The Chimp, the Bag, and the Bunny in Clive ‘N’ Wrench contains 20 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included in this guide. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
- 10 Ancient Stones
- 5 Keys
- 1 Safe
- 1 Scroll
Rabbit Ricochet,
Canon In D’ Miner,
Not How I Remember The Story
- Scroll and Karma Llama: in the town, left side of the bank. The Karma Llama for this level is just down the street near the cemetery.
- Ancient Stone 1 (Nearly on track): at the very back of the town, past the two horses facing the railway, is a stagecoach. Behind the stagecoach is a hidden edge with this Ancient Stone.
- Ancient Stone 2 (Literal rock and a hard place): at the start of the town, look up and to the right to find Nancy on a small ledge by the cliffside. Next to her is some sort of boulder with an Ancient Stone stuck in it. To destroy the boulder and release the Ancient Stone, you need to man the cannon found in the area above the bank building. Rotate it so that it points directly at the boulder and then press
to destroy it.
- Key 1: now destroy the boulder behind the cannon.
Rabbit Ricochet: a good place to obtain this trophy is the The Chimp, the Bag, and the Bunny level. When you reach the town, head to the fort and lure one of the two green imps outside where the gunslinger is. Here, try to have him shoot the imp and if he does, you will unlock this trophy.
- Ancient Stone 3 (Placed very fortfully): face the entrance to the fort, but don’t enter it. Instead, head left and flank the wall until you reach a small area outside the walls with this Ancient Stone.
- Key 2: enter the fort and you’ll find this Key behind the snake NPC.
- Ancient Stone 4 (Slithering sisters spinning): get above the entrance to the fort and man the cannon to shoot the dancing snakes and obtain this Ancient Stone.
- Key 3: enter the mine and man the cannon at the entrance. Point it at the boulder near the waterfall to reveal a Key.
- Ancient Stone 5 (Mine or mine?): walk along the lower mine cart track, staying close to the water. At the very end, under a wooden platform, is this Ancient Stone.
- Key 4: directly above the Ancient Stone, near the upper mine cart track, is this Key.
- Ancient Stone 6 (I cannot believe you found it!): if you notice, there’s another destructible boulder near the Key’s location. Man the cannon near the tracks (directly behind the Key’s location) and destroy it to reveal this Ancient Stone.
Canon In D’Miner: to unlock this trophy, you first need to press the switch that opens up the mine area. The switch can be found atop one of the fort walls in the starting town. Once you’ve pressed the switch and opened up the mine, enter it and proceed to its very end where you can find a sheriff hut. Across from it is a cannon, which you need to man to stop the three mine carts running around the place. Once you’ve destroyed them all, you will unlock this trophy.
- Ancient Stone 7 (Wabbits on the run): drop down in the area with the gunslinger near the cannon and stop the critter.
- Safe and Ancient Stone 8 (Is this safe, right next to the ammo?): directly across the cannon is a sheriff hut. By its side is the safe. Return here when you’ve found all Keys to unlock it and grab this Ancient Stone.
- Key 5: proceed to the next mine section where you will find a turtle NPC and a waterfall. Climb the platforms above the waterfall and you’ll run into this Key.
- Ancient Stone 9 (One more for the road): directly across from the Key.
- Ancient Stone 10 (A major loss for a miner fella): beat the turtle NPC to the very start of the mine and collect the Ancient Stone. A trick to make this slightly easier is to NOT interact with the checkpoint next to him, but drop down in water as soon as the race starts. Dying will respawn you at the start of the mine, right next to the Ancient Stone.
Not How I Remember the Story: first, you need to unlock the gate that gives you access to the mine. To do so, press the switch on one of the fort walls in the town starting area. Then, proceed to the second section of the mine where you can find a turtle NPC. This is Fable, who you need to race and beat in order to unlock this trophy. Problem is that he runs like crazy and he can be quite a challenge to beat. Fortunately though, there’s a way to cheese this trophy: as soon as you enter the second section of the mine, do NOT interact with the checkpoint and as soon as the race starts, kill yourself by dropping into the corrosive water near the waterfall. Doing so will respawn you at the checkpoint near the start of the mine, exactly where the ancient stone is. Grabbing the Ancient Stone will end the race and unlock this trophy.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in The Chimp, the Bag, and the Bunny in Clive ‘N’ Wrench.
For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
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