Tempus Tombs in Clive ‘N’ Wrench contains 24 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included in this guide. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
- 10 Ancient Stones
- 5 Enslaved Aliens
- 5 Keys
- 1 Safe
- 1 Scroll
Monumental Glide,
Can’t Get Riddle Of You!
This level may feel like a bit of a maze. To simplify things, we’ll use the start of the level as a starting point when possible to avoid things getting confusing.
- Ancient Stone 1 (He’ll get heat stroke doing that all day!): start of the level, stop the critter running around.
- Ancient Stone 2 (Hidden by the light of Amun-Ra): from the start of the level, head immediately right and you should find an Alien spaceship. From here, make your way to the rooftops and head for the easternmost tower, the one to the right of the anubi dogs. Behind the tower wall is this Ancient Stone.
- Enslaved Alien 1: drop down now from the same side of the tower where the Ancient Stone was to find an Enslaved Alien.
- Enslaved Alien 2: facing the location of the Alien, stay on the rooftops and head left until you reach the corner and find another Enslaved Alien.
- Key 1: from this rooftop, drop down to the side to find the first Key.
- Enslaved Alien 3: while on the rooftops, you will have noticed the two big Anubi dog statues. If you use the starting area as your perspective point, this Enslaved Alien is left of the left Anubi dog.
- Scroll and Karma Llama: from the starting area, head left until you reach the area with the horse carriage running around. Keep the left side under the columned area to find the scroll. The Karma Llama for this level is on the opposite side.
- Enslaved Alien 4: same side of where Karma Llama is, behind him, as if you were to head back to the start of the level.
- Enslaved Alien 5: go up the palace stairs and you’ll find this Enslaved Alien on the upper floor.
- Ancient Stone 3 (They just wanted a holiday to Falkirk): awarded for finding and rescuing all Enslaved Aliens in this level.
- Ancient Stone 4 (Riddles, but not of the Sphinx): on both sides of the palace grounds are two switches you can activate. When activated, they will open the gate to the palace. Enter it and make your way to the second room where you can find a riddle. To solve the riddle you need to step only on the fire tiles. This Ancient Stone is waiting for you on the other side.
Can’t Get Riddle of You!: the Tempus Tombs riddle is in the Tempus Tombs level. To access it, you first need to activate both switches on the rooftops of the palace grounds. Once you have, enter the palace and make your way to the second room. Here you need to make it to the other side of the chasm by solving a riddle. The answer to the riddle is fire, which means that you need to step on the fire tiles and avoid the others if you don’t want to break any. Once you’ve made it to the other side of the chasm without destroying any tiles, you will unlock this trophy.
- Key 2: after retrieving all Enslaved Aliens, enter the tomb where the spaceship was stationed and head left into the room with the green goo. There’s a Key on the other side of the room, opposite the checkpoint.
- Ancient Stone 5 (Nearly there, just a little further tomb go!): make your way to the top of the room with the green goo and you’ll find this in your path, right before the checkpoint.
- Ancient Stone 6 (Right in Daucus’ blind spot): continue your way to the top of the room and you’ll find this in your path, below the slope leading to the highest floor.
- Key 3: when you get to the room with Laura Cruz, crouch-jump to the higher floors to find this Key between a wall and a plant.
- Ancient Stone 7 (How do you get ahead? Ask Cleo, I guess!): in the room with the swinging blades, on top of the head of Cleocatra statue.
- Ancient Stone 8 (Take note of this one): in the room after the one with singing blades, top of the stairs.
- Safe and Ancient Stone 9 (Shouldn’t this be stashed in the treasure chamber?): top of the stairs, left side. Return here when you’ve found all Keys in the level to open it.
- Key 4: on the very top of the palace rooftop, above the giant Ancient Stone.
- Ancient Stone 10 (Cleo must have left this one behind): palace rooftop, left side, where Nancy is.
Monumental Glide: when you get to the palace rooftop via the tombs in Tempus Tombs, make your way to the very top of the big Ancient Stone. To unlock this trophy, you need to perform one continuous glide and land on the top of the globe held by Dr Daucus’ hand at the very start of the level. If you fail you can always try again provided you’ve activated the shortcut back to the palace rooftop.
- Key 5: this Key is a bit tricky to get to. From the start of the level, head left and you should see some straw and some baskets left of Nancy. If you check the left of the baskets, you should see a small crack you can jump through, leading you the Key.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Tempus Tombs in Clive ‘N’ Wrench.
For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
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