Call of Duty WW2 has two main easter eggs in The Final Reich Zombies Mode. This step-by-step guide describes how to solve the main easter eggs.
The first part of this guide will cover the “easy” easter egg and for this you’ll actually have objective markers which will help you navigate through it. The second covers the “hard” easter egg, which is a continuation of the easy one. Doing the easy easter egg will reward you with just the “Fireworks” trophy. Doing the hard hard one unlocks both the “Fireworks” and “Dark Reunion” trophies as you have to complete all the steps from the easy path up until the 2 final steps.
Easy Easter Egg Walkthrough
The first part of the guide will show you how to beat the Panzermörder (Klaus) and retrieve the artifact on the map The Final Reich for trophy “Fireworks”. To make this whole “easter egg” a lot easier you should keep pressing the touchpad button on your controller, as most of the objectives will be highlighted in-game. It can be completed solo offline or with any number of players in co-op. Now, the steps you have to complete are:
Step 1: Turn on the power
There is a generator in the middle of the map with 3 red lights on it. Your objective is to make all of them green. For this you have to turn 3 gas valves around the map for about 6 seconds each. The first one is located right behind the Geistschild machine in the village square area, the second one is also in this area to the left of the bunker door you are trying to open. For the third and final one, you have to open the door towards the pub. You can simply look for the power cables connecting the generator and the gas valves on the floor. Just follow them to all the respective valves.
Now that the generator is working again, activate the flamethrower trap in the middle of the town square. This will blow up the wooden lid covering the entrance to the sewer area. Once you are down there, there is only one path you can follow and you should see the actual power generator for the map on the left side next to the exit. Simply hold to turn it on.
Step 2: Rerouteing the power in the bunker
Once you are in the bunker, you have to buy the doors to the morgue and the laboratory for 1500 jolts each. Next, you have to activate 2 different control panels within 30 seconds. One of them is in morgue and the other one in the laboratory. The morgue one is just down the set of stairs on the right (when entering the area), the laboratory one is on the second floor, above the Schildblitz machine.
Now that the power has been rerouted, you can buy the door in the middle of command room to the salt mine tunnels.
Step 3: Power up the Geiskraft Transfer Device
Head down the mine until you reach a big circular room called “The Emperor’s Chamber”. This room is where most of the objectives will take place in, as it is your task to retrieve the artifact from this machine. Go up to the device and hold on it. You now have to kill about 15-20 zombies to charge the machine. All zombie types will count for this.
Once it is powered up, your next objective will be to unlock the canopy that is blocking the device. To do that, simply return to the command room and turn the crank right in front of you by holding .
Next you have to start the tesla gun assembly process. Simply walk up the stairs in the command room and hold on the red button right in front of you. This will conclude this step.
Step 4: Assemble the Tesla Gun
Next up is the assembly of the tesla gun. To get the 2 missing parts for the tesla gun, you’ll have to escort the Geistkraft Device into the laboratory first. There will be a red area around the device and you’ll have to kill zombies within that area to make it move. Once you’ve reached the end of the escort, the device will stop and power up a generator. Simply wait about 45-60 seconds for the generator to finish. You can now pick up the Tesla Gun barrel.
After the device has moved back to the command room on its own, you’ll have to escort it again by killing zombies in the red area, but this time it’ll head over to the morgue. Once it’s here, you have to wait 45-60 seconds again for the giant blender to finish. Once you’ve picked up the Tesla Gun core, head back to the command room and place both parts in the weapon forge (be careful though as a powerful Brenner zombie will spawn in first. Make sure to get a somewhat decent wall weapon for this part). You can now pick up the Tesla Gun, which will also unlock you the “Lightning Handler” trophy.
Step 5: Power up the Right Hand of God
Head over to the Emperor’s Chamber again and hold on the right hand of god (the machine to the left when you enter the room). Once this is done, go back up to the command room and activate the big control panel behind the weapons forge. Your objective now is to activate the smaller fuse boxes 1 to 4 in sequence and to change to color of each display to the one you saw on the control panel. The 3 colors are Rot (red), Grün (green) and Blau (blue). You will have around 45 seconds to activate all 4 boxes, so you’ll have to quickly memorize the 4 color sequence, change the first display to the respective color and then make your way over to boxes 2-4. Here are all the locations:
- Right next to the main panel
- After going through the morgue and the going through the door leading to the sewers, this one will be in front of the Pack a Punch machine room at the crossroads.
- Next to the door leading out of the Pack a Punch room to the harbor.
- Next to the door leading to the tower from the pub.
Your next objective will be to head over to the tower and to activate and defend the central lightning rod. This is fairly simple and shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you use your special ability. Once this defence is done, you’ll have to activate and defend the 2 smaller lightning rods o the left and right. This can be a bit tricky solo, but should be fairly easy with a 2-4 man party. Just keep checking both rods frequently and kill the zombies as fast as you can. Be careful as another Brenner will spawn in once this step has been completed.
Step 6: Repair the Left Hand of God
After holding on the Right Hand of God a zeppelin will spawn outside, flying in circles over the town. You have to shoot one of the 4 orange lights on the bottom of the zeppelin until a “Überschnalle” (battery) is being dropped by the ship. For this you should focus on one of the 4 lights and damage it until it’s red and eventually drops the Überschnalle. Run over to the location it was dropped to ensure that the ship can’t steal it back (which would force you to damage the zeppelin again).
Now you have to get kills near the Überschnalle to charge it up. Once it’s fully charged, simply take it down to the Emporer’s Chamber and place it in the Left Hand of God. You might have to use your camouflage ability to carry it down there or drop it multiple times, as zombies will be hitting you a lot.
The game wants you to repeat this step 2 more times. If the objective tells you to survive until the zeppelin returns, you have to end your current round or else the ship won’t spawn in. Once you’ve placed down the third and final Überschnalle, this step is done and the Hand of God now works.
Step 7: Calibrate the Voice of God
The voice of god is the machine between the Left and Right Hand of God. To calibrate it, you have to change the 4 numbers below the raven symbols on the side of the machine to their correct number. To find out the correct number for each raven, you’ll have to scan 4 portraits around the map, using a Brenner head. By now you should have already killed 2 Brenners if not even 3. Simply go back to a spot where you killed one and pick up their head. You can also just click the touchpad button to highlight the heads. To scan a portrait you simply have to hold down your ADS (aim down sights) button, which will be with the standard controls. You’ll see a roman numeral next to the raven. The numbers go from 1-5.
The 4 portrait locations are:
- Moonraven (has a moon above his head and his facing forward): This one is on the lowest floor in the morgue, on the opposite side of the sewer door.
- Stormraven (facing the right): Inside the pub on the second floor.
- Deathraven (facing forward): Inside the Pack a Punch room.
- Bloodraven (facing the left): Outside of the church, near the M1928 wallbuy.
Now that you’ve figured out the 4 numbers you need, put them into the Voice of God machine and activate it.
Step 8: Defeat the Panzermörder (Klaus)
A red electric bubble will now appear above the Geistkraft Transfer Device in the Emperor’s Chamber. You have to shoot it with the Tesla Gun in order to make it open up. You can now see the sword hilt sticking out of it. Pick it up to start the Panzermörder (Klaus) boss fight.
The fight itself consists of 2 steps that you have to repeat 3 times. The steps are:
Step 8.1: Get a Überschnalle from the Zeppelin
This is exactly like step 6, so I’ll copy it again here.
“A zeppelin will spawn outside, flying in circles over the town. You have to shoot one of the 4 orange lights on the bottom of the zeppelin until a “Überschnalle” (battery) is being dropped by the ship. For this you should focus on one of the 4 lights and damage it until it’s red and eventually drops the Überschnalle. Run over to the location it was dropped to ensure that the ship can’t steal it back (which would force you to damage the zeppelin again). Now you have to get kills near the Überschnalle to charge it up.”
Step 8.2: Attach the Überschnalle to the Panzermörder (Klaus)
Shoot Klaus until you’ve stunned him (the game will tell you when you’ve successfully done that) and attach the Überschnalle to him. Once you’ve done this for the third time, the boss fight will be over.
Hard Main Easter Egg Walkthrough
Step 1: Complete Steps 1 – 7 of the Easy Easter Egg
Simply follow the guide above for the easy easter egg and don’t shoot the red bubble at the end of it.
Step 2: Build all 4 Variants of the upgraded Tesla Gun
This guide: How to Build all Tesla Gun Upgrades will teach you everything you need to know about the Tesla Gun upgrades. Simply follow the steps there and you’ll have the 4 different Tesla Guns and earn the “Dark Arts” trophy.
It’s advisable to start working on the upgrades alongside the easy easter egg. You can start the Bloodthirst Tesla Upgrade as soon as you have assembled the regular Tesla Gun, the Hurricane Tesla Upgrade as soon as the first Bomber spawns (there will be 4 Bombers when you open the Salt Mine door for the first time), the Midnight Tesla Upgrade as soon as you defeat the first Brenner (one will spawn in after you pick up the second Tesla Gun part) and the Reaper Tesla Upgrade as soon as the first Wüstling spawns in.
From here on out you should try to get as many special enemy kills with the corresponding traps as you can. This will save you quite some time and you won’t waste as many rounds anymore.
Step 3: Obtaining the Red Talon sword
- Activate both control panels from step 2 of the easy easter egg again (Laboratory & Morgue). Once the second panel has been activated, a third panel will open up on the right side of the Salt Mine door. After activating this panel as well, 2 coils to the left of the panel will appear.
- Shoot the coils with a Tesla Gun and make your way over to the Laboratory door. There will now be a safe on the left wall, as soon as you enter.
- Use a Brenner head to scan the safe lock. Now you have to turn all 5 dials until you find the numbers with the purple fingerprints on them. Once you have all of them, the safe should open and you’ll get one half of a coin.
- Finish your current round and then repeat step 3. This time however, the safe will be on the left wall immediately after entering the Morgue. You’ll get the other half of the coin from the safe.
- Head downstairs to the Emporer’s Chamber and hold
on the panel beneath the Barbarossa statue. This will reveal the Red Talon sword which can be picked up now. It will replace the shovel as your active melee weapon.
Step 4: Acquire the 3 Spin Tops
There are 3 different spin tops hidden around the map. There is an orange, a red and a green one. They are on top of the roofs or the window sills around the map. These are the 11 possible locations for them to spawn in:
- Window above the toy store (to the right of the Bunker door)
- Turning 180° from the previous location, sitting on a frozen roof
- On the right window sill of the archway connecting the Village Square to the Riverside
- On top of the roof in the Courtyard (church)
- After going straight through the archway, this one will be sitting on the rooftop to your left
- On the left window sill in front of the Pub
- Sitting on the window sill left of the previous one
- On a window sill on the backside of the Pub
- Turning 90° to the right from the previous one on a window sill
- In the spawn area on the first balcony above Quick Revive
- In the spawn area on the second balcony above Quick Revive
Once you’ve collected all 3 spin tops, head over to the toy store and place them inside the 3 holes above the toys.
Step 5: Acquire the record
Now you have to find 2 enigma machines hidden behind some windows. They have a ribbon corresponding to the color of the spin top (orange, red and green) and they’ll tell you how you have to turn the spin tops. These machines could spawn behind any window on the map, so you’ll just have to look for them. Once you’ve found 2, you can simply turn the last spin top until you get it right.
The enigma machines will have a number between 01 and 12 on them (they are very tiny so you may need to stop closer to the screen or aim at them with a sniper rifle). The spin tops represent analog clocks and you have to set the clock to the time displayed on the machines. After setting 2 of the 3 clocks, you can just keep turning the third one until the drawer with the record in it opens.
Step 6: Power the Gramophone
Walk up to the weather vane on the wall by the Riverside and hold to make it stop moving. The weather vane is pointing in the direction of a very small yellow circle. Shoot this circle in order to make the water wheel by the river start turning.
Once the water wheel completed a full rotation, it’ll come to a halt and reveal another set of coils on the bottom of the water wheel. Shoot the coils with one of the upgraded Tesla Guns in order to turn on the power for the Pub. You can now place the record on the gramophone and you have to get kills with the Red Talon sword in order to completely charge it up. You will know you’ve completed this step when it stops accepting zombie energy.
Step 7: Retrieve the Rabenherz
The gramophone will now play a very unpleasant tune and you’ll hear some clicking noises in the background of it. It’s advised to go to your audio settings and to turn off the music. You should be able to hear those clicks more clearly now. You have to listen for the longest break between the clicks and you have to start counting how many clicks you can hear between each smaller break. There will be a total of 4 sequences and they will always range from 1 to 5 clicks. Once you’ve figured out your 4 numbers, you have to return to the Voice of God in the Emperor’s Chamber.
You start the inputting of those numbers with the Bloodraven (first raven on the left when you stand right in front of the machine) and go clockwise. Once all 4 numbers are correct simply activate the machine.
You / your group will have to shoot the chandelier with the upgraded Tesla Guns in a specific order, however the order will always be randomised. You can’t fail this step so it’s recommended to just shoot the chandelier with all 4 weapons once to find out the first Tesla Gun in the order. After that just keep firing at it with the remaining 3, then 2 and finally the last one. Once this is done, the red force field around the hilt will turn blue and you’ve successfully triggered the hard easter egg boss fight.
Step 8: Defeat Klaus
You can now see the sword hilt sticking out of where the blue orb was. Pick it up to start the Panzermörder (Klaus) boss fight.
The fight itself consists of 2 steps that you have to repeat 3 times. The steps are:
Step 8.1: Get a Überschnalle from the Zeppelin
This is exactly like step 6 of the easy easter egg, so I’ll copy it again here.
“A zeppelin will spawn outside, flying in circles over the town. You have to shoot one of the 4 orange lights on the bottom of the zeppelin until a “Überschnalle” (battery) is being dropped by the ship. For this you should focus on one of the 4 lights and damage it until it’s red and eventually drops the Überschnalle. Run over to the location it was dropped to ensure that the ship can’t steal it back (which would force you to damage the zeppelin again). Now you have to get kills near the Überschnalle to charge it up.”
The only thing different here is that the 4 lights at the bottom of the zeppelin will keep switching so it’s best to just focus on the first or second light in the sequence and wait for that light to show up again. It’s pointless to fire at every single light in that sequence as you’ll just be wasting ammo.
Step 8.2: Attach the Überschnalle to the Panzermörder (Klaus)
Shoot Klaus until you’ve stunned him (the game will tell you when you’ve successfully done that) and attach the Überschnalle to him. Once you’ve done this for the third time, the boss fight will be over.
Other Easter Eggs in The Final Reich Zombies:
- How to Pack-A-Punch — The Pack-a-Punch Machine allows you to upgrade your weapons. This helps a lot with the main easter egg as you can deal more damage.
- How to Build all Tesla Gun Upgrades — Needed for the full / hard main easter egg and unlocks the “Dark Arts” trophy or achievement.
- How to Unlock All Playable Zombies Characters — for those who want an extra challenge, learn how to unlock every secret playable zombies character
- How to Unlock Mystery Box in Prologue — Not related to the Final Reich map, but there’s a secret mystery box easter egg in the Prologue that makes surviving a lot easier.
- How to Unlock Pack-a-Punch in Groesten Haus — Not related to the Final Reich, but the Groesten Haus is a perfect map for grinding XP quickly and with the Pack-a-Punch it becomes a whole lot quicker.
David says
I was wondering if The Final Reich Easter Egg can be completed solo…
PowerPyx says
Yes, it’s harder but it can be done solo.
sogay says
This is SoGAY, that there is no ammo at final boss fight and most of areas are closed, therefore you cannot re-buy ammo. just be warned that activision did it again.
PowerPyx says
Actually, there is. But only the starting weapon can be bought from the wall during boss fight. You can pack-a-punch it for extra firepower.
rekzcrew says
found the moonraven battery simple to charge you use the trap in the courtyard to do so atleast thats what we found to work nothing else seemed to do so sadly got down after this so didnt get to finish the moonraven part but it was wave 28 so it got kinda hectic enjoy the info
The one guy you know says
Yes I just did it myself but it is very difficult.
xxxxxFIZZxxxxx says
Xbox one
Smashed zombies today. Awesome boss fight if you are competent and have patience. Beat it when a guy dropped and with a first timer. Was fun!!
Misko says
Oh brother….. here wie go again
Jeanmi96 says
The guide has been updated and now features the full Dark Reunion and Fireworks easter eggs!
David1414 says
Where are all of the collectables
Andre says
PowerPyx, tks bro for creating this amazing Trophy Guide and for your HARD Easter Egg walkthrough YT video as well. (Just did the main easter egg @public match with 3 more strangers LUL :D).
PowerPyx says
Congrats, much respect for getting this done with random players, that in itself is a big feat in this game :D
Issa says
Can anyone plz help me get the easter eggs trophies , its. Too difficult for me to do itt solo
Shane says
Do you get to keep the red talon
Ben says
Hey can anyone help me with the hard one? It’s all I need for the platinum, I’m a pretty good zombies player in terms of surviving I’m just terrible at the Easter eggs
My PSN is benthebest1
Kosik222 says
Hey PowerPyx,
is possible to save Klaus without upgrading all 4 variant of tesla gun?
Thanks, Karel
Saleem says
Need help with this, if anyone can help add me i’m on PS4. ZSaleem
Paul McKay says
Great info mate, I love your work, your killin it, keep it up
Darius says
Anyone up for doing this on party, let me know. Drop me a message to let me know.
Add me on PSN: Vanquish515
Wagner says
Hi, I found that sometime we can actually get the 3rd enigma machine, weirdly it was blue, and it come from the well fire trap, when activating it (for the 2nd time I think) get blasted out of it and land somewhere nearby.