Here you can find a complete Crow Country Walkthrough with all Puzzles, Key Items, Secrets and Trophies. Everything needed for 100% completion is included.
This Walkthrough will show the best route for completing the game while doing everything required for getting S Rank upon completing the game. With this you can get the Platinum in a single playthrough, or can be used on a repeat playthrough for getting S Rank easier. Crow Country will take 3-6 hours to complete, depending on how thoroughly you explore.
To get S Rank at the end, you will need to complete the game with the following:
- 10 or Fewer Heals Used
- 0 Hints Spent
- 15 Secrets Found
- 0 Lives Used
- Must be played on Survival Horror (cannot get ranks on Exploration Mode)
As long as you never use the Fortune Tellers around the game you will finish with 0 Hints Spent, and if you don’t turn on Extra Lives in the settings you will get 0 Lives Used. You will find all 15 Secrets by following the Walkthrough, so the main factor in getting S Rank is the amount of heals you use. As Time Played and Saves Used don’t factor into your ranking, you can take your time and save as regularly as you want, so if you feel you take too much damage or heal too much you can revert to an earlier save.
Med Kits and Antidotes count as 1 Heal Used, but Large Med Kits count as 2 Heals Used. Because of this you will want to be cautious about using them unless you’re heavily injured, and if you’re poisoned you’re probably better off just using an Antidote unless you’re also low on health.
As you progress through the game more and more enemies will appear in the areas. You can kill these if you have enough ammo (and there is plenty throughout the game), but many of them you can simply run past without getting hit. If you choose to fight enemies, use your Handgun for most weaker enemies, Shotgun for larger ones, Flamethrower and Grenades for packs, and the Magnum/Shotgun/Grenade for the optional mini-bosses and the final boss fight.
You will also find various traps that appear throughout the game. All of these can be triggered by shooting them and some can be used against enemies. Initially you will find bear traps, gas mines and hanging chandeliers, but later on you will start seeing fake items on the ground which are actually explosives. These appear slightly different in color to the regular items, and they are also usually out in the open rather than tucked away in a corner like regular items. Be careful about picking up items as the damage from these can quickly push you past 10 heals if you trigger them.
Throughout the game you can find wooden crates and glass bottles. These can contain health items or ammo and can be broken with a single shot. You will be able to see what is inside the glass bottles and these will always have an item (though the item is randomized), but wooden crates aren’t guaranteed to have anything in them. You can also search rubbish bins for items, or kick vending machines 1-10 times for handgun ammo or a grenade. The item in glass bottles will change occasionally, most notably when you quit and reload. This means that you can save in a room with a glass bottle and quit/reload if you want to get a particular item (like gasoline). Regular items found in the world are set and will be the same every playthrough.
- Before starting the game, make sure that Extra Lives in Settings > Game is turned OFF. This is turned off by default.
- When starting the game, choose Survival Horror instead of Exploration Mode.
- Grab the Med Kit in the corner to the left of the locked gate.
- Grab Handgun ammo from the trunk of your car and shoot the lock on the door.
- Pick up the Flashlight on the floor in front of you, then enter the park.
- Enter the Toilet on the left to grab a Laser Sight for your Handgun from the floor.
- In the corner of the main area is a Fortune Teller with the number 10 above it. Interacting with this can give you hints on your next story objective, but doing this will lower your rank at the end of the game. Never use these Fortune Tellers if you want to get S Rank!
- Continue through the park into Fairytale Town where you will find an injured man by a barrel, talk to him and give him a Med Kit to help him.
- Offer to help move Arthur and you will move him back to your car.
- Return to your car and talk to Arthur (Trophy: Checking in on a friend
- Return to where you helped Arthur and read the note where he was sitting for a code: 3184.
- Go through the northwest door and go through the Utility Corridor to find Crow’s Lounge.
- Read the note on a photograph to find the passphrase for the Great Fairy: “Hear me, oh Great Fairy of Fairest Forest!”
- Grab the Fairytale Town map on the wall next to the fireplace (fires act as save points).
- (If you want to get the Map of Secrets now you can use the code 8891 on the case next to the couch, but this will be properly listed later when you normally get the code)
- Return to Fairytale Town and input the code 3184 on the keypad next to the green Great Fairy.
- Talk to the Great Fairy and use the passphrase “Hear me, oh Great Fairy of Fairest Forest!” to gain access to the Fairy Pond.
- In the Fairy Pond, pull the curtain in front of you to reveal the pump mechanism. Then turn the valve next to it 6 times until the needle on the gauge is just past the white area. The needle will begin to drop back down, so run back and press the switch when the needle is in the white. If you press it when the needle is in the red, pull the lever in the corner next to the valve to remove the poisonous gas. There is also an antidote in the corner here if you get poisoned.
- The pond next to you will become clear and you will be able to see a target under the water. Shoot it and the Great Fairy will appear again, interact with it to receive the Bronze Key.
- Secret 1: Head into the room at the back of Fairy Pond, then interact with the wall panel at the back right to find a robotic crow model. Interact with it to receive the first secret, the Magnum Laser.
- Return to the main area of Crow Country and open the gate on the right with the Bronze Key to access Haunted Hilltop.
- Interact with the noticeboard on the right next to Witchwood to find the Haunted Hilltop map.
- Enter the Crypt to find four gravestones and a compass in the middle. Rotate the gravestones to point in the following directions:
- Estelle – East
- Solomon Weselby – South West
- Norbert Easley – North East
- Soulina – South
- Thorough 1: Head towards the gate and the first Optional Mini-Boss will break through the wall. Make sure to kill it as you will need to kill all four for a trophy.
- Pull the lever in the wall space where the mini-boss broke through to open the gate to the Utility Corridor.
- Before you leave the Crypt, on the shelf next to Norbert Easley’s gravestone you will find some Gasoline, which you will need later.
- Enter the Utility Corridor and enter the Machine Room right next to the save point, where you will find some more Gasoline next to you, which you will also need later.
- In the back of this room is a safe, open it with the code 1872 (the death date for Soulina) to find the Crank Handle.
- Grab the Utility Corridor map next to the safe, then open the locked door to let Julie in.
- Talk to Julie and exhaust her conversation.
- Secret 2: Head through to The Dungeon, then walk into the Iron Maiden and press the switch at the back to enter a small corridor. Next to the locked gate will be some Magnum Ammo in a hole in the wall.
- Head towards the Haunted Manor and you’ll hear the animatronic bird nearby hoots five times. Ring the bell five times to open the door.
- In the back right are two grandfather clocks. Use the Crank Handle on them to change the times, and set the left clock to 10:20 and the right clock to 11:15. Grab the Gemstone from the painting.
- Return to Fairytale Town and enter Swan Boats, the first room on your left. Use the Gemstone on the mouth of the swan to activate the boat, then steer it over to the gap in the fence.
- Interact with the swan boat to obtain the Chain.
- Use the Bronze Key on the letterbox outside the small house opposite the Swan Boats to access it and go inside.
- Use your Crank Handle on the valve at the back to fill the hole with water, then use your Chain on the winch to raise the mask in resin.
- Use some gasoline on the tank behind the flamethrower, then use it to melt the resin and grab the Woeful Mask.
- Secret 3: Search the bucket behind the winch to find the Shotgun Laser.
- Secret 4: Opposite the door to the Fairy Pond is a large head with its mouth open, go inside to find the Mush Room. Remove the rope barrier and eat all six mushrooms on the table, then speak to the Mushroom King for the Pistol Upgrade. Be careful though as you will get hurt when eating Lepiota Brunneoincarnata, Amanita Bisporigera and Amanita Phalloides, so make sure to heal between eating these. To be safe you may want to save at Crow’s Lounge or Train Room (behind the bronze key door in Crow Country) before doing this, as if your health is too low when eating you can die.
- Return to Haunted Hilltop and use Woeful Mask to access Witchwood.
- Navigate through the hedge maze by interacting with the lit pedestals to raise/lower the other pedestals with the same symbol. You can find various items throughout the hedge maze, but you want to get to the middle and search the Witch’s Cauldron to find the Trident.
- Secret 5: All of the pedestals will lower and enemies will appear in the area. Behind one of the pedestals on the way out is some Magnum Ammo, so make sure to grab it.
- Now use the Crank Handle to open Ocean Kingdom on the west side of Crow Country.
- Climb down the ladder to enter the Submarine, which is a save room.
- The Shotgun is locked in a cabinet in the corner, which requires a score of 21 to open. Shoot the floating sea creatures in the following order to get this score: Shark, Shark, Pufferfish, Dolphin (Trophy: Shotgun
- Leave the Submarine and grab the Ocean Kingdom map on the wall to the left of The Seven Seas.
- Head into the Games Arcade at the top of Ocean Kingdom and speak to Marvin with your flashlight turned off until he leaves.
- Go through the door he was blocking and down the next corridor to the right to enter Neptune’s Palace.
- Tap the glass of the four containers to make the heads inside turn towards the middle, then stand in the middle to have all four lights on the chest turn green to open it and find the Silver Key.
- Use the drink fountain and fill the cup in the following order: Groovy Grape, Luscious Lime, Pineapple Punch, Strawberry Sunshine.
- This will reveal a hidden code on the board next to it: 8891.
- If you want to unlock the door out of Neptune’s Place for easier travel, the code is 1234.
- Head north to Crow’s Lounge and open the case next to the couch with 8891 to find the Map of Secrets, which will let you see secret locations by pressing
on the map (Trophy: Secret Map
- Leave Crow’s Lounge through the way you came in to find the Western Utility Corridor map next to the other room.
- Open the barred window on the wooden box in the middle of the room, this is needed to spawn the second Optional Mini-Boss.
- Kick the door to reveal a Silver Key lock and enter it find Tolman’s Office. Speak to Tolman and exhaust the dialogue.
- Watching the tapes will give you a letter for each tape, play the keyboard and input the word FACE.
- A Panel will open by the power board, pull the lever to activate the four elevators to the Underground.
- Thorough 2: When you leave the room the Optional Mini-Boss will break out of the box, make sure to kill it.
- Head south to the Games Arcade and use the Silver Key on the power box in the back corner to turn on the power.
- Get 5 points on Mermaid Quiz (Trophy: Quizmaster
- What caused the extinction of the Dinosaurs? Volcano Eruption
- How many Planets are there in our Solar System? Nine
- What is the tallest building in the world? Sears Tower
- What is the highest-grossing film of all time? E.T.
- Which area of the tongue is used for tasting sweet things? The tip
- What kinds of food should you eat the most of each day? Bread, Cereal, Pasta
- What is the approximate population of Earth? Five Billion
- How many countries are there in Europe? 34
- Reset Mermaid Quiz to 1 point, then get 2 points on Dolphin Dash, 4 points on Speed Boat and 8 points on Shark Shooter.
- Grab Data Disk from the Change Machine.
- Return to Crow Country and use the Silver Key to open the Gift Shop.
- Head behind the counter and interact with the register. The code is the combined price of three specific items in the store.
- Secret 6: $5.50, $10.00 and $4.25 = 1975, input at register to find .44 Magnum (Trophy: Magnum Revolver
- Secret 7: Open the fridge by the register and talk to the mushroom to upgrade the Shotgun Capacity.
- Secret 8: Use the Bronze Key to enter the Train Room opposite the Gift Shop. Use Data Disk on the computer terminal, then set Engine to B, 1st Car to D, 2nd Car to A and Caboose to C to reveal the Flamethrower in the second train carriage (Trophy: Flamethrower
- Secret 9: return to your car and use Silver Key on the trunk of the red car for the Running Shoes (Trophy: Running Shoes
). Equip these to run faster.
- If you didn’t already speak to Arthur in your car at the start of the game, do so now.
- Re-enter Ocean Kingdom and use your Flamethrower on the door to the Store Room to burn it open. If you don’t have any gasoline for your Flamethrower, then you can grab some from the counter of the Gift Shop.
- Secret 10: Inside the Store Room, talk to the mushroom on the shelf in the back left to upgrade your Magnum to Gold Plated.
- Secret 11: Use code 1825 on the scale with the octopus to find some Magnum Ammo.
- Listen to the animatronic bird in the same room, it will hoot 8 times.
- Head to The Dungeon in Haunted Hilltop and use the Data Disk on the computer terminal, then input the relevant body parts for each cell to open them (Mermaid only one necessary for progression, rest contain regular items):
- Mermaid: 0, 2, 1, 2
- Wolf: 4, 0, 1, 2
- Cyclops: 2, 2, 1, 1
- Serpent: 0, 0, 1, 2
- Grab Acid Bottle from the Mermaid Cell.
- Set the numbers on the computer for a Human: 2, 2, 1, 2
- Secret 12: Enter the Crypt and Ophelia’s tomb will now be accessible, search it for Med Kit Upgrade (Trophy: Med Kit Pro
- Secret 13: Outside the Haunted Manor, ring the bell 8 times for more Magnum Ammo.
- Secret 14: Head inside the Haunted Manor and use the code CAGE on piano to open the painting to the right of the grandfather clocks to increase Flamethrower Range (Trophy: Wishes Granted
- Use DEAD on the piano to open access to Staff Hallway.
- You will hear a gunshot as you move forward. Enter the blue door on the right to find the dead body and grab the Antidote on the shelf if you don’t have one.
- Next to the NE Elevator you will find Natalie. Give Natalie an Antidote to help her.
- Head down NE Elevator, use the cart to cross to NW Underground.
- Enter the Break Room and enable Root Access at the panel at the back.
- Thorough 3: When you attempt to leave, the third Optional Mini-Boss will break through the pool table. Make sure to kill it.
- Read the license plate dropped by the boss for the code 2663, which unlocks the now-locked security gate.
- While still in NW Underground, enter Root FRI in and use the Acid Bottle on the acid drip to fill it up.
- Return to NE Underground and enter Root SAT to find the External Underground map.
- Enter Root SUN in NE Underground for the Internal Underground map,
- While in the room, shoot the generator to de-electrify the door to Crow’s Office above.
- Head to SW Underground and enter Root THU.
- Use the Data Disk on the computer terminal and set CO to 13, SO2 to 6, NO2 to 11 and COCl2 to 20 (for a total of 50), then pull the lever opposite it to stop the gas at The Seven Seas.
- Return to NE Underground and head up the elevator, then go down the corridor to enter the Theatre.
- Raise the curtain, shoot the head of Great Fairy to reveal the resin, then go down to the audience and use the Acid Bottle on the tank in the back corner.
- Use the valve next to the Great Fairy to melt the resin with acid, then go back up and grab the Golden Key.
- Use the Golden Key to enter Crow’s Office, then pull the photograph in the corner to find a hidden save room with a code listed on the wall: 9218.
- Talk to Natalie when you leave the hidden room.
- Enter the Control Room to the north and use code 9218 to open the panel.
- Thorough 4: As you go to leave, the last Optional Mini-Boss will appear. Make sure to kill it (Trophy: Thorough
- Interact with the panel next to the door to reset the number on it, then press the dice buttons on the floor in order 123456 to unlock the door.
- Secret 15: Return back to Crow Country main area and enter the Toilet. Use the Acid Bottle on the bones in the second stall to find Magnum Ammo (Trophy: Secret Hunter
- Head to Ocean Kingdom and use the Golden Key to open control room for The Seven Seas and check the control panel.
- Enter the Delivery Garage and open the crate if you haven’t already, then speak to Julie until she offers assistance.
- Enter The Seven Seas and board the ride, Julie will activate it for you.
- Open the chest on the left to 3 and then the same for the chest on the right.
- Search the Mermaid for the Battery, then pull the switch behind you to open the exit.
- Head down to SE Underground and enter Root TUE.
- Press the button once, then place the Battery in between the connectors and hold the button down to charge the Battery before grabbing it.
- Head to Crow Country main area interact with the panel at the back of the Crow centerpiece to reveal a button, press it to reveal two more buttons on either side.
- Press the button on the left to rotate the Crow and place the Battery inside. Turn the Crow back around and press the other button to move the Crow.
- Go down the elevator to Central Underground.
- The room will be full of enemies, either kill them or just press the switches on both sides of the room to open the exit.
- Continue forward and there will be a room full of lanterns and locked gates. Light the lanterns by shooting them to get through the gates, you must light 7 while on the other side to get through the last gate.
- Continue down the long ladder to the Lab, where you will find the final save point.
- Interact with the telecom and grab the vials, then go through the door for the final boss fight. (Trophy: Complete
- Final Rank is based on Heals Used, Hints Spent, Secrets Found and Lives Used – Time and Saves do not affect rank.
- In order to get S Rank, you must complete the game with 10 or fewer Heals Used, 0 Hints Spent, 15 Secrets Found and 0 Lives Used.
- As long as you followed the walkthrough you should have 0 Hints, 15 Secrets and 0 Lives, so whether you get S Rank or not is dependent on how many times you healed.
- If you didn’t get S Rank, the bonus items you unlock for B Rank (Crow Bar) and A Rank (Crownade Launcher) can be used without affecting your rank, so you can use these on a repeat playthrough to make S Rank easier.
Congrats on finishing Crow Country!
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