This CTR: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled (Remake / Remaster) Guide explains how to boost, which is a special mechanic like using Nitrous to increase your speed. This includes how to Start-Boost, Drift-Boost, Jump-Boost and how to use the Sacred Fire. This is essential to win races on hard difficulty and beat Oxide’s times in the Time Trials. So make sure you practice this a lot to become a master at the game. It’s the most important mechanic to improve your times on each track.
There are multiple ways of getting a boost in CTR. We will start with the basic ones:
Start Boost
This is the boost you can gain while starting a race. Be sure to pump the button a few times before the race starts for a perfect starting boost. The power of the starting boost depends on how many times you pressed the button. About 3 times should grant you the strongest possible start boost. Press the button just before the green light (when you hear the sound of the green light) to activate the boost.
Jump Boost
When having a long enough air-time from a jump you will be granted a boost while landing. The power of the boost depends on the amount of time spent in the air. Jump boost can be used to extend your boosing time.
Turbo Pads
The most obvious source of boost. Those green arrowed pads on the ground you probably ran across here and there a few times. Hitting them gives you a boost.
Slide Boost (Drift Boost)
A manual source of a boost which you can achieve basically everywhere in the game. When entering the drift state by pressing and holding either or
and a direction of either left or right (depending on which direction you want to drift in) and pressing the other of those two buttons once the boost-bar in your lower right corner fills up. You can and should perform it up to three times while hitting the second button as late as possible. The later you press the button, the better the turbo will be. The right timing to trigger the boost is when you see black smoke coming out of your exhaust, or alternatively when the boost-bar in the bottom right corner turns orange-red. So what you do is press
to initiate the drift > your wheels will start burning > press
when you see black smoke (or boost meter turns orange-red). This gives a small boost. Keep holding
to keep drifting and when you see black smoke again you press
a second and third time. If you do it three times in a single drift you gain a big boost. This big boost is the key to winning time trials and hard difficulty races. Practice this a lot!
What is reserve? Well, you can build up reserves for your boost-tank while not seeing it. By performing multiple boosts in a short period of time your invisible tank will fill up. This will allow you to extend your stronger boosts later on when needed. Boosting as much as possible will help you keeping momentum. It will come in handy when talking about the next part of the guide.
Fire/Sacred Fire
While hitting a turbo pad you will notice a fire coming out of the exhaust. It can differ in sizes and the biggest of it is called Sacred Fire. Sacred Fire gives you a huge speed boost and your aim is to keep it going as long as you can by chaining other boosts. This is also where the reserves come in handy. Reserves will help you extend the duration of Fire for a while. Keeping Fire going is the way for beating Oxides Trials as well as being decent at the game overall.
Ultimate Sacred Fire
Sometimes you might notice your Fire coming from your exhaust being blue-ish or sort of white. This means Ultimate Sacred Fire. It is the fastest boost in the game and you want to keep it going for as long as you can for maximum speed. This art of boost is NOT available on every stage in the game, but only on chosen Turbo-Pads of certain stages, which are listed below. Having a lot of reserve helps to keep it going, as well as chaining slide boosts over and over again.
USF Tracks:
- Cortex Castle
- N.Gin Labs
- Hot Air Skyway
- Polar Pass
- Oxide Station
- Turbo Track/Retro Stadium (Sort of)
- Clockwork Wumpa
- Electron Avenue
- Deep Sea Driving
- Thunder Struck
- Tiny Temple
- Out of Time
- Hyper Spaceway
Hope this short guide gave you an overview of how the nitro boost mechanics work. Those mechanics are heavily used in the Oxide Time Trials Guide as well, make sure you check that out if you want to test your skills. Knowing the above terminology will help you understand better how to perfect your times on each track.
Fanta says
Am I the only one that thinks the sliding is horrible in this game and when you press to jump it’s delayed.
SOmeGuuy says
Anyone coming from mario kart 8 would think that. This game handles and plays differently, I dont find it as smooth, but it has it’s merits.
Mike says
Completely agree. The drifting and jumping feel awfully clunky in nitro fueled. Going back to the original you notice how much more responsive the ps1 version feels. Its a a shame because other that this remake is absolutely perfect in almost every other way. ( and that rubberbanding AI can get fucked)
eizo says
maybe u r playing for the first time .
with me everything goes fine
Riq Sanchez says
I’ve been playing Crash Team Racing every single day for about 10 years.. So hearing the remaster has me hyped. But then I played it and well.. The boosting is very clunky indeed. It feels very different from the original and also the time trials are a lot harder.
Mike says
Right??? I would consider myself a CTR veteran having played the original for about almost over 10 years (beat all of oxides time trials) I understand they want to challenge new and old comers to the game, But if you are going to increase the difficulty (especially in those time trials) so much atleast make sure the controls feel tight/responsive.
I feel like they’ve completely ruined the way momentum works in this game. Cause my muscle memory works perfectly when I go back to the original. It’s such a small thing to pick at, but it’s also IMO the most important thing you need to nail when doing these remakes. (I feel like parts of spyro reignited suffered from very similar problems)
Regardless the game is still bloody beautiful to look at, it’s just a bummer that controls feel nowhere near as good as the OG. Naughty Dog really are the kings when it comes to game optimization.
Monsi says
Well ive been playing the old game since it came out back then and i always thought it was way too easy.. I had to CHEAT EXTRA HARD MODE to have an enterteining race!
Ctr remastered is a dream come true and i find the difficulty perfekt :D
The timing is slightly different. but its a new game, get used to it and just enjoy ;) stop whining about everything ppl
Dingus says
You guys need to play on a 1 ms refresh rate. Sad to see people playing on there 70 inch 50 ms refresh rate TV and then complain that their game is broke.
Ever play guitar hero on a big TV and the timing is off, same thing.
I play on 1 ms and its as responsive as any game could be