This step-by-step guide explains how to solve the Terminus main Easter Egg in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies. It unlocks the No Mo’ Modi trophy & achievement. There are no special prerequisites and you can do this at any time. This guide is based on Standard Mode. The trophy/achievement can also be earned in Directed Mode but the game may display some objectives in a different order in Directed Mode.
For Liberty Falls refer to Liberty Falls Easter Egg Guide.
Step 1: Turn on the Power & unlock Pack-a-Punch
First, you must turn on the power. This will be marked by orange main objective markers so it will be obvious where to go. You must turn on the 3 generators marked by the orange icon and defend them from zombies. After turning on the third generator, in the same room jump into the water to press the button to raise the platform with the Pack-a-Punch machine on it.
Step 2: Get Wonder Weapon “DRI-11 Beamsmasher”
There are two ways to get the Wonder Weapon. We’ll go over both methods in details so you can choose for yourself which way you prefer.
Easy but Random – from Mystery Box: You pull it out of the mystery box. However, this is completely random and it has a very low drop chance. You could get very lucky and get it on the first draw or you might not get it after 100 draws. If you want to do it this way you can skip half the easter eggs steps which are just tied to building this weapon. The big downside is that due to the randomness you might need to play until high rounds to get enough points, which would make remaining steps harder.
Harder but guaranteed – building it by collecting all Parts (Recommended): This will require a long series of sub-steps. We’ll go through these below labeled as sub-steps of Step 2. This is the recommended method and takes around 30 minutes.
If you want to do the random mystery box method you can skip to Step 3.
Step 2.1: Open door to Wonder Weapon Workbench
First you must craft the Deadwire Mod at the Arsenal. When facing the Pack-a-Punch turn left to find an Arsenal. It costs 500 of the green scrap dropped by zombies. You need Deadwire to make your weapon electric.
Then stand on the elevator where the Pack-a-Punch machine is. Activate the elevator, while riding the elevator you must very quickly shoot two electrical boxes in a specific order with the DEADWIRE mod. If you fail you can use the elevator again to retry. After the elevator ride you must shoot another 3 electrical boxes.
Electrical Box 1: Facing the elevator button, stand directly to the right of it. Look in the direction where the third power generator was that you defended earlier in this room. About halfway during the elevator ride you must shoot the electrical box through the open window.
Electrical Box 2: IMMEDIATELY after shooting the first box, turn 90° to the right and shoot the second electrical box on the wall. You have to be very quick to hit it before the elevator goes past it.
Electrical Box 3: Directly behind the pack-a-punch on the wall where the elevator stops.
Electrical Box 4: Above the second power generator that you defended to turn on power.
Electrical Box 5: Directly behind the 4th one on the other side of the wall (head outside to see it).
If you did it correctly you will see a blue spark going from one power box to the next. Then to the left of the 5th box the green door will open to the room where the Wonder Weapon workbench is. If there’s no blue electric spark on a generator you missed a previous generator and must backtrack.
Step 2.2: Get EMF Fob in the Wonder Weapon room
Enter the room you unlocked, there will be a single zombie crawling on the ground. Kill it and loot the golden item that it drops called “EMF Fob”.
Step 2.3: Get Multiphasic Resonator in Tower
Go to the tower where the zipline is. To the right of the Elemental Pop machine, on a table is a briefcase with a detached hand holding onto it. Open it (hold /
) to pick up the golden item “Multiphasic Resonator”.
Note: A wave of spiders will spawn so be ready for that!
Step 2.4: Activate all 3 Laptops
You must find 3 Laptops and hold /
to turn them on. The screen will turn white when done correctly.
Laptop 1: Between the first and second power generator. After going through the “command center” room it will be outside on the right, just before going down to the second generator.
Laptop 2: From the mess hall (cantina) up the stairs.
Laptop 3: At the top of the stairs to the docks. From the tower where you opened the briefcase in Step 2.3 go down towards the dock and you’ll see it. Just outside the cave that goes to the third power generator.
Step 2.5: Solve Math Puzzle in Wonder Weapon Room
Backtrack to the room from Step 2.2 where the wonder weapon workbench is. At the start of this room on the right is a computer console, interact with it (hold /
). You need to input the correct 3-number combination into the computer, which is randomized.
3 sticky notes will appear on the console with the letters X Y Z and a symbol for each.
In the back left corner of this room are two whiteboards. The left one has a table of numbers and symbols, the right one has an equation. You get the correct number combination by solving the equation, or alternatively you can buy the answer for 5000 points.
Easy but costs 5000 Points – Buy the Answer: Backtrack to the starting area where the guy sits in the security room behind the glass. Talk to him and pay him 5000 to solve the math equation automatically. This is obviously easier, but the downside is you will waste points that are better spent on preparing for the final boss. If you are solo and don’t have anyone to distract the zombies this is much easier though.
Harder but for free – do the math yourself:
- The right whiteboard shows 3 equations labeled 1. / 2. / 3. . The equation on line 1 gives the 1st number you must enter into the computer, the equation on line 2 gives the 2nd number, the equation on line 3 gives the 3rd number.
- The 3 sticky notes on the computer show a symbol for the missing X Y Z values.
- The left whiteboard shows what number each symbol corresponds to. There are 3 rows and 3 columns. Each X Y Z value consists of two numbers. The first digit will be the number it shows on the left side of the row (0 1 2), the second digit will be what it shows at the bottom of the column (2 1 0). For example, if the sticky note shows only the white circle symbol it corresponds to “00” (0 row and 0 column). Use this to figure out the values for X Y Z. The possible numbers are 00, 12, 11, 10, 22, 21, 20.
- Look at the right whiteboard again, now that you now the values of X Y Z you can solve the equation. Example from our screenshot “(2Z + Y) – 5”, where Z = 10, Y = 22. Results in (2 x 10 + 22) – 5 = 37.
When you figured out all 3 numbers enter them in the computer. The numbers flash green when entered correctly. If you’re solo you can take a screenshot and pause the game to work out the math.
Step 2.6. Take the Red-Glowing Light that’s on top of the computer
On top of the computer where you entered the 3 numbers, take the red-glowing light. Then check the computer screen, it will mark the island where you must go. It seems to always be island furthest right (east). Use your Tac-Map to mark it. Take a boat at the docks and drive there, which leads to the next step.
Step 2.7: Get 3 Wonder Weapon Parts
Wonder Weapon Part 1: When you arrive at the marked island, there will be a blue orb. Interact with it (hold /
), this will spawn zombies. Kill them, some will drop small blue orbs. Pick up the small orbs and bring them to the big blue orb. You must do this twice. Then the blue orb flies away, watch the sky in what direction it flies, it will always go to another island. Then loot the golden part that it left behind on the floor “Multiphasic Resonator”.
Wonder Weapon Part 2: Drive the boat in the direction where the orb flew. Find the island where it is, the orb should be glowing green now, it will be easy to spot from the boat. Repeat the same procedure, interact with the orb, kill the zombies, pick up two small green orbs and bring them to the big orb. Then it flies to a third island (watch where it flies), pick up the golden item it drops on the floor.
Wonder Weapon Part 3: Drive to the third island, the orb should be glowing purple there. Repeat the same process again, interact with orb, zombies will drop two small orbs, bring them to the big orb. Then collect the third golden part that it drops.
Step 2.8: Build the Wonder Weapon “DRI-11 Beamsmasher”
Return to the Wonder Weapon Workbench room where you did the math puzzle. Interact with the workbench to build the Wonder Weapon “DRI-11 Beamsmasher”.
Step 3: Shoot Tentacle Traps with Wonder Weapon to get Hard Drive
Now that all the annoying preparation is done you can do the actual steps for the easter egg. Around the map are “Tentacle Traps” that cost 750 Points each. You must activate them, then shoot the Wonder Weapon’s Laser with for one second at the middle tentacle that comes out of the ceiling. One of these traps will drop a golden item called “Hard Drive”, but it’s random which one drops it. So you will need to do this to all traps until you find the correct one.
Tentacle Trap 1: In the starting area, where you activated the first power generator.
Tentacle Trap 2: In the room with the second power generator.
Tentacle Trap 3: At one of the doors to the room with third power generator.
Tentacle Trap 4: On the other door of the room with third power generator.
Step 4: Deliver Hard Drive to Postbox in Starting Area
In the starting area where the guy sits behind the glass, there’s a gray metallic mailbox on the wall. Interact with it to insert the Hard Drive. Then the guy behind the glass will look at it on his computer and talks for a while.
Step 5: Find 3 Numbers, enter them in middle of the Pack-a-Punch Room
You must now find 3 numbers hidden on objects around the map. Be sure to write them down or remember them. You need them in this exact order outlined here:
First Number: Enter the room to the right of the first generator. Go downstairs past the wallbuy weapon, then straight in front of you after the stairs will be a fenced area. Look through the fence to see a clock on the wall. Note down the number it shows on the hour clock handle. If the hour handle is between two numbers remember it can be either (e.g. if the hour is at 7.5 it could be a 7 or 8).
Second Number: In the mess hall on the cork board is a poker playing card. Note down the number it shows on the card (e.g. if it’s 7 of clubs remember the number 7).
Third Number: In the maintenance room, between the room with second power generator and the tower. In the corner on the wall there will be a yellow poster that says “Days Since Last Injury: …”, note down the number it shows.
Now go to where you activated the third power generator, in the room where the Pack-a-Punch spawned. In the center of this room is a big core with a red head looking out of a window. Here you must enter the 3 numbers in the order outlined above.
Example: If the clock hour was 7, the card was 7 of clubs, and the number of days without injury was 2 = 772. It will show a green text “unlocked” when solved correctly.
Step 6: All Players must turn the Valve(s) simultaneously
Around the core you just unlocked are 4 “Relief Valves”. All players in the match must simultaneously turn one valve each by holding /
. For example, if you have 3 players in the match then you must turn 3 valves simultaneously (one per player).
WARNING: doing this will spawn an Elite Zombie out of the central core and lots of zombies appear. Be well prepared. You will need to defeat the Elite zombie.
Step 7: Defeat Nathan, the Elite Zombie
Kill Nathan, the Elite Zombie that spawns from the central core. A cutscene will trigger when he dies.
Step 8: Find Keycard in the Water in Pack-a-Punch Room
In the same room where you triggered the Nathan fight, jump into the water and dive down. Look for a golden item called “Key Card”, pick it up. This will be randomly somewhere on the floor underwater, but it’s always in this room.
Step 9: Get Node Connector from Ship Wreck
Take a boat and drive to the big shipwreck in the west of the map. Drive through the broken part in the middle under the ship. There’s a ladder you can climb up. This leads to the room with the two “Node Connectors” on a table. Pick them up (you can only carry one at a time).
WARNING: Picking one up will lock you into the room and spawns lots of zombies with purple-glowing eyes. Any players outside the room will be locked out and can’t get in to help. So make sure everyone you want to help is inside before interacting with the item. It’s a very small room and staying alive here can be difficult. Having crafted some monkey bombs and a self-revive helps.
After killing all zombies the hatch out of the room will unlock again.
Step 10: Insert 2 Node Connectors in the broken Nodes
If you’re solo you can only carry on Node Connector at a time, if you have other players you can have someone else take the second one.
You must insert them in two broken nodes around the map. There are 3 possible locations, one will be intact and 2 will be broken. They look like cables on the floor with two red triangle-shaped steel pieces where the Node Connector is supposed to go.
Node Connector 1: In the tunnel before the Pack-a-Punch room, next to Speed Cola perk.
Node Connector 2: At the docks, under the tower where the zipline is. On the rocks directly underneath the tower, outer edge of the coastline.
Node Connector 3: On the big island in the south.
After both Node Connectors are placed you get a call from Strauss and SAM.
Step 11: Pick up Hacking Device in Starting Area
Return to the starting area. Where the guy behind the glass sits, there will be a golden item in the postbox where you delivered the hard drive in Step 4. Pick up the “Hacking Device” here.
Step 12: Hack the 3 Buoys in the ocean within 2 Minutes
Around the ocean are 3 Buoys. Hold /
at them to use the hacking device. After the first one, a 2-minute timer will start. You must hack the other 2 in the time limit.
Buoy 1: In the southeast.
Buoy 2: In the southwest.
Buoy 3: In the north.
WARNING: completing this step triggers a 5-minute Bomb Detonation timer. When done correctly you get another call. During the call QUICKLY drive the boat back to the middle of the map into the Pack-a-Punch room (there’s a cave opening for the boat leading directly there). The 3 bombs you must defuse are all in that room. Don’t waste any time, head there right away. Be well prepared before completing the 3 Buoys, have full ammo, crafted self-revive and monkey bombs.
Step 13: Defuse the 3 Bombs in Pack-a-Punch Room within 5 Minutes
In the Pack-a-Punch room where the third power generator was, there will be 3 Bombs on the outer walls. You must hold /
to defuse them. This takes a couple seconds during which you are vulnerable to zombies. If you’re in co-op make sure all players have monkey bombs, throw one at a time to distract the zombies while you defuse.
Run a full circle on each of the 3 floors and look at the outer walls for blue/purple glowing objects. If you are in co-op have each player check a different floor.
When done correctly the countdown timer will disappear and you get a call. That’s the last step before the endboss done!
IMPORTANT – ENDBOSS PREPARATIONS: Take time to prepare for the endboss. You should at least have Pack-a-Punch Level 3 on a weapon (costs 30,000 Points) and upgraded it to purple or golden rarity at the Arsenal. Craft Monkey Bombs, Self Revive, buy any Perks you like and buy the purple armor plate upgrade. Also have the Deadwire weapon mod crafted (which you should already have from Step 2 if you didn’t change your weapon). For your main weapon use whatever you like best. For second weapon you can bring the Wonder Weapon or anything else. There’s no need to have the second weapon at Pack-a-Punch 3, but having it punched at least once is good. You will get two max ammo drops during the boss fights. There will also be an ammo chest in the boss area, you should bring enough money that you can buy ammo at least once, you don’t want to die here because you ran out of ammo.
Step 14: Patient 13 Kraken Endboss
The door to the endboss is found directly to the left of the Melee Macchiato perk machine in the Pack-a-Punch room. When ready interact with it.
It will bring you to a new area with the Kraken endboss. Defeat him to finish the main easter egg. Regular zombies will spawn during this too, and there can even be some Manglers (big guys with cannon).
The Kraken will have orange weakspots on his arms, shoot those. He will regularly whip his arms around, avoid those. You can also jump in the water in the middle to evade his attacks, and run around the platform around him.
At 66% health and at 33% health he will briefly disappear and sticks his 4 tentacles out of the water. During those sections fend off the regular zombies. After each of those sections a max ammo spawns. You get a total of 2 max ammo during the fight.
When he falls below 33% health, he will start glowing blue and sometimes puts his arms up to cast an electric blue energy ball. This will instakill all players hit by it. When he does it, jump in the water in the middle of the area to not get hit by this (water where the Kraken is). Alternatively, one player can camp at the outer edge at the door from where you entered, behind the metal crane near the corner, this area is also safe.
If you run low on ammo, there’s an ammo chest in the boss area too, on the side from where you entered.
After the boss is defeated you immediately unlock the No Mo’ Modi trophy & achievement. With this the Terminus main easter egg is complete, congratulations! Afterward you can choose whether to exit the game or continue playing.
For Liberty Falls refer to Liberty Falls Easter Egg Guide.
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