Cajun Mob Bog in Clive ‘N’ Wrench contains 26 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included in this guide. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
- 10 Ancient Stones
- 5 Tomato Stands
- 5 Keys
- 1 Safe
- 1 Scroll
- 1 Trowzer’s Coin
Bayou Baited,
Snake Tonic Salesman
- Ancient Stone 1 (Rainbow bachelor pad): at the start of the level, you should notice a wrecked violet car. The car is facing a side path. Take this path and climb on the trunks on your right and you should see this Ancient Stone on a lily pad in the mud you can glide to.
- Ancient Stone 2 (Made it Ma, Top of the World!): return to the start of the level, but this time go down the main path until you reach a house in the bog. Crouch-jump to the rooftop and the sign and from here you should see a tree platform with this Ancient Stone. To get to it, you need to crouch-jump and then glide to one of the nearby branches.
- Key 1: from here drop down to the circular platform below where you can see an enemy and a wrecked orange car. Behind the tree where the enemy was is the Key.
- Trowzer’s Coin: at the very top of the tree, near Karma Llama’s location, is a coin for Trowzer. For those unfamiliar, Trowzer is an NPC from another popular platformer franchise, Yooka-Laylee. You need to give Trowzer his coin so that he can open up a new area of the level for you.
Snake Tonic Salesman: in the starting area of the level Cajun Mob Bog you can find a snake. This is Trowzer, an NPC from another popular platformer franchise, Yooka-Laylee. To unlock this trophy, you need to give him the coin he’s looking for. The coin is found at the top of tree near which Trowzer is Standing. Grab the coin and give it back to him. Not only will this unlock the trophy, but also open up an entirely new area of the level, which is required to 100% it.
- Ancient Stone 3 (At least there’s no kite to fight!): diagonally opposite Trowzer’s coin, on another tree platform, is this Ancient Stone.
- Tomato Stand 1: top of the tree.
- Tomato Stand 2: behind the statue at the start of the area, across the street.
Panda-Monium: as you explore the level, you will eventually have to give Trowzer his coin back in order to open up an entirely new area of the level. As soon as you enter this area, you should notice a car driving around like crazy. To unlock this trophy, you need to have a purple enemy follow you to the street and make sure that it gets run over by the driving car. Once the car hits the importante, the trophy will unlock.
- Key 2: on the building above the Tomato Stand you’ve just destroyed.
- Tomato Stand 3: now look down and you should notice a red car. Near this car is a Tomato Stand you can destroy.
- Ancient Stone 4 (Are you sure we’re the good guys?): left of the statue at the start of the area is a building with a switch at the top. Activate the switch to destroy part of the building and access the Ancient Stone.
- Scroll and Karma Llama: now head back to the location of Tomato Stand 2 and look across the street to your right to find a building with a grey rooftop. Behind this building is the scroll. Remember to return this to Karma Llama in the first area of the level to obtain a free tip.
- Key 3: With the diner behind you, look to your left. Inside a trash can you should see an item glowing. Destroy the trash can to collect this Key.
- Tomato Stand 4: diagonally opposite the trash can, between a tree and a car is Tomato Stand 3.
- Ancient Stone 5 (Sign of the times): you should now be near the entrance to the casino steamboat. From here, climb up to the rooftop of the easternmost building to find this Ancient Stone behind a billboard.
- Key 4: now board the casino steamboat and you should find this Key at the back by the purple rudder.
- Ancient Stone 6 (Around the boat in 80 plays): now head to the second level and stop the critter running around to grab this Ancient Stone.
- Tomato Stand 5: now head to the third level and you’ll find this tomato Stand by the casino sign.
- Safe and Ancient Stone 7 (Boats are the safest form of travel): rooftop of the steamboat. Return here when you have all 5 Keys in the level to grab this Ancient Stone.
- Key 5: on top of one of the two steamboat chimneys.
Bayou Baited: when you reach the city in Cajun Mob Bog, get to the very top of one of the two steamboat chimneys. From here, crouch-jump, double-jump and glide to sawed-off trunk you can see in the distance. Then, repeat the same until you reach the one with the easter egg. As soon as you reach the trunk with the egg, you will unlock this trophy.
- Ancient Stone 8 (Pizza party bog cast): from the statue at the start of the area, head left down the street and you should see a bear NPC. He wants you to stop the car driving around the street. To do so, you need to drop the anvil found at the top of one of the building near the bear. Simply land on it and hit
. As soon as you drop the anvil, the car will crash into it and you will be able to pick up the Ancient Stone.
- Ancient Stone 9 (I wonder when his daughter’s getting married?): awarded for destroying all Tomato Stands in the level.
- Ancient Stone 10 (Foreshadowing? Nah, probably not…): on the same rooftop where the level exit is, near Nancy.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Cajun Mob Bog in Clive ‘N’ Wrench.
For all other levels refer to Clive ‘N’ Wrench Collectible Guide.
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