Iceceratops in Clive ‘N’ Wrench contains 44 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included in this guide. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
- 10 Ancient Stones
- 15 Snowmen
- 10 Glowing Presents
- 5 Keys
- 1 Safe
- 1 Scroll
Ice Cold
- Snowman 1: start of the level.
- Key 1: left of the dinosaur skeleton platforms.
- Snowman 2: on the main path, after a second set of dinosaur skeleton platforms.
- Ancient Stone 1 (Shinies Spare Ribs): after destroying the Snowman, turn around and you should notice an extra dinosaur skeleton platform you can glide over for this Ancient Stone.
- Key 2: immediately after Snowman 2, you’ll get to an opening seemingly leading nowhere. Jump and immediately glide to the right to find a ledge with a bird and the Key.
- Ancient Stone 2 (Making a house a stone): from the Key location, glide over the area with the Dino skull and a hut. Atop the hut is the Ancient Stone.
- Snowman 3: behind the fir tree in the same area.
- Snowman 4: crouch-jump to a ledge above Snowman 3 and you’ll find Snowman 4.
- Ancient Stone 3 (Eggcellent work, rules are made to be broken): climb to the bird nest, drop the egg and then drop down the hole destroyed by the egg.
- Scroll and Karma Llama: immediately after entering the new area. The Karma Llama for this level is found near the Dino skull in this area, on the ice.
- Key 3: across from the scroll, on a ledge.
- Snowman 5: right above the green dinosaur, on a platform.
- Ancient Stone 4 (Patent pending): on top of a hut, in an area that’s very near Snowman 5.
- Snowman 6: proceed through the tunnel and you’ll eventually see Snowman 6.
- Key 4: now drop down to the left of the Snowman to find this Key.
- Snowman 7: drop further down and continue past the two green dinos, and you’ll find this Snowman overlooking the pink goo.
- Snowman 8: continue along the pink goo, climb a couple more ledges and you’ll find it at the end.
- Snowman 9: from here, crouch-jump to the right, then immediately look to your right to find another Snowman.
- Ancient Stone 5 (Dinosaw that one): you will have noticed the giant dinosaur skeleton-bridge in the area. Get to the very end and behind the head you’ll find this Ancient Stone.
- Snowman 10: left of the dinosau’s head.
- Ancient Stone 6 (Freshly imported, all the way from Adelaide!): from the nearby hut, glide over to the small island with Nancy. Talk to her to unlock the Foreshadowing trophy as well.
Foreshadowing: as you explore the level, you will eventually come across the skeleton of a giant dinosaur working as a bridge. As soon as you enter this area, look to your far right and you should spot a small island amidst the pink goo lake. On this island is Nancy waiting for you with the ancient stone called “Freshly imported, all the way from Adelaide”. Adelaide is in Australia, giving you the best hint you could hope for to find the solution to the trophy description. Simply talk to Nancy to unlock the trophy.
- Snowman 11: in the next area, right next to Elephant Santa Claus.
- Snowman 12: get across the goo left of Santa Claus and you find this near a dinosaur coming out of the goo.
- Glowing Present 1: atop the building in the same area as Snowman 12.
- Glowing Present 2: on a small ledge near where Snowman 12 was.
- Key 5: continue past the dinosaurs coming out of the pink goo, towards the icicles, and immediately drop down to find the fifth and final Key of the level. You fill find the safe right next the level exit.
- Snowman 13: continue along the cliff, past the birds enemy and you’ll find this Snowman on a ledge near a blue crystal.
- Glowing Present 3: behind the Snowman.
- Glowing Present 4: left of the previous Glowing Present, on a small ledge with a red enemy.
- Glowing Present 5: continue past where Glowing Present 3 was and along the cliff and you’ll find on the ice patch overlooking the pink goo.
- Glowing Present 6: above one of the nearby dinosaurs.
- Glowing Present 7: on a dinosaur’s skeleton in the pink goo.
- Ancient Stone 7 (Don’t wanna leave that behind): turn 180° and face the pillar. Behind a pillar there is a well hidden ledge with this Ancient Stone.
- Snowman 14: return to the dinosaur skeleton platforms and continue along the cliff and you’ll find this Snowman in your path. If you’ve been taking the head off of all other Snowmen, this is when the trophy Ice Cold should unlock.
Ice Cold: awarded for knocking the head off of 14 Snowmen.
- Glowing Present 8: next to the Snowman.
- Glowing Present 9: continue along the cliff and you’ll find this next to a switch.
- Glowing Present 10: after operating the switch that opens up the icicle area, climb to it and run around keeping an eye out for a small ledge outside of the icicle area with the last Glowing Present.
- Ancient Stone 8 (Dinosaur Bytes presents…): awarded for finding all Glowing Presents in the level.
- Ancient Stone 9 (From the future, around the present, in the past): stop the critter running around the arena, above the giant present where the ice columns are.
- Snowman 15: in same area the critter was running around (not needed for the trophy).
- Safe and Ancient Stone 10 (Safe, present and accounted for!): right next to the level exit. To access the level exit, you need to find all Glowing Presents in the area.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Iceceratops in Clive ‘N’ Wrench.
For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
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