There are 33 Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations. Finding all Memento Collectibles unlocks the Pieces of History Trophy / Achievement.
All Mementos can be collected via chapter select, none of them are missable! You can go back after the story to pick up what you missed. In mission select it shows how many you found per mission.
There are exactly 3 memento locations per mission across 11 missions total. When finding a memento it will be saved instantly. You don’t have to pick it up again when you die. You can also quit out of the mission right away without losing any collectibles (pause game and leave). You don’t even have to reach the next checkpoint.
Memento Locations Video Guide
Mission 1
#1 – Nazi Knife
[Objective: Ascend the Bluffs]
After breaching the Seawall you go through the trenches. At the very end of the trenches, you find a knife sticking out a sandbag in the turret bunker (just before leaving the trenches). Just like any other mementos it has a golden shimmer around it, making it a bit easier to locate.
#2 – Compass
[Objective: Clear the Bunkers 3/5]
After clearing the third bunker, the mission requires you to backtrack a little bit. Before entering the 4th bunker, head all the way to the left (the way you took between bunker 2 and 3). A green metal door that was previously closed is now open, revealing a storage room. Inside is the shimmering memento collectible. Make sure you grab it before entering the 4th bunker.
#3 – Pathfinder Patch
[Objective: Destroy the Artillery]
After destroying the Artillery (by blowing up a bucket full of TNT near it), check the barn behind the artillery. There’s a glowing collectible at the end of the barn that you can pick up.
Mission 2
#4 – Lighter
[Objective: Get on the Tank]
At the very start of the mission, turn to the right. Behind the transport truck on the right, there are 2 soldiers standing by some barrels. On the barrels is the golden shining collectible (behind one of the soldiers so it’s hard to see). Must pick this up before getting on the tank!
#5 – Pocket Watch
[Objective: Reach the AA Gun]
In the area with the AA Gun, check the far left side, inside a wooden hut (do not interact with the AA Gun yet). This is roughly 10 minutes into the mission after going through an area with lots of haystacks.
#6 – Gas Mask
[Objective: Push forward with your Armor]
After eliminating the German artillery crew, follow the tanks and you’ll see a huge bunker in front of you. On the far right side of the bunker is a corpse with a gas mask. Grab the gas mask from the corpse.
Mission 3
#7 – Locket –> In Memento Overview it’s the 2nd of the mission but chronologically it’s the 1st to find
[Objective: Take the Church]
This memento is located at the very start of mission 3. As soon as the mission starts, you see a house with lots of enemies in front of you. Go upstairs in that house. The roof has collapsed and part of the upper floor is missing, but on the other side, you can see the remains of a kid’s bedroom. Walk towards the ledge facing the kid’s bedroom and you’ll see that you can walk along the ledge to the left. There’s a mirror hidden behind the wall here and on the mirror hangs a memento necklace.
#8 – SS Pin –> In Memento Overview it’s the 1st of the mission but chronologically it’s the 2nd to find
[Objective: Clear the Church]
This is inside the church. After clearing out the enemies in the church, check the wall to the right of the ammo crate (the room where you fight a flamethrower enemy). There in a little alcove sits the shimmering collectible.
#9 – Fuel Canister
[Objective: Defend the area]
After leaving the church, you will have to defend an area from waves of enemies. On the right side, at the very front of the area (near the enemy lines) is a big green fuel canister. It doesn’t shimmer as much as the other collectibles and blends in with the environment so it’s easy to overlook.
Mission 4
#10 – White Rose Poster
[Objective: Stop the Train]
At the very start of the mission, after leaving the first house, turn left. There in a vase is the memento collectible.
#11 – Dog Collar
[Objective: Stop the Train]
Very shortly after the last memento location, when you go inside the next house, go to the end of the house and look to the left (the house with burning rubble in front of it).
#12 – Rocket Blueprint
[Objective: Rally with your Squad]
After the driving section and after the train crashes, you must go through the burning wreckage of the train. After you go through a piece of a train wagon there will be a grassy area that’s not on fire and you can go uphill a little (a dog is also attacking you here). BEFORE going uphill, check the right side of that grassy / non-burning area. The memento collectible is sitting on a box. DO NOT GO UP THE HILL YET (it will end the chapter)! When you see a dog attacking you, you’re in the right place and should not go uphill any further.
Mission 5
#13 – Propaganda Poster —> In Memento Overview it’s the 2nd of the mission but chronologically it’s the 1st to find
[Objective: Search for Officer Fisher]
After leaving the car at the start of the chapter, you will go through a passport control. Then you enter a huge welcome hall area. Go straight and then take a right to get to the toilets. In the restroom, in front a toilet, is this memento collectible.
#14 – Liquor Bottle –> In Memento Overview it’s the 1st of the mission but chronologically it’s the 2nd to find
[Objective: Place Explosives on the North Gate]
After placing the explosive on the northern gate, turn around and head through the door on the right side (it’s a locked door so you need to pick the lock). Immediately head upstairs in that building. In the first room upstairs is the memento.
#15 – German Medal
[Objective: Assault the Garrison]
This is after planting the two bombs in the courtyard. In the section after that you’ll have to fight lots of enemies. At one point you and your comrades have to cross a big bridge with barbed wire roadblocks. Immediately after the bridge, look for the memento on a box straight ahead.
Mission 6
#16 – Music Sheet
[Objective: Reach the Hotel]
After the lengthy tank drive you have to follow a narrow street. At the first corner of the street go left and there will be a piece of paper on a cupboard. This is the first street immediately after the tank driving section, before the first enemy encounter on foot in that mission.
#17 – Cigarette Box
[Objective: Reach the Hotel]
Quite a bit later, a few minutes after a mid-mission cutscene, you will reach a living room with a Herioc Action opportunity (a soldier is about to get killed by an enemy but you can prevent it by shooting the enemy). On the side of the living room are two big holes in the walls that you can walk through (one on the left and one on the right). There are enemies waiting behind the two holes in the walls. Go through the right hole and then up the rubble straight ahead to get upstairs. Turn around upstairs and the memento collectible will be by the fireplace. When your buddy says “Okay, let’s go. Down the Stairs” you’ve gone too far and can still backtrack to get it.
#18 – Hotel Pen
[Objective: Reach the Hotel]
Right after the last memento, you go outside and have to push a truck that is blocking the road. Then you must blow up the wall of the hotel (new objective: “secure the hotel”). After blowing up the wall, go into the first room on the right to find the collectible under a desk.
Mission 7
#19 – German Flare Gun
[Objective: Eliminate the Mortar Team]
After defending the bridge, you will come to an area with a sniper and some trucks parked in the woods. Behind the truck on the right, is the memento.
#20 – Food Container
[Objective: Find Your Squad]
This is inside the crashed airplane, in the foggy woods area after you see the pilot hanging dead from his parachute (you get attacked by a single dog in this area).
#21 – US Army Rations
[Objective: Eliminate the Sniper]
Immediately after eliminating the Sniper, turn around and look to the stairs you came from (still standing upstairs in the sniper nest). To the left of the stairs you can jump on a rusty platform. On there, well hidden, lies a memento collectible on a chair.
Mission 8
#22 – Journal —> In Memento Overview it’s the 3rd of the mission but chronologically it’s the 1st to find
[Objective: Capture the Hill / Escort the Engineer]
Early in the mission you’ll have to escort an engineer holding a pole charge up a hill to a bunker. Let him blow up the bunker. Then, in the middle of the uphill area (the hill leading up to the bunker) check the middle for a tree stump and a piece of paper next to it. The paper is the memento (sitting on the ground next to a corpse by the tree stump).
#23 – Pipe
[Objective: Destroy the Artillery]
In the area after the last collectible, this memento is sitting to the right of the first artillery you have to destroy.
#24 – Bill Fold —> In Memento Overview it’s the 1st of the mission but chronologically it’s the 3rd to find
[Objective: Destroy the Artillery]
Just after the last memento collectible, you will go through a big green metal door. There’s a tank patrolling the area up ahead. Before you plant the thermite on the tank, look for a destroyed bunker at the very end of the area, in the corner, opposite end of where you came from. In the window of the broken bunker lies the last memento of this mission.
Mission 9
#25 – Camera
[Objective: Deliver the Ammo Box]
At the very start of the mission, after the initial cutscene, turn right and you’ll see 3 soldiers sitting close together. Next to the soldiers is a memento that looks like a camera.
#26 – Comic Book
[Objective: Deliver the Ammo Box]
This is in the spot where you have to drop off the ammo box. To the right of where you place the ammo box, on the ground, is a memento that looks like a magazine.
#27 – US Wings Medal
[Objective: Hold the Line]
After the plane-flying section you will have to defend your line from enemies. In this area is a green tent up a small hill. Behind the tent in a wooden box (next to a medkit) is the memento location.
Mission 10
#28 – Magazine
[Objective: Reach the Overwatch Position]
After going through the hole in the fence (stealth section with silenced pistol), head to the second building to the right of the fence. In that building are two soldiers, the base commander, and some army vehicles. Here on a box lies the memento (looks like a piece of paper).
#29 – Silver Flask
[Objective: Reach the Tower]
After defending Pierson from the Sniper Nest (sniping section), you must jump down the roof and will see a red building (barracks) in front of you. In the first red building after jumping down from the sniper nest is the memento, near the beds.
#30 – German Wings Medal
[Objective: Provide Overwatch to Pierson]
Just after the last memento collectible, the waypoints will lead you to a tower from where you are supposed to provide overwatch to Pierson. Just as you enter the tower, on the ground floor, look on the box on the right side.
Mission 11
#31 – Letter
[Objective: Secure the Tower] – 1st Tower
This memento is located in the first tower you enter, after going up the second set of stairs. Then it can be found sitting on the ground in the middle of the room near a dying enemy soldier.
#32 – German Canteen
[Objective: Secure the Tower] – 2nd Tower
The last two memento locations in Call of Duty WW2 are in the same place, in the second tower that you enter. This one is after going up the first set of stairs, on a table.
#33 – Beer Stein
[Objective: Secure the Tower] – 2nd Tower
The final memento is in the same location as the last one, at the very top of the second tower of the mission. Pieces of History trophy unlocked – congratulations!
I hope you enjoyed the Call of Duty WW2 Memento Locations Guide. If you did, feel free to share it with your friends and leave a like on the video.
Big thanks to wolker4 for helping with the collectible hunt, he has been a tremendous help!
If you want more COD WW2 Collectibles, be sure to get the Heroic Actions for another 3 trophies & achievements: Call of Duty WW2 Heroic Actions Locations Guide.
wako388 says
Memento #27 can be picked up en-route to the ammo drop-off. You will pass the tent with the medkit next to it as you make your way down the line.
Matt1yu says
As wako338 says, #27 is easier to pick up inbetween #25 and #26, but other than that an excellent guide. Thanks!