Corsair’s Cove in Clive ‘N’ Wrench contains 23 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included in this guide. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
- 10 Ancient Stones
- 5 Sleeping Dogs
- 5 Keys
- 1 Safe
- 1 Scroll
Not Mushroom On Board
- Key 1: start of the level, turn around and drop down to the beach. The Key is behind the tower.
- Ancient Stone 1 (I suppose he felt right at home here!): now return to then start of the level and make your way to the docks and the small town. Here, running around the right side of the town, is a critter holding an Ancient Stone.
- Key 2: get onto the rooftops near where the critter was running around and climb the tower. Here you will find the Key.
- Sleeping Dog 1: from the tower, get to its rooftop and then glide over the grassy platforms where another tower is. From here, proceed to the lower area with a well. Atop the well is a Sleeping Dog.
- Scroll and Karma Llama: from here proceed to the beach down below to find the scroll in a corner. The Karma Llama for this level is on the dock at the start of the town.
- Sleeping Dog 2: climb up the tower you glided from again and return to the same grassy platforms, but this time head right. Continue up the ledges and to the rooftop. At the end of the rooftop, by a crate, you will find a Sleeping Dog.
- Ancient Stone 2 (Towering above the competition): from here, glide over the next tower, then over the two wooden platforms and finally onto the tower in the distance where an Ancient Stone is awaiting you.
- Ancient Stone 3 (Salty landlubber): retrace your steps and this time glide over to the next set of towers and you will eventually find Nancy next to this Ancient Stone.
- Ancient Stone 4 (That cannon rocks!): return to the tower in the town and this time glide over the fort with the two pirate flags. Now climb the wooden watchtower and man the cannon. We need to shoot two things here: first, the boulder found on another tower, in the rightmost section of the town, near the belfry, and then the guy stuck in the prison in the tower in the grassy platforms from before. Once you’ve destroyed both things, go back down, grab the blue key from the fox guy and then climb the tower the boulder was on to obtain this Ancient Stone.
- Sleeping Dog 3: return to the wooden watchtower and this time drop down to the left of the fox guy. Proceed through the archways and you’ll end up in an alley with this Sleeping Dog.
- Sleeping Dog 4: return to the tower where you’ve picked up the last Ancient Stone and drop down to the left to find a Sleeping Dog behind the tavern’s wall.
- Sleeping Dog 5: return to the tower, but don’t climb it. Instead, go opposite it and along the wall to find the last Sleeping Dog.
- Ancient Stone 5 (A pretty rad pirate): awarded for finding all Sleeping Dogs in the level.
- Safe and Ancient Stone 6 (Always safer on land): drop down to the right of the last Sleeping Dog to find the safe. Return here when you have found all 5 Keys in the level to obtain this Ancient Stone.
- Key 3: above and left of the safe is a narrow ledge you can jump on. Immediately to the right is this Key.
- Key 4: go past the ship to the right to find a patch of land. Here, behind a netted crate, is the Key.
Not Mushroom on Board: before opening the skull with the key, swim to the offshore ship and board it. On it you’ll find a mushroom. Simply interact with it to unlock this trophy.
- Ancient Stone 7 (Mast-ered your platforming skills): enter the skull’s head using the Key you’ve obtained after releasing the fox guy from the prison tower and climb the shipwreck.
- Ancient Stone 8 (Knew it’d be aboat here somewhere!): run to the back of the cave to find a beach. Now run along the beach, staying close to the water. When you saw two lifeboats in the water, check the one that’s closest to the pillar.
- Ancient Stone 9 (Thar she blows…up!): return to the shipwreck and man the cannon to destroy the wooden barricade to continue on. Go through the newly opened tunnel and jump over the bouncy nets. When you reach the spinning platforms, drop down to the left and you should notice another cannon. Man this one to destroy the nearby boulder and reveal this Ancient Stone.
- Key 5: return to the spinning platform, but this time continue on through the next set of bouncy springs and you will eventually reach another boulder to destroy with a cannon nearby. Man the cannon to destroy the boulder and reveal the final Key for this level.
- Ancient Stone 10 (Like a trip to the seaside…. with more explosions!): continue past the where the boulder was and go past the stack of crates. You’ll eventually find a third cannon you can man to destroy the nearby boulder and reveal the final Ancient Stone for this level.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Corsair’s Cove in Clive ‘N’ Wrench.
For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
« PrevClive ‘N’ Wrench Hare Today, Gong Tomorrow Collectible LocationsNext »Clive ‘N’ Wrench Iceceratops Collectible Locations
Shiro2809 says
This one isn’t connected to the other level guides, “Hare Today, Gong Tomorrow” goes to “Iceceratops” when clicking next, this should be between those two.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, good spotting. This is now fixed 🙂