Call of Duty Vanguard Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 hours
- Total Trophies: 45 (1
, 2
, 10
, 32
- Offline Trophies: 40 (1
, 8
, 31
- Online Trophies: 5 (1
, 1
, 2
, 1
- Number of missable trophies: 1
Leet Skills – your online level resets every season (every 2 months), must reach Prestige 1 within one season or else you will be reset to Level 1 and must redo the grind from scratch
- Glitched trophies: 0 – however, if you switch from PS4 to PS5 or vice versa most of the Zombies Trophies won’t unlock as they’re tracked through the online progress, if you unlocked them before they might not unlock again
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat campaign on Veteran for
The Tip Of The Spear
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 Campaign Playthrough (2 recommended), several Zombies Runs to reach 10,000 Zombie Kills, and more Zombies or Multiplayer to reach finish Level 55
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Not available. Some Zombies & Multiplayer trophies will bug out and not retrigger if you did already did them in the other version (due to being tied to online progress and not auto-unlocking the trophy if you already did the requirement in one version).
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes but only if you buy the digital Cross-Gen Bundle Edition. The physical disc doesn’t have Crossbuy.
- Mission Select after Story?: Yes, there’s Mission Select, can replay everything after or during the story on any difficulty.
- Release Date: November 05, 2021
Welcome to the Call of Duty Vanguard Trophy Guide (COD Vanguard)! This is one of the easier Call of Duty games to platinum. The Zombies Trophies are quite easy this time as there’s no Easter Egg required. Most of the trophies come from the campaign, there are 9 missions, each containing 2 mission-specific trophies. There are also a few miscellaneous trophies that span over the entire campaign but those can be farmed via Checkpoint Restart. Beating the campaign on Veteran is required, Veteran is available from the beginning. There are no Collectible Trophies. Most time will be spent on grinding 10,000 Kills in Zombies and reaching Prestige 1 (finishing Level 55) in Multiplayer. Reaching Level 55 isn’t enough, you must also prestige to get the trophy. Luckily, all your Levels, Operator XP, Weapon XP earned in Zombies carry over into Multiplayer. So by doing the Zombies trophies first you can reduce the Multiplayer grind a bit. Futhermore, each Operator has a favorite weapon, and playing with their favorite weapon gives Double Operator XP and double Weapon XP, make use of this while grinding the 10,000 Zombies Kills. There are only 4 Multiplayer trophies, which are a bit time-consuming but not difficult.
Step 1: Campaign Trophies [Around 10 Hours]
It’s recommended to do a playthrough on Recruit difficulty first. The reason being that about half the mission-specific trophies are not really compatible with Veteran difficulty, they’d be much too hard as you die too quickly when going out of cover, so you’d have to replay half the game on Recruit anyway. On Recruit you can get all mission-specific trophies easily along the way. Then you also know the map layouts and enemy spawns for your Veteran playthrough already, which will make it easier and quicker as you die less often.
The story is very short, there are 9 missions, each mission takes around 25 minutes on Recruit. So about 4 hours total. The Veteran run will take a bit longer, around 5-7 hours depending on how well you do.
Work on the miscellaneous mission-specific trophies along the way, there are 2 per mission. Should you find any of these too difficult on Veteran, you can get them later via Mission Select on easy difficulty.
You can also follow the YouTube Trophy Playlist along the way which shows all story trophies in chronological order.
Below are all trophies in the order you unlock them:
- Mission 1: Phoenix
- Mission 2: Operation Tonga
- Mission 3: Stalingrad
- Mission 4: The Battle of Midway
- Mission 5: Numa Numa Trail
- Mission 6: Lady Nightingale
- Mission 7: The Rats of Tobruk
- Mission 8: The Battle of El Alamein
- Mission 9: The Fourth Reich
Step 2: Zombies Trophies [Around 10 Hours]
There are 9 Zombies Trophies. There’s no Zombies Easter Egg in the game at launch, hence no Easter Egg trophy required for platinum. This makes it one of the simplest Zombies modes in COD history.
Zombies in Vanguard is quite a bit different from previous iterations, as it is no longer the typical round-based survival seen in other COD games. It is instead objective-based, where every objective you complete advances the round forward by one, and zombies in the main hub area will stop spawning eventually and it won’t progress until you complete another objective. The map, “Der Anfang” consists of a main hub area, which can be progressively opened up by completing objectives, as well as several mini-maps where the objectives take place. You can even change your selected artifact any time in the middle of a match via the loadout section in the pause menu. Using different artifacts is tied to several trophies.
The main time-consuming trophy is killing 10,000 Zombies in total, which will take about 7-10 hours playtime (not in one match), the rest you can do along the way while working on the kills. Kills can be farmed infinitely during the “Transmit” and “Harvest” objectives by finding a good spot where enemies come at you from one direction and killing them endlessly, they don’t stop spawning. You also need 2500 Pack-a-Punch Level 3 Upgrade kills, so combine it with this. You should be able to get PaP Level 3 by Round 10-12 if upgrade your starting weapon, then activate a Harvest or Transmit objective to farm kills infinitely. It’s recommended to do this solo so that no other players can steal kills from you.
The reason you should do Zombies Trophies before Multiplayer is that all your Levels / Operator Levels / Weapon Levels are shared between Zombies and the main Multiplayer Mode. This allows you to already get some of the Multiplayer grind out of the way. If you do it during a 2XP Weekend you might even get it all done just from the 10,000 kills farming alone. Everything you do in Zombies carries over to your Multiplayer progress, even the “Multiplayer Levels” are earned in Zombies. Be sure to always use the same Operator and use their favorite weapon too. Using an Operator’s favorite weapon gives double Operator XP & double Weapon XP. The unlock requirements for the Operators are shown in the “Operators” menu of Zombies and Multiplayer. The unlock requirements are different in each mode but once unlocked in one mode they will be available in both modes. The Operator “Halima” is great for this, she’s easy to unlock in Zombies and her favorite weapon is the MP-40 which is unlocked from the start and happens to be really strong at close-medium ranges when doing headshots. It’s also one of the best weapons in Multiplayer, so play with Halima + MP-40 for the Zombies grind.
Step 3: Multiplayer Trophies [Around 10 Hours]
There are only 4 Multiplayer Trophies: Reaching Prestige 1, reaching max level with one Operator, reaching max level with one weapon, and joining a clan. Do note that Leet Skills says to “reach” Level 55 but you must actually “complete” Level 55 and level up one more time after that. If you followed the advice from Step 2 and combined your 10,000 kills Zombie Grind with using the same Operator and their favorite weapon, you should already be around Player Level 35 and around Operator Level 15, Weapon Level 50. Keep using the same Operator & Weapon while working on Level 55 until you’ve maxed them out. If you’re not a fan of Multiplayer, just stick with Solo Zombies. All your Player Level / Operator Level / Weapon Level are shared between Zombies and Multiplayer. You actually can level up quicker in Zombies because you don’t have loading times between matches and are not reliant on how good or bad the opponents are. Keep playing until high rounds in Zombies and extract when it gets too hard. If you prefer playing Multiplayer, focus on whatever match type gets you the highest score per minute (usually Domination). Reaching Prestige 1 should take another 10 hours at most after the initial Zombies grind. If you do the Zombies grind during a 2XP weekend you might even get close to max level just from the 10,000 kills alone. Also check the Multiplayer playlists daily, the one called “Das Haus” takes place on the smallest map and you can just repeat that one map and level up super quickly, but it’s not available every day.
MISSABLE WARNING: Your Player Level resets each season (every 2 months). If you don’t reach Level 55 within one Season, you will be reset to Level 1 and must do it all over again.
Useful Tips, Tricks, and Guides:
Call of Duty Vanguard Trophy Guide
By PowerPyx & Archavia
RezMeDude says
Looks like an easy Solo platinum. Pick up my copy tomorrow, should be done by Saturday night.
Thanks for the guide PowerPyx
Herman says
Just got Platinum, this is even easier than Cold War’s
OverHyped says
Hi, I bought PS4 disc version hoping I can pay for an upgrade like last year for Cold War, it was like 10$. This is not the case anymore?
OverHyped says
I found this, that is why I bought
The PlayStation 4 Standard Edition will have an option to upgrade to a digital version for PlayStation 5 through the PlayStation Store. Please note: The PlayStation 4 disc must be inserted into the PlayStation 5 to access the digitally upgraded PlayStation 5 version of the game. This upgrade option is not compatible with a discless PlayStation 5.
PowerPyx says
I saw this too, but I can’t find an upgrade item in PS Store.
So unless this is an in-game menu item only I don’t currently see an upgrade other than to rebuy the $80 Cross-Gen Bundle.
Jean Choy says
I wish the autopop works from PS5>PS4
Edinho says
Hey Guys,
so i finished all trophies in zombie Mode on PS5 today and jumped on the ps4 version.
following trophies cannot be earned again:
Death Dealer
Eliminate 2500 zombies with a PaP level 3 weapon
Grim Reaper
Eliminate 10,000 zombies
Hot Tempered
Eliminate 10 zombies while your damage is increased by the Ring of Fire Artifact
Escape Artist
While using the Aether Shroud Artifact, enter the Aether Shroud 5 times with less than 25% health
Shocking Behavior
Eliminate 10 zombies that were damaged by the Energy Mine Artifact
As Cold As Ice
Eliminate 10 zombies via melee that have been slowed by the Frost Blast Artifact
So in local mode (offline) i was able to get the four Artifact trophies again. I think you need to do the 10.000/2500 kills in a local match too (In one Round). The good thing- you can pause the game in local game.
Very strange that the 10000/2500 kill trophy is not saved on the online profile and cannot be retrieved with one more kill. The trophy for the 13 hearts came when the first heart was handed in on the ps4…. didnt understand this…..
Oli says
Thank you so much for the offline tip!!!
oKrispy- says
In one session or across multiple?
Akechi says
10.000 kills in 1 match? Offline?
That’s kind of ehhhh….
Salem says
Actually I don’t know how I got eliminate 10000 zombies trophy & the problem is I don’t have option for playing local game why..?!
Kyle M says
I just got the platinum for vanguard on ps5 will it unlock the campaign trophies for it??
Kyle M says
for the ps4 version?
yeatsfarewell says
Thank you for guide PowerPyx. Always.
By the way I reached level 55 in multiplayer.
But “Leet Skills – Reach level 55 in Multiplayer” not pop . Anyone know what’s going on?
Many thanks.
Doord says
Does anyone know how i can see the progress for the 10.000 zombie kills?
PowerPyx says
It’s explained in the guide 🙂
Scott says
“If you’re not a fan of Multiplayer, just stick with Solo Zombies.”
This platinum can be earned without touching the Multiplayer mode at all, am I reading that correctly?
PowerPyx says
You earn Multiplayer Levels in Zombies too. No need to play any Multiplayer ever. Can do everything in Solo Zombies.
Caio says
I started playing on xbox series, Im already at maximum level, some operators on max level. If I logging on the ps5 will those progress trophies just pop?
I know I will have to do the campaing and zombies killing trophies, but what about those level and progress trophies?
matrixman92 says
Thirst Quencher seems to be glitched for me. Ive tried it in public and solo and it wont unlock. Ive also had all 5 max level and still wont unlock.
Awesome4242 says
For Actions Speak Louder Than Words – IF you kill the solider that attacks Evans quickly, then Evans will take cover from the grenade that rolls down the stairs and you don’t have to throw it back at all. Just take cover. I did this last night and the trophy popped near the end of the level.
Chris Radford says
Do kills in zombies still count if you die? Or do you have to do the exfil and ‘complete the mission’ for them to count?
PowerPyx says
Can 100% confirm they still count if you leave the match / get disconnected / die / don’t exfil. I played on release weekend when servers were overloaded and got disconnected / kicked from every single match I played. Still counted all kills correctly and I got all kill trophies just fine.
ADG says
In Mission 5 Numa Numa Trail for Untouchable I was having trouble so at the beginning after crossing the bridge and going left into to tall grass I moved up against the stump and peaked right seen where the sniper was firing from and I shot him from there.
Max says
I have failed “Behind You” twice now, I believe the reason is that enemies can kill themselves with grenades, which will prevent you from killing them with your knife. unfortunately one of these grenade deaths gave me a checkpoint. frustrating eh
ADG says
Yeah, that sucks happened to me and I reloaded at checkpoint just to make it to the end and not get the trophy.
If you’re trying to get Death Dealer play on solo not private, it seems the trophy is bugged in private.
PowerPyx says
I got it just fine in private. Doesn’t matter.
Vaughni says
Ive just got the trophies for Grim Reaper & Death Dealer (10k kills & 2500 lvl 3 pack a punch) i got both of them from separate play throughs , i have seen a lot of talk about having to do it in one go but i can confirm i did some offline , online single play and online with 4 matchmaking, I did a few hours every day but never got all the kills in one go.
Jon says
Grim reaper trophy not working
Quariznivet says
Same here…., and death dealer. PS5
Chris Radford says
Are you two both sure you’ve got 10,000 kills though? Have you counted the tracker in the camos of each weapon?
F1ngers says
For Untouchable: cross the bridge, use Focus, sniper will appear as yellow off in the distance – peek from behind the rock and shoot him.
johnnyhotrocks says
Is anybody having any issues unlocking the Grim Reaper trophy in zombies (solo)?
Almost certain well over the 10k and still no unlock.
Just wish this trophy tracking thing did actually track and show the number im supposed to be on like the xbox does…thought that’s why they added tracking recently but what was the point if going to just display the trophy descriptions rather than the actual count.
johnnyhotrocks says
UPDATE….seemed to have unlocked after a further 1300 kills in a private zombie match.
not sure what was going on but i did have the game force updates twice during play straight after a session had ended, and on both occasions it never showed any of the xp gained like it normally does.
SkullBones says
Kill count bugged. The camos are unlocked but the count went back to zero. has anybody had the same problem?
Chris Radford says
Yes it happened to me. Hmmm
Chris Radford says
Just got my trophy. It’s not bugged. Yes it goes back to zero, but the kills still count. It basically just unlocks all the camos and the counter resets to zero when you reach 4,000 kills.
calum says
I’m having issues with the grim reaper trophy 🙁 so do you just go into private but do you do it yourself or have to have a Friend to do it with you
PowerPyx says
Doesn’t matter. I did some kills solo, some in public with random players, some in private with a friend. They all count.
calum says
Thanks but mines isn’t popping 🙁
Chris Radford says
Are the 2,500 pap kills and 10,000 kills trophies bugged? I’ve definitely done more than that because i’fe been keeping a track of it. Hmmm.
PowerPyx says
It’s a bit weird, I’ve seen reports of them potentially not unlocking when they should, but everyone I know personally got them fine, and these issues seem quite rare. I think it’s likely some server issues because those get tracked online and maybe one of the statistics server in your region is overloaded and not saving it correctly, or people think they have more kills than they actually do. The only real way to track it is via the camouflage kill count (which stops at 4000 kills per weapon), so would need to use 3 different weapons to track it like that. Personally, I did about 9000 kills with the MP-40 and played around a bit with the first Assault Rifle and Combat Shotgun. All counted across solo, private and public matches for me.
Are you sure your rank resets when “pre season” ends? I know in previous cod games prestige rank resets. Not the military rank (55) before it. So if the next season starts and im not rank 1 prestige then i have to rank all 55 levels back again?
PowerPyx says
The devs said it resets but don’t think they clarified if it applies to all levels or just prestige, so you might be right that it’s only progress past Prestige 1. We’ll only know this when the first reset happens, but for now better to be safe and not have a bad surprise on the 1st reset in 2 months.
imtiaz_utsha03 says
For the bakers dozen trophy, do i have to get all 13 in one game? Cause i got like 16 in different games but the trophy is still not popping. Is it bugged?
Noah says
I have the same problem. Guess I’ll just keep playing until it pops…
Simon says
When is the next online reset day is so I can do the leet skills
PowerPyx says
They said in January but don’t think it has a specific date yet. Their seasons are usually around 2 months each so it might be as early as January 4th.
DanTheMan1999 says
It is next week 8th Dec!
V4dur says
Hi all,
So I have done Grim Reaper for the ps5 version of the game. Are we saying that I have to play OFFLINE and get 10,000 kills in 1 game on the the ps4 version before the trophy will pop there? Slightly mixed results going on here.
I played between both platforms, it just so happens the ps5 version popped.
Same idea with the Death Dealer.. Popped on PS5 version so am I going to have to go 2500 kills OFFLINE on ps4 in 1 match before eit will pop?
Cheers in advance
DanTheMan1999 says
Quick tip for – Couldn’t Have Done It Without You:
Press and hold R2 to make the credits roll faster, takes about 3ish minutes 🙂
Martin says
How can i play zombie Mode local offline?Got the Digital Version.Everytime when i go offline the zombie Mode is locked.Got the Platinum on the PS5 Version.PS4 zombie trophys are now buggy.Can anybody please explain how to fix it?
crazycat says
Behind You it says ground floor has 11 enemy, everytime i try this it only has 10 in that part,
ive done this sevral times using only takedowns with the trophy not unlocking, could the ground floor be an issue?
thanks for the guide
Berry says
Pocket Full of Fun seems to have a bit of a glitch that works in your favour.
I just killed twelve people with the Gammon Bomb at the start of Chapter 7 and the trophy popped, this was using checkpoint restart a couple of times.
First time playing that chapter as well and with this character, not got to chapter 8 yet.
Hope this helps.
Berry says
For Couldn’t Have Done It Without You, you don’t need to wait 20mins if you hold R2 throughout it speeds it up considerable to only a few mins.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added that in!
Shark says
Need help with online zombie trophies.
Jeff says
!!!Attention!!! First of all, you should know that the trophy related to clans no longer works, as the clan system was removed without prior notice by activision