Space Oddity is a Side Job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). This walkthrough will guide you through all steps of the Space Oddity Side Quest.
Area: Santo Domingo (Rancho Coronado)
Quest Giver: N/A, starts automatically
Requirement: Complete Main Job “Playing for Time”
Reward: Quest Item: Untitled 18 – Brancesi, 2021 (painting that can be sold for €$4000), 570 XP, 1282 Street Cred
Mission Info: Every bum in this town dreams someday they’ll hit the jackpot on something they dug up in a dumpster and it’ll transform their life. A briefcase stuffed with eddies, a shard holding big company secrets, a cuttin’ edge implant that’ll pawn for a few dozen Gs. Problem is, usually whoever “misplaced” the thing to begin with is probably still lookin’ for it – and they ain’t in a good mood. Do these poor street rats a favor and take this case off their hands. Before the previous owner shows up and decides to make target practice out of ’em.
- Talk to the Bums
- Find the body of the suitcase’s owner
- Examine the body
- Scan the area for clues (optional) / Examine the suitcase (optional)
- Take the access shard
- Slot the access shard into the suitcase
- Browse the files on the computer
- Go to the Drop Point
- Defeat all enemies (0/7)
- Open the Package
- Talk to Johnny
Starting Location: Space Oddity
The quest start is found in Santo Domingo (Rancho Coronado).
Talk to the Bums
Once you arrive at the quest location, talk to the bums there. Depending on your choices there are a few outcomes here:
- “I’ll buy it off you” > you can pay them €$2000 if the other options don’t work for you. But see the 3rd option how to get it for free (shooting them)
- “STREETKID – That suitcase is more trouble than it’s worth” > they will let you have it for free, just got to find the key.
- “I’m done talking with you” > doesn’t advance the quest but you can simply shoot the guy you talked to and then proceed to finding the key (it will give you the main objectives anyway)
- “Give it to me. Now [8 Body Attribute]” > they will let you have it for free, just got to find the key.
The easiest options are to have 8 Body Attribute, or if you’re on the Streetkid Lifepath choose that exclusive option. If you have neither, just shoot the guy in the head and the other bums will run off.
If you have at least Intelligence Level 5 Attribute, you can hack into the laptop right away and can skip the next few steps. Continue at objective “Browse the files on the computer“.
Find the body of the suitcase’s owner
If you don’t have a high-enough Technical skill, you must find the suitcase’s owner. He’s dead, by the dumpsters just around the left corner of the building where you talked to the bums (same building where the laptop is). In the screenshots below refer to the minimap in the top right corner.
Examine the body
After finding the body, interact with it.
Scan the area for clues (optional) / Examine the suitcase (optional)
These objectives auto-complete when you take the shard, see below.
Take the access shard
Loot the access shard off the dead body.
Slot the access shard into the suitcase
Return to the laptop (where you talked to the Bums) and plug in the access shard you just found.
Browse the files on the computer
After interacting with the computer, select the “Files” section and click the “launch.exe”. This will triangulate the location of the stolen art you’re supposed to find.
Go to the Drop Point
The next objective marker is in the southern Badlands. Drive or fast travel there.
Defeat all enemies (0/7)
Once you arrive, clear out the group of 7 enemies. You can easily pick them off from afar with a sniper rifle, doing headshots. You should be level 20+ so that they no longer show red skull icons. If they show as red skulls they will kill you in 2 hits and you wouldn’t be able to stealth-takedown them.
Open the Package
After the enemies are dead, you automatically get a marker for what looks like a crashed space probe that fell out of the sky. It’s in the middle of the area where the enemies were standing. This gains you the purple mission item “Untitled 18 – Brancesi, 2021” (Space Oddity Painting).
Talk to Johnny
Johnny will automatically start talking to you and then the mission is complete.
Space Oddity Painting Money Exploit
Before you go sell that painting, beware it can be used for an exploit that gives you 1 Million Eurodollars every 50 Minutes. This is tested on Patch 1.06 on all platforms, but may get patched in the future.
Here’s how to sell the Space Oddity Painting repeatedly for money:
- Go to any Drop Point on the map. It’s recommended you make a Manual Save now, in case something goes wrong.
- You’ll want to sell “Untitled 18 – Brancesi, 2021” for $4000.
- Then exit the Drop Point (
), interact with it again. Now the item can be bought back for $5 instead of $4000. Buy it back for $5!
- The item can be sold again for $4000. You make a $3995 profit each time you do this and it only takes a few seconds. Repeat as often as you like.
- After the Drop Point runs out of money, skip time by 24 hours via the Menu. Then it will have $20,000 again and you can farm as much money as you like. Just don’t leave the item inside the Drop Point machine when you skip time because then it would disappear. Always make sure you got it in your inventory before you skip time!
This finishes Space Oddity side quest job in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77).
For all other Quest Walkthroughs, check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough.
G-Dubs says
oh my god powerpyx you are the BEST! this works! now im gonna buy the toppes top augs and gear! thanks brother!!!!
Ron says
For some reason I can’t find the last enemy anywhere. It’s stuck at 6/7 enemies killed now. I thought maybe it was a glitch. So I went on to do other missions and thought I would come back later and maybe he would be there. But alas, still no one there. Help?
Nope says
Is he under a car or in a bush somewhere? I had a glitch where one of them appeared dead, but wasn’t.
Brandon says
I can’t talk to Johnny at the end of the quest. I must have skipped the objective after getting the painting, now there’s no way to initiate a conversation with him
Cipherius says
If you go back to where the painting was, Johnny will be waiting. You can talk to him to finish quest.
Kevin says
Does this work if you have the auto disassemble perk? Wondering if this is clasified as junk and would get auto disassembled.
PowerPyx says
It won’t disassemble, it’s not classified as junk. The auto-disassemble was actually the first perk I bought and I had it equipped when recording the video for the exploit. Works fine
Danno says
It seems when I go to buy it back it costs the same 4000 I’m making selling it. Perhaps they fixed this exploit?
Kheydinss says
you have to
sell for $4000->leave sell menu->enter sell menu->buy for $5->(sell for $4000 without leaving menu) repeat
grenadeh says
Love it. Tested it earlier today, works, takes little time at all to run between kiosks. A lot of them are behind crime scene tape but you can run in, do the needful and get out before even noticed.
Lee says
You can just skip time in the menu press back once so it says 24 hours way faster than running between kiosks just make sure the painting is in your inventory when you do it
Midian says
I can only get four guards to appear. After I get close to the painting container the mission won’t update and will disappear from the map. When I kill the four guards, nothing happens. Anyone got solutions?
Interfecit says
I just did this at lvl 5. If you are crafty and shoot at one guard then get back in your vehicle you can run over them and kill them. Took me about 10 tries to get them all without my vehicle exploding. Key is to come through fast, hit a few, get out of range to heal, make another pass, repeat until all are dead. Got the painting, on my way to riches!
Simon Gaudet says
Im kind of happy to see im not alone with that Rick guy in bad position ( not sit on the table ) not a drama but still annoying bug.
Jacob Rollins says
Exploit no longer works ? did it before the patch just fine, buy back cost is now more expensive than sell price.