Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) has 160 Fast Travel Dataterm Locations. Dataterms are the Fast Travel Points and a type of Collectible in Cyberpunk 2077. This guide shows all their locations. They are required for the Frequent Flyer trophy or achievement. Prior to Patch 1.22 the trophy would actually unlock early at about 120. After Patch 1.22 all of them are now required. Patch 1.5 added another 10 dataterms which have been updated here in the guide.
None of the Fast Travel Dataterms are missable for trophy purposes. You can still find all of them after the story in free roam. After the Credits you can select /
“One more Gig” to continue playing in free-roam (it will put you back before the final story mission). Then you can collect anything you still have left.
One Fast Travel Point at the Nomad’s Camp (Mobile Camp) in the Badlands will move around depending on how far you advance Panam’s Side Questline. After doing her side quests it will be in the north of the Badlands. Before her quests it will be in the middle of the Badlands. For the trophy it doesn’t matter where it is. It’s perfectly fine if you already completed her side quests, it will still count the old fast travel point towards your total.
Fast Travel Dataterms are marked by a purple pin on the map . To filter out other icons, zoom in on the map and click
to filter for just the “Fast Travel” points. This makes them easier to see and removes other icons from the map. Simply compare your Fast Travel Points against the maps below.
They are the only real Collectibles you need to find for trophies and achievements. Unlike other icons they only show up when you are within a few meters of them (when they are within your minimap radar range, about 20 meters). They will unlock when you simply drive past them. They are all near roads, so technically you just need to drive along every road to unlock them all.
For the Frequent Flyer trophy you don’t actually have to use the Dataterms to fast travel. No need to interact with them either, just get them to show up on your map. Metro Station Dataterms were added in Patch 1.22 and now they also count towards the trophy, so you must get those too. Patch 1.5 added a further 10 dataterms which are now also needed for the trophy.
From North to South (including the stretch of Badlands north of Watson):
- 101 North
- Oil Fields
- Ebunike Docks
- Offshore ST
- NID: Docks
- Arasaka Waterfront North
- California & Pershing
- Pershing ST
- Goldsmith Street (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Northside Apartment (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Martin ST
- Megabuilding H11
- All Foods Plant
- Longshore North
- NID: East
- Charter ST
- Pinewood Junction (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Kabuki Market
- Kennedy North
- Metro: Med Center
- Drake Ave
- Metro: Eisenhower ST
- California & Cartwright
- Goldsmith ST
- Metro: Farrier St
- Sutter ST
- Creek Loop
- Bellevue Overwalk
- Allen ST (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Allen ST South
- Kabuki: Central
- Pinewood ST South
- Megabuilding H10: Atrium
- Bradbury & Buran
- Metro: Zocalo
- Afterlife
- Metro: Ellison St
- Riot
- Clarendon ST
From North to South (going through Oakwood at the end):
- Drive-In Theater
- Capitola ST
- Skyline & Salinas
- Sagan & Diamond
- Japantown West
- Metro: Monroe ST
- Fourth Wall Studios
- Japantown Apartment (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Cherry Blossom Market
- Jig-Jig Street (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Megabuilding H8
- Redwood Market
- Crescent & Broad
- Silk Road West
- Metro: Japantown South
- Gold Niwaki Plaza
- Dark Matter
- Metro: Charter Hill
- Luxury Apartments
- Lele Park
- Dynalar
- Longshore South
- Columbarium
- North Oak Sign
- Kerry Eurodyne’s Residence
- Arasaka Estate
City Center
From North to South:
- Downtown North
- Berkeley & Bruce Skiv
- Metro: Republic Way
- Corpo Plaza Apartment (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Metro: Downtown – Alexander St
- Skyline & Republic
- Downtown Central
- Halsey & MLK
- Gold Beach Marina
- Corporation ST
- Arasaka Tower
- Metro: Memorial Park
- Ring Road
- Petrel ST
- Delamain HQ
- Republic & Vine
- Skyline East
- Metro: Congress & MLK
- College ST
- Congress & Madison
- Reconciliation Park
- Senate & Market
- Embers
- Metro: Glen North
- Metro: Ebunike
- Berkeley & Bay
- Cannery Plaza
- Metro: Market ST
- Palms View Plaza
- Pumping Station
- Parque Del Mar
- Megabuilding H2
- Ventura & Skyline
- Palms View Way
- Glen Apartment (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Valentino Alley
- Metro: Glen South
- Hanford Overpass
- El Coyote Cojo
- Megabuilding H3
- Shooting Range
Santo Domingo
From North-East to South:
- Trailer Park
- San Amaro ST
- Rancho Coronado North
- Republic East
- Metro: Megabuilding H7
- Megabuilding H6
- MLK & Brandon
- Red Dirt Bar
- Hargreaves ST
- Mission Waterfront (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Metro: Wollesen St
- Megabuilding H4
- Rancho Coronado South
- Arasaka Industrial Park
- Mallagra & Mazanita
- Kendal Park
- Dam Viewpoint
- Woodhaven Street (*New in Patch 1.5)
- Rancho Coronado East
- Almunecar & Jerez
- Piez
From North to South:
- Stadium Parking
- Pacifica Pier
- Batty’s Hotel
- Chapel
- Metro: Stadium
- Grand Imperial Mall
- West Wind Apartments
East Badlands – the part east of Santo Domingo (ordered from North to South):
- Nomad Camp / Mobile Camp (Note: where this marker is will depend on whether or not you completed Panam’s storyline yet. It will be in the middle of the Badlands and called “Mobile Camp” before doing Panam’s side quests. It will be at the end of the northern-most road of the Badlands after doing Panam’s side quests. For the Frequent Flyer trophy / achievement it does not matter which of the two camps you have active. I had the northern camp active after doing all her quests and still got the trophy, it counts the Mobile Camp even after it moves north)
- Desert Film ST
- Rocky Ridge
- Sunset Motel
- Sunshine Hotel
- Big Rock
- I-9 East
- Far Ridge
- Old Turbines
- Wraith Camp
- Edgewood Farm
- Medeski Fuel Station
South Badlands – the part south of Santo Domingo (ordered from North to South):
- Dam
- Lake Farm
- Solar Power Station
- Abandoned Parking Lot
- Las Palapas Motel
- Solar Arrays
- Autowerks
- Tango Tors Motel
- Abandoned Fuel Station
- Regional Airport
- Fuel Station
- Border Checkpoint
- Protein Farm
That’s all of the Fast Travel Dataterms in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77). After finding around 120 of them you used to unlock the Frequent Flyer trophy or achievement in the launch version. With the most recent patch all dataterms are needed.
For all other Collectibles check out the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Anon says
Why are there so many the map is tiny
lmao says
took me ages to find sunset motel because I don’t know to how fast travel lol
PowerPyx says
Which district is that in?
I didn’t need it for the “All Dataterms” trophy.
vladiator says
is there a way to track these?
PowerPyx says
With the PS4 version there currently is no way to see total progress. Can only check the in-game map and compare with the maps here.
Amanda says
You can on Xbox if you look at your achievement progress In the game official club page. I imagine Playstation would be the same…
Lawrence Tran says
Its in Heywood/Vista Del Rey – lower left between the 2 bridges into Santo Domingo/Arroyo
JargoChan says
I have no idea what’s happening with this trophy, I only have maybe at most 90% of the locations but the trophy popped lol
PowerPyx says
It’s normal, was the same for me. I think they must’ve added more dataterms after they coded the trophy. So maybe they added more dataterms as development went on, hence there’s more than we need. The trophy description says “all” are required but only around 120 are needed.
Jennifer Hall says
I also noticed College Street is missing on the map. Confirming what Lawrence Tran said. Who knew wanting to see Street signs at each corner would be something I wanted in a game…
PowerPyx says
Thanks, it’s updated now
PowerPyx says
Thanks, good spotting! Updated this in the image & updated total count to 140.
LetsPlayNintendoITA says
yea that one is missing too
egcmx says
got all 140 locations in the list but still haven’t got the trophy yet.
Vojta says
It’s glitched, I’ve got all of them and trophy didnt pop
Alexander says
Same been looking all over
SamusEny says
yeah it looks like this is now glitched probably in on of the updates, really annoying as its the only trophy i need to get platinum.
i even started a new game and then tried again but still never popped
scoobytitanic says
I thought I was the only one, I was losing my mind over here
Shane says
I have also tried this today and cannot get the trophy to popup. I even think I have a couple of locations that aren’t in this guide. Thinking it was the patch I tried to delete the game and reinstall without the patch. Then booted up the game and it said all of my save data was corrupt. Luckily reinstalling the patch let me use my saves again but it was pretty scary.
I’m not sure if this is a glitched trophy or maybe there are just some locations missing that we don’t know about
PowerPyx says
Not sure what’s going on if the patch messed something up or what. Sorry to hear you have this problem.
Those are all locations that were in the game at launch. There are also some “metro stations” from which you can fast travel but those aren’t needed for the trophy and don’t have purple markers on the map (they don’t count as normal ‘fast travel points’).
If you found anything new please let me know the name of the fast travel point and what area it’s in and I’ll give it another look. It’s possible the patch changed something. I haven’t heard of this trophy not unlocking until the latest patch happened. It actually used to unlock long before finding all fast travel points before the latest patch.
Shane says
Ah I didn’t know some metros don’t count. But one in particular I found was in Watson Little China southwest of Goldsmith ST.
Metro: Farrier St is missing there. I wonder if the new patch made metros mandatory? You also said purple. Are there both purple and blue fast travel markers? Or you just mean a purply blue? lol
PowerPyx says
It’s like a purply blue, yeah :p
I’ll redownload the game today to check if the patch added the metros to the map now.
Either the patch messed up the trophy or it now requires metros (which again, were definitely not needed at launch and didn’t show up on the in-game map).
ChernabogPL says
i found all 150 fast travel points, and the trophy didn’t pop… i’m so embarrased it’s my last trophy for platinum
Alexander says
Same!!! Im so annoyed. Cant wait for a fix
egcmx says
deleted the game and my save file. reinstalling the game without updates and will start a new game to try if the trophy will pop-out. will update you guys if i got it or not,
nick says
i try to re install the game without patch but it is unplayble even in ps5. Data terms when u go next to them didnt even work…
Kyle says
Yeah, 100% glitched now. Got them all, checked twice. I’ve had no major issues until going for my last few trophies and it’s maddening.
Alexander says
Thats sad. The worst kind of glitches are those who breaks trophys
senollen says
Add me to the list of people screwed by the update. Only one I need… discovered them all but no trophy. Fix one thing, break another…
AllGood says
I found 149 and nothing, i didn’t get the trophy ?
Nicolas says
Anyone can get the trophy with the latest patch ? I think that Metro: Memorial Park is the one that cause the problem. Its in the right side of Arasaka Tower, in Corpo city
Alexander says
The trophy is bugged. Last one i need for plat
Rivia says
Im having the same problems, i managed to find at least 95% of all the fast travel locations but still no trophy pop.. Kinda disappointed in CD PR. FIX THE GAME AND GIVE ME MY PLATINUM TROPHY
PowerPyx says
For people trying it on Patch 1.20 (which released March 29th, 2021):
– It seems CDPR made the trophy unobtainable by accident with this patch.
– A workaround is to uninstall the game, disconnect from the internet (Network Settings), reinstall and stay offline. This makes the game version 1.00, but only works with the disc. If you have the digital version it automatically downloads the latest patch and you must buy the disc instead. Now start a new game (your patch 1.20 saves will be incompatible with version 1.00), and collect about 120 dataterms to pop the trophy. Luckily you don’t need all and can roam around the city early on.
– It has been fixed as of patch 1.22 and the trophy is now obtainable again.
egcmx says
already tried it. uninstalled the game and deleted save file, reinsert he disc, reinstalled the game, turned off internet, played at version 1.0, found and interacted with all fast travel points in the list still trophy didn’t popped out.
Shane says
This is so broken. I tried as well and the dataterms do not even show up on the map. I can interact with one when I go but there is nowhere to select on the map. I just want my platinum…Using a PS5 btw
Shane says
Scratch that…need to do quests up till when you talk to Viktor…Trying to get dataterms now…
David says
On patch 1.22 and I definitely have over 120 of them. Wondering if they made it so you actually have to find them all now cause trophy hasn’t popped for me yet.
Qass says
Playing on this update (1.22) checked every location in this guide. Still no platinum trophy. Patch hasn’t fixed enough.
Shane says
Final Update: I gave up. The dataterms seem to pop up randomly. If you complete a quest near one, it will pop up but not if you just drive by. 1.0 is simply too broken so we may need to wait for a new patch :\
Alexander says
Thanks for sharing. Thought about doing the same. But og you have to play the game over. It’s better to wait
Nicolas says
Today was released a new hotfix, did anyone already downloaded and knows if the trophy bug was solve?
Shane says
Hey everyone! I have good news and bad news. The good news is I got it working on 1.0 on a PS5. The bad news is, it takes about 7 hours to get it working…
I want to put my steps here in case anyone is as obsessive as me and wants to just get this overwith and hope it can help!
1. Uninstall game
2. Disconnect from internet
3. Install 1.0 from disc
4. Create new save as your old ones will say corrupted (although if you reinstall the latest patch they are fine)
5. Complete act 1. This is required so that you can leave Watson.
6. See below…
Now here is where it gets difficult. At first the dataterms were not popping up when going by them. Then I realized when a quest completed near one, it did. So I started playing around. I tried saving and then loading the same save while standing next to a dataterm and it worked. It pops up. But that takes a while.
Next I realized that some times when I came to a dataterm it would pop up but ONLY if I was walking. It would never pop in a drive by. What this means is you need to get close to a dataterm and then walk up to it. If you are too close in the car, get out of the car and run away until you cannot see the green holo on it anymore and run close again and it will pop up!
For me this took 92 dataterms to pop the trophy. I did Watson -> City Center -> Heywood -> Westbrook -> Santo Domingo -> Pacifica
I hope this helps people. I also know that 1.21 came out today but I already saw reports that it didn’t fix this so if you have the time and obsession like I did, this will get you the platinum!
Shane says
Correction. I meant 109 dataterms for trophy pop.
egcmx says
no time to do it again for the third time. already did walk and interacted with all fast travel for version 1.0. and it is so hard to use the 1.0 map. it’s so tiring.
Hlavyn says
Yep, i discovered it too. The only thing thats totally fucked up with this method is that every second you can get blue screen of death :D But if you trully want to get this trophy, this method with 1.0 patch works.
SystemIDentifier says
Still broken in patch 1.21, checked and double checked and I have every single one in the list above (plus a few more). Guess we have to wait until the next patch.
egcmx says
did somebody already reported this one? so they can fix it for the next update.
egcmx says
just got the trophy after 108 locations. thanks for shane for the tip. btw i’m using ps5.
disconnect from the internet. delete game and save file. reinsert data disc and game disc to reinstall game. launch the game (version 1.00)
can’t do it driving a vehicle. no need saving and loading for the location to pop out. also no need to do jobs near the location. just stand in front of the fast travel dataterm then step backwards until the green holo/light disappears. then step forward again. if blue location pin appears, it will appear on map also, location counted.
Ryan says
I hope that when CDPR fixes this that I don’t have to restart my game a third time. Buying all the cars and leveling up to level 20 were already a pain in the ass.
Nicolas says
Did anyone get the trophy with today patch? i got new fast travel, like Metro: Memorial Park in City Center, and it appears as blue icon, but no trophy yet.
Kyle says
Any word on if this is fixed in the new patch?
nick says
Double check the Dataterms still at 1.22 patch cant obtain the trophy..I got the dataterms on this list plus something else such as Memorial park…I got one mobile camp..They want both of them?( i got the first one)
Enterobius says
Still bugged.Metro station – ok but achieve non pop`s (ps4pro)
cyntaxi says
I was missing few dataterms anyway and didn’t bother even try this trophy before fix, but after this patch (they said it’s fixed) so I gave it a chance. PS5, patch 1.22, I got the trophy now and platinum, so definitely fixed.
David says
Did you have to find all 150 or 140 of them? I definitely have over 120 but trophy hasn’t popped for me yet. Thanks
scoobytitanic says
Just checked with the 1.22 update and loaded into a save file where I had every single dataterm discovered and the trophy popped right away. Finally have the platinum for this game.
Daniel Vargas says
I’m from Chile and your guide helped me a lot…
i have the 1.22 patch runnin on my ps5 and i could get the ”frequent flyer” trophy
tom says
I got the trophy (ps4),Last one was a metro:stadium.It is on the left side of the stadium in Pacifica.
Enterobius says
Finally! PS4 it works! I was missed 1 point in Pacifica! Can you delete my previous comment?
vaxo says
pls send me the save file if its possible
Lucas Arantes says
Ps4 version 1.22… i picked ALL OF THEM including the new on pacífica Stadium… The trophy dont pop… Dont know what to do ?
Nicolas says
do you have Metro: Memorial Park, was the last one they added on the patch, i posted a comment with a map with all fast travel points, but my comment was not approved yet, i think becase the external link, but it could be useful for all looking for the trophy
David says
Finished finding all the data points after patch 1.22 and trophy did not pop. Any work around or do I have to start from scratch?
tom says
Two metro is missing on the map.It is the north side of Luxury Apartments in Westbrook and the east side of Megtabuilding H6 in Santo Domingo.
PowerPyx says
I’m gonna look into this shortly.
At launch the metros were not marked on the in-game map, and were not needed for the trophy. But it’s possible they changed it with patches.
Edit: updated maps with the new Dataterms/Metros that the patch added.
ysk says
I’m from Japan. I got the trophy on 1.22 (PS4). We need to find 149 dataterm to get the trophy.
The dataterm missing on this site are
– Metro: Farrier St (West side of Goldsmith ST)
– Metro: Zocalo (North side of Afterlife)
– Metro: Ellison St (East side of Afterlife)
– Metro: Charter Hill (North side of Luxury Apartments)
– Metro: Downtown – Alexander St (North side of Downtown Central)
– Palms View Way (North side of Valentino Alley)
– Metro: Memorial Park (South side of Arasaka Tower)
– Metro: Ebunike (East side of Metro: Glen North)
– Metro: Megabuilding H7 (East side of Megabuilding H6)
– Metro: Stadium (East side of Chapel)
– Metro: Wolleson St (North side of Stadium Parking)
Nathan says
You are a legend thanks!
AK says
i have them all and still didnt get the trophy
Shawn Zenker says
Yes of Course i have all Stations Check Up and i didnt have the trophy too
Camtherockstar55 says
I’m on version 1.23 on PS4 and I’ve got all 150 fast travel locations but the trophy hasn’t unlocked and I’m trying to get the platinum
Camtherockstar55 says
Turns out I forgot two of the fast travel locations once I found them the trophy unlocked
Alin says
Thank you it was very helpful
Playingonbacon says
Where is Metro: Eisenhower ST I really need that one in Watson
PowerPyx says
Around the middle of Watson, north-west of Little China (north-west of the big highway).
Playingonbacon says
@Powerpyx i found one around that area in a alley but it’s not showing up on the map is that it also if it int I’ll just go back to this one last can’t deal with the stress ?
Playingonbacon says
Thanks for your help Powerpyx I got my achievement now this one was a pain and probably the most annoying has you running all over the city
Kefka says
As of new patch on x1, I have gotten all 150 locations and the tracker has stopped at 94%. So either they added more or its bugged. Let me know if you guys find anything. It’s my last achievement in need
Kefka says
So on cdpr forums users have confirmed there are more fast travel points post patch 1.5. 4 new ones at each of the apartments and a new on on jig jig st. Can we get updated maps when you find them pyx?
Mitch says
hi I found 2 locations that are not on the map the trophy did not jump me, but maybe it will help someone. To whom should I send photos of those 2 locations to add them to the map ???
Scott says
This guide needs to be updated post patch 1.5.
Used it to check off the locations for the trophy and after triple checking yes I have located every single one in this guide and still no trophy.
Matt Willis says
Damn. I’m going to be starting this trophy soon if it doesn’t pop from gameplay. This is getting me worried.
Matt Willis says
Just found this elsewhere. There are new dataterms in patch 1.5.
Maybe try giving the following a try:
“Pinewood Junction” NE of the small round about center of WATSON
“Allen Street” North of Allen ST South in WATSON
“Metro Farrier St” Directly west of Allen Street in WATSON
“Woodhaven Street” East of most SE Ripperdoc in SANTO DAMINGO
“Mission Waterfront” Near most west Ripperdoc in SANTO DAMINGO
“Jig-Jig Street” East of the NW Ripperdoc JAPANTOWN
+the four apartments
Ryan says
Did you ever figure this out? I spent hours and hours double checking I have them all and no trophy.
maxxdank says
As Matt Willis mentioned above –
“Mission Waterfront” Near most west Ripperdoc in SANTO DAMINGO
did it for me.
Das Badger says
The ‘Woodhaven Street’ Terminal did it for me. Its also not on the above maps as of me posting this.
Hope this helps!
HereticGrin says
This one did it for me, new dataterms added in 1.5 are needed for trophy.
PowerPyx says
Apparently the last patch added more fast travel points yet again and the new ones are now also required for the trophy.
I’ll add those and update the maps after I’m done with Elden Ring and Tiny Tina Wonderlands.
Edit: The guide has now been updated with the new dataterms from Patch 1.5.
mooseguy says
I did a spreadsheet and entered everything listed on this site, I came up with 149 listed by Powerpyx: Watson= 35, Westbrook= 24, San Dom= 19, Heywood= 26, City Center= 13, Pacifica= 7, East Badlands= 12, and South Badlands= 13. My calculator has 149. Then I added the 10 new ones from update 1.5 which lists 10 (6 new + 4 apartments), but one of the new ones is already listed on this site (Metro: Farrier St, that’s #22 in Watson. So the new list only has 9. There are two missing. This is for the PS5 version, I already have the PS4 version 1.0 trophy, just replaying it for another platinum. If I find the two names that are missing, I will update this post.
PowerPyx says
Guide is now updated for Patch 1.5 with the 10 new dataterms. I kept the old maps for Badlands as nothing there changed, rest of maps has been updated.
The new dataterms are tagged in the text list.
Also added video for Patch 1.5 at the top.
Sorry that it took me a while to get this updated. There were so many big games launching so close together in recent weeks that it didn’t leave me with a free minute until now. I’d normally have this updated in a day. Hopefully no new dataterms until DLCs arrive.
Has says
Thanks a lot for the updated version, that helped a LOT!
Eryk says
There is actually 157 in this guide and according to email I received from CDProject support there is 159 needed for trophy so… Where are those two?
PowerPyx says
All 160 are here.
You can add up the ones for each region to confirm yourself.
39 Watson + 26 Westbrook + 14 City Center + 27 Heywood + 21 Santo Domingo + 7 Pacifica + 13 East Badlands (in the list I have Nomad Camp/Mobile Camp listed as 1 because it’s the same point that has 2 movable spawns) + 13 South Badlands
= 160
All here
Git says
I was missing Kerry Eurodyne’s Residence in Watson.
The trophy just unlocked for me today.
Thanks for the map PowerPyx
Steven Sommer says
Your list has 159 Fast Travel Dataterms.
PowerPyx says
See Nomad Camp / Mobile Camp, it’s two in one because that dataterm transforms and moves around with quest progression.
It’s basically a matter of how you count it. There are 160 different dataterms but only 159 can be on the map at any given time. That’s because Nomad Camp transforms into Mobile Camp. For trophy purposes it doesn’t matter which of the two you have active, you only need one or the other. Counting them separately it adds up to 160, they are just listed as one because you only need one of them.
Too Much Coffee Man says
When I hover my mouse pointer on the Trailer Park fast travel location, the map reports Badlands, not the Santo Domingo district.
When you’re missing just one location and you think you’ve found it but … sigh.
Padi303 says
After over an hour of despair and double-checking my map i finally found my mistake. It was Reconciliation Park.
Didn’t check it because of the quest marker for the last mission i guess…
Was stressing out in believe it was bugged for me.
Robert says
Thanks brother, I was missing the same one.
Fred says
So I just cross referenced this map and got all the points I was missing and the trophy didn’t pop for me, is this trophy still bugged? I’m on PS5. I’ll triple check the map again but I’m positive I’m not missing any
Abaddon-Beattie says
Started playing for the 1st time on ps5 after patch 1.61, and I have achieved the trophy. I was missing 4 in the badlands and 1 in Watson. Thanks for the locations and maps.
Vampiszon says
Thanks a lot, I was only missing 4 from Badlands and luckyly I started my search there, so got the trophy in 20 mins.