This guide shows how to romance Panam Palmer in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) and start a relationship with her. Panam is a girl you meet during the story, she takes you on some main quests in the Badlands. You will be doing several Main Quests with her and then have to do her 3 Side Quests afterward. She can be romanced and seduced which leads to a sex scene if you do everything right. The romance will finish with a sex scene in a military tank during her 3rd Side Quest. The Panam Romance is only available when playing a Male character!
For all other Romances see the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Guide (All Romances).
Important: Panam can only be romanced when playing as a male Character (this Romance is unavailable for Females)!
To put it simply: Always pick the dialogues in support of her (always say Panam is right, defend her in dialogues, and do anything she asks of you), always drink with her, spend as much time with her as possible (if she asks if you want to ride with her or not, go with her), always pick the flirty dialogues with her, always pick the physical “touch her” dialogues when they come up.
Below are all missions and dialogues in chronological order that lead to the Panam Romance. Some of these likely have no impact but this is what has been tested and confirmed to work. If you follow these choices exactly then you will get Panam’s Sex Scene at the end.
Main Job – Ghost Town:
- After getting Panam’s car back, there will be 4 yellow dialogues to choose from. Pick “OK, So where’s the hideout”. –> she will thank you here for having her back
- At the bar with Panam “[Drink] To your ride” > “Maybe we get just one room?”. > “Not exactly what I meant” –> she will agree to take one room with you, but only to save money. Don’t worry, this is her standard reaction here. Just sleep in the separate bed next to her.
Main Job – Life During Wartime:
- After you use the drone to scan an enemy camp, while in car with Panam: “Stay in the car. You’re hurt, Won’t be too much help out there anyway.”
- After you rescue Mitch: Sit down next to Panam and choose “I gotta get Hellman, will you help?” > “I’ll help you settle the score with Kang Tao”.
- After you find Hellman, when Saul arrives: “It really wasn’t Panam’s fault” (timed event)
Side Job – Riders on the Storm:
- “We’re chooms, that’s why.” –> don’t tell her you’re doing it for the money!
- “Do it quiet, sure. Perfect for two.”
- When she asks “V, will you ride with me?”, answer: Yeah, ‘course.
- After rescuing Saul and escaping to the hut, when you sit on the couch with Panam and Saul, pick “Shitty idea, Panam is right”. She will even thank you for having her back after exiting the hut the next morning, this is an important choice to show your loyalty.
- After Saul storms off: “[Raise a toast] To Haboobs”
- “Pleased with your stay, ma’am?”
- “You’d be more comfortable with your shoes off, ma’am.”
- “[Touch Panam’s Thigh] Got a few ideas” –> Important Choice, she will block your approach and tell you that she just wants to be friends, but don’t worry there’s no way you can seduce her yet, it’s part of the process so choose this.
- “So-so, back’s numb”
- “Thought you were gonna stay with your family”
- After she walks to her motorcycle: “[Stop Panam] About last Night…”
Side Job – With a Little Help From my Friends:
- At the start of the quest when talking to Saul, you cannot tell him of Panam’s plan. Pick dialogues “Forbade Panam from doing something?” > “Feel Like this fight’s been going on for a while” –> Important Choice, don’t reveal the plan
- After Panam walks over to the Veterans with you: “OK, I’m in”.
- After you find the punch card at the top of the control tower: “[Stand by Window] Missed you”
- “So Let’s Start”
- “OK. But we can skip the tiptoeing”
- “So far, so good”
- “Why’s it different with me?”
- “[Touch Panam’s Hand] Next time, try following your impulse” –> this may be important, because she will reference following her impulses during the sex scene later
- When you sit at the campfire: “Worried about Saul?”
- “Think I’ll try and get some shut-eye”
- “[Scrooch Closer] Gotten kinda cold” –> here she will have a romantic moment with you and watch the stars together, may be important
Side Job – Queen of the Highway:
- When inside the Basilisk: “Anybody get it running earlier?”
- “Nice and cozy in here”
- After you finish driving and shooting in the Basilisk (military tank) pick the Kiss Icon choice: “[Let Panam Touch You] Oh, yeah. Let’s Go.” –> This is the most important choice of all! It will result in the sex scene with Panam. She and you will both be wired into the Basilisk which intertwines your system and shares your sensory feedback. So what Panam feels, you can feel and vice versa. Resulting in a bit of a freaky sex scene inside the Basilisk. Anyway, here’s what you really came here for:
- At the very end of the quest after Panam walks you out of the camp, you can kiss her goodbye “[Kiss Panam] Thanks for being here for me”. –> This ends the Panam Romance and her questline.
This concludes the Panam Romance Guide. She will still send you a text message after a few days and you can reply something flirty. By doing her questlines you also forged an alliance with the Aldecaldos (her Nomad clan), which is tied to one of the story endings. Furthermore, you earn the Life of the Road trophy and achievement for having completed Panam’s questline.
For all other Romances see the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Guide (All Romances).
Harpreet says
Wait what if your a female? Or a female with a penis?
PowerPyx says
Won’t work. You must have a male body type for this romance.
Mr nobody says
Can you have sex with her more than once?
PowerPyx says
No, only this one time during her last side quest.
Josh says
Once the story is over, do I still see her?
PowerPyx says
Yes, I did it after the story. Works fine, no worries.
Desmond Lee says
what if you do one diaologe wrong?
Aminite says
you can quicksave mid convo before you pick a yellow/orange dialouge
Sarang says
I didn’t get any side jobs from her. Y?
Alex Gilbert says
You have to wait for her to call you to get a side job
Darudius says
Just got the scene. Was trippy asf. Do they finish the deed or do they get interrupted? Looks like they finish.
Mr nobody says
Do you interact with her after the romance scene at all because the dialogue from the texts and when you call her?
PowerPyx says
Yes, during the Ending she can show up again if you choose to call her and side with her during the final mission. Otherwise no, she doesn’t play a role again other than the game ending.
WhO? says
Can you have free roam mode after the end of the history, or do you always have to go back to the last checkpoint before the quest?
PowerPyx says
It always puts you back before the final mission and you free-roam from there.
Panam simp says
What if I didn’t touch her thigh?
Ur_boi_helps says
Don’t worry, I didnt touch her thigh but did the rest and still got the scene.
Radish says
Doesn’t matter, I didn’t touch her thigh on my playthrough, but still got the scene.
#BangedPanam says
You dont get sex
Mr nobody says
Alright I finished the game and I went with Panam do you think there will be a dlc or a second game that starts off on how you ended the game or for an example where I start off in Arizona with Panam
splinisblaid says
And can the last scene be “redone”?
PowerPyx says
No. But you can make a Manual Save at the start of that mission (before getting into the vehicle with Panam). Then you can reload that and redo it.
giliard says
panan is interesting, i did your quest even without tutorial, basically just playing your white knight.
is the hottest girl of the possible romances surpasses even judy easy, a pity that her sexual scene is strange giving the feeling that the player has won her over for nothing.
but her chemistry with the protagonist is cool, it would be the perfect romance if she had a normal sex scene.
Sen says
Agreed. I love her no bones attitude towards most things, yet her trepidation when it comes to romance. Judy isn’t even in the same ballpark IMO.
G-Dubs says
can you get panam for the ending if female or not? as in her crew to help out,
PowerPyx says
If you do her quests she will help you at the ending regardless of your gender. You don’t have to romance her to have her show up in the end.
C2K says
what if i don’t ask her to stay in one room but i do the rest?
SoWoD says
What if I didn’t drink for her ride, i did drink for the future tho.
I didn’t ask her to help find that person,( i was afraid to lose her like jack).
pilot says
can we meet panam after the ending story how we do that any idea ? she just texted me that she likes me and missed me and we making a plan with saul but after that never called or texted again.
Ryan says
Question: ones you did the deed with her If you know what I meen can panam join you in general or any other mission you have available in the play through?
Gorilla says
What if i didn’t defend her when her and Saul we arguing before the touching thigh scene? I chose the option for everybody to calm down.
sidewinder says
After the last mission I’ve got text from Panam and she said that we’ll do a one last mission after I tell about my chip in my brain so should I wait a call from her? I finished Queen of the Road
Hasan says
I finished a quest ” Riders on the Storm” and did everything as was shown, but at the end near bike scene ” About Last Night” she didn’t kiss me is it bad
MichueLMAO says
What if i didn’t sit near her (After you rescue Mitch: Sit down next to Panam and choose “I gotta get Hellman, will you help?” > “I’ll help you settle the score with Kang Tao”.) but sayed what i had to say.
User says
Can you have sex with her after doing her storyline?
PowerPyx says
Sauce says
Didn’t have to do any of this. I didn’t agree with her on anyhting, didnt drink with her at the start and didnt ride with her when i had the choice. Found her to be too bossy and annoying at the start but i started being mildy nicer to her after she put her legs on me and so i started flirting with her after
Sauce says
after we rescued Saul. Any chance i got i flirted with her after that and we ended sexing. I don’t believe me agreeing would make her attracted to me, Panam as a characters seem like the type that would be turned off by that, she seems like she would like guys to take charge eventho she seems like a bossy lady. I hope this is what the creators intended and not just a bug.
Marshal Swan says
This game may have it’s issues, but it allows me to have a romance with Tristin Mays.