This Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) Endings Guide shows how to get all Endings in the game. All required choices and dialogues for the Endings are included. There are also 4 trophies and achievements for some of the endings: The Devil, The Star, The Sun, Temperance.
How Endings in Cyberpunk 2077 are decided: The way Endings work is that one single set of dialogues during the final mission “Nocturne Op55N1” decides what Ending you get. Misty (girl from Viktor the Ripperdoc) will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. The dialogue you pick here determines what Ending Mission you are put on. For 3 Endings you must have completed Panam’s & Rogue’s Side Questlines. That’s all there is to it, relatively simple and straightforward.
Missables Warning: To get the trophy / achievement “The Devil” you must have saved Takemura in Main Mission “Search and Destroy“. This is highly missable. Keep a Manual Save at the start of “Search and Destroy”. It is just after Main Mission “Play It Safe” and before the final story mission. While you can still trigger that ending regardless, the trophy / achievement only unlocks if Takemura has been saved. Refer to that ending for the details.
For “The Star”, “Temperance”, “The Sun” Endings you must have completed the entire Side Questlines of Rogue & Panam. Their Questlines can be failed, see those Endings for details.
For the Secret Ending (not needed for any trophy or achievement) you must pick some specific dialogues during Rogue’s Side Job “Chippin’ In“. See the Secret Ending for detailed instructions. This leads to the same outcomes as “Temperance” and “The Sun” Ending, it’s just a different variation of combat encounters leading to those Epilogues. The Secret Ending is not needed for any trophy or achievement.
All other story choices leading up to the final mission are completely irrelevant and have no impact whatsoever. So don’t worry about what you choose during the story, it doesn’t matter and you can’t choose a “wrong” thing during the story. With the exception of the missable warnings above, it doesn’t matter how you played the game until this point. Takemura should be alive for “The Devil” trophy and you shouldn’t fail Rogue’s & Panam’s Side Quests but other than that it doesn’t matter. Your Lifepath and Gender also have no impact.
After the Credits you can choose the “One More Gig” option. It will put you back before the Point of No Return (before starting the final mission “Nocturne Op55N1”). Then you can replay this mission to go through all the different Endings. To save some time on replays, it’s recommended to keep a Manual Save before you talk to Misty on the balcony. Then you can reload this for future replays. Just follow the instructions below exactly and don’t worry about other choices throughout the story.
The Devil Ending (Where is My Mind? Epilogue)
Ending Description: In the Devil Ending you will help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka. You will end up on a space station where doctors are doing an experimental operation on you, because you sustained serious head injuries. Then you can choose to join their medical program and have them archive your mind, or return to earth but die from your injuries within months. V will also break open a rubik’s cube at the end and find the picture of a devil inside, which is what ‘The Devil’ ending refers to.
Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: The Devil
Ending Requirements:
- During Main Mission “Search and Destroy” you have to save Takemura to get this trophy. It’s the mission after “Play It Safe” and just before the final story mission. This is very easy to miss because there is no objective for it and no indication that Takemura can be saved at all. You will go into a building, knock on the door 4 times, talk to Takemura and Hanako. After that police storms the building and you get separated from Takemura. Some enemies will now spawn in the building. Instead of following the objective out of the building, you’ll have to turn left at the first possible point and crouch under some rubble, then head upstairs to find Takemura holed up in a room with enemies. Defeat the enemies and escort Takemura out of the building. In the cutscene when leaping out of the building’s exit door Takemura has to show up. Then you have done everything right and can get the trophy. While you can still get ‘The Devil’ Ending if you left Takemura behind to die, it only unlocks this trophy / achievement specifically if he is alive. Goro Takemura will then show up during Epilogue. If Takemura wasn’t saved then Hellman can show up in the Epilogue instead.
- During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Misty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Pick the following dialogues: “Think trusting Arasaka’s risky but worth it” > “Take Omega Blockers”.
- This will lead to the Ending Missions “Last Caress” > “Totalimmortal” > “Where is My Mind?”.
- During “Where is My Mind?” you have 2 sub-endings. You will be in a space station after doctors do a procedure on you. Just go through the daily routine until Hellman comes into your room. He offers you a contract and there are two choices that decide the ending: “[Sign Contract] I want to live” > “[Refuse to Sign] I’m going back to Earth”. If you sign, you agree to have your mind virtually archived. If you don’t sign, you will get to leave the space station and return to earth but will die within a few months from your head injuries. (The trophy ‘The Devil’ refers to the Rubik’s Cube you break open in a cutscene and it contains the picture of a screaming devil inside). The Devil trophy / achievement requires Takemura to be alive and it will unlock at the end of “Totalimmortal”, after you talked to Yorinobu and entered the elevator.
The Star Ending (All Along The Watchtower Epilogue)
Ending Description: In the Star Ending you will leave Night City with the Aldecaldos and Panam. The Aldecaldos are the Nomad Gang that Panam belongs to (Nomad girl you meet during story). They will help with your final battle (you will launch an assault in a military tank). In this Ending Johnny Silverhand is deleted from your memory and he won’t take control of your body. You will get to live happily with the Nomads and Panam. This is the best ending in the game.
Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: The Star
Ending Requirements:
- You must complete Panam’s Side Questline to forge an alliance with the Aldecaldos (Nomads). This can still be done before going through the Point of No Return. You can also still do it after the Story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the Credits it will put you back before the Point of No Return. Below are all of Panam’s Side Quests:
- Riders on the Storm (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically) –> don’t fail this quest (after you take the SuperJet from Mitch, drive with Panam to the enemy camp right away. If you were to drive with her in the wrong direction she’d kick you out of the car and if you’d then skip time it would fail the quest).
- With a Little Help From My Friends (a day or two after the previous quest you will receive a call from Panam that starts this)
- Queen of the Highway (starts automatically after doing the previous quest, must travel out of camp and skip time by 24 hours, then go back to Panam to proceed)
- During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Misty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Pick the following dialogues: “[Call] Panam” > “Just need a minute” > “Somethin’… I gotta do today” > “Gonna ask Panam for help” > “Take Omega Blockers”.
- This will lead to the Ending Missions “We Gotta Live Together” > “Forward to Death” > “Belly of the Beast”.
- During “Belly of the Beast” (Ending Mission), after defeating Adam Smasher you will interact with the Alt AI and enter the Cyberspace. Here Johnny and Alt will talk to you. Pick dialogue “Wanna live out whatever life I got left“. Then enter the Well to return to your body (do not cross the Bridge to the Cyberspace). Now The Star Ending will trigger.
–> Keep a Manual Save after defeating Adam Smasher. You can reload this to quickly do the Temperance Ending.
Temperance Ending (New Dawn Fades Epilogue)
Ending Description: In the Temperance Ending you will let Johnny Silverhand keep your body. You basically give him full control of your body and your mind gets stuck in the Cyberspace forever. During the Epilogue you will experience Johnny enjoying your body and going about his everyday life. You have effectively traded in your life to let Johnny Silverhand live in your body.
Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: Temperance
Ending Requirements:
- You must complete Panam’s Side Questline to forge an alliance with the Aldecaldos (Nomads). This can still be done before going through the Point of No Return. You can also still do it after the Story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the Credits it will put you back before the Point of No Return. Below are all of Panam’s Side Quests:
- Riders on the Storm (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically) –> don’t fail this quest (after you take the SuperJet from Mitch, drive with Panam to the enemy camp right away. If you were to drive with her in the wrong direction she’d kick you out of the car and if you’d then skip time it would fail the quest).
- With a Little Help From My Friends (a day or two after the previous quest you will receive a call from Panam that starts this)
- Queen of the Highway (starts automatically after doing the previous quest, must travel out of camp and skip time by 24 hours, then go back to Panam to proceed)
- During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Misty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Pick the following dialogues: “[Call] Panam” > “Just need a minute” > “Somethin’… I gotta do today” > “Gonna ask Panam for help” > “Take Omega Blockers”.
- This will lead to the Ending Missions “We Gotta Live Together” > “Forward to Death” > “Belly of the Beast”.
- During “Belly of the Beast” (Ending Mission), after defeating Adam Smasher you will interact with the Alt AI and enter the Cyberspace. Here Johnny and Alt will talk to you. Pick dialogue “Body’s Johnny’s. I’ll go“. Then cross the bridge and enter the Cyberspace forever (do not enter the Well to return to your body). Now The Temperance Ending will trigger.
–> Keep a Manual Save after defeating Adam Smasher. You can reload this to quickly do the Star Ending.
The Sun Ending (Path of Glory Epilogue)
Ending Description: In the Sun Ending you become a legend of the Afterlife. Johnny will stay trapped in the Cyberspace forever.
Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: The Sun
Ending Requirements:
- You must complete Rogue’s Side Questline to forge an alliance between her and Johnny Silverhand. This can still be done before going through the Point of No Return. You can also still do it after the Story, when you select the “One More Gig” option after the Credits it will put you back before the Point of No Return. Below are all of Rogue’s required Side Quests:
- Chippin’ In (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically) –> At the end of “Chippin’ In“, you will visit Johnny Silverhand’s Grave. When talking to Johnny here be nice to him to befriend him. Only then you can get the next quest. The following are the recommended dialogues for best results (these exact dialogues also unlock the Secret Ending): “The Guy who Saved My Life” > “Nah, fucked that up too” > “What do you want from me?” > “OK. But as second chances go, this is your last.” > “You were a real dick in the beginning” > “When you said you let down your friends…” > “Smasher biz really got to her.” > “Yeah, I’ll call Rogue.”
- Blistering Love (after the previous quest, call Rogue over the phone to take her out on a date).
- During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Misty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Pick the following dialogues: “Think you and Rogue should go” > “Take Pseudoendotrizine”.
- This will lead to the Ending Missions “For Whom The Bell Tolls” > “Changes” > “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”. You will be playing these as Johnny Silverhand.
- During “Changes” (Ending Mission), after defeating Adam Smasher you will enter the Cyberspace and talk to Alt and V. Pick dialogue “Goin’ with Alt, you live on.“. Then cross the bridge and enter the Cyberspace forever (do not enter the well). This will make Johnny stay in the Cyberspace with Alt and triggers the Sun Ending where V becomes the Legend of Night City.
Worst Ending
Ending Description: V commits suicide on the balcony where Misty led you. The game ends right there.
Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: None
Ending Requirements:
- During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Misty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. Pick the following dialogues: “Could also just put all this to rest” > “[Toss Pills] I know, exactly what we’re gonna do”. V commits suicide. All friends will call during the Credits, the saddest and worst outcome.
Secret Ending
Ending Description: V will go on a suicide mission and try to storm Arasaka Tower alone. This is the most difficult option. There are multiple ways this can turn out, if V dies during this attempt then it’s game over which is the secret ending. If you reach the end of Arasaka Tower you can either enter the Well to get the “Temperance Ending“, or cross the bridge and enter the Cyberspace to get the “The Sun” ending. It’s just a different set of combat encounters compared to those other ending paths.
Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: None
Ending Requirements:
- During Side Job “Chippin’ In” (Rogue’s Questline, automatically added to journal over course of the story): When you talk to Johnny at his grave you must pick some very specific dialogues, follow all these choices exactly:
- “[Inscribe Johnny’s Initials] Let’s do something about that.”
- “The Guy who Saved My Life” –> this seems to be the first actual trigger for the secret ending, out of all choices this is the one that matters the most
- “Nah, fucked that up too” –> this seems to be the second actual trigger that is mandatory
- “What do you want from me?”
- “OK. But as second chances go, this is your last.”
- “You were a real dick in the beginning”
- “When you said you let down your friends…”
- “Smasher biz really got to her.”
- “Yeah, I’ll call Rogue.”
- Complete Rogue’s next Side Job “Blistering Love” (after “Chippin’ In“, call her over the phone and take her out to a date).
- During “Nocturne Op55N1” (Final Story Mission), Misty will walk you to a balcony. On the balcony you will talk to Johnny Silverhand. When the dialogue choice “Think trusting Arasaka’s risky but worth it” comes up, simply don’t say anything. Instead, alternate between looking at your gun and looking at Johnny once a minute. After 5 minutes, Johnny will offer you the option to do a Suicide Run. Choose “Let’s hear this plan” > “[Attack Arasaka Tower] Means goin’ out with a bang – I like it“.
- This will make you go to Arasaka Tower by yourself without the help of your friends. Be warned, this is quite challenging as there are many elite enemies on the way. Furthermore, if you die you can’t restart from checkpoint so it’s one try only (but you can of course reload a save from the balcony before triggering this ending).
- There are multiple ways this can turn out: If V dies during this attempt then it’s game over which is the secret ending. If you reach the end of Arasaka Tower you can either enter the Well to get the “Temperance” Ending, or cross the bridge to get the “The Sun” ending.
Phantom Liberty DLC Endings
Phantom Liberty Ending #1 – King of Wands
- In Main Job 10: Firestarter, when you are in the lab with Songbird pick the TOP choice “HELP SONGBIRD ESCAPE” to upload the access codes.
- At the end of Main Job 11: The Killing Moon, after the train ride you must KILL REED. (Dialogues: PICK UP SONGBIRD > LAY SONGBIRD DOWN > CAN’T LET YOU TAKE HER > DRAW WEAPON > SHOOT).
Phantom Liberty Ending #2 – King of Swords
- In Main Job 10: Firestarter, when you are in the lab with Songbird pick the TOP choice “HELP SONGBIRD ESCAPE” to upload the access codes.
- At the end of Main Job 11: The Killing Moon, after the train ride you must GIVE SONGBIRD TO REED ALIVE. (Dialogues: in train pick CALL REED > WANNA LIVE ON > DEAL > PICK UP SONGBIRD > walk to Reed at the Rocket and pick LAY SONGBIRD DOWN > TAKE GOOD CARE OF HER).
Phantom Liberty Ending #3 – The Tower (New “Main Game Ending”)
- Finish the steps for “Ending #2 – King of Swords”
- After the Credits, Reed will call you to start “Main Job: Through Pain to Heaven” (if he doesn’t call simply press Touchpad, in bottom left click “Skip Time”, advance for 24 hours a few times and then drive around until he calls). This trigger a secret ending questline.
- Complete the ending questline: “Through Pain to Heaven” > “Who Wants to Live Forever” > “Things Done Changed” > The Tower ending unlocks automatically in this scenario, can’t miss it
Phantom Liberty Ending #4 – King of Cups
- In Main Job 10: Firestarter, when you are in the lab with Songbird pick the BOTTOM choice “HELP REED CAPTURE SONGBIRD” to arm the Icebreaker.
- Continue playing until you reach the end of “Main Job: Somewhat Damaged”. At the end in the core choose to KILL SONGBIRD. (Dialogue: KILL SO MI | OK I’LL DO IT)
Phantom Liberty Ending #5 – King of Pentacles
- In Main Job 10: Firestarter, when you are in the lab with Songbird pick the BOTTOM choice “HELP REED CAPTURE SONGBIRD” to arm the Icebreaker.
- Continue playing until you reach the end of “Main Job: Somewhat Damaged”. At the end in the core choose to SPARE SONGBIRD. (Dialogues: AIN’T OVER YET > THAT’S NOT A SOLUTION > SPARE SO MI | WON’T DO IT)
PowerPyx says
There is no trophy for the bad ending (which is also stated here in the guide, quote “Trophy / Achievement Unlocked: None”).
Ivan says
This is the end of the demon, do not give a trophy
PowerPyx says
I had the same problem, figured it was just a bug for me.
But seeing some folks here having the same issue, I now think there is more going on with it (or it could be bugged). I’ll need to investigate this one further.
The space station Epilogue is the one you need for the trophy / the one that has you avenge Saburo’s death. V even breaks open a rubik’s cube in this epilogue that has the picture of a devil inside, which is what the trophy refers to.
zJoriz says
So I noticed something by accident while trying the second sub-path for Devil. I accidentally clicked to throw the rubix cube away and be angry — that’s when I got yhe Devil achievement.
The attempt before I solved the cube — and also answered some questions before that during the time lapse instead of letting the timer run out — and the achievement apparently didn’t trigger.
zJoriz says
I just remembered one more possible factor. I probably didn’t call the ones close to V during the option to do so.
No way to check this, but knowing myself it’s likely my quicksave was made before I called anybody — upon loading that save I sent V straight to bed.
PowerPyx says
Ah I thought you meant the ending on the balcony (which is technically the bad / worst ending).
I’m looking into it. See what I wrote back to TAOLO below.
Gavyn Burgess says
Is there an ending where v lives their life?
PowerPyx says
Yes, “The Star” Ending, which is the good ending where V deletes Johnny from his head and goes to live with the Nomads away from Night City.
Steve says
Well it is a good ending but he will only have about 6 months left according to alt.
Eticket says
The Devil ending also has a similar option. You head back to NC to live your life. The NPCs during the credits all act like you stayed with Arasaka though so it doesn’t really make any impact.
Mike says
Personally I believe it’s bugged.
Using the exact same way (as this article mentioned) on Xbox and I got the ‘the devil’ achievement.
Adam says
you need to save takamura in the search and destroy mission
PowerPyx says
I let her do the Tarot Card prediction.
So that probably has nothing to do with it then.
PowerPyx says
That might be it >_>
I’ll test it now. I wonder if this is intentional by the devs. Seems like an oversight tbh that you can trigger his ending regardless of whether he is alive or dead, but then it only gives the trophy in one scenario. Not exactly player-friendly since the other 3 endings have nothing missable tied to them.
PowerPyx says
Alrighty, did a bunch of variations of this over the last hours and can confirm the trophy unlock is tied to Takemura being alive.
If he wasn’t saved in “Search and Destroy” you can still do his ending all the same but it doesn’t give the trophy.
So the ending isn’t missable, but the trophy is (only unlocks if he lives).
Bit weird how they made this a trophy requirement instead of just completing the Epilogue whichever way, like they did for the other endings.
I added some additional notes of this to the guide.
Floreli says
How do you even save Takemura; there is no path back up the apartment building. I found the stairs and they led to a closed door. All signs point to the outside checkpoint which leads you to the next part in the story.
PowerPyx says
The full video for it is live now
PowerPyx says
Yeah already updated it as a missable
Bersi says
Okay so I m a little bit puzzled. I m on my first finish and followed the Devil line, saved Taka, went to the balcony but the one and only choice was the one described for the devil ending. How am I supposed to reload this save for the other endings when I dont get other dialogue options?
PowerPyx says
If you haven’t done the required side questlines yet, hit
“One more Gig” after the Credits. It puts you back before final mission. Then do the side quests and replay the final mission.
Insane says
So question right now I have a save that I’ve invested a lot of time into I’m lvl 40 and have tons of stuff but I want platinum and in this save I didn’t save takemura but I have a really old save that has 17 hours played and it’s on the mission “play it safe” can I load that save continue to play main story get the devil trophy then re load my other save that has 40+ hours played on it?
PowerPyx says
You can reload that old save, get The Devil trophy, then reload your main save.
Or do everything else on your main save first and then reload the old one after you got all other trophies.
Vengir says
I’ve read somewhere that if you don’t make any decision during the conversation on the balcony for several minutes, you get to assault the tower without help which might lead to a secret ending. Would you be willing to test it out?
ChunkyChubChakra says
Is the missable ending being worked on by CD PROJEKT right now? I love the game, but I really dont feel like making another damn playthrough.
Roxanne says
Would anyone else have liked to see an ending wherein V and Johnny learn to co-exist within the same body, and somehow find a way to keep it from killing them? I can only speak for myself but that seems like it would be interesting.
Marko Todorovic says
me i wanted this
dante says
i’d have loved this ending, tbh. why can’t we save both?
PowerPyx says
Yes, that is the one
The name of it might change throughout the game though, depending on the progress of it. But it’s always the middle one.
Fotasha says
Hey, so I tried to do the best ending, with using Panam’s help and then living out in my body for whatever time is left. This leads to leaving with the Nomads. According to a guide I followed, my female V’s love interest, River, was supposed to come with me, but no matter what dialogue options I chose, he ended up leaving, or rather, staying in Night City while I left. I had previously done all his quests, had sex with him, and agreed on a long term relationship with him, so I don’t know what went wrong. Any advice? I want him to come with me!
PowerPyx says
I don’t think there is an option where River Ward leaves with you. It will always be Panam in that ending.
Whoever you romanced can be called during the dialogue with Johnny on the balcony where Mysty leaves you, but I think that’s as far as things will go with River.
PhantomFear94 says
I romanced Judy (Female V), and she joined me in leaving NC during the “All Along the Watchtower” eplogue for “The Star”, she was physically there in person, and another scene took place. So it is possible for romance partners to join you, just maybe not River.
PhantomFear94 says
PowerPyx – Thank you so much for the entire Wiki of this. Amidst all the queries, comments and the life you’ve had to reply to…what’s your thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077? Did you enjoy? Which is your favourite ending?
PhantomFear94 says
the like*
Marko Todorovic says
Can i get The Sun Ending if i dint get 70% with Johnny?I have 60..Thanks
emery303 says
Does the worst ending (the balcony suicide) trigger “The World” achievement though? Achievement description only says “complete the main storyline”, and by doing that you technically complete the main storyline… V dies, end of story.
TK says
Suicide does not trigger The World trophy. I chose this choice first and the trophy did not trigger.
Ares says
You have to choose not to give your “soul” to Asaka after breaking the rubik’s cube, choosing to return to earth.
Luck says
Just wanted to say, you can get the Temperance ending by doing Johnny’s questline as well. Instead of crossing the bridge, and getting the Sun ending, going into the well will give you Temperance.
MhI_leg says
Can i do the Panam ending and also save Takemura
PowerPyx says
Yes (but must replay the final mission).
Reza says
Hmm the devil trophy bugged in my game, already save takemura, did the devil ending, trophy pop after talking to Yorinobu. But somehow it is still not earned yet in the trophy list… any way to fix? I even got the screen shot for the devil trophy
PowerPyx says
Are you on PS4 or PS5?
Try to sync your trophy list manually (press Options-Button in trophy list). I think most likely it’s just a display error and will fix itself after you resync. I’ve had this quite often on PS5 myself.
Another way to check is to disconnect from internet and load the trophy list offline, then it should show correctly.
If none of the above works, then the trophy hasn’t unlocked correctly. In this case, remove the account from your console, create the account again, load the manual save before popping the trophy (after Adam Smasher boss), and pop the trophy again. Then it should be marked as earned correctly.
Tyger says
That’s only what alt said but with pannams help and with what misty says about you when she does the tarot reading there is a good chance you can restore life on top of that it seems like alt wanted to save johnny not you with how she talks so she also could have lied about your time line if you are an engram on the chip now since your brain can’t function with out it you would just have to find a way to get it to start uploading your data back to your body like it did for johnny being the engram on the chip at the time
Mathew Nelson says
So you have to side with Panam to get the “Temperence” ending? I’ve already completed “The Sun” and “The Star” and just have to do Takemura’s now. I figured you could just choose to let Johnny keep V’s body no matter how you got there (I’ve always left Johnny in cyberspace so far).
Severe delirium says
If you’re going for the sun ending You play as Johnny remember so you need to not take the Omega blockers The blockers is to play as V In the sun you play as Johnny Hence The option for go with alt Johnny and ALT stay in cyberspace.
So thats correct.
Nektera says
you need to say “The Guy who Saved My Life”
you also need to say “you f***d up” too. you need to do both. and prompt johnny ask second chance.
I did say “The Guy who Saved My Life” and not get secret ending
PowerPyx says
Thanks, I marked this one as important now, too!
Tecon says
I just did The Temperance in Rogue ending, so maybe Panam is not required here. You just have to force Johny back to the body.
Snake2410 says
I just did this ending the same way. Rogue ending, but after telling V I was going to give his body back I went into the well instead of crossing the bridge. Trophy popped at the end credits.
Cameron Farmer says
Dude the same thing happens to me and not only that but also V gets mad at Johnny when he starts crossing the bridge
Casey says
Can you go back and save takamura, after you’ve already completed the mission? Although there’s dialogue that mentions his death, just curious if anyone has tried it. I just can’t remember where the building is
cyberpunk says
I want to fight alone (secret ending path) but choose option to leave with Panam. Is it possible? Because I don’t want to drag Panam to last fight, caused Saul die.
Rafa says
I did the secret ending as well. And I managed to get both The Sun and The Termperance trophy . I managed this by NOT choosing any of the 3 choices. I just waited until Johnny spoke, and did the mission as normal. And I got lucky there was an autosave to load up, before entering Cyber Space. So the 1st time I let Silverhand keep my body, and the 2nd I just entered the well.
Armyrangr25 says
Guys, easy answer for all you wondering about saving Takemura and the devil trophy. When you get ambushed at the motel with him, remember when an explosion happens and you fall through the floor? I had jump booster cyberware installed, and was curious what happened to takemura, as I could still hear a bunch of shooting above me. I just jumped back up through the hole, but you can probably do it without booster. I found takemura there shooting it out with bad guys. I whacked them all nice n easy. Takemura specifically told me something like, “thanks for coming back, you shouldn’t have. You saved me.”
john adam says
Thanks for the guidance
Ak says
All endings are obtainable as of may 19
Patch 1.22
worldpunk2077 says
I have a question; once you do all endings, there will always be the mission ‘nocturne op 55n1’ as a not completed mission on the top of the journal, everytime you go through an ending and select ” one more gig ” ?
Is there a way, to essentially close that mission and complete fully the mission journal? Or , even at 100% completion, that nocturne op55n1 will remain as a job you can track, to re-do the endings again?
Would be nice to reach a point where you close all the journal and just roll around the city no?
Dynodope says
Doing my first playthrough. Wondering if you can get all endings even the secret one. I understand once I reach the endgame that I SHOULD do a manual save before all that. Was wondering if anyone found any other ending or secrets since the newer updates? I really like the game so far I was just waiting to where the cars don’t fall under the map and other glitches were ironed out. Well, wish me luck?
Nicholas Smith says
The secret ending is actually more challenging than described here (at least in v1.52 and newer) – aside from the squads of ‘saka elites, you’ll experience constant Relic malfunctions on irregular intervals; each of those shall decrease the health bar without the option to restore it back. In order to actually reach Mikoshi I’d recommend to be 50 level with as much health hypos as possible; otherwise if the elites don’t kill you, the Relic shall.
utz says
Is it possible to play the dlc after ending the normal game? How are we supposed to play this? End the DLC first, then end the normal game?
PowerPyx says
You can start the DLC after finishing the main game. That’s how I did it myself.
After finishing the story it puts you back before the point of no return (for both main game + DLC).
Nicholas Smith says
It seems that the DLS’s King of Pentacles also triggers the “Who wants to live forever” mission, which leads to the Tower ending. Probably the other two too have the same outcome. It seems that th only way to avoid The Tower is at the Balcony’s Point of no Return to choose not to go with FIA.