Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time has 38 Hidden Gem Locations in Normal Levels and another 38 Hidden Gems in N.Verted Levels. Each level in the game has one hidden gem (except the 5 boss levels which don’t have any).
The Secret Gems are Collectibles needed to unlock Skins, to reach 100% completion / 106% completion with secret ending, for completing the gem collection, and for several trophies and achievements. Finding all Gems and Inverted Gems unlocks the King of Bling & gnilB fo gniK trophies / achievements. None of them are missable, you can get them via level replay at any time. They also respawn when replaying their levels but there’s no need to pick them up again.
The way Gems work is that there are 6 per level. 3 are for finding 80% of the Fruits, 1 is for destroying all Crates, 1 is for dying less than 3 times, 1 is the Hidden Gem.
If you’re interested in the other non-hidden Gems, refer to the N.Sanely Perfect Relics Guide which has 100% completion walkthroughs for each level.
Rude Awakening
Normal Level: After the rail ride there’s a section where you must crouch under a hut. While crouched under this hut jump up. There’s a hidden gem inside this hut, hard to see!
N.Verted Level: At the very start of the level on the right side of the beach.
N.Sanity Peak
Normal Level: When the big monsters starts chasing you from behind, this hidden gem is immediately to your left (just moments after the chase begins).
N.Verted Level: While being chased by the monster at the end of the level, after you reach the checkpoint halfway through the chase you must jump to a rope. Climb the rope to the top to swing into the hidden nverted gem.
A Real Grind
Normal Level: Just before the level finish on the left, on a platform up high.
N.Verted Level: After the first checkpoint you will jump over some drums while sandsharks are jumping from the ground. After the 2nd group of sandsharks, one of the barrels has a crate above it (you need to use your skill /
to make the crate visible). Jumping onto that crate will get you the hidden gem high up in the air. It’s off-screen and impossible to see. Hold the jump button
when jumping on the crate in mid-air to perform a high jump.
Crash Compactor
Normal Level: After the first Rail Grind, just underneath where the rail ends hit the “!” silver box. Then immediatley after this where the first big mech enemy is a wall panel will have opened up that now reveals the hidden gem.
N.Verted Level: At the very end of the chapter during the last checkpoint. After you get the blue mask ability that lets you make objects appear/disappear you’ll be in a 2D platforming section. At the top of that section is the hidden gem. See the left screenshot that shows the start of the path leading there (just before a bouncy ball enemy).
Hit The Road
Normal Level: After a rope swing you’ll be in a section where platforms are moving upwards and flamethrowers are spewing fire at them. When you reach the next checkpoint crate, look out for a nitro crate on the left. You can slide to it through a gap. Above the nitro crate is another crate with an up-arrow, use it to be catapulted to a secret platform at the very top. It has the secret gem.
N.Verted Level: Immediately after the Bonus level, below a grid you can slide under from the opposite side you came from.
Truck Stopped
Normal Level: After the 2nd wall-double-jump in this level, it’s on the platform on the right side (a bit out of view). You can use the right stick to sway the camera to the right and see the platform more easily.
N.Verted Level: Halfway through the desert section of the level, this is hidden behind the pillar where you can see a Super Bumpa fruit. To get here you need to jump on the TNT crate and then double jump. To get the Hidden Gem, fall into it and then immediately double jump to avoid dying.
Stage Dive (Boss Level)
No Hidden Gem in this level (the 5 Boss Levels don’t have any).
Booty Calls
Normal Level: After the bonus stage platform (“?” platform), jump over the next 3 moving platforms in the water and then jump down to the far right. There’s a chest on a small platform in the water, attack it to make the hidden gem drop out.
N.Verted Level: Behind some crates as indicated by the blue arrow in the picture. You need to double jump here to make it safely.
Thar He Blows!
Normal Level: Just moments after the start of the level where the 2nd TNT barrel is, in the bottom right corner of the screen.
N.Verted Level: As soon as you can control Crash, behind a pillar as shown below.
Hook, Line, And Sinker
Normal Level: Immediately after doing the first wall-double-jump it’s above you, pretty much in plain sight.
N.Verted Level: Use one of the walking enemies to reach it.
Jetboard Jetty
Normal Level: Shortly after the bonus stage (“?” platform) there’s a section with a raft floating to the right. You must stay on this raft and evade the traps along the way. After the raft section ends, there are 6 steel boxes. Above them floats the hidden gem.
N.Verted Level: On your left, before the last section with the jetboard.
Give It a Spin
Normal Level: After the first TNT crates on the far right side.
N.Verted Level: After the brief cinematic where you see an exclamation and a question mark appear above Crash’s head, use Akano to spin upwards in the direction of the arrow below.
Potion Commotion
Normal Level: Very close to the start of the level (within the first seconds). After doing the first wall-double-jump walk all the way to the right and around the corner to find this gem. Just before you encounter the first green flying dragons.
N.Verted Level: When you resume control of Crash, drop down and you should see it on your right.
Draggin’ On
Normal Level: This gem is super well hidden. In one of the alcoves where one of those “cats with green masks” enemies is you can spin to the far left. First defeat the “cat” enemy. Then enter the alcove where it was standing and spin as far left as possible until you hit the hidden gem. It’s behind a wall and there’s no way to see it. This is just after this level’s Bonus Path! A little more than halfway through the level.
N.Verted Level: After you get onto the ledge shown below, spin your way up until you get past the dragon. Then, instead of going forward as you normally would, use Akano to double jump all the way into the Hidden Gem.
Normal Level: Shortly after the Bonus level, you’ll get to a Checkpoint Crate. From it, keep going to the right, but do not go up the whirlwind. Instead, drop down at the whirlwind and keep going right, through the door. At the very end of this section is the Hidden Gem waiting on a platform for you.
N.Verted Level: When you cross the collapsible bridge with the two dragons, under one of the final beams.
Trouble Brewing (Boss Level)
No Hidden Gem in this level (the 5 Boss Levels don’t have any).
Off Beat
Normal Level: Just a little bit after the Bonus Path (“?” platform), there are two jugglers on driving left and right on unicycles. Jump over the first juggler to find this hidden gem on the left side.
N.Verted Level: Behind the dumpster in the picture, near Checkpoint Crate #2.
Home Cookin’
Normal Level: When you get to Dingo’s Diner, backtrack towards your screen to find a hidden area. At the end of this area, on a separate ledge after a group of crates is the Hidden Gem.
N.Verted Level: Towards the end of the level, you’ll get to an area with a small bridge in the background. Here is the Hidden Gem. Use the arrow in the picture below for reference.
Run It Bayou
Normal Level: After the bonus path (“?” platform) in this level, swing across the next 2 ropes. Then just to the right of the next checkpoint crate you can attack a secret “! box” behind a barrel (Screenshot #1 below). Attacking this box is mandatory to spawn the metal crates below the hidden gem. Now backtrack just a little bit and jump off the right side of the pier to land on the metal boxes and reach the hidden gem floating above in the air. It’s off-screen so you won’t be able ot see it until you make the jump off the pier.
N.Verted Level: At the start, use the awning to get on a balcony with the Hidden Gem.
No Dillo Dallying
Normal Level: At the first checkpoint crate in this level you can jump off the pier to the left. There are some metal boxes off-screen that you can land on. From there jump up, the hidden gem is off-screen above the top edge of the screen. Quite well hidden and hard to spot.
N.Verted Level: As soon as gaining control of Crash, slide+double-jump towards the bottom of your screen to land on a platform with the Hidden Gem.
Snow Way Out
Normal Level: About halfway through the level, in the first section with two streams of floating ice floes that you must jump on, go to the far right side (a platform with 7 crates on it). Above the crates, off-screen is the hidden crystal (you can’t actually see it because it’s out of view).
N.Verted Level: Almost unmissable. On the way to some crates.
Ship Happens
Normal Level: In the section just after the first checkpoint crate, gelatinize the next seagull to jump up. Then you can find this gem in the top left corner of the area.
N.Verted Level: Shortly after you finish playing as Dr. Neo Cortex as continue as Crash/Coco, you will have to jump over some floating ice squares in the water. On the right side are some boxes stacked up high. Jump onto the top box and hold the jump button /
to do a high jump. The hidden gem is up there, off-screen (cannot be seen).
Stay Frosty
Normal Level: After the bonus path entrance (“?” platform) advance to the next checkpoint crate. Jump over the moving ice in the water. Then jump to the top left platform to find this gem. It requires a long jump. (It’s just before a section with sharks jumping out of the water and ice falling from above where you must freeze time to advance).
N.Verted Level: Found during the rail grind. When coming from the right-side rail path, after jumping through the 2nd gate that quickly opens/closes you must hang down (press /
) to quickly grab this hidden gem. Easy to overlook.
Bears Repeating
Normal Level: A section after the first checkpoint crate, just before some moving platforms you can drop down to find this gem (platforms before the yellow gem path).
N.Verted Level: After the last lab assistant, use the moving platforms to your own advantage to reach the Hidden Gem floating in mid-air.
Building Bridges
Normal Level: Immediately after the first wall-double-jump in this level, on the platform you land on run towards the bottom edge of the screen to reach the gem.
N.Verted Level: During the polar bear ride, when a tree falls over it’s to the left of the fallen tree.
4th Time’s A Charm (Boss Level)
No Hidden Gem in this level (the 5 Boss Levels don’t have any).
Blast To The Past
Normal Level: Behind obstacle during rail grind.
N.Verted Level: Shortly before the vine-grinding section, you should see a metal crate with an arrow crate on top. Use the arrow crate to reach the Hidden Gem which is above the mid-air metal crate.
Fossil Fueled
Normal Level: Shortly after the beginning of the level, you should see a foggy area below you. Drop down here, then walk towards the bottom of the screen to get the Hidden Gem.
N.Verted Level: Mid-way through the level, you need to gelatinize an enemy to reach the Hidden Gem floating above a TNT crate.
Dino Dash
Normal Level: After being chased by the T-Rex for the 2nd time, at the very start of the lava section you can walk behind a rock (the hidden gem is hidden behind it out of view).
N.Verted Level: Immediately before the beginning of the first dino chase, next to some destructible bones.
Rock Blocked
Normal Level: Near the start of the level still before the first checkpoint crate. Before jumping on the third dinosaur head in the water, destroy the TNT crates and jump towards the bottom edge of the screen onto a hidden platform.
N.Verted Level: While climbing the waterfall as Dingodile, you should see a nitro crate and an enemy next to a stack of crates. Use this stack of crates to double jump to the Gem hidden behind the leaf of the plant in the picture below.
Out For Launch
Normal Level: After taking the elevator up to the first checkpoint in the level, the gem is found to the immediate left of the checkpoint crate.
N.Verted Level: At the beginning of the level, in the same room as two fire crates and a TNT crate. Double-jump to it.
Shipping Error
Normal Level: Shortly after the start of the level (still before first checkpoint crate). After jumping above the first two red floor lasers let yourself drop all the way down. The gem is at the bottom there.
N.Verted Level: Immediately before grabbing the final elevator of the level, double jump to it.
Stowing Away
Normal Level: In the 2nd air duct you go through during this level, jump up before the first red laser trap.
N.Verted Level: When you use the elevator to go down, before the checkpoint that leads you to ‘Akano.
Crash Landed
Normal Level: Shortly after the bonus path (“?” platform) you’ll enter a tunnel where some monster fish are trying to bite you from the left and right. When you picked up the green mask in this tunnel, backtrack just a few steps in the direction you came from and press to float through an opening in the ceiling. This brings you to a secret tunnel section with the hidden gem.
N.Verted Level: Inside the blue gem path (the entrance to it is found after the first riding section). It requires the Blue Gem – See How to Get Blue Gem. After the first “! crate” inside the blue gem path, jump towards the bottom edge of the screen to find some hidden platforms. There are some boxes stacked on a platform, jump from the top box to reach the gem high in the air.
A Hole in Space (Boss Level)
No Hidden Gem in this level (the 5 Boss Levels don’t have any).
Food Run
Normal Level: At the very start of the level after taking the first elevator down, you can see the gem floating on the left side (where you must jump over flying cars).
N.Verted Level: This is found quite late into the level. When you get the blue mask ability you will be going through a 2D platforming section. On one of the platforms that you can make appear/disappear with your blue mask ability is the hidden gem. It’s on the main path and easy to see.
Rush Hour
Normal Level: At the very end of the Dingodile section of the level. Before entering the elevator that ends the Dingodile section, proceed a bit further to the right to spot this gem.
N.Verted Level: At the very beginning of the level are 4 platforms you must jump over (the first 4 platforms in the level). Stand on the 4th platform (circled red below) and wait for it to drop down. This will make you catch the hidden gem during the fall. The gem is impossible to see because it’s inside the platform.
The Crate Escape
Normal Level: This gem is actually in plain sight. It’s in the first section that has car traps going left/right. To reach it, attack the metal boxes that are one platform further into the tunnel. These unlock a jumping box underneath the gem (jump on it to grab gem).
N.Verted Level: At the start of the level, gelatinize the trash can to get to the crate that’s closest to the path forward. When you get to it, jump on it, dash backward, jump onto the two mid-air crates, and finally dash into the alcove with the gem.
Nitro Processing
Normal Level: On top of one of the spinning wheels.
N.Verted Level: In the same area as the Countdown Crate.
Toxic Tunnels
Normal Level: Collected at the end of the gauntlet (big vault door) that requires the 4 colored gems to open. It will be in plain sight at the end of this gauntlet, practically unmissable. Requires the colored gems to open the gauntlet door (See Locations » Red, Green, Yellow, Blue).
N.Verted Level: After a 2D section where you must run left while several mine carts keep coming at you (with some shielded rats on them as well), there will be another section with platforms on moving cogwheels. In the top right of that area is the hidden gem. It’s actually easy to see while standing on the top right cogwheel. Simply Slide-Jump into the gem.
Cortex Castle
Normal Level: Just before the final checkpoint crate in this level (during the laser grid section). You’ll have to jump onto the edge of the moving laser, from there jump further up to a TNT crate and then to the Gem very high up at the top edge of the screen.
N.Verted Level: When you get to Akano, spin to the TNT crates. From here, jump, activate Akano, then double jump/spin with him to fly into the Hidden Gem.
Seeing Double
Normal Level: While playing as Dr. Cortex, after the first Checkpoint Crate. After the first purple laser grid, you can jump up to a steel box with an “Up-Arrow” (jumping box). This catapults you to a secret wall entrance (left screenshot below). Go through this wall opening to find the hidden gem at the other end.
N.Verted Level: While playing as Crash/Coco (after playing as Dr. Neo Cortex). There will be a platforming section with purple lasers and sawblades flying at you (a purple mask pickup & mask that slows time pickup will also be here). Jump on the sawblades while slowing time, then jump onto a box in mid-air. From this box do a high jump by holding /
to be catapulted up to the hidden gem.
The Past Unmasked (Boss Level)
No Hidden Gem in this level (the 5 Boss Levels don’t have any).
That’s all of the Hidden Gems & N.Verted Hidden Gems in Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time.
Luay says
Hey pyx found the hidden gem in “booty calls”
It’s inside the cave after you jump on some of the falling platforms and end up in an area with the huge wooden gate with gold trims is across a pool, if you go to the right right after you drop from the platform there will be a moving plank that goes backwards and will take you to a platform with a treasure chest that you can hit and will give you the gem. Hope that helps!
Luay says
This is at the end of the level before the last checkpoint of the level
nathan says
Inverted hidden gem in rude awakening is right at the start on the shoreline out of screen view
Shuya says
Thank you.
SAjames says
n.sanity peak inverted hidden gem is at the top of the final rope swing during the chase sequence
SAjames says
a real grind inverted gem is after the horizontal sharks, there is a hidden box above a falling platform, you need to get above this box and the gem is above it.
Derise says
Wait what? Can you show pic I cannot see it at all
SAjames says
cant post picture :/
SAjames says
i sent a tweet to @PowerPyx with the picture.
DeeMak says
Hey guys the Rude Awakening N.Verted gem is off to the right on the beach