In Call of Duty Black Ops 6 you must complete all Safehouse Puzzles in the Campaign for The Puzzles, Mason trophy & achievement. Doing this also unlocks $1000 for upgrading the safehouse, and the Case Cracker blueprint for the knife.
There are 8 puzzles in total. They can be done in any of the safehouse levels, all of them are available right away when you visit the safehouse for the first time, after the first mission. There are no prerequisites for it so you can do it right away if you wish.
Video Guide
Puzzle 1: Boiler Room
From the main room where the clueboard is, enter the hallway to the right and go through the first door on the right. It leads downstairs to the basement. Go through the basement into the Boiler Room.
There will be 2 valves and a button. There’s also a text note here that explains what to do.
- Turn middle valve (Boiler) twice
- Turn left valve (Fuel) once
- Press right button (Pilot) once > it should turn green if you did it correctly
- Turn middle valve (Boiler) twice > there should be some machine noise and the green button will be blinking. This means you did it correctly. It will drain the basement which opens the basement door after the 2nd puzzle at the piano.
Puzzle 2: Piano
From the central room where the clueboard is, head to the left to find a piano. In front of the piano pick up the blacklight, press to equip it and shine it on the walls to find the order of 5 music notes. They will be numbered 1 to 5.
Then interact with the piano, shine the blacklight at the top of the keys to see which key has which note. Press the 5 keys in the order seen on the wall.
- Mn
- Pe
- Cn
- Ao
- Pe
If done correctly it will open a door to the right of the piano.
Puzzle 3: Keypad
Go through the door to the right of the piano and down into the basement (if the basement door is locked you didn’t do the first puzzle at the boiler correctly and must backtrack to it).
In the basement take the first path on the right to find a keypad. Here you must figure out a 5-digit code.
- The keypad code is RANDOMIZED! It changes every 5 tries and will be different for everyone. The way you figure it out is by shining the blacklight at the buttons to see which ones have blue fingerprints. On the right side it will show a green checkmark if you entered a number in the correct order, yellow if the number is in the code but in wrong order, red if the number isn’t in the code.
- Use process of elimination. Look which number has the most blue glow. Enter this one number 5 times, then on the right it’ll show a green checkmark for the order (if you’re lucky this number is used more than once so you get multiple correct digits in one try). Then repeat the same with 2 other numbers that glow bright blue. So for example, if “7” is glowing bright blue you enter 7-7-7-7-7 to see in which order the digit 7 is correct, then repeat the same for 2 other numbers. This will get you at least 3 of 5 digits in the correct order. For the 4th digit, enter all remaining numbers that have a blue glow. If the number is in the code it will show as yellow on the right side, so you know it goes in one of the missing digits. If you’re lucky and one digit is confirmed to be in the code twice you now have the full solution. If you have 4 numbers confirmed as green and one as yellow, then the yellow number will be the missing number.
- Example: Try 1 you put 77777 to confirm where the 7 goes. Try 2 you put 11111 to confirm where the 1 goes. Try 3 you put 55555 to confirm where the 5 goes. Try 4 you put 23460 to confirm which is the missing number, then you have to guess in what order it goes.
Puzzle 4: Computer Password
After solving the keypad go through the door to find a computer at the end of the room. You must insert 4 passwords. At the top it shows the order in numbers, at the bottom it shows which number corresponds to which letter.
- The 4 words will always be the same but in a random order. The password will consist of these 4 words (order will vary): HOLDING – ROOM – BUNKER – OPEN
Puzzle 5: Lockpick
After solving the computer code it will unlock a door at the end of the basement. Go through the now-open door. In that room is another locked door that requires lockpicking.
- Tilt the right stick until you see the pin going into the door and hold the stick in that position to pick the lock, repeat for all 3 pins.
- Behind the door, in the next room be sure to pick up the KEY.
Puzzle 6: Radio Frequency
After grabbing the key, go to the basement corridor opposite where the keypad puzzle was. Use the key to unlock the door at the end of that corridor. Inside the room you find a radio, you must align the frequency with the radio.
- The radio will show a frequency wave. You must use the left and right stick to adjust the radio frequency until it aligns.
Then the radio will play a message.
Puzzle 7 – Numbers on Objects
In the same room as before, the radio will now repeatedly play a message that mentions 4 objects. Listen carefully and turn on subtitles.
- The 4 objects mentioned during the radio message will be the objects you must look at in the room. Use the blacklight to see numbers on those objects. Write down the numbers in the same order the objects were mentioned. This is RANDOMIZED and will be different for everyone. For example, if the message mentions something about the “Couch, Purse, Calendar, Flag” you must look at those 4 objects in the room and write down their numbers in that order.
The number you get will be the safe code. As long as you get 3 objects in the right order that’s good enough as you can simply brute-force the last number. You can always return to the room and the radio will keep repeating the same message so don’t worry if you make a mistake. Just take your time to inspect all objects. Write down what the radio mentions and write down each number after finding the relevant object.
Puzzle 8 – Safe Code
Now return upstairs, and go up the stairs to the top floor. Enter the bedroom to find a safe. You must enter the 4 digits you got from the previous puzzle. If you are sure you got 3 numbers correct you can simply spin the 4th number until the safe opens. If you made a mistake go back to the basement to listen to the radio again. If you have at least 2 digits correct you can still brute-force it by trying all possible combinations of the missing 2 digits.
Opening the safe unlocks The Puzzles, Mason, $1000 for upgrading the safehouse, and the Case Cracker blueprint for the knife.
hamzaadenwala says
For anybody who got “Mother returned home with the cerealand erased it from the chalkboard” puzzle then The answer is 7218
ImAPirateSoSueMe says
“Love letter on chalkboard behind a makeshift curtain, she sat on the rug as he played with his guitar” is 2087
AgitatedWatch says
The Bunker door won’t unlock for me. I did the boiler puzzle correctly and get a green light and audio indicator that I have. I’ve retired doing the boiler puzzle multiple times and have tried reloading the game but nothing works!
lvx says
you have to pick the key