Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 if someone helps you with Zombies Easter Eggs – 6.5/10 if doing it solo
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-80 hours (40-60 hours if done during Double XP Weekends, which saves 20 hours on the Augment Research Grind in Zombies)
- Offline Trophies: 0 – the game can’t be launched offline, all modes including campaign are online-only
- Online Trophies: 45 (1, 3, 10, 31) *44 on PS5 because it doesn’t have a Platinum
- Number of missable trophies: 0, nothing missable
- Glitched trophies: 1 – Rush Hour has become bugged with the Season 1 Update / Patch 1.61, but will likely be fixed in the future.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat all campaign missions on Veteran (highest difficulty)
- Hardest Trophy: Case in Point (beating the game on Veteran)
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Mission Select after Story?: Yes, can replay all missions after story.
- Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave for Campaign. Multiplayer/Zombies progress is save on online servers.
- Release Date: October 25, 2024
Welcome to the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Trophy Guide! The trophies in COD BO6 take place across 3 modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies. Most of the time will go into unlocking a Diamond Camo (Multiplayer) or Opal Camo (Zombies). The game launches with 2 Zombie Maps, each has an easter egg that is needed for trophies. In Multiplayer you must reach Prestige 1, win 25 matches, and get 500 kills. The campaign must be beaten on Veteran difficulty and all safehouse upgrades must be bought for a total of $14,650. Money is picked up throughout the missions and dropped by strong enemies, but luckily can be farmed infinitely through mission replay.
Important: Only the PS4 version has a Platinum and standalone trophy list. The PS5 list is a DLC for Modern Warfare 2 and DOESN’T have a Platinum trophy.
Step 1: Finish Story on Veteran + Mission-specific Trophies + Collect Money/Safes to Buy all Upgrades
Beat the campaign on Veteran. Along the way, do the Mission-specific Trophies, all are listed below in chronological order. If you find a trophy too difficult on Veteran, you can replay it later on Recruit difficulty via Mission Select. Alternatively, if you want to have an easier experience and don’t mind 2 playthroughs, you could do a run on Recruit first to grab all Mission-specific trophies and buy upgrades, then you will have an easier time on Veteran.
For Dipped in Gold, it’s highly recommended to search all areas thoroughly for money. You will need $14,650 total to buy all safehouse upgrades. Money is picked up as loot throughout missions and dropped by elite enemies. Also open the 9 safes, they contain $1000 each, so $9000 total. The remaining $5,650 will come from loot and enemies, but you can also replay missions to farm money infinitely. Follow the All Safe Locations Guide. There’s only one per mission during Missions 2 to 9.
Campaign Trophies in chronological order:
- Mission 1: Bishop Takes Rook – No trophies
- Mission 2: Blood Feud – Covert Agent – In Blood Feud, reach the Guild meeting without ever breaking stealth
- Mission 3: Most Wanted – Party’s Over – In Most Wanted, perform 5 takedowns on guards in the gala without being spotted
- Mission 4: Hunting Season – Full Clear – In Hunting Season, complete every POI on the Tac Map
- Mission 5: The Cradle – No trophies
- Mission 6: Emergence – No trophies
- Mission 7: High Rollers – No trophies
- Mission 8: Ground Control – Bulldozed – In Ground Control, crush 25 enemies while driving the tank
- Mission 9: Under the Radar – Skewer the Winged Beast – In Under the Radar, have the SAM target itself and the helicopter
- Mission 10: Separation Anxiety – No trophies
- Mission 11: Checkmate – David vs Goliath – In Checkmate, destroy the APC using an RC-XD
- Mission 12: Separation Anxiety: Lies – No trophies
- Mission 13: Checkmate: Detonation – No trophies
- Mission 14: Separation Anxiety: Truth – No trophies
- Mission 15: Checkmate: Black Sea – No trophies
- Dipped in Gold – Purchase all Safehouse and Player Upgrades in Campaign
- The Puzzles, Mason – Complete all Safehouse Puzzles in Campaign
Step 2: Zombies
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 launches with 2 different Zombie Maps. Each map has 3 trophies which includes one easter egg per map. While working on these, also get 100 kills with Mutant Injections, Research all Augments for 10 Items, Get 100 Elite Zombie Eliminations. While doing this you could also go for an Opal camo, shotguns are easiest for this. Make sure you always have an Augment research actively selected. This is done under Zombies -> Weapons -> Augments. Simply earn XP to gain progress towards the research.
Terminus Map:
Liberty Falls Map:
Step 3: Multiplayer
In Multiplayer you need 500 Kills, 25 Match Wins, be featured 3 Times in the ‘Best Play’ at the end of the match, get 75 Kills during active Combat Speciality Perks, and destroy 50 Aerial Scorestreaks (Drones, Attack Helicopters/Planes).
You can combine working on all these simultaneously. It’s best to always have the CIGMA 2B rocket launcher in your loadout and check the sky for UAV drones to shoot down, as you will need to do this 50 times. This also completes most of the rocket launchers camo challenges so you won’t have much work left for the Diamond camo. If you work on it from the start you will get this done easily by the time you reach 25 Wins. Everything else will come naturally along the way.
- Doing Your Part – Complete the Training Course in Multiplayer
- Rush Hour – Get a Double Kill with the RC-XD in Multiplayer
- Betrayal – Kill an enemy from behind while disguised by the Sleeper Agent
- Heavy Ordinance Specialist – Destroy 50 Aerial Scorestreaks with Launchers in Multiplayer
- Stylish Kill – Get 75 Eliminations while having an active Combat Speciality Perk in Multiplayer
- Red Carpet – Get featured in the Best Play 3 times in Multiplayer
- Podium Finish – Win 25 Multiplayer Matches
- The Pale Horse Arrives – Get 500 Eliminations in Multiplayer
Step 4: Prestige 1, Diamond/Opal Camo & Weapon Mastery
The trophies for reaching Prestige 1, a Mastery Badge, and Diamond/Opal weapon camo can be done in either Multiplayer or Zombies. Your Online XP count together across both modes, but for Mastery & Camos the requirements are different and they are tracked separately. Diamond Camos are exclusive to Multiplayer and Opal is exclusive to Zombies. You must get Gold Camo on all weapons of one weapon class to get Diamond/Opal camo (e.g. get Gold Camo with all rocket launchers to qualify for Diamond challenge on rocket launchers). The fastest weapon class to do this with is rocket launchers in Multiplayer, since there are only 2, and you must destroy 50 aerial scorestreaks anyway which completes all basic camos for one launcher. In Multiplayer you only need any 50 kills on enemies or scorestreaks plus some extra challenges like 10 direct hits. On small maps it’s easy to get rocket launcher kills. The second rocket launcher already unlocks at level 19 so you will be done with this by the time you reach Prestige 1.
Alternatively, shotguns are easy to get Opal Camos with in Zombies, there are only 2 shotguns and they require 2000 Critical Kills each, which is easy to do when pack-a-punching and doing headshots. You will need to play a lot of zombies anyway to kill 100 Elites and research all Augments, so this is easily combined. Another easy category is melee weapons (knife/baseball bat) as they don’t require doing headshots, but the downside is that the baseball bat only unlocks at level 52.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- All Safehouse Puzzle Solutions
- All Safe Locations
- Liberty Falls: How to Unlock Pack-a-Punch
- Terminus: How to Unlock Pack-a-Punch
- Liberty Falls: Easter Egg Guide
- Terminus: Easter Egg Guide
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Trophy Guide
Decorated Agent Unlock all Trophies in Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 |
*PS4 Exclusive*
Earn all other trophies to unlock Platinum. Only the PS4 version has a Platinum Trophy. The PS5 list is a DLC for Modern Warfare 2 and DOESN’T have a platinum. |
Case Closed Complete the Campaign on any difficulty |
Complete the entire campaign (All Missions) on any difficulty. Playing on the easiest difficulty is enough for this. | ||
Case in Point Complete the Campaign on Veteran difficulty |
Complete the entire campaign (All Missions) on Veteran difficulty. Veteran is the highest available difficulty. It’s available from the beginning.
On Veteran the enemies are much more accurate, throw more grenades, and you die much faster. Just stay in cover, quickly peak out of cover to take out one enemy and repeat. If you platinumed previous Call of Duty games, then you shouldn’t have much trouble on Veteran. If you find it too difficult, do a run on Recruit first, then you’ll already know the map layouts and enemy spawns. |
Unexpected Move Complete Bishop Takes Rook in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 1st Mission – Bishop Takes Rook. | ||
Talent Acquisition Complete Blood Feud in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 2nd Mission – Blood Feud. | ||
Breaking News Complete Most Wanted in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 3rd Mission – Most Wanted. | ||
Bunker Busters Complete Hunting Season and The Cradle in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 5th Mission – The Cradle. | ||
Head Games Complete Emergence in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 6th Mission – Emergence. | ||
Jackpot Complete High Rollers in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 7th Mission – High Rollers. | ||
Grounded Complete Ground Control in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 8th Mission – Ground Control. | ||
Consolation Prize Complete Under the Radar in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 9th Mission – Under the Radar. | ||
Capitol Punishment Complete Separation Anxiety in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 14th Mission – Separation Anxiety: Truth (not after the first “Separation Anxiety” mission, there are 3 of these missions with one part of the “Checkmate” mission between each). | ||
Buried at Sea Complete Checkmate in Campaign on any difficulty |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 15th Mission – Checkmate: Black Sea (not after the first “Checkmate” mission, there are 3 of these missions, after each of the “Separation Anxiety” missions). This will unlock at the very end when having finished the campaign. | ||
Covert Agent In Blood Feud, reach the Guild meeting without ever breaking stealth |
Mission 2: Blood Feud The 2nd mission is a stealth mission. In the first section you must reach the top of a tower. Take out the first guy at the water, then dive in the water and swim through the canal, take the first waterway on the left. Where you exit the canal you can climb up stairs in the corner of the area, then go through the backyard, climb the scaffolds and lockpick the door to the tower. Head up, grab the sniper rifle, wait for the guy on the yacht to finish his call, then headshot him. Now jump from the tower down into the water (do a running jump in the direction of the yacht). Swim back through the canal the way you came, stay underwater even after your breath runs out you can take a little health damage. Exit the water where the mission started and get in the van. Now you reach the Guild Meeting area. Take the silenced pistol in the van, then exit the van. Take the path on the right to the back of the alley, a guy comes out, headshot him. Then enter the kitchen, wait for the guy on the right to go outside for a smoke, headshot him on the way out and then headshot his friend in the kitchen. Lockpick the kitchen door, go to the wine storage room. Wait for the 2 guys to finish talking, then headshot the one in the back first and the one standing at the desk last. Open the next door to the bar area, there are 4 enemies but they will have their backs turned to you. Simply sneak past them and enter the first door on the right, the trophy will unlock at this point. If you are seen at any point restart the last checkpoint. It’s okay if the detection meter on enemies gets slightly yellow, it just can’t turn fully red. |
Party’s Over In Most Wanted, perform 5 takedowns on guards in the gala without being spotted |
Mission 3: Most Wanted At the very start of the mission you enter a big gala dinner. You can freeroam around this area. Go into the restricted areas where guards are, let them see you so they get a yellow icon and lure them behind the golden curtains. Have them follow you behind the curtains and do a takedown with . Do this to 5 guards total. It’s okay if they find the bodies. They just can’t see you in restricted areas repeatedly as this will turn their icon red which results in a game over screen. There are much more than 5 guards around the area, just run around the edges to find the golden curtains and go in- and out of the curtains until a guard see you and comes to investigate. |
Full Clear In Hunting Season, complete every POI on the Tac Map |
Mission 4: Hunting Season The 4th mission is an open world desert where you can drive around in cars. A few minutes into the mission you’ll automatically be given the “Tac Map”, which you can open by pressing . It will have green “?” icons on it which mark the “Points of Interest”. You must complete all of these, and also do the 4 orange main objectives (destroy the 3 Scud Launchers and defend the camp). Below is the full unfogged map with all icons on it (the camp icon doesn’t show, but it’s an unmissable orange main objective): In the enemy camps you don’t need to open the lockpick chests, defeating the enemies is enough. At the SAM Sites & Scud Launchers destroying the rockets is enough, it still counts if you didn’t kill all enemies. This requires explosives, best done with C4 which you frequently find near the rockets or at the military truck you get at your camp. List of all 22 Points of Interest:
Skewer the Winged Beast In Under the Radar, have the SAM target itself and the helicopter |
Mission 9: Under the Radar At the start of this mission you are tasked with sabotaging a SAM site, a helicopter, and a radar dish. They will all be marked on the map by yellow icons. For the trophy you must take down the SAM Site operator sitting at the computer. Then hack his computer. Enter password ORION TARGET > then pick dialogue “[HACK] Target SAM Site to itself and the Helicopter” > enter password ICARUS CODE > pick dialogue “Target SAM Site to itself and the Helicopter”. Now place and explosive charge on the radar dish. Go to the security office (will be marked as main objective), take out the guy at the computer and enter password PANOPTES. Scroll through the camera feed until you see a woman talking to soldiers, after this a cutscene plays where the radar dish blows up, then you are in a helicopter. The trophy will automatically pop during the helicopter ride when you approach the military base. The SAM launcher will blow up the enemy helicopter and itself. |
Bulldozed In Ground Control, crush 25 enemies while driving the tank |
Mission 8: Ground Control During objective “Intercept Gusev’s Plane” you will automatically enter a tank. There will be lots of enemies in the next sections, simply drive over 25 of them with the tank. Avoid using the tank’s weapons and this will be practically unmissable. |
David vs Goliath In Checkmate, destroy the APC using an RC-XD |
Mission 11: Checkmate At the start of the mission you will defend your safehouse. After a few waves of enemies, an APC will drive in (armored vehicle). Shoot it until it burns, then use the RC-XD for the final hit to blow it up. The RC-XD is automatically in your inventory at the start of the mission, you use it by holding and selecting it from the item wheel in the bottom right. The easiest way to make the APC burn is to shoot it twice with the rocket launcher (found on the right side of the barrier outside the safehouse) and once with a sniper rifle (found left of the rocket launcher). Then use the RC-XD. There’s also a checkpoint when the APC spawns so you can retry if needed. |
Dipped in Gold Purchase all Safehouse and Player Upgrades in Campaign |
Between campaign missions you visit a safehouse. Across from the clue board where you start missions is a whiteboard where you can unlock the 3 upgrade stations: Training Area, Gear Station, Weapons Bench. These cost $500 each to unlock. Then you can interact with the upgrade station in the kitchen to buy the upgrades.
You gain money in the campaign in 3 ways: dropped by strong enemies with extra health bars (usually $40), collected from the environment (highlighted in blue, usually $40-$110), looted from safes ($1000 each). Buying everything will coast $14,650 total. The upgrades give passive perks that make the campaign easier, which is especially helpful for Veteran difficulty. The upgrades remain even when replaying earlier missions. It’s highly recommended to search all areas thoroughly for money as you play. Also follow the All Safe Locations Guide. There are 9 safes, so $9000 total from that. When you are near a safe there will be a “Signal” icon at the top of the screen. You must then interact with the radio to get the safe code. The safe will be within a few meters of the radio. Getting the safes isn’t mandatory to get enough money but it makes it much faster. Without the safes you’d only get around $5000-$7000 per playthrough, depending on how thoroughly you explore. If you collect all safes you won’t need to farm money. Money can also be farmed by replaying missions. Note that the safes are one-use only and don’t respawn. All other money respawns in the same place every run and can be collected infinitely. It saves your money immediately upon reaching the next checkpoint and you can quit out. You can then restart any safehouse level (including earlier ones than the mission you replayed). It will carry over your money and upgrades across all safe house levels. The best mission to farm is Mission 8: Ground Control, it features lots of strong enemies with bigger health bars that drop money, and there is lots of money scattered throughout the level. This is also a relatively quick mission. You get around $600 every 10-15 minutes. You don’t need to finish the mission, after the elevator where lots of enemies come out reach the next checkpoint in the plane, then you can quit the mission immediately and start a new run. Training Area ($500 to unlock) – 12 Upgrades:
Gear Station ($500 to unlock) – 14 Upgrades:
Weapons Bench ($500 to unlock) – 19 Upgrades:
The Puzzles, Mason Complete all Safehouse Puzzles in Campaign |
» Call of Duty Black Ops 6 All Safehouse Puzzle Solutions | ||
Seek & Destroy Get 2 Kills with a single remote controlled Throwing Knife from at least 50 meters away in Campaign |
Mission 11: Checkmate This works perfectly against the first group of enemies in this mission. At the very start of the mission pick up the “Homing Knife” from the table in front of you, or from the box in the room to the left. Head outside to the courtyard. Shortly after a smoke bomb goes off, the first enemies will spawn. Stand in the corner of the house, select the Homing Knife from the weapon wheel (hold ), then hold until the knife turns green to throw it in “remote control mode”. Now the camera follows the knife in slow-motion. Bring the knife close to the group of enemies that spawned behind the smoke. The knife will automatically explode after 50+ meters but you can also hit an enemy directly or press to blow it up. If you missed you can reload the checkpoint. |
Rapid Reflexes Get 5 Headshot Kills during a single use of the Adrenaline Stim in Campaign |
Mission 11: Checkmate This works perfectly against the first group of enemies in this mission. At the very start of the mission, follow your teammates outside the house to the courtyard. After smoke appears on the road, the first enemy group will spawn. Select the Adrenaline Stim from the weapon wheel, you have it in your inventory automatically at the start of the mission. Use it with , quickly run up to the enemies and shoot 5 of them in the head with the assault rifle. There are more than 5 enemies and they all spawn close together so it’s very easy here. |
Close Combat Specialist Perform 10 takedowns in Campaign |
Takedowns are performed by walking up to an enemy and pressing to do a melee kill. Do this a total of 10 times, it counts across the entire campaign. These don’t need to be stealth kills, you can run up to enemies in open combat and do takedowns from the front. It even counts via checkpoint restart. | ||
Destructive Wake Get 5 or more Kills with a single Scorestreak in Campaign |
The easiest way to get this is with the Chopper Gunner killstreak. You get this in Mission 4: Hunting Season while doing all Points of Interest on the Tac Map. You then get an orange main objective to go back to the camp in the middle of the map. Here you are given the chopper gunner to take out enemy mortars. The scorestreak lasts for a long time and there will be dozens of enemies spawning, it’s practically unmissable here. | ||
Return of the King Enter Prestige 1 |
To enter Prestige 1 you must first reach Level 55. Your Online XP count together across Zombies and Multiplayer. After reaching maximum XP at Level 55 you can enter Prestige by going to Barracks > Progression > Prestige. It will reset you to Level 1 and all gear gets locked again, so if you need to clean up any weapon camos or zombie-related trophies it’s better to do those first before entering Prestige. | ||
Show Off Earn a Mastery Badge for any weapon |
This is best combined with getting the Diamond/Opal Camo for a weapon. To see the Mastery requirements for a weapon, go to the Loadouts Customization (requires Online Level 4) > select a Weapon > press the right stick to the right to switch between “Stats” and “Mastery” badges in the bottom right. There it will show the challenges required for mastery.
These are tracked separately between Multiplayer and Zombies, progress in one mode won’t give mastery progress in the other. While working towards the Diamond or Opal camo this should come automatically. |
Camos Are Forever Unlock any Diamond or Opal Camo |
Diamond Camos are unlocked in Multiplayer, Opal Camos are unlocked in Zombies. You only need one of the two.
To get a Diamond/Opal Camo you must unlock the Gold Camos of all weapons in one category (e.g. with all rocket launchers, or with all shotguns, or with all rocket launchers, or with all assault rifles etc). The exact requirements for the gold camos will vary by weapon and by mode. The fastest weapon class to do this with is rocket launchers in Multiplayer, since there are only 2, and you must destroy 50 aerial scorestreaks anyway for Heavy Ordinance Specialist which completes all basic camos for one launcher. In Multiplayer you only need any 50 kills on enemies or scorestreaks plus some extra challenges like 10 direct hits. On small maps it’s easy to get rocket launcher kills. The second rocket launcher already unlocks at level 19 so you will be done by the time you reach Prestige 1. Alternatively, shotguns are easy to get Opal Camos with in Zombies, there are only 2 shotguns and they require 2000 Critical Kills each, which is easy to do when pack-a-punching and doing headshots. Another easy category is melee weapons (knife/baseball bat) as they don’t require doing headshots, but the downside is that the baseball bat only unlocks at level 52. |
The Pale Horse Arrives Get 500 Eliminations in Multiplayer |
Self-explanatory. Kill 500 enemies across Multiplayer modes. | ||
Podium Finish Win 25 Multiplayer Matches |
Self-explanatory. Get 25 Wins across Multiplayer modes. Team wins count too. | ||
Rush Hour Get a Double Kill with the RC-XD in Multiplayer |
*BUGGED SINCE SEASON 1 UPDATE / PATCH 1.61 – will likely be fixed in future*
RC-XD is one of the killstreaks in Multiplayer, it’s a small remote-controller car that explodes. Drive the RC car near two enemies and blow it up to kill two enemies in one use. If you frequently use the RC-XD you should get it naturally within a few matches, use it in indoor areas where enemies tend to be closer together. |
Red Carpet Get featured in the Best Play 3 times in Multiplayer |
At the end of Multiplayer Matches it shows a ‘Best Play’ scene. This shows the fastest killstreak of the match. You have to be the player who gets featured in the Best Play at the end of the match, a total of 3 times. The way to get this is to kill lots of enemies quickly, but it’s a bit random as other players may end up getting featured instead. If you play plenty of Multiplayer you will get it naturally over time. | ||
Doing Your Part Complete the Training Course in Multiplayer |
Go to Multiplayer > Find a Match > Training Course. Finish this mode. It’s a very quick and easy tutorial that teaches you the basic movements. | ||
Betrayal Kill an enemy from behind while disguised by the Sleeper Agent |
First, you must reach Online Level 51 to unlock the Field Upgrade “Sleeper Agent”. You can then equip it in your custom loadout from the Field Upgrades section. This makes you look like a player from the opposing team to trick them into thinking you’re one of them. While having this Field Upgrade active you must get behind an enemy and do a takedown kill. Note that unsuppressed gunfire reveals you temporarily. | ||
Heavy Ordinance Specialist Destroy 50 Aerial Scorestreaks with Launchers in Multiplayer |
Equip a Rocket Launcher in Multiplayer. Look at the sky for drones or attack helicopters/planes. Shoot those with the CIGMA 2B rocket launcher, it has homing rockets. It’s best to work on this at the same time as the 500 Kills & 25 Wins in Multiplayer, so you don’t have to grind it later. From time to time there will be Double XP weekends featuring small maps like Nuketown, there it will be quick to farm this. | ||
Stylish Kill Get 75 Eliminations while having an active Combat Speciality Perk in Multiplayer |
After you unlocked the Custom Loadout at Online Level 4, you can customize your Passive Perks. Equipping 3 Passive Perks of the same color will unlock an “Active Speciality Perk”. This is a new online feature. It will show in custom loadout to the right of your 3 passive perks, below the Field Upgrade:
The earliest option for this is at Level 26 with 3 Enforcer Perks: Gung-Ho (available from the start) > Dexterity (Level 20) > Scavenger (Level 26). Then it gives you the active Combat Speciality. |
No Mo’ Modi Get out of jail, but not for free |
» Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies: Terminus Easter Egg Guide | ||
Culinary Delight In Terminus, consume a fish cooked with a special ingredient |
For this you must find a bunch of items and then cook a fish in the mess hall.
Treasure Hunter In Terminus, find the final Talisman |
For this you need to solve a little Treasure Map puzzle in Terminus.
Bye-Bye, Dark Aether Help the lost scientist complete his experiment |
» Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies: Liberty Falls Easter Egg Guide | ||
World Domination In Liberty Falls, tap into your Supervillain side |
You need to build the Jetgun. For building the Jetgun follow the Liberty Falls Easter Egg Guide until Step 8. Then use the Jetgun to suck in a total of 9 Aetherella figurines.
After sucking in all statues you will transform into Aetherella and you must kill 1 zombie to pop the trophy. |
Deadwood In Liberty Falls, achieve a sporting high score |
In Liberty Falls, you must shoot 5 bowling shoes. These are always in the same place, you must look through openings at the edge of areas to see the shoes.
After shooting the fifth shoe you’re immediately teleported to the bowling alley. There will be a bunch of zombies dancing. Approach the plush bunny on the bowling lane, it will start a 2-minute timer and it spawns a green bowling ball. You must reach a highscore of 300 points within 2 minutes. Each zombie you hit gives 10 points. This might take a few tries, on average you need to hit 2 zombies per throw to reach enough points. If you’re in co-op then every player needs to reach 300 points themself to pop the trophy, it’s also fine if the other co-op partners don’t participate, as long as you personally hit 300 points you earn the trophy. You can also restart the bowling minigame every 5 rounds by shooting the shoes inside the Bowling Alley, behind the bathroom window in the middle between the two exit doors (across from the bowling lane). But you can only restart it a total of 3 times per match, then you’d need to restart the match and shoot all 5 shoes again. |
To Know Your Enemy… Get 100 Kills while using Mutant Injections in Zombies |
Mutant Injections can be obtained in several ways:
It transforms you into a Mangler. You don’t have to kill 100 zombies in 1 activation or in 1 match, it counts across all matches. |
Cyberized Research all Augments for 10 Items in Zombies |
For this, reach Level 11. Then go to Zombies -> Weapons -> Augments. Here click “Research Augments”. At the time of the game’s launch there are a total of 18 items, with more being added in the future. Each item has 6 augments to research. For this trophy you need to fully research 10 items = 60 Augments. Only 3 items are available from the beginning. More will unlock if you research all 6 augments from one item.
To research an augment, just select one available item. All you need to do is earn XP to complete the research. You can check the progress under Zombies -> Weapons -> Augments -> Item you selected. You don’t have to quit the match to research the next augment of an item. When all 6 augments for an item have been researched, it automatically starts researching another item. It’s best to farm this during Double XP events, which also levels the Augments twice as fast. These happen occasionally from time to time. Playing to Round 30 (roughly 1 hour) gets you around 1.5/6 augments, so you’d need to play to Round 30 about 4 times (4 hours total) to research one item. To finish all 6 augments for an item it takes around 4 hours x 10 items = 40 hours. During double XP events you need to play to about round 33 to research 3 of 6 augments (roughly 1 hour). So you can finish all 6 augments for an item in around 2 hours x 10 items = around 20 hours with double XP. The good thing is that you will automatically reach Prestige 1 for this and can easily combine it with unlocking 2 Opal Weapon Camos and 100 Elite Zombie Kills. To fully research all 6 augments of 1 item it takes 220,000 Player XP. Each standard zombie kill gives 15 XP. 220,000 XP / 15 XP per kill = 14,666 kills to fully level one augment (without Double XP). During double XP events you only need 7333 kills. However, you also get quite a lot of XP from earning medals, advancing rounds, leveling up weapons and unlocking camos, and Special/Elite Zombies give more XP. So in reality it will go quite a bit faster. In the results screen after the match it will show your XP earned. Note that Player XP is different from Essence, you gain Player XP at a slower rate than Essence. Here’s exactly how many total Player XP/Kills you need for each research step:
In conclusion: the most efficient method is to wait for Double XP weekends. Then play each match until you reach around 3666 kills, do this twice to fully level one Augment. It will go faster if you take low-level weapons and level them up, and do headshots to unlock camos, and earn medals along the way. |
Annihilation Get 100 Elite Zombie Eliminations in Zombies |
Elite Zombies are the Abomination (Liberty Falls) and Analgam (Terminus). They will spawn more often in higher rounds. Kill a total of 100 of them. Some of the easter egg related zombies will count too.
The fastest way to farm this is to play Liberty Falls in Directed Mode. Play until the step where you must use the LTG device in the graveyard to defend a purple portal. After defending it, a red Mangler will spawn that counts as an Elite and has more health than regular Manglers (regular Manglers only counts as “Special Zombies”). Defeat the red Elite Mangler, finish the round, activate the LTG device again to respawn the Elite, rinse and repeat. This way you get 1 guaranteed kill per round. In Directed Mode the rounds will cap out at Round 15 so it goes very quickly to finish a round. At this point you will already have built the Thrustodyne wonder weapon, using its attack takes around a third of the Elite’s health, and the weapon recharges automatically. Upgrade the rarity of your main weapon at an arsenal using salvage, and upgrade to Pack-a-Punch 3. Then you can kill the Elite very fast and get 1 Elite kill every 1-2 minutes. In case the above method gets nerfed, another decent way to get 3 guaranteed spawns is while working on Treasure Hunter on Terminus. Also, in Liberty Falls standard mode solo, you can play till a round with an Elite, kill the Elite, save the game, continue the save file and the Elite should respawn. On Terminus, in higher rounds you can even get 2 or more elite zombies to spawn in a single round. A quick way to kill them is with Killstreaks such as Chopper Gunner, or while using Mutant Injections (can make them at crafting tables), or simply having pack-a-punched your weapon 2-3 times and upgraded its rarity level at the Arsenal. You can keep track of your Elite kills under Barracks > Stats > Leaderboards > Zombies > Eliminations > check the column that says “Elite Elims”. |
Rafael says
Still ridiculous that ps5 doesn’t get a platinum….
Ash3n-One97 says
Agreeeeee, but doing the ps4 one anyways????
seth says
I just want to know if the zombie trophies are easy to do solo and not have to do with others if you don’t want
Alain says
Not easy. It will take a little effort.
Calypso says
Do trophies unlock in private MP matches? Or only in public matches?
neverinfamous27 says
public only lol
AyyRobo says
Is there any mention if certain trophies autopop? Such as the trophies for 500 Eliminations in Multiplayer and 100 Elite zombie kills?
Crimzon says
If I unlock a trophy on the PS5 version campaign, boot the PS4 version and do the same will it unlock? Since the save is online? Or is it considered seperate?
Crimzon says
To better explain.
If I for example complete mission 1 on veteran, boot up PS4 version, will that mission auto pop a trophy since the save is online?
Or is the save different versions? Meaning no auto pop.
Calypso says
No, campaign stuff needs to be done on each console, the trophies do not autopop. Only a handful of MP trophies pop like unlocking the Opal/Diamond skin. Most things that require you to complete a specific task (such as killing someone while disguised as their team member, remote control throwing knife kill, rc-car double kill) need to be done on each console.
Hagz says
Usually auto popping only works when upgrading from PS4 to PS5, not the other way around. There are a few exceptions but they are few and far between.
Brutalkiller says
Online trophies??? Zombie must add ppl for plat??? Nah skip this plat xD
YourHeroChris says
They skipped the plat for you already hahaha
Mike says
Is it possible to get all trophies on PS4 and then auto get them on PS5?
Dingus says
No platinum no buy
Grizz says
Cool story bro
seth says
if anyone would like to help me with the zombie Easter egg feel free to add me psn roosterteeth99 I would appreciate it
Kyle says
Does anyone know if it tracks kills for both versions? I really don’t want to use the ps4 version trying to shoot down 50 uavs which I’m finding out people rarely use, and if so once I get it on the ps5 version would it auto pop on ps4?
neverinfamous27 says
no , most of the cod games do no have autopop apart from very specific trophies. so kinda pointless playing the ps5 version if you want the platinum.
Julio Irias says
I destroyed 50 Aerial Scorestreaks with Cigma (unlocked the camo) and the trophy did not pop. Anyone else?
Shabyoob says
me too over 100 now
farhad says
i get tree times best play on search and distroy but not unlock trophy
Sem Terpstra says
Hello. I tried to make a double kill with the homing knife for the Seek & Destroy achievement. After trying it for a few times it didn’t work and i didn’t get the achievement. I am 100% sure that i am far away enough to trigger the trophy when i het the enemys. But it just doesn’t work. So i guess its glitched and i just wanted to tell u that.
PowerPyx says
Try reinstalling the game (make sure you backed up save before). This often helps to fix weird glitches like this.
Dan says
For Dripped in Gold, I found that you can get more money by “takedown”ing the big enemies in Mission 8. So, it could be more than the $600 that was suggested too. Theres quite a bit of money just laying around the first ten minutes too
Sonic Silversun says
If you’re playing as a squad in zombies, do all party members get the trophy for the easter eggs or must they be done separately?
MaaXz says
I played both easter eggs in duo and both got the trophy
Predator says
Can online trophies such as having the best streak 3 times in 3 games be done with friends in private games?
Mike says
No, obvious.
farhad says
red carpet and show off trophy auto pop for me
Thanatos says
for elite zombie kills, manglers dont count, they are special zombies, elite are analgam (terminus) and abomination (liberty falls)
Kynan says
The easiest (and probably fastest) to farm money is to play Cradle. There’s 110-130 in 2nd hall, then you get 50-70 for killing “acid gas soldier”, then you get 210-250 in the bunker (treasury). Which all give 400 per run which takes 5 minutes and you basically do not even sweat due to air support.
Joe says
Looking for people to get/help zombie trophies. PSN: JMavs415
Joe says
Down to the following zombie trophies
No Mo’ Modi
Bye-Bye, Dark Aether
markwilliams9511 says
So I beat the game on my PS5 but not my PS4. Is their a way I can transfer my PS5 saved data to the PS4 version so I don’t have to do the campaign again?
Mark says
If I play black ops 6 on a ps5 with ps4 game disc, can I get platinum trophy?
ApocalypseGZ says
Cyberized if you research all 10 augments on ps4 will it autopop for ps5 as there won’t be anymore to research. Anyone have any clarification on this???? PS4 first or screwed if ya do it on ps5 first? Any information would be helpful thanks!
Zayac says
This trophy will autopop.I do it first on PS4 version.
Neverinfamous27 says
The Rush Hour Trophy is bugged after first season update
AyyRobo says
The main Easter Egg trophies for Liberty Falls and Terminus can be done on Directed Mode. Which makes it more easier if you take advantage of the round caps by making your set-up alot more powerful. (Such as having two PaP level 3 weapons with Legendary rarities, All perk-a-colas and killstreaks.)
Theodoses says
I got 138 elite eliminations and still no trophy