The bad news first: in Cyberpunk 2077 you can’t reset / respec your Attributes and Skills.
Only Perks can be reset but it costs 100,000 Eurodollars per use which is very expensive.
What is the Difference between Attributes, Skills, Perks?
First, let’s go over what each term means because this can be a bit confusing.
In order of importance: Attributes > Skills > Perks.
To illustrate this better, let’s imagine a tree. The 5 “Attributes” would be the trunk of a tree (they are the “big categories”, the foundation for all else). The Attributes branch out into Skills, these are the branches of the tree (2-3 per Attribute). Then the Skills branch out into Perks, these are the leafs of our imaginary tree (19-20 Perks per Skill).
So you have 5 Attributes > 12 Skills > 235 Perks.
- Attribute Points are gained through level-ups (one per level up). These cannot be reset.
- Skill Points are “learning by doing”, kill enemies a certain way to level up Skills. For example, Pistol kills increase the Handgun skill. The Skill Level cannot be greater than the underlying Attribute the Skill belongs to. For example, if your “Reflexes” Attribute is only Level 3, then the Skills tied to it (Handguns, Blades, Assault) cannot go above Level 3. The Skill progression would simply ‘freeze’ when you reach level 3 on the skill. To advance the skill further you need to spend a Point on the underlying Attribute (Reflexes in this example). Skill Points cannot be reset.
- Perks are gained by level-ups (one per level up) and by leveling up skills. These are specializations within the 12 Skill Trees. These can be reset, see below.
How to Reset Attributes
There is no way to reset Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077. You would have to start a new story playthrough with a new Character and level up again.
A bit of a workaround is to always keep 17 unspent Attribute Points. Why 17? Well, you start out with at least 3 Points per Attribute Tree and the Maximum is Level 20 on each Attribute. So if you keep 17 points, you always have enough points to max out any Attribute category and toy around with it. Just create a Manual Save and reload it afterward (remember not to overwrite that save). By reloading that save you get your Attribute Points back and can assign them again (but you also lose all game progress you made since that manual save). This is the cloest thing to resetting Attributes you can do in Cyberpunk 2077.
How to Reset Skills
Same as for the Attributes, there is no known method to reset Skills in Cyberpunk 2077. This isn’t such a big problem as they are all “learning by doing”, meaning you must kill enemies a certain way to increase them. So for example, doing Pistol kills will increase the Handguns Skill. The only drawback is that your skill Level cannot be bigger than the underlying Attribute level. So if you only have 5 Points in the underlying Attribute, your Skill cannot go past Level 5 either.
Like with Attributes, you could use the same trick again (see ‘How to Reset Attributes’ above). You could just keep some unspent Attribute Points. Then make a Manual Save, spend your Attribute Points, Level up the Skill you want. When you are done toying around with it, reload that Manual Save to get your Attribute Points back (but this resets any progress made since then). This isn’t very practical for Skills. You’re better off replaying the game on each lifepath and trying different skills each time.
How to Reset Perks
Perks are the only thing you can actually respec / reset.
To reset Perks, you need an item called “Tabula E-Rasa” which can be bought from any Ripperdoc in the game. The drawback is that it costs 100,000 Eurodollars and it’s one use only (but can be bought again).
Talk to any Ripperdoc to open their purchase menu. Then press /
/ click on “Trade” at the top. This switches from their Cyberware Items to their Trade Items. You must buy the Legendary (Orange) one called Tabula E-Rasa. It costs €$ 100,000. This is actually a lot of money. You would have to clear a lot of side activities to get this much money. On top of that, you should better keep your money for vehicles if you’re going for the Platinum Trophy or 1000 Gamerscore, you don’t really have money to “waste” on Perk Respecs. You’ll also likely want to spend some money on other more useful things, such as Cyberware and Weapons. It’s more practical to just start a whole new playthrough than to pour 100,000 money into one Perk Reset, which doesn’t do much anyway without a real option to reset Attributes.
Also related:
For more guides check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Nguyen Hoang Anh says
actually YOU CAN just fine the save file, open the file with .json and edit your level data there
PowerPyx says
I’m playing on console. Can anyone else confirm this works for PC version?
At least on consoles there is no way to do this right now.
Gabriel says
It works perfectly, thank you
JFeezy says
I’ve done this but it is not changing anything in game. Any tips?
Nicholas Scicluna says
any idea where the save file would be?
jabon 31 says
Does it worked for U?
i tried it and it didn’t changes nothing.
Are U using a special app or someting?
DirtyBush says
How do you do that exactly. Tutorial?
Bludro says
Lol the save file is in a common, defined data format? I love this information and you for sharing it ?
PowerPyx says
I had to spend 15k on “Ghost Town” mission to advance and didn’t play any side stuff. Had only 15k after the story, didn’t spend money on buying anything. You don’t get much money from main missions at all.
Werner says
Well, farming up 100k goes pretty fast.
Just sell all gear you find from green onwards. So with a full inventory you easily get 8-10k each run,
Just run over a few of the blue events (Police activity etc.) and collect all there is.
Would say it takes like an hour to farm 100k if you find a good spot.
Suggesting a full 20h+ playthrough sounds stupid :D
DeathsProxy says
You make money money by crafting purple grenades, deconstructing them, crafting legendarys to vendor for $4000-5000 each. You can make millions within minutes.
Ulight says
Redicilous that you can’t change or reset attributes. Your limited in tryout different playstyles if you put to much points in an attribute.
krieger19d says
“You make money by crafting purple grenades, deconstructing them, crafting legendarys to vendor for $4000-5000 each. You can make millions within minutes.”
Sure, if you want to increase your Tech to 18 first.