so these trophies can in fact be glitched rather than just you missing something and not realising.
Perhaps not now though, hopefully
eimon says
Hello and thank you very much for the guide! One question, money exploit with the painting can still be done with the latest 1.1 patch?
Ewangielu says
Money and duplicate exploits are still possible to do after updating the game to 1.10!
eimon says
Nice! Thank you! xD
Martin says
trophies popped after the update for the scanners on my side
Yamikaze says
As always, thanks again for the amazing platinum guide. Finally managed to get it without many problems.
Demon says
Hey i was wondering if the Athletic skill exploit still works on 1.1 before i update it 🙂
vicente says
Does anyone know of the existence of a speedrun to avoid all these missible trophies ????
Please !!!
Moses says
For Gun Fu
Incapacitate any 3 enemies none lethal (approach from behind and press triangle).
Carry them and put them close to each other.
Then quickly shoot them with a revolver or pistol
SpaRtaN says
Hey everyone. Can anyone help me with the badlands Gig “Trevor’s Last Ride”.
I go to the quest marker on the map (its a motel) but when i reach Dakota doesn’t call me to give me the gig.
Due to this i cant get the Badlands achievement and so i cant get the platinum.
Im playing on ps4
Jason says
Can I change differculty mid game will it affect achievements need to turn it down thanks
PowerPyx says
Difficulty doesn’t affect anything, can lower the difficulty any time, it’s fine 🙂
Monte says
Hi guys, I have a big problem with the Christmas tree attack trophy. I have completed the game and the only thing missing is the Christmas tree attack trophy. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the game I never see three deamons, only two. Followed the trophy video exactly. Someone also had the problem and can help me.
Freestyle says
Go back to a previous save game that worked for me
senollen says
Did you remove all of the comments related to 1.2 bugging the dataterms? I was depending on them for information going forward…
PowerPyx says
Err nobody posted comments about that here? Nothing was removed.
There’s an ongoing discussion about it in the Dataterms Guide, you probably saw it there.
Nikki_boagreis says
Are they adding NG+ , i know they mentioned it. I know you can just save scuff and load a previous save, but i mean an actull NG+ where level, perks etc carries over
PowerPyx says
Updated the guide with save transfer / autopop info from PS4 to PS5 version (see overview bullet points at start of guide).
Can transfer save but there’s no autopop. Some trophies unlock if you do 1 more of the requirements, but some don’t unlock and bug out completely. It’s best to start over from scratch on PS5 version.
Axel says
I have transferred my ps4 safe files to the ps5 version. But after reading this I’ve started a new playthrough on a new safe file on ps5 version. Now my question: should i delete all safe data and start completely „fresh“? Or is it safe to let the ps4 safe files in there and just play this new playthrough? I don’t want to getting bugged trophies after several hours of playing. Thanks in advance!
Cunfuzzled says
Hey Powerpyx, I’ve come back for round two of getting the Platinum for the PS5 version release. And I’ve noticed that certain trophies aren’t popping while meeting requirements.
Using previous save data from the PS4 version, trying to do certain things like “Two Heads, One Bullet” aren’t counting even though I’ve been doing it multiple times. Same goes for “Master Crafter” and “Full Body Conversion”.
Peter says
This may have been mentioned and I missed it, but how many attribute points in total can you earn? Roughly how many can you spend freely before you need to be wary of saving those final 17 AP’s?
DanDan says
The River quest line trophy is definitely bugged and possibly prevent you from continuing the quest line. I’m stuck and can’t do anything. I chose to meet him later instead of riding with him to the warehouse, and met him hours later of doing other missions. When I meet at his quest marker, the marker immediately jumps to another location by some apartments where it is imposible to reach him and the line on the map disappears when you get close to him. I can’t reload a old save because it was too long ago. I’m so pissed
Lumo says
It does not unlock my Autojock trophy, I have done everything completely, I just miss that trophy. I don’t know what to do anymore, do you have any solutions? I play on ps5 the problem is that I no longer receive calls from fixers my nickname LuMo1988
Axel says
I’ve found out a new method for „Ten out of Ten“. Works with the actual PS5-Version.
You’ll need about 100 grenades for quick leveling.
Max out technical ability. Get perks in the
craft tree that give you extra components from dismantling, also ones that have a chance of crafting items for free. If you have perk-points left, get as many perks here as possible.
Now go to your inventory. Press X on the grenades under the Quick Access. Highlight the Grenades under Gadget and hold Triangle. Even if it’s not shown in the bottom right, you still can dismantle them! Press control pad up to max the quantity. Press square to confirm. And then DO NOT TOUCH ANY STICK! Just hold Triangle again, max out quantity and confirm with square. Repeat.
Boom, your skill will increase in no time.
If anything „bugs out“, for example the grenades disappear, just go to crating and craft the dismantled grenades again. Then save and reload and repeat the procedure. If you don’t save and reload, the grenades will disappear after the first dismantling.
You don’t get „infinite“ parts for the dismantling, just the XP. I’ve got the trophy in about 20 minutes with this method.
Dreadful says
I know the prevailing wisdom is to save up attribute points, but couldn’t you invest 20 in tech, 16 in body and still have enough to go around?
Lewis says
So im just getting round to playing now on PS5, i breifly played about 10 hours on PS4. ive transfered my Ps4 data to PS5 to continue with, ive already realised that i cant get 3 of the trophies previously earned when playing on ps4 which is annoying, my question is because im using ps4 save data will the gigs and side quests already completed lock me out of getting the trophies??
Txpot says
The answer here is yes, any trophies that had a requirement that you already completed AND you’ve saved after completing it won’t pop when you perform the requirements again, even with a transferred save from the PS4. For this, you can either revert to an earlier PS4 save that hasn’t complete the requirement yet, or start the game over on the PS5.
Txpot says
I’ve started the second playthrough to get all the trophies on the PS5 version. I’m currently using my save files from the PS4 version, and I use a build that prioritizing Tech weapons (rifles) and Quickhacking.
For people having trouble with trophies not popping, here’s my findings on the matter:
1. All the ending trophies will pop if you go through them again without saving each time. I’ve found that after the trophy pops, you can exit to the main menu, reload a save that allows you to access a desired ending, and go through that ending to make the trophy pop as well. I’ve got all the ending trophies this way, though it helps that I had PS4 saves on the parts where I could get the trophies quickly so I didn’t need to do all the legwork for them.
2. Any trophies that had a requirement that you haven’t completed yet will also pop when you complete it. For example, I had completed “V for Vendetta” on PS4, but I reloaded my save afterwards because I didn’t want to spend those attribute points on “Body” because I was using a Tech/Intelligence build. On the PS5, I loaded the PS4 save, performed the requirements for “V for Vendetta” and the trophy popped again.
This also happened with “Ten out of Ten”, because I haven’t spent enough attribute points to max out a single attribute. Once I got to 20 points in Tech and maxed out the level, this trophy popped as well.
3. Any trophies that had a requirement that you already completed AND you’ve saved after completing it won’t pop when you perform the requirements again, even with a transferred save from the PS4. This is the worst of the findings, because trophies like “Breathtaking” and “Frequent Flyer” require you to go through the game all over again because they don’t pop immediately after loading a PS4 save from a PS5 game.
For this, you can either revert to an earlier PS4 save that hasn’t complete the requirement yet, or start the game over on the PS5.
Nicolaj Dahl says
Hey. Thx for the guide.
Would you wait for the DLC with reworked everything or play it now and again when DLC hits (Phantom Liberty).
Do you think all the new things will make this game unuseable ?
i have a question please ,
In the main game there is 3 missable trophies related to attributes points because there is no reset attributes points !
now in version 2.0 you have an option to reset attributes point for once i think
my question is can i play now the game normally and spend my attributes points as i wish and after the story i can reset them to achieve the three trophies ( with back save for sure )
Cree says
It doesn’t look like Christmas Tree Attack is possible to get in 2.0 now
Dan says
It is I did it on a watchtower during a Panam mission just need to get lucky and managed to get a very easy sequence
Adam says
Hi there thanks for your amazing guides over the years. Since the update can you confirm if there are problems with all of the combat related trophies. I have seen comments elsewhere about none of the trophies working? I waited a few years to finally play this game and it seems I picked the complete wrong time to do it. don’t know if it’s worth just coming back once they have fixed the problem. I still have the gigs etc to complete so can do them for now.
PowerPyx says
I heard the same from a bunch of people. It’s probably something they’ll patch soon. Best thing to do is report it to CDPR support, the more people report it the higher it will climb on their list of priority fixes.
Snake2410 says
They’ve been working fine when using a fresh save. PS4 transfered saves, and possibly pre 2.0 saves, don’t seem to pop any of them, regardless of if the save was made before ever doing them on the save transfered from PS4.
Also 2.0 removed all attribute requirements from cyberware. So all of the cyberware required trophies are no longer missable. Master Crafter is also no longer missable, since it’s no longer tied to any perk tree.
sessho says
master crafter doesnt pop up even if i craft hundred of tier 5 items..hope is getting fix in the upcoming patch..
Snake2410 says
2.01 on PS5 seems to have enabled a trophy autopop. Loading my save from after beating Phantom Liberty, an endgame save I imported from PS4 originally, popped every trophy but The Lovers and The Wandering Fool on the PS5 version. Luckily I had two saves that were in the right spots to get them quickly.
Dzvezdan says
I transferred one of my saves (a save I made after earning the platinum on PS4) and only a few trophies auto popped. I guess it only works for some.
Dan says
As of update 2.0 YOU CAN GO BACK INTO THE APARTMENT FOR JOHNNYS PANTS I literally just did it. The elevator is there and there are 3 police officers in the apartment
Noah says
Hey all! Quick question..
With all of the updates more/less done now, is anything actually “missable” anymore? Haven’t been able to track down a guide that’s been updated alongside, so sincerely trying to figure out if they work/or can even be followed still. Appreciate any and all feedback!