Welcome to the Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Wiki & Strategy Guide (aka Crisis Core Remake, FF7 Reunion). This hub page contains links to all Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion guides and general game info.
Everything you’ll need for 100% game completion in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is included in this Strategy Guide!
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Release Date: December 13, 2022
ESRB: Teen / PEGI 16
MSRP: $49,99
Available Platforms: PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
Genre: Action Role-playing
Game Info
Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion is a Remaster/Remake of the PSP (PlayStation Portable) game from 2007 that was originally called “Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII”. The Reunion version is updated with modern day graphics for consoles and PC. The game content is 1:1 the same as the 2007 release, it’s just a graphical upgrade that now also contains trophies and achievements. It’s a sort of spinoff to Final Fantasy VII, a different game altogether where you play solo as Zack. Do note that this is not Part 2 of the VII Remake, it’s a different game/story. You don’t have any teammates or alternate characters, Zack is the only playable character. The game uses live-action gameplay like the original PSP game, and not round-based gameplay like some other older FF games. The game consists of 10 Story Chapters and 300 Side Missions which can be played from any Save Point. For the Platinum Trophy and 1000 Gamerscore you will need 100% Completion which includes all Collectibles, all Missions and Minigames. Everything is missable due to there not being Chapter Select, but you can keep a Manual Save from each Chapter (there are 30 Save Slots but only 10 Chapters). By following the below Collectible Guide you will get all missables in a single playthrough.
- All-in-One Collectible Locations Guide (100% Trophies & Missables)
- Mail (*only 1 Mail from each sender needed for Trophies & Achievements)
- Flower Wagon Parts
- Shops
- Fan Clubs
- Nibelheim Seven Wonders
Asim Siddiqui says
That was quick. Thank you for the excellent guide.
I just wish that the UI and gameplay was more similar to FF7R. And I wish the 300 mission trophy was not there. Gonna be a long repetitive grind.
Other than that loving the game once again after 15 years. Was just finishing school back then. Time flies..
Nikki_boagreis says
Never played the PSP version, but yeah completing all side quest seems kinda irritating with some being missable and no chapter select.